OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Family Practice Practice In General 00

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Code Description Fee

Case Conferences

K702 Bariatric out-patient case conference (per unit) $32.45
K707 Chronic pain out-patient case conference (per unit) $32.45
K706 Convalescent care program case conference $32.45
K703 Geriatric out-patient case (per unit) $32.45
K121 Hospital in-patient case conference $32.45
K705 Long-term care - high risk patient conference (per unit) $32.45
K124 Long-term care/CCAC case (per unit) $32.45
K701 Mental health out-patient case conference (per unit) $32.45
K704 Paediatric out-patient case conference (per unit) $32.45
K700 Palliative care out-patient case conference (per unit) $32.45

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Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Emergency Department Physician

H102 Comprehensive assessment and care - Monday to Friday - Daytime (08:00h to 17:00h) $43.05
H132 Comprehensive assessment and care - Monday to Friday - Evenings (17:00h to 24:00h) $52.55
H122 Comprehensive assessment and care - Nights (00:00h to 08:00h) $76.95
H152 Comprehensive assessment and care - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays - Daytime and Evenings (08:00h to 24:00h) $66.15
H065 Consultation in Emergency Medicine $81.25
H100 Emergency department investigative ultrasound $19.65
H105 In-patient interim admission orders $26.25
H101 Minor assessment - Monday to Friday - Daytime (08:00h to 17:00h) $17.10
H131 Minor assessment - Monday to Friday - Evenings (17:00h to 24:00h) $20.95
H121 Minor assessment - Nights (00:00h to 08:00h) $30.70
H151 Minor assessment - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays - Daytime and Evenings (08:00h to 24:00h) $26.35
H103 Multiple systems assessment - Monday to Friday - Daytime (08:00h to 17:00h) $40.00
H133 Multiple systems assessment - Monday to Friday - Evenings (17:00h to 24:00h) $47.45
H123 Multiple systems assessment - Nights (00:00h to 08:00h) $68.00
H153 Multiple systems assessment - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays - Daytime and Evenings (08:00h to 24:00h) $58.90
H113 Other service rendered by Emergency Department Physician in premium hours - daytime and evenings (08:00h to 24:00h) on Saturdays, Sundays or Holidays $20.35
H112 Other service rendered by Emergency Department Physician in premium hours - nights (00:00h to 08:00h) $35.15
H134 Re-assessment - Monday to Friday - Evenings (17:00h to 24:00h) $20.95
H124 Re-assessment - Nights (00:00h to 08:00h) $30.70
H154 Re-assessment - Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays - Daytime and Evenings (08:00h to 24:00h) $26.35

General Listings

A771 Certification of death $20.60
A900 Complex house call assessment $54.50
A912 Comprehensive family and general practice consultation $226.05
A005 Consultation $87.90
A888 Emergency department equivalent - partial assessment $37.95
A002 Enhanced 18 month well baby visit $62.20
A003 General assessment $87.35
A004 General re-assessment $38.35
A100 General/Family physician emergency department assessment $76.90
A902 House call assessment - Pronouncement of death in the home $54.50
E077 Identification of patient for a major eye examination $10.25
A007 Intermediate assessment or well baby care $37.95
A777 Intermediate assessment Pronouncement of death $37.95
A905 Limited consultation $73.25
A115 Major eye examination $51.10
A815 Midwife-Requested Special Assessment (MRSA) $186.95
A816 Midwife-RequestedAnaesthesia Assessment (MRAA) $106.80
A813 Midwife-RequestedAssessment (MRA) $111.70
A008 Mini assessment $13.05
A001 Minor assessment $23.75
A933 On-call admission assessment $79.90
K130 Periodic health visit - adolescent $77.20
K132 Periodic health visit - adult 65 years of age and older $80.95
K131 Periodic health visit - adult age 18 to 64 inclusive $56.95
K017 Periodic health visit - child $45.25
A110 Periodic oculo-visual assessment - aged 19 years and below $48.90
A112 Periodic oculo-visual assessment - aged 65 years and above $48.90
A006 Repeat consultation $45.90
A911 Special family and general practice consultation $150.70
A945 Special palliative care consultation $159.20

Non-Emergency Hospital In-Patient Services

C121 Additional visits due to intercurrent illness (see General Preamble GP43) - per visit $34.10
H007 Attendance at maternal delivery for care of high risk baby(ies) $61.65
C771 Certification of death - subject to the same conditions as A771 $20.60
C912 Comprehensive family and general practice consultation subject to the same conditions as A912 $226.05
C005 Consultation $87.90
C003 General assessment $87.35
C004 General re-assessment $38.35
C777 Intermediate assessment - Pronouncement of death - subject to the same conditions as A777 $37.95
C905 Limited consultation $74.25
H002 Low birth weight baby care (uncomplicated) - initial visit (per baby) $34.10
H003 Low birth weight baby care (uncomplicated) - subsequent visit - per visit $16.90
C816 Midwife-Requested Anaesthesiologist Assessment (MRAA) - subject to the same conditions as A816 $106.80
C813 Midwife-Requested Assessment - subject to the same conditions as A813 $111.70
C815 Midwife-Requested Special Assessment - subject to the same conditions as A815 $186.95
H001 Newborn care in hospital and/or home $52.20
C933 On-call admission assessment - subject to the same conditions as A933 $79.90
C904 Pre-dental/pre-operative assessment $33.70
C903 Pre-dental/pre-operative general assessment (maximum of 2 per 12 month period) $65.05
C006 Repeat consultation $45.90
C911 Special family and general practice consultation, subject to the same conditions as A911 $150.70
C945 Special palliative care consultation - subject to the same conditions as A945 $159.20
C009 Subsequent visits - after thirteenth week (maximum 6 per patient per month) - per visit $34.10
C002 Subsequent visits - First 5 Weeks - per visit $34.10
C007 Subsequent visits - sixth to thirteenth week inclusive (maximum 3 per patient per week) - per visit $34.10
C122 Subsequent visits by the Most Responsible Physician (MRP) - day following the hospital admission assessment $61.15
C124 Subsequent visits by the Most Responsible Physician (MRP) - day of discharge $61.15
C123 Subsequent visits by the Most Responsible Physician (MRP) - second day following the hospital assessment $61.15
C008 Subsequent visits by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area - Concurrent care - per visit $34.10
C142 Subsequent visits by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area - first subsequent visit by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area $61.15
C882 Subsequent visits by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area - Palliative care (see General Preamble GP34) - per visit $34.10
C010 Subsequent visits by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area - Supportive care - per visit $34.10
C143 Subsequent visits by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area -second subsequent visit by the MRP following transfer from an Intensive Care Area $61.15

Non-Emergency Long-Term Care In-Patient Services

W121 additional visits due to intercurrent illness (see General Preamble GP49) per visit $34.10
W102 Admission assessment - Type 1 $69.35
W104 Admission assessment - Type 2 $20.60
W107 Admission assessment - Type 3 $30.70
K629 All other re-certification(s) of involuntary admission including completion of appropriate forms $42.70
K623 Application for psychiatric assessment $117.05
W771 Certification of death - subject to same conditions as A771 $20.60
K624 Certification of involuntary admission $144.15
W001 Chronic care or convalescent hospital - additional subsequent visits (maximum 4 per patient per month) per visit $34.10
W002 Chronic care or convalescent hospital - first 4 subsequent visits per patient per month (per visit) $34.10
W882 Chronic care or convalescent hospital - palliative care (see General Preamble GP50) per visit $34.10
K140 Chronic disease shared appointment - 2 patients (per unit) $35.10
K141 Chronic disease shared appointment - 3 patients (per unit) $23.35
K142 Chronic disease shared appointment - 4 patients (per unit) $17.65
K143 Chronic disease shared appointment - 5 patients (per unit) $14.55
K144 Chronic disease shared appointment - 6 to 12 patients (per unit) $12.35
W912 Comprehensive family and general practice consultation - subject to the same conditions as A912 $226.05
W105 Consultation - Long-Term Care In-Patient $87.75
K014 Counselling for transplant recipients, donors or families of recipients and donors $70.10
K015 Counselling of relatives - on behalf of catastrophically or terminally ill patient $70.10
K887 CTO initiation including completion of the CTO form and all preceding CTO services directly related to CTO initiation (per unit) $94.55
K889 CTO renewal including completion of the CTO form and all preceding CTO services directly related to CTO renewal (per unit) $94.55
K888 CTO supervision including all associated CTO services except those related to initiation or renewal (per unit) $94.55
K008 Diagnostic interview and/or counselling with child and/or parent for psychological problem or learning disabilities (per unit) $70.10
K002 Family meeting, caregiver interview $70.10
W004 General re-assessment of patient in nursing home (per the Nursing Homes Act) $38.35
K006 Hypnotherapy - Individual care $70.10
W777 Intermediate assessment - Pronouncement of death - subject to the same conditions as A777 $37.95
K003 Interviews with Children's Aid Society (CAS) or legal guardian on be half of the patient in accordance with the Health Care Consent Act conducted for a purpose other than to obtain consent (per unit) $70.10
K709 MCC Chairperson, per patient $41.85
K708 MCC Participant, per patient $32.45
K710 MCC Radiologist Participant, per patient $32.45
W010 Monthly management fee (per patient per month) (see General Preamble GP51 to GP52) $115.25
W008 Nursing home or home for the aged - additional subsequent visits (maximum 2 per patient per month) per visit $34.10
W003 Nursing home or home for the aged - first 2 subsequent visits per patient per month (per visit) $34.10
W872 Nursing home or home for the aged - palliative care (see General Preamble GP50) per visit $34.10
W109 Periodic health visit $70.50
W904 Pre-dental/pre-operative assessment $33.70
W903 Pre-dental/pre-operative general assessment (maximum of 2 per 12 month period) $65.05
K005 Primary mental health care - Individual care $70.10
K010 Psychotherapy - additional units per member (maximum 6 units per patient per day) $11.20
K004 Psychotherapy - Family (2 or more family members in attendance at the same time) per unit $76.10
K019 Psychotherapy - Group 2 people (per unit) $35.10
K012 Psychotherapy - Group 3 people (per unit) $17.65
K020 Psychotherapy - Group 3 people (per unit) $23.35
K024 Psychotherapy - Group 5 people (per unit) $14.55
K025 Psychotherapy - Group 6 to 12 people (per unit) $12.35
K007 Psychotherapy - Individual care $70.10
W106 Repeat consultation $45.90
W911 Special family and general practice consultation - subject to the same conditions as A911 $150.70

Physician / Nurse Practitioner to Physician E-Consultation

Q040 Diabetes management incentive $60.00
K030 Diabetic Management Assessment $40.55
K037 Fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue syndrome care (per unit) $70.10
K016 Genetic assessment, patient or family - per unit $74.05
K022 HIV primary care (per unit) $70.10
K029 Insulin therapy support (ITS) $70.10
K023 Palliative care support (per unit) $74.70
K739 Physician to physician e-consultation - Consultant physician $20.50
K738 Physician to physician e-consultation Referring physician $16.00
K028 STD management $70.10

Physician / Nurse Practitioner to Physician Telephone Consultation

K071 Acute home care supervision (first 8 weeks following admission to the home care program) $21.40
K026 Certification of Medical Eligibility for OHCAP $54.70
K027 Certification of Medical Eligibility for OHCAP - includes only completion of Application for OHCAP - Physician's Form without an associated consultation or visit on the same day. $21.85
K072 Chronic home care supervision (after the 8th week following admission to the home care program) $21.40
K399 Clinical interpretation by an immunologist $29.05
K031 Completion of Form 1 - Physician report in accordance with the Mandatory Blood Testing Act $102.50
K038 Completion of Long-Term Care health report form $45.15
K036 Completion of northern health travel grant application form $10.25
K733 CritiCall telephone consultation - Consultant physician $41.85
K737 CritiCall telephone consultation - Consultant physician (Physician on duty in an emergency department or a hospital urgent care clinic) $41.85
K732 CritiCall telephone consultation - Referring physician $32.45
K736 CritiCall telephone consultation - Referring physician (Physician on duty in an emergency department or a hospital urgent care clinic) $32.45
K070 Home care application $31.75
A680 Initial assessment - substance abuse $144.75
C680 Initial assessment - substance abuse - subject to the same conditions as A680 $144.75
E079 Initial discussion with patient, to eligible services $15.55
K035 Mandatory reporting of medical condition to the Ontario Ministry of Transportation $36.25
K682 Opioid Agonist Maintenance Program monthly management fee - intensive, per month $45.00
K683 Opioid Agonist Maintenance Program monthly management fee - maintenance, per month $38.00
K731 Physician to physician telephone consultation - Consultant physician $41.85
K735 Physician to physician telephone consultation - Consultant physician (Physician on duty in an emergency department or a hospital urgent care clinic) $41.85
K730 Physician to physician telephone consultation - Referring physician $32.45
K734 Physician to physician telephone consultation - Referring physician (Physician on duty in an emergency department or a hospital urgent care clinic) $32.45
K091 Post-operative monthly management of a bariatric surgery patient in a Bariatric RATC $25.00
K090 Pre-operative medical management of a bariatric surgery patient in a Bariatric RATC $100.00
K018 Sexual assault examination - female $326.00
K021 Sexual assault examination - male $257.15
K039 Smoking cessation follow-up visit $33.45
K032 Specific neurocognitive assessment $70.10
K680 Substance abuse - extended assessment (per unit) $70.10
K034 Telephone reporting - specified reportable disease to a MOH $36.00

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