OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Bladder

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Endoscopy - Cystoscopy

Z606 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures - Diagnostic with or without urethroscopy $71.85
Z607 Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures - Repeat within 30 days $35.50
Z634 Excision of tumour or tumours including base and adjacent muscles and electrocoagulation, if necessary - multiple tumours $437.20
Z632 Excision of tumour or tumours including base and adjacent muscles and electrocoagulation, if necessary - single tumour 1 to 2 cm diameter $271.35
Z633 Excision of tumour or tumours including base and adjacent muscles and electrocoagulation, if necessary - single tumour over 2 cm diameter $437.20


S484 Cystectomy - Complete - complete cystectomy, without transplant $791.85
S441 Cystectomy - Complete - Creation of continent urinary diversion $1,013.45

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S471 Cystectomy - Complete - Excision of urachal cyst or sinus with or without umbilical hernia repair $296.30
S438 Cystectomy - Complete - Retroperitoneal lymph node dissection for bladder cancer, specimen must include obturator, internal iliac and external iliac nodes as a minimum to the level of the iliac bifurcation, bilateral $630.00
S440 Cystectomy - Complete - with continent urinary diversion $1,475.70
S453 Cystectomy - Complete - with ureteroileal conduit $1,250.30
S485 Cystectomy - Complete - with ureterointestinal transplant $984.65
S482 Cystectomy - Partial - partial for tumour or diverticulum (single or multiple) $381.60
S483 Cystectomy - Partial - with reimplantation of ureter $552.30
S490 Cystectomy - Partial - with reimplantation of ureters $733.50
S488 Extrophy - excision of bladder and repair of abdominal wall - inclusive of graft $215.80
S491 Plastic repair of extrophy using bladder and including skin flaps $657.75


Z605 Aspiration $12.50
S476 Cutaneous vesicostomy $437.20
S481 Cystolithotomy when sole operative procedure $260.65
S478 Cystotomy or cystostomy $215.80
Z480 Cystotomy with trochar and cannula and insertion of tube $85.30


Z603 Catheterization - home $16.25
Z611 Catheterization - hospital $8.55
Z602 Catheterization - office $8.55
Z610 Intravesical instillation of BCG or immunotherapeutic agent or chemotherapeutic agent for the treatment of bladder cancer $25.65
Z608 Manual catheter declotting and irrigation of bladder $58.65


S513 Cystoplasty, using intestine $692.85
S521 Litholapaxy and removal of fragments $215.80
S519 Plastic repair of bladder neck - adolescent or adult $437.20
S518 Plastic repair of bladder neck - child $494.90
S512 Repair of ruptured bladder $346.45


S522 Closure of fistula - External, suprapubic $260.85
S524 Closure of fistula - Vesicovaginal - transvesical approach (with or without omental flap) $544.40
S523 Closure of fistula - Vesicovaginal - vaginal approach $791.85

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