OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Knee

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Code Description Fee


R468 Knee $402.75


R483 Hemiarthroplasty - double component (e.g. Marmar) $619.90
R496 Hemiarthroplasty - Removal of hemiarthroplasty without replacement $242.25
R497 Hemiarthroplasty - Removal of total arthroplasty without replacement $368.40
R442 Hemiarthroplasty - Replacement Liner $353.25
R244 Hemiarthroplasty - Revision total arthroplasty knee $1,174.30
R482 Hemiarthroplasty - single component (e.g. MacIntosh) $351.70
R248 Hemiarthroplasty - Total knee replacement with take down of fusion $838.00
R441 Hemiarthroplasty -Total replacement/both compartments $631.20
R509 Patellar arthroplasty $241.60

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R493 Ankle total replacement $1,199.00
E498 Debridement (trauma) - substantial debridement of 1 or more focal flaps of unstable post-traumatic articular cartilage causing mechanical symptoms, includes when rendered for synovectomy, meniscal trimming and/or chondroplasty $299.00
E493 Drilling of defect (includes removal of loose body(ies) $251.55
R699 Knee arthroscopy set-up, non-degenerative disorders of the knee or acutely locked knee. $97.35
R687 Knee arthroscopy setup, includes when rendered synovial biopsy and/or resection or trimming of plica $97.35


R412 Knee with or without removal of loose body $207.90
R413 Osteochondritis dissecans with drilling and/or internal fixation $267.25

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


R501 Excision - Baker's cyst - Cysts of meniscus $126.25
R434 Excision - Baker's cyst - extensive $264.50
R429 Excision - Baker's cyst - Meniscectomy $241.30
R431 Excision - Baker's cyst - simple $148.50
R417 Excision - Debridement of joint without synovectomy $290.55
R318 Excision - Excision exostosis/cyst patella $126.25
R312 Excision - Patella - to include fascial repair $276.55
R506 Excision - Prepatellar bursae $149.45
R424 Excision - Synovectomy $430.65

Incision and Drainage

R444 Joint $193.00


R539 Ligaments - removal of synthetics $213.45
R599 Ligaments - simple - one $361.95
R508 Meniscus - Suturing of medial or lateral meniscus $242.25
R584 Muscles/Tendons - Tenoplasty - one $144.80
Z238 Muscles/Tendons - Tenotomy - closed - multiple $72.35
Z237 Muscles/Tendons - Tenotomy - closed - one $49.20
R564 Muscles/Tendons - Tenotomy - open - one $232.00
R516 Muscles/Tendons - Tenotomy - Release patellar retinaculum $161.45


D038 Dislocations - Knee - closed reduction $207.90
D039 Dislocations - Knee - open reduction $309.00
D031 Dislocations - Patella - closed reduction - with anaesthetic $97.35
D040 Dislocations - Patella - closed reduction - without anaesthetic $62.20
R515 Dislocations - Patella - open reduction - Congenital dislocation knee (open) $484.35
D041 Dislocations - Patella - open reduction - early $290.55
R255 Dislocations - Patella - open reduction - late $484.35
R403 Dislocations - Patella - open reduction - repair recurrent dislocation (includes inspection of joint) $422.15
F085 Fractures - Patella - no reduction $67.75
F087 Fractures - Patella - open reduction or excision with or without repair $288.25

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