OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Elbow And Forearm

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Code Description Fee


R614 Elbow disarticulation $289.50
R613 Through radius and ulna $351.05


R486 Complete arthroplasty replacement $927.70
R288 Implant radial head $269.90
R510 Interposition arthroplasty $435.20
R499 Removal of total replacement $402.75
R281 Ulna replacement (lower end) $296.90


R683 Elbow arthroscopy setup, includes when rendered debridement, synovectomy, synovial biopsy, removal of loose body(ies) and/or screw, drilling of defect or microfracture, and/or arthroscopic epicondylar release $400.00


R445 Elbow, loose body, etc $199.55


Z225 Bone - needle $72.35

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R432 Joint - open $171.45

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Decompression / Denervation

Z251 Catheter - insertion $49.20
R426 Denervation - elbow $258.00
N190 Exploration and/or decompression and/or neurolysis of ulnar nerve (elbow) $215.35
R495 Fasciotomy for compartment syndrome (not including secondary closure wound) . $320.20
N189 Ulnar nerve transposition at elbow may include exploration, decompression and/or neurolysis $279.25


R290 Bone - Olecranon $207.90
R291 Bone - Olecranon with fascial repair $309.00
R287 Bone - Radial head $217.95
R643 Bone - Ulna lower end $193.00
R595 Bursae - Olecranon $101.25
R421 Joint Contents - Synovectomy/capsulectomy/debridement, etc. $407.25
R524 Muscles - Myositis ossificans $289.50
R294 Tumours - Bone tumours - exostosis $165.20
R293 Tumours - Bone tumours - extensive with replacement $677.50
R295 Tumours - Bone tumours - simple excision $289.50
R591 Tumours - Soft tissues - superficial $196.05

Incision and Drainage

R228 Acute $302.55
R229 Saucerization and bone grafting $452.90
R231 Sequestrectomy $355.35
Z226 Soft tissue or bursa, incision and drainage $97.35


R954 Bone - Deformity - Bone transport - circular external fixation (greater than 6 cm) $763.80
R953 Bone - Deformity - Bone transport - circular external fixation (less than or equal to 6 cm) $655.15
R952 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy - Double level correction circular external fixation $798.10
R324 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy - radius and/or ulna with reconstruction congenital abnormality, synostosis etc $398.10
R951 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy - Single level correction circular external fixation $638.40
R259 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy - ulna $433.80
R261 Bone - Deformity - Osteotomy -radius with or without ulna $841.40
R473 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis - Radius and ulna $786.65
R950 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis - Radius and ulna circular external fixation $291.40
R323 Bone - Pseudoarthrosis - Radius or ulna $582.30
R478 Fascia - Repair fascial defects - large with or without synthetic graft or rotation flap $290.55
R476 Fascia - Repair fascial defects - small $144.80
R566 Muscles/Tendons - Tenotomy - open - multiple $253.30
R556 Tenolysis - single $202.25
R583 Transposition/transplantation/transfer - Steindler flexoplasty $344.85


D009 Dislocations - Elbow joint - closed reduction $84.45
D010 Dislocations - Elbow joint - open reduction acute $252.45
R400 Dislocations - Elbow joint - repair chronic, recurrent $379.50
D012 Dislocations - Radial head - closed reduction, pulled elbow $39.00
D011 Dislocations - Radial head - open reduction - acute $193.00
R558 Dislocations - Radial head - open reduction - late $357.20
R540 Dislocations - Radial head - open reduction - recurrent $227.40
F037 Fractures - Epicondyle - closed reduction $126.25
F029 Fractures - Epicondyle - no reduction $67.75
F038 Fractures - Epicondyle - open reduction $214.45
F035 Fractures - Olecranon - closed reduction $129.00
F034 Fractures - Olecranon - no reduction, rigid immobilization $126.25
F036 Fractures - Olecranon - open reduction $494.10
F021 Fractures - Osteochondral - open reduction $392.40
F022 Fractures - Radius and ulna Monteggia - closed reduction $144.80
F014 Fractures - Radius and ulna Monteggia - no reduction, rigid immobilization $67.75
F023 Fractures - Radius and ulna Monteggia - open reduction of ulna plus closed reduction radial head $416.65
F025 Fractures - Radius and ulnar shaft - closed reduction $148.50
F024 Fractures - Radius and ulnar shaft - no reduction, rigid immobilization $67.75
F026 Fractures - Radius and ulnar shaft - open reduction $567.15
F046 Fractures - Radius distal, e.g. Colles', Smith's, or Barton's fracture - closed reduction, under general anaesthetic $149.35
F028 Fractures - Radius distal, e.g. Colles', Smith's, or Barton's fracture - closed reduction, under local or regional anaesthetic $109.45
F027 Fractures - Radius distal, e.g. Colles', Smith's, or Barton's fracture - no reduction, rigid immobilization $67.75
F030 Fractures - Radius distal, e.g. Colles', Smith's, or Barton's fracture - open reduction $522.20
F032 Fractures - Radius or ulna - closed reduction $117.85
F031 Fractures - Radius or ulna - no reduction, rigid immobilization $81.30
F033 Fractures - Radius or ulna - open reduction $438.05
F040 Fractures - Transcondylar/condylar - closed reduction $298.35
F045 Fractures - Transcondylar/condylar - closed reduction with traction $312.70
F039 Fractures - Transcondylar/condylar - no reduction $67.75
F041 Fractures - Transcondylar/condylar - open reduction $983.45


R521 Muscles and tendons - radical, e.g. muscle slide $314.60
R519 Muscles and tendons - simple, e.g. tennis elbow $136.35

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