OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Allergy

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Code Description Fee

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G200 Acute desensitisation, e.g. ATS, penicillin $8.65
G185 Drug(s) desensitisation - in a hospital where full cardioresuscitative equipment is readily available because a significant risk of life-threatening anaphylaxis exists. The service must be performed under direct and ongoing physician attendance. $184.95

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


G202 Hyposensitisation - each injection $4.45
G212 Hyposensitisation - when sole reason for visit (including first injection) $9.75
G205 Insect venom desensitisation (immunotherapy) - per injection (maximum of 5 per day). In addition to G205, after the initial major assessment only, a minor or partial assessment may be claimed once per day if rendered $13.15

Ophthalmic Tests

G203 Ophthalmic tests - direct, to maximum of 3 per year - per test $1.60
G204 Ophthalmic tests - quantitative $12.40

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G201 Direct nasal tests, to a maximum of 3 per year - per test $1.60

Patch Test

G207 Bronchial provocative testing - per session, to a maximum of 6 per year $14.15
G198 Patch test - for industrial or occupational dermatoses, to a maximum of 125 per patient, per year - per test $2.39
G206 Patch test - maximum of 90 per patient, per year - per test $2.39

Physical Urticaria Challenges

G213 Physical urticaria challenges $13.80

Provocation Testing

G208 Provocation testing - per unit $21.25
G190 Serial oral or parenteral provocation testing to a food, drug or other substance when the service is rendered in a hospital, when an anaphylactic reaction is considered likely based on a documented history and the service is performed under direct and $184.95

Skin Testing

G197 Skin testing - professional component, to a maximum of 50 per year - per test $0.37
G209 Skin testing - technical component, to a maximum of 50 per year - per test $0.72

Venom Allergy Testing

G196 Hypersensitivity skin test for validated drugs or agents excluding foods and inhalants, maximum of 3 per patient per physician per 12 month period $17.00
G195 Local anaesthetic hypersensitivity skin test, maximum of 2 per patient per physician per 12 month period $17.00
G199 Venom allergy testing, maximum of 2 per patient per physician per 12 month period $40.00

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