OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Procedures Involving Neural Elements

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Code Description Fee

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N523 AV malformation of cord - excision/obliteration $1,891.70
N578 Dorsal root entry zone lesions for pain relief any number of levels $1,020.00
N563 Implantation of permanent subcutaneous reservoir including laminectomy $510.00
N530 Implantation of spinal cord stimulating electrode by laminectomy $1,008.90
Z942 Implantation or revision of stimulation pack or leads $306.00
N555 Insertion / revision of implantable infusion pump $590.40
N562 Intradural neurolysis of unusual lesions e.g. diastematomyelia, tethered conus, intramedullary haematoma, etc. including laminectomy $1,224.00
N577 Intradural rhizotomy anterior/posterior (uni/bilateral) any number of roots $1,276.65
Z944 Lumbar subarachnoid drainage of CSF $89.75
N529 Medullary spinal trigeminal tractotomy $1,020.00

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N564 Open myelotomy for lesion - unilateral or bilateral $1,020.00
N527 Percutaneous cordotomy or tractotomy $469.20
Z941 Percutaneous diagnostic stimulation of spinal cord, trigeminal nerve root and /or ganglion $331.50
Z943 Programming infusion pump or dorsal column stimulator $142.20
N531 Removal of any stimulation pack or electrode $306.00
N542 Sympathectomy - unilateral - cervical $357.00
N543 Sympathectomy - unilateral - cervico-dorsal $586.50
N545 Sympathectomy - unilateral - lumbar $295.80
N544 Sympathectomy - unilateral - thoracic-approach $433.50
N557 Syringo-subarachnoid shunt $1,224.00
N558 Syringopleural/syringoperitoneal shunt $1,428.00

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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