OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Labour Delivery

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Code Description Fee

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P038 Attendance at labour - when patient transferred to another centre for delivery $211.20
P009 Attendance at labour and delivery $498.70
P010 Attendance of obstetric consultant(s) at delivery $211.20
P018 Caesarean section $579.80
P042 Caesarean section including hysterectomy $1,004.60
P041 Caesarean section including tubal interruption $609.20
P029 Manual removal of retained placenta $54.40
P020 Operative delivery $535.60
P007 Postnatal care in hospital and/or home $55.15
P008 Postnatal care in office $36.85

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Z774 Postpartum haemorrhage exploration of vagina and cervix, uterine curettage $113.65
P046 Repair of fourth degree tear or episiotomy extension, must include repair of rectal mucosa, perianal sphincter and perineum $200.00
P039 Repair of laceration - cervical $54.40
P036 Repair of laceration - vaginal $54.40
P045 Repair of third degree tear or episiotomy extension, must include repair of perianal sphincter and perineum $82.15
P006 Vaginal $498.70
E502 Vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) whether successful or unsuccessful $51.00

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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