OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Eyelids

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


Z856 Chalazion - Single or multiple - general anaesthetic $150.00
Z874 Chalazion - Single or multiple - local anaesthetic $70.00
Z858 Epilation - by cryopexy $65.70


Z854 Drainage of abscess - local anaesthetic $60.00


E200 Blepharoplasty - excision of skin, with or without partial excision of the orbicularis oculi muscle one lid $82.80
E201 Blepharoplasty - same as E200 plus removal of orbital fat and/or major lid fold reconstruction one lid $205.55
E194 Distichiasis - unilateral $289.00

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E197 Ectropion, other than Zeigler puncture $310.00
E196 Entropion, other than Zeigler puncture $290.00
E229 Free composite eyelid graft $535.80
E228 Free tarsal, scleral or cartilage graft with local skin mobilization $535.80
E221 Laceration of eyelid including levator palpebrae superioris with ptosis $329.30
E199 Laceration, full thickness $225.00
E198 Laceration, full thickness - including lid margin $300.00
E235 Lateral canthal surgery - Cantholysis when primary procedure $107.50
E234 Lateral canthal surgery - Canthotomy $51.45
E236 Lateral canthal surgery - Lateral canthopexy $255.00
E211 Lid lengthening procedure $288.35
E225 Lower or upper eyelid bridge flap $484.35
E226 Lower or upper eyelid bridge flap - second stage $108.45
E232 Medial canthal tendon - fixation to bone $412.05
E231 Medial canthal tendon - tendon repair only $267.35
E230 Medial canthoplasty (skin and muscle) $257.90
E222 Primary closure of full thickness lid defect $290.00
E192 Ptosis $313.15
E193 Ptosis - repeat or second repair $393.00
E223 Tarsoconjunctival flap and skin graft (Hughes) $484.35
E224 Tarsoconjunctival flap and skin graft (Hughes) - second stage $108.45
E227 Temporal rotation flap $514.80
E195 Trichiasis, repair by tarsal transplantation $241.70
Z860 Zeigler punctures (for entropion/ectropion) $26.60


E191 Double adhesion $161.75
E190 Tarsorrhaphy $150.00

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