OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Skin And Subcutaneous Tissue

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Code Description Fee


R661 Burn debridement and excision - outside Operating Room - dorsum, palm each $47.95
R660 Burn debridement and excision - outside Operating Room - hand each digit $28.90
R662 Burn debridement and excision - outside Operating Room - nose, cheek, lip, ear, forehead, scalp, neck, eyelid each $28.90
R637 Debridement and excision, per % of total body treated other than hand, head or neck $29.65
R698 Debridement, excision and flap and/or graft closure - in Operating Room - Debridement, excision and flap and/or graft closure for necrotizing fasciitis - Per unit $100.00
R693 Debridement, excision and/or grafting - in Operating Room - Major burn - Per Unit $100.00
R691 Debridement, excision and/or grafting - in Operating Room - Minor burn - Per unit $75.00
R692 Debridement, excision and/or grafting - in Operating Room - Moderate burn - Per unit $87.50
R039 Major burns
R030 Minor burns

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R038 Moderate burns
Z181 Resuscitation - Major Burn, Initial Care - continuing care, 2nd to 4th day inclusive, per day $53.10
Z180 Resuscitation - Major Burn, Initial Care - first day $106.25
R690 Skin allograft procurement - for banking purposes, per % of total body harvested, other than hand, head or neck $17.25

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Excision of Pre-Malignant Lesions Including Biopsy of Each Lesion Single or Multiple Sites

Z119 Cryotherapy treatment of at least 5 premalignant actinic keratosis lesions on the same day, not to include freezethaw cycles $29.00
R160 Face or Neck - Simple excision - single lesion $53.20
R162 Face or Neck - Simple excision - three or more lesions $174.75
R161 Face or Neck - Simple excision - two lesions $87.40
R163 Other Areas - Simple excision - single lesion $43.60
R165 Other Areas - Simple excision - three or more lesions $143.55
R164 Other Areas - Simple excision - two lesions $71.80

Excision (With or Without Biopsy)

Z159 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by electrocoagulation and/or curetting - single lesion $10.55
Z161 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by electrocoagulation and/or curetting - three or more lesions $26.20
Z160 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by electrocoagulation and/or curetting - two lesions $15.85
Z156 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by excision and suture - single lesion $20.00
Z158 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by excision and suture - three or more lesions $44.25
Z157 Group 1 - e.g. keratosis, pyogenic granuloma - Removal by excision and suture - two lesions $26.50
Z162 Group 2 - nevus - Removal by excision and suture - single lesion $20.00
Z164 Group 2 - nevus - Removal by excision and suture - three or more lesions $44.25
Z163 Group 2 - nevus - Removal by excision and suture - two lesions $26.50
Z145 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck General anaesthetic - single lesion $65.35
Z147 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck General anaesthetic - three or more lesions $162.55
Z146 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck General anaesthetic - two lesions $98.55
Z122 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck Local anaesthetic - single lesion $38.50
Z124 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck Local anaesthetic - three or more lesions $78.00
Z123 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Face or neck Local anaesthetic - two lesions $67.80
Z125 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas - Local anaesthetic - single lesion $32.00
Z127 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas - Local anaesthetic - three or more lesions $60.00
Z126 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas - Local anaesthetic - two lesions $45.00
Z149 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas General anaesthetic - single lesion $50.00
Z151 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas General anaesthetic - three or more lesions $98.55
Z150 Group 3 - cyst, haemangioma, lipoma - Other areas General anaesthetic - two lesions $65.55
R034 Group 4 - other lesions - Congenital dermoid cyst adult $124.40
R043 Group 4 - other lesions - Congenital dermoid cyst adult - infant or child $201.10
R042 Group 4 - other lesions - Congenital dermoid cyst adult - midline, e.g. nasal $272.80
R037 Group 4 - other lesions - Giant cell tumour $200.00
R059 Group 4 - other lesions - Inguinal, perineal or axillary skin and sweat glands for hyperhydrosis and/or hydradenitis - unilateral $248.80
Z096 Group 4 - other lesions - Lipoma 5 to 10 cm $80.00
Z097 Group 4 - other lesions - Lipoma over 10 cm $160.00
R036 Group 4 - other lesions - Pilonidal cyst - excision and skin shift $280.00
R035 Group 4 - other lesions - Pilonidal cyst - simple excision or marsupialization $200.00
R054 Group 4 - other lesions - Pilonidal cyst - simple excision or marsupialization, if patient's BMI greater than 40 $250.00
R060 Inguinal, perineal or axillary skin and sweat glands for hyperhydrosis and/or hydradenitis - with skin graft(s) or rotation flap(s) $377.90

Finger or Toe-Nail

Z110 Extensive debridement of onychogryphotic nail involving removal of multiple laminae $17.45
Z131 Radical, including destruction of nail bed - multiple $82.65
Z130 Radical, including destruction of nail bed - one $62.75
R022 Scar Revision - 2.6 cm to 5 cm - face or neck $194.85
R027 Scar Revision - 2.6 cm to 5 cm - other areas $130.10
R023 Scar Revision - 5.1 cm to 10 cm - face or neck $277.90
R028 Scar Revision - 5.1 cm to 10 cm - other areas $185.60
R017 Scar Revision - Greater than 10 cm - face or neck $417.05
R029 Scar Revision - Greater than 10 cm - other areas $288.20
R021 Scar Revision - Up to 2.5 cm - face or neck $115.60
R026 Scar Revision - Up to 2.5 cm - other areas $77.35
Z129 Simple, partial or complete, nail plate excision requiring anaesthesia - multiple $35.70
Z128 Simple, partial or complete, nail plate excision requiring anaesthesia - one $33.10
R089 Webbed fingers and toes - Webbed fingers one web space $400.00
R090 Webbed fingers and toes - Webbed toes one web space $250.00

Free Island Flaps

R131 Elevation of free island bone flap and closure of defect $874.60
R128 Elevation of free island muscle flap with tendon and nerve, and closure of defect . $1,183.50
R134 Elevation of free island skin and bone flap and closure of defect $1,048.60
R125 Elevation of free island skin and muscle flap and closure of defect $874.60
R064 Elevation of free island skin and subcutaneous flap and closure of defect $874.60
R137 Elevation of free toe or finger and closure of defect $1,048.60
R067 Elevation of innervated free island skin and subcutaneous flap and closure of defect $1,028.20
R013 Free jejunum artery and vein for transplantation $338.85
R132 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island bone flap $925.85
R124 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island bone flap immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in the site of the ablation $544.95
R055 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island flap and subcutaneous flap immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in site of the ablation $544.95
R135 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island skin and bone flap $1,048.60
R140 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island skin and bone flap immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in the site of the ablation $617.10
R126 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island skin and muscle flap $925.85
R122 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island skin and muscle flap immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in the site of the ablation $544.95
R065 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free island skin subcutaneous flap $925.85
R014 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free jejunum artery and vein $925.85
R138 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free toe or finger transplant $1,048.60
R141 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for free toe or finger transplant immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in the site of the ablation $617.10
R068 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for innervated free island skin and subcutaneous flap $1,028.20
R056 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for innervated free island skin and subcutaneous flap immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in the site of ablation $605.15
R016 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for jejunum artery and vein immediately following ablative surgery, and when recipient vessels are in site of the ablation $544.95
R129 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for muscle, tendon and nerve anastomosis(es) $1,183.20
R123 Preparation of microvascular recipient site for muscle, tendon and nerve anastomosis(es) immediately following ablative surgery and when recipient vessels are in site of the ablation $696.40
R133 Transplantation of free island bone flap with microvascular anastomosis(es) and bone fixation $1,028.20
R130 Transplantation of free island muscle flap with tendon, nerve and microvascular anastomosis(es) $1,183.50
R136 Transplantation of free island skin and bone flap with microvascular anastomosis(es) and bone fixation $1,048.60
R127 Transplantation of free island skin and muscle flap with microvascular anastomosis(es) $874.60
R066 Transplantation of free island skin and subcutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis(es) $925.85
R139 Transplantation of free island toe or finger with microvascular anastomosis(es) and tendon nerve and bone repair $1,233.75
R015 Transplantation of free jejunum artery and vein with microvascular anastomosis $925.85
R069 Transplantation of innervated free island skin and subcutaneous flap with microvascular anastomosis(es) and nerve repair $961.60


Z107 Abscess or haematoma - General anaesthetic - subcutaneous - ischiorectal or pilonidal $108.00
Z102 Abscess or haematoma - General anaesthetic - subcutaneous - one $44.35
Z108 Abscess or haematoma - General anaesthetic - subcutaneous - palmar or plantar spaces $72.00
Z105 Abscess or haematoma - General anaesthetic - subcutaneous - perianal $66.00
Z172 Abscess or haematoma - General anaesthetic - subcutaneous - two or more $66.60
Z106 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - ischiorectal or pilonida $44.35
Z101 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - one $25.75
Z103 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - palmar or plantar spaces $44.35
Z104 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - perianal $20.10
Z174 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - three or more $40.80
Z173 Abscess or haematoma - Local anaesthetic - subcutaneous - two $30.35
Z245 Biopsy for malignant hyperthermia, three or more $152.85
Z113 Biopsy(ies) - any method, when sutures are not used $29.60
Z116 Biopsy(ies) - any method, when sutures are used $29.60
Z118 Foreign body removal - Aspiration of superficial lump for cytology $28.25
Z115 Foreign body removal - general anaesthetic $88.80
Z227 Foreign body removal - Intramuscular abscess or haematoma $101.65
Z114 Foreign body removal - local anaesthetic $25.25

Malignant Lesions Including Biopsy of Each Lesion - Single or Multiple Sites

Z117 Chemical and/or cryotherapy treatment of skin lesions - Chemical and/or cryotherapy treatment, one or more lesions $11.65
R018 Face or neck - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - single lesion $68.55
R020 Face or neck - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - three or more lesions $225.75
R019 Face or neck - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - two lesions $112.90
R048 Face or neck - Simple excision - single lesion $92.15
R050 Face or neck - Simple excision - three or more lesions $233.00
R049 Face or neck - Simple excision - two lesions $139.20
R010 Malignant melanoma - wide excision in any area and must include > 1 cm margins and layered closure $124.10
R031 Other areas - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - single lesion $55.05
R033 Other areas - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - three or more lesions $181.55
R032 Other areas - Curettage, electrodesiccation or cryosurgery - two lesions $90.70
R094 Other areas - Simple excision - single lesion $58.15
R041 Other areas - Simple excision - three or more lesions $191.40
R040 Other areas - Simple excision - two lesions $95.70

Mohs Micrographic Surgery

R081 MOHS Micrographic Surgery - Initial cut, including debulking $315.45

Plastic Surgery Procedures

Z132 Insertion of tissue expander $304.10
Z137 Percutaneous inflation of first tissue expander $23.05
R154 Plastic Surgery Procedures - Extensive Major - The minimum benefit for each would be as follows: $568.95
R152 Plastic Surgery Procedures - Intermediate - The minimum benefit for each would be as follows: $259.20
R153 Plastic Surgery Procedures - Major - The minimum benefit for each would be as follows: $388.00
R151 Plastic Surgery Procedures - Minor - The minimum benefit for each would be as follows: $140.25
R150 Plastic Surgery Procedures - Very Minor - The minimum benefit for each would be as follows: $92.30
Z094 Removal tissue expander injection port when sole procedure - general anaesthetic $75.45
Z095 Removal tissue expander injection port when sole procedure - local anaesthetic $37.70
Z138 Replacement of tissue expander by permanent prosthesis $195.85

Repair of Lacerations

Z188 Complex laceration repair, anatomical area other than face, (except digit, zone 1 repair) $92.30
Z187 Complex laceration repair, face $92.30
Z189 Complex repair, digit, zone 1 repair, without soft tissue loss, per digit $92.30
R525 Muscle repair - Simple muscle repair(s) to include repair of involved skin $88.60
Z179 Repair of lacerations - 10.1 to 15 cm $50.40
Z190 Repair of lacerations - 10.1 to 15 cm if on face and/or requires tying of bleeders and/or closure in layers $101.45
Z175 Repair of lacerations - 5.1 to 10 cm $35.90
Z177 Repair of lacerations - 5.1 to 10 cm if on face and/or requires tying of bleeders and/or closure in layers $71.30
R024 Repair of lacerations - Acute laceration earlobe, unilateral $100.65
Z192 Repair of lacerations - more than 15.1 cm on face $154.95
Z191 Repair of lacerations - more than 15.1 cm other than face $77.30
Z176 Repair of lacerations - up to 5 cm $20.00
Z154 Repair of lacerations - up to 5 cm if on face and/or requires tying of bleeders and/or closure in layers $35.90

Skin Flaps

R011 Advancement flaps - Defect 2.1 to 5 cm - face, neck or scalp $89.85
R002 Advancement flaps - Defect 2.1 to 5 cm - other areas $67.40
R012 Advancement flaps - Defect 5.1 to 10 cm - face, neck or scalp $247.15
R003 Advancement flaps - Defect 5.1 to 10 cm - other areas $161.75
R004 Advancement flaps - Defect more than 10 cm such as thoracic abdominal flap $242.70
R046 Defect 2.1 to 5 cm average diameter - face, neck or scalp $335.15
R008 Myocutaneous, myogenous or fascia-cutaneous flaps - Lower transverse rectus abdominus flap $984.55
R009 Myocutaneous, myogenous or fascia-cutaneous flaps - Myocutaneous osseous flaps e.g. pectoralis major myocutaneous flap with rib graft, trapezius flap with scapula spine $783.40
R006 Myocutaneous, myogenous or fascia-cutaneous flaps - Pectoralis major $734.95
Z196 Myocutaneous, myogenous or fascia-cutaneous flaps - Repair of abdominal defect - different surgeon $377.65
R005 Myocutaneous, myogenous or fascia-cutaneous flaps - Sternomastoid, tensor fascia lata, gluteus maximus, gracilis, sartorius, rectus femoris, gastrocnemius (medial and lateral), trapezius $545.00
R100 Pedicle flaps - Delay, major flap $291.90
R101 Pedicle flaps - Delay, Small/Intermediate flap $132.45
R080 Pedicle flaps - Large, e.g. cross leg, deltopectoral, forehead $416.30
R078 Pedicle flaps - Large, e.g. cross leg, deltopectoral, forehead - each subsequent stage $311.45
R070 Pedicle flaps - Small/Intermediate, e.g. cross finger, cervical finger $293.75
R071 Pedicle flaps - Small/Intermediate, e.g. cross finger, cervical finger - each subsequent stage $223.35
R075 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect 2.1 to 5 cm average diameter - other areas $223.35
R047 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect 5.1 to 10 cm average diameter - face, neck or scalp $477.45
R073 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect 5.1 to 10 cm average diameter - other areas $318.45
R045 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect less than 2 cm average diameter - face, neck or scalp $203.70
R072 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect less than 2 cm average diameter - other areas $133.40
R076 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect more than 10 cm average diameter - face, neck or scalp $709.90
R074 Rotations, transpositions, Z-plasties - Defect more than 10 cm average diameter -other areas $477.85

Skin Grafts

R091 Full thickness grafts - Complex eyelid, nose, lip, face $263.95
R093 Full thickness grafts - Intermediate 1 cm to 5 cm average diameter $178.90
R083 Full thickness grafts - Major over 5 cm $280.15
R092 Full thickness grafts - Minor less than 1 cm average diameter $116.65
R062 Neurovascular island transfer - Intermediate, e.g. finger to thumb transfer $259.20
R063 Neurovascular island transfer - Major, e.g. foot to heel $430.85
R061 Neurovascular island transfer - Minor, e.g. finger tip $140.25
R086 Split thickness grafts - Intermediate, large areas, e.g. trunk, arms, legs $259.10
R085 Split thickness grafts - Minor, medium sized areas, e.g. small or skin ulcer, breast, etc $140.25
R084 Split thickness grafts - Very minor, very small areas, e.g. trauma $92.30
R088 Split thickness grafts -Extensive major, very large area(s) $567.95
R087 Split thickness grafts -Major, complex areas, e.g. face, neck, hands $388.00
R845 Stasis ulcer - multiple ligation and skin graft per leg $341.55
R847 Stasis ulcer - with skin graft per leg $195.85

Wound and Ulcer Debridement

Z084 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into any of the following structures: tendon, ligament, bursa and/or bone - one $60.00
Z085 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into any of the following structures: tendon, ligament, bursa and/or bone - two or more $90.00
Z083 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into subcutaneous tissue - four or more $60.00
Z080 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into subcutaneous tissue - one $20.00
Z082 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into subcutaneous tissue - three $45.00
Z081 Debridement of wound(s) and/or ulcer(s) extending into subcutaneous tissue - two $30.00
R542 Ligaments - extensive ligament reconstruction (including synthetics) includes when rendered preparation of intracondyar notch $517.85

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