OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Arteries

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Excision and / or Repair

R802 Abdominal aorta - repair or excision with graft - aneurysm repair alone or including unilateral common femoral repair $1,585.50
R817 Abdominal aorta - repair or excision with graft - aneurysm repair and bilateral common femoral repair $2,327.50
R877 Abdominal aorta - repair or excision with graft - aneurysm with repair of iliac artery aneurysm (unilateral or bilateral) $2,116.90
R881 Abdominal surgical exposure - infraceliac aortic cross clamp
R880 Abdominal surgical exposure - supraceliac aortic cross clamp
R864 and reimplantation of coronary arteries (Modified Bentall) $893.20
R830 Aortic arch reconstruction - innominate $910.70

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R831 Aortic arch reconstruction - subclavian $910.70
R832 Aortic arch reconstruction - vertebral $867.35
R814 Aorto-Iliac repair - embolectomy or thrombectomy of bifurcation (aorta or graft) $461.50
R783 Aorto-Iliac repair - including common iliac repair (uni-or bilateral) $2,002.00
R859 Aorto-Iliac repair - Partial removal of infected aortic graft (one limb only)* $344.00
R785 Aorto-Iliac repair - plus bilateral common femoral repair $2,327.50
R784 Aorto-Iliac repair - plus unilateral common femoral repair $2,102.00
R805 Aorto-Iliac repair - Renal artery - aneurysm reconstruction or excision with graft $867.35
R858 Aorto-Iliac repair - Total removal of infected aortic graft (stem and limbs)* $918.35
R815 Arterioplasty with or without patch graft including microvascular anastomosis, arterial or venous (other than listed below) $581.85
R798 Carotid - aneurysm reconstruction or excision with graft $820.70
R796 Carotid - carotid body tumour $769.85
R792 Carotid - endarterectomy, with or without bypass graft $841.00
R813 Embolectomy - artery or graft - as sole procedure $490.00
R809 Femoral-popliteal endarterectomy $759.60
R780 Femoro-anterior/posterial tibial/peroneal bypass graft - with prosthetic graft $878.00
R787 Femoro-anterior/posterial tibial/peroneal bypass graft - with saphenous vein $1,265.00
R794 Femoro-popliteal - with prosthetic graft $733.15
R791 Femoro-popliteal - with saphenous vein $1,077.25
R866 Gastric devascularization as - sole procedure $549.65
R786 Iliac repair to include internal iliac aneurysm $805.65
R937 Ilio-femoral bypass graft $805.65
R797 In-situ saphenous vein arterial bypass - popliteal $1,414.15
R804 In-situ saphenous vein arterial bypass - tibial $1,643.00
R766 In-situ saphenous vein arterial bypass - Two Vascular Surgeons - tibial - first surgeon $1,303.00
R767 In-situ saphenous vein arterial bypass - Two Vascular Surgeons - tibial - Second surgeon $1,303.00
R811 Mesenteric or celiac artery repair - aneurysm $410.85
R936 Mesenteric or celiac artery repair - endarterectomy or graft $954.10
R935 Mesenteric or celiac artery repair - removal of band only $410.85
R861 Per-obturator ilio-femoral graft - with prosthetic graft $876.85
R860 Per-obturator ilio-femoral graft - with saphenous vein $898.55
R812 Peripheral arteries other than listed - aneurysm $410.45
R810 Popliteal aneurysm $805.65
R934 Profundoplasty - Aortofemoral unilateral graft (for bilateral see R785) $867.35
R932 Profundoplasty - Axillo-bilfemoral graft $1,200.00
R933 Profundoplasty - Axillofemoral, femorofemoral or axilloaxillary graft $656.55
R855 Profundoplasty - Common femoral/profunda femoris repair - as sole procedure $559.20
R856 Profundoplasty - Extended profundoplasty $818.80
R808 Profundoplasty - Femoral aneurysm - reconstruction or excision with graft $600.30
R873 Profundoplasty - Thrombin injection of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm $68.20
R940 Pulmonary thromboendarterectomy (PTE) - includes circulatory arrest with hypothermia $2,021.05
R806 Renal artery repair $867.35
R807 Splenic artery aneurysm reconstruction or excision with graft $411.05
R878 Subintimal dissection for recanalization of femoral/popiteal/ tibial arterial occlusive disease $759.60
R879 Subintimal dissection for recanalization of iliac/aorta arterial occlusive disease $759.60
R801 Thoracic aorta aneurysm - descending with or without temporary shunt $1,260.30
R800 Thoracic aorta aneurysm - repair or excision with graft - arch $1,840.35
R799 Thoracic aorta aneurysm - repair or excision with graft - ascending $1,473.15
R803 Thoracic aorta aneurysm - Thoracoabdominal aneurysm $2,859.30
R882 Thoracic surgical exposure
R883 Thoraco-abdominal surgical exposure
R867 Thrombectomy artery - or graft as - sole procedure $490.00


Z402 Arteriotomy $117.30


R708 Internal iliac artery (unilateral or bilateral) $409.55
R781 Ligation of artery as sole procedure $170.10


R778 Cannulation for infusion chemotherapy - carotid artery $148.50
R776 Cannulation for infusion chemotherapy - hepatic artery $263.05
R775 Cannulation for infusion chemotherapy - superficial temporal artery $95.80
R875 Endovascular aneurysm repair using stent grafting $1,396.90
R764 Exploration of major artery $271.60
R760 Regional isolation perfusion e.g. iliac $410.45


R795 Traumatic - Repair of lacerated major artery or microscopic repair of digital artery (including patch angioplasty) $598.40
R862 Traumatic - Repair of lacerated major artery or microscopic repair of digital artery (including patch angioplasty) - by bypass or interposition graft $834.30
R790 Traumatic - Suture of lacerated major artery $316.85

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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