OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Urethra

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


S564 Transurethral incision or resection of external sphincter when sole operative procedure $325.95
S557 Urethrovesicolysis when sole operative procedure $215.80


Z617 Urethroscopy - diagnostic $35.50
S547 Urethroscopy - Removal of foreign body or calculus $170.65
Z618 Urethroscopy - with biopsy $77.70


S536 Caruncle $118.80
S541 Diverticulectomy male or female $260.85

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S542 Posterior urethral valve $331.70
S543 Prolapse urethra $118.80
S537 Urethral papilloma, single or multiple $118.80
S544 Urethrectomy - radical $296.95


Z616 Biopsy of urethra (without endoscopy) $23.55
S530 Urethrotomy - external $215.80
Z604 Urethrotomy - Meatotomy and plastic repair $39.60
Z609 Urethrotomy - Periurethral abscess $31.60
S538 Urethrotomy - repeat procedure within 6 months by same surgeon $95.75
S532 Urethrotomy - transurethral (visual) $166.05
S531 Urethrotomy - Urethrostomy $215.80


Z619 Dilatation of stricture - male, general anaesthetic $52.70
Z621 Dilatation of stricture - male, local anaesthetic $19.20
Z622 Dilatation of urethra - female $9.90
Z620 Dilatation of urethra - female, general anaesthetic $41.65
Z615 Filiform and follower urethral dilation and may include bladder catheterization $59.75


S539 Retropubic urethropexy for stress incontinence - Insertion of artificial urinary sphincter $776.70
S549 Retropubic urethropexy for stress incontinence - primary procedure $391.55
S546 Retropubic urethropexy for stress incontinence - repeat procedure for failed retropubic or vaginal surgery for stress incontinence $496.25
S540 Retropubic urethropexy for stress incontinence - Revision or removal of artificial urinary sphincter $239.75
S815 Tension free vaginal tape midurethral sling, by any method/approach $393.30
S548 Urethral sling $381.60
S550 Urethroplasty - First stage - anterior $293.35
S535 Urethroplasty - One stage repair and may include skin grafting $618.25
S558 Urethroplasty - Second stage $235.35


Z612 Endoscopic urethral realignment for urethral trauma $250.00
S554 Fistula - penile urethra (diversion of urine extra) $92.10
S555 Fistula - perineal urethra $325.95
S556 Fistula - Rectourethral with diversion, colostomy and closure of colostomy $552.30
S552 Posterior urethra - immediate repair $437.20
S553 Posterior urethra - late repair $643.35
S551 Rupture, anterior urethra (diversion of urine extra) $170.65


S545 First stage - posterior $381.60

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