OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Electrocardiography Ecg

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

Continuous ECG Monitoring (E.G. Holter)

G695 Continuous Cardiac Monitoring - Level 2 - technical component - 14 or more days scanning $83.15
G696 Continuous Cardiac Monitoring - Level 2 professional component - 14 or more days recording $86.80
G694 Continuous Cardiac Monitoring - Level 2 technical component - 14 or more days recording $113.05
G650 Level 1 - professional component 12 to 35 hours recording $47.90
G649 Level 1 - professional component 14 or more days recording $122.25
G658 Level 1 - professional component 36 to 59 hours recording $75.45
G659 Level 1 - professional component 60 hours to 13 days recording $95.85
G651 Level 1 - technical component 12 to 35 hours recording $25.25

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G652 Level 1 - technical component 12 to 35 hours scanning $34.55
G647 Level 1 - technical component 14 or more days recording $119.00
G648 Level 1 - technical component 14 or more days scanning $173.20
G682 Level 1 - technical component 36 to 59 hours recording $50.50
G683 Level 1 - technical component 36 to 59 hours scanning $69.05
G684 Level 1 - technical component 60 hours to 13 days recording $75.70
G685 Level 1 - technical component 60 hours to 13 days scanning $103.60
G653 Level 2 - professional component 12 to 35 hours recording $34.10
G656 Level 2 - professional component 36 to 59 hours recording $51.15
G657 Level 2 - professional component 60 hours to 13 days recording $68.20
G654 Level 2 - technical component 12 to 35 hours recording $24.05
G655 Level 2 - technical component 12 to 35 hours scanning $16.45
G686 Level 2 - technical component 36 to 59 hours recording $48.15
G687 Level 2 - technical component 36 to 59 hours scanning $32.95
G688 Level 2 - technical component 60 hours to 13 days recording $72.20
G689 Level 2 - technical component 60 hours to 13 days scanning $49.45

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


G317 Automatic implantable defibrillator - Nonprogrammable including electrocardiography, interrogation and analysis - professional component $27.80
G321 Automatic implantable defibrillator - Programmable including electrocardiography, interrogation and reprogramming - professional component $47.65
G180 Dual chamber reprogramming including electrocardiography - professional component $16.95
G181 Dual chamber reprogramming including electrocardiography - technical component $12.20
G313 Electrocardiogram - twelve lead - professional component - must include written interpretation $4.45
G310 Electrocardiogram - twelve lead - technical component $7.00
G175 Insertion of oesophageal electrode in monitoring position $21.85
G320 Interpretation of telephone transmitted ECG rhythm strip - professional component $4.30
G311 Interpretation of telephone transmitted ECG rhythm strip - technical component $2.03
G307 Pacemaker pulse wave analysis including electrocardiography - professional component $9.55
G308 Pacemaker pulse wave analysis including electrocardiography - technical component $9.30
G283 Single chamber reprogramming including electrocardiography - professional component $11.30
G284 Single chamber reprogramming including electrocardiography - technical component $9.30

Stress Testing

G112 Dipyramidole Thallium stress test - professional component $74.25
G111 Dipyramidole Thallium stress test - technical component $53.60
G174 Dobutamine stress test - technical component, when rendered outside of hospital - add $49.35
G319 Maximal stress ECG - professional component $62.05
G315 Maximal stress ECG - technical component $45.95

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