OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Operations Of The Breast

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


R505 Ankle - Metatarsal/phalangeal $144.80
R108 Mastectomy - female (with or without biopsy) - simple $330.00
R117 Mastectomy - female (with or without biopsy) - subcutaneous with nipple preservation $273.95
R148 Mastectomy - male - Unilateral for treatment of pathological male breast disease (with or without biopsy), e.g. carcinoma - simple $273.95
R149 Mastectomy - male - Unilateral for treatment of pathological male breast disease (with or without biopsy), e.g. carcinoma - subcutaneous with nipple preservation $273.95
R146 Mastectomy - male (benign) - simple $177.50
R147 Mastectomy - male (benign) - subcutaneous with nipple preservation $273.95

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R109 Mastectomy, radical or modified radical (with or without biopsy) $685.00
R111 Partial mastectomy or wedge resection for treatment of breast disease, with or without biopsy, e.g. carcinoma or extensive fibrocystic disease $269.40
R107 Tumour or tissue for diagnostic biopsy and/or treatment, e.g. carcinoma, fibroadenoma or fibrocystic disease (single or multiple same breast) $169.95


Z139 Aspiration of cyst - one or more $37.20
Z740 Drainage of intramammary abscess or haematoma - Single or multiloculated generalanaesthetic $133.80
Z140 Drainage of intramammary abscess or haematoma - Single or multiloculated local anaesthetic $33.00
Z143 Needle biopsy - large core breast biopsy (14 gauge or larger bore needle) $132.75
Z141 Needle biopsy - one or more $37.20


R112 Augmentation mammoplasty unilateral $350.00
Z182 Breast capsulectomy $255.05
R156 Breast mound creation by insertion of tissue expander, includes creation of submuscular pocket $425.00
R118 Breast skin reconstruction by local flaps or grafts, includes Wise pattern skin flaps and deepithelialized skin flaps $405.60
R144 Contralateral balancing augmentation mammoplasty $350.00
R143 Contralateral balancing mastopexy or reduction, to include nipple transplantation or grafting, if rendered $472.15
R120 Nippleareola reconstruction by grafts and/or flaps $300.00
R142 Nippleareola tattooing unilateral $175.00
Z135 Open capsulotomy with or without replacement of breast prosthesis $195.95
R119 Post-mastectomy breast reconstruction - Breast mound creation by prosthesis as sole procedure $350.00
R110 Reduction mammoplasty and augmentation mammoplasty (other than post-mastectomy breast reconstruction) - Reduction mammoplasty (female, to include nipple transplantation or grafting, if rendered) unilateral $472.15
Z142 Removal of breast prosthesis $150.00
R114 Revision of breast mound $230.30

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