OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Veins

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Code Description Fee


R833 Ligation or removal of by-pass graft $82.55
R824 Meso-caval $866.55
R841 Obliteration of A.V. fistula $82.55
R822 Porto-caval $919.10
R823 Spleno-renal - abdominal approach $1,117.90
R821 Spleno-renal - transthoracic approach $1,117.90

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


R825 Resection of AV aneurysm or fistula with or without major graft - major aneurysm $975.50

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R826 Resection of AV aneurysm or fistula with or without major graft - minor aneurysm $497.25

Ligation / Stripping

R842 Extra fascial and sub-fascial incompetent perforators by full fascial technique $384.75
Z746 Femoral $74.25
R868 High ligation and stripping of long saphenous vein with groin dissection $200.00
R834 I.V.C. - transabdominal $446.50
R838 I.V.C. - transvenous (umbrella) $303.00
R839 Internal iliac $394.85
Z748 Internal jugular $148.60
R837 Multiple ligation and avulsion $200.00
Z747 Popliteal $74.25
R844 Recurrent varicose veins multiple ligation and/or stripping $353.80
Z745 Saphenous $53.20
R869 Stripping of short saphenous vein with popliteal dissection $107.50


R865 Distal spleno-renal shunt $1,259.55
R828 Ilio-femoral thrombectomy with or without femoral vein ligation $446.50
R820 Lacerated major vein e.g. femoral, popliteal, vena cava, axillary, subclavian, brachial or microscopic repair of digital vein $396.95
R819 Lacerated major vein e.g. femoral, popliteal, vena cava, axillary, subclavian, brachial or microscopic repair of digital vein - by vein graft $793.55
R818 Lacerated major vein e.g. femoral, popliteal, vena cava, axillary, subclavian, brachial or microscopic repair of digital vein - including patch $596.70
R836 Pulmonary embolectomy $866.55
R835 S.V.C. bypass graft $758.40
R829 Thrombectomy, other than above $302.80

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