OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Otolaryngology

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Code Description Fee

Advanced Diagnostic Hearing Tests

G144 Brain stem evoked audiometry - Professional component $19.15
G146 Brain stem evoked audiometry - technical component $38.00
G141 Cortical evoked audiometry - Professional component $19.15
G143 Cortical evoked audiometry - technical component $38.00
G816 Electrocochleography (per ear): to include myringotomy if performed - professional component $19.15
G815 Electrocochleography (per ear): to include myringotomy if performed - technical component $38.00
G529 Impedance audiometry by manual or automated methods - Professional component $1.86
G442 Impedance audiometry by manual or automated methods - technical component $3.44
G530 Miscellaneous advanced testing e.g. recruitment, tests of malingering, central auditory and stapedial reflex decay tests - per test - professional component, to a maximum of 1 - per test $5.95
G443 Miscellaneous advanced testing e.g. recruitment, tests of malingering, central auditory and stapedial reflex decay tests - per test - technical component, to a maximum of 1 - per test $8.25

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G450 Sound field audiometry (infants and children) - Professional component $5.70
G448 Sound field audiometry (infants and children) - technical component $22.90

Basic Diagnostic Hearing Tests

G526 Pure tone threshold audiometry (with or without bone conduction) and speech reception threshold and/or speech discrimination scores. - Professional component $16.45
G441 Pure tone threshold audiometry (with or without bone conduction) and speech reception threshold and/or speech discrimination scores. - technical component $18.90
G525 Pure tone threshold audiometry with or without bone conduction - Professional component $5.85
G440 Pure tone threshold audiometry with or without bone conduction - technical component $10.85

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Diagnostic Balance Test

G451 Caloric testing with ENG - technical component $19.60

Diagnostic Balance Tests

G533 Caloric testing with ENG - professional component $18.30
G108 Computerized rotation tests $20.20
G191 Optokinetic tests $12.40
G105 Positional testing with electronystagmography (ENG) - professional component $20.90
G104 Positional testing with electronystagmography (ENG) - technical component $19.60
G454 Stroboscopy $16.80

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