OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Corpus Uteri

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


Z582 Hysteroscopy - diagnostic $111.50
Z585 Hysteroscopy - with cannulization of tube(s), lysis of intrauterine adhesions or embryo transfer $149.60
Z586 Hysteroscopy - with lysis of intrauterine adhesions/synechiae requiring a minimum of 60 minutes of surgical time $368.75
Z587 Hysteroscopy - with resection of one or more endometrial polyps, with or without D&C $206.35
Z583 Hysteroscopy - with uterine biopsy and/or D&C $133.70

Incision or Excision

S754 Abortion - Diagnostic curettage (with or without cauterization, biopsy of cervix removal of polyps, or hysterosalpingography) $97.20
S770 Abortion - hysterotomy $245.40

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S783 Abortion - hysterotomy with tubal interruption $257.05
S785 Abortion - induced by any surgical technique after 14 weeks of gestation $189.85
S752 Abortion - induced by any surgical technique up to and including 14 weeks gestation $112.40
S756 Abortion - missed abortion, or evacuation of molar pregnancy, by any surgical technique $120.45
S764 Abortion - Myomectomy $406.90
S768 Abortion - spontaneous, incomplete including D&C $113.40
S772 Endometrial ablation by any method $225.90
Z770 Endometrial sampling $37.85
S757 Hysterectomy - abdominal total or subtotal $643.35
S763 Hysterectomy - radical (Wertheim or Schauta) includes node dissection $1,081.80
S762 Hysterectomy - radical trachelectomy excluding node dissection $801.10
S781 Hysterectomy - Staging Paraaortic lymphadenectomy for carcinoma (laparoscopic or open) (not eligible for payment when rendered with Z578 and/or S776) $431.20
S776 Hysterectomy - Staging pelvic lymphadenectomy for carcinoma (laparoscopic or open) $462.30
S816 Hysterectomy - vaginal $643.35
S758 Hysterectomy - with anterior and posterior vaginal repair and including enterocoele and/or vault prolapse repair when rendered $733.45
S759 Hysterectomy - with anterior or posterior vaginal repair and including enterocoele and/or vault prolapse repair when rendered $655.05
S710 Hysterectomy - with omentectomy for malignancy $820.40


S779 Hysteroplasty - excision of septum $349.00
S778 Hysteroplasty - Presacral neurectomy (with or without ovarian neurectomy) $349.00
S775 Hysteroplasty - unification of double uterus (Strassman) $431.45
S777 Hysteroplasty - uterine inversion, operative $349.00
S774 Repair of incompetent cervix not associated with pregnancy $142.50

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