OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Kidney And Upper Urinary Tract

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Endoscopic Procedures

Z628 Cystoscopy and diagnostic Ureteroscopy - above intramural $125.70
S470 Cystoscopy with manipulation and/or removal of calculus and retrograde pyelogram if required $240.65
Z638 Endoscopic treatment of vesicoureteral reflux by subureteral injection of agent, unilateral or bilateral $450.00


S410 Calycectomy with diversion of urine $512.00
S412 Nephrectomy - ectopic kidney $467.00
S424 Nephrectomy - Extrophy plastic closure of bladder with closure of abdominal wall and urethral lengthening with closure of pelvic floor with or without reimplantation of ureters $1,237.25
S413 Nephrectomy - lumbar $467.00

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S420 Nephrectomy - Nephroureterectomy, total, with resection of ureterovesical junction $673.10
S416 Nephrectomy - thoracoabdominal or radical nephrectomy $907.00
S415 Nephrectomy - transperitoneal $522.50
S411 Partial or heminephrectomy $907.00
S423 Partial or heminephrectomy with total ureterectomy $757.85
S449 Ureterectomy - including ureterovesical junction $445.40
S450 Ureterectomy - other e.g. partial $331.70

Extra Renal Procedures

S431 Excision of retroperitoneal tumour $381.60
S432 Exploration of retroperitoneal tumour $260.85
Z630 Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy $314.20
S433 Sacrococcygeal teratoma $437.20


S401 Drainage of kidney abscess $411.30
S402 Drainage of perinephric abscess $267.60
S403 Exploration of renal and perirenal tissues (with or without biopsy or unroofing of cyst) $356.70
S400 Laparoscopic placement of probe(s) for ablation of renal tumour $404.95
S405 Nephrolithotomy - open $482.40
S408 Pyelolithotomy - open $437.20
S430 Removal of staghorn calculus filling renal pelvis and calyces - open, with or without x-ray control and/or anatrophic nephrolithotomy $657.75
Z601 Renal biopsy, needle $143.55
S448 Ureterotomy, abdominal or vaginal exploratory or for drainage - Where ureter has been previously opened - lower 1/3 $522.50
S447 Ureterotomy, abdominal or vaginal exploratory or for drainage - Where ureter has been previously opened - upper 2/3 $437.20
S446 Ureterotomy, abdominal or vaginal exploratory or for drainage - With removal of calculus - lower 1/3 $482.40
S445 Ureterotomy, abdominal or vaginal exploratory or for drainage - With removal of calculus - upper 2/3 $376.80

Percutaneous Procedures

Z600 Change of nephrostomy tube $44.00
Z624 Dilatation of tract $105.25
Z636 Endoscopic ureterotomy or pyelotomy $273.25
Z623 Insertion of stent $95.10
Z626 Nephroscopy, percutaneous or retrograde $95.95
Z637 Percutaneous ablation of calyceal diverticulum to include dilation of communication $262.75
Z629 Percutaneous nephrostomy $153.35
Z627 Removal of renal calculi $168.25
Z625 Selective catheterization of calyces (one or more) $52.70

Renal Transplantation Procedures

S436 Donor nephrectomy unilateral or bilateral (to include renal perfusion with hypothermia when rendered by surgeon) $653.20
Z631 Fine needle aspiration of renal transplant $45.15
S434 Kidney re-transplant $1,858.15
S435 Kidney transplant $1,553.15
S437 Renal autotransplantation $1,161.60


S427 Bladder flap (Boari) - to include re-implantation of ureter $502.45
S422 Pyeloplasty (with or without nephropexy) $907.00
S451 Re-implantation - Ureterovesical anastomosis or reimplantation unilateral $490.25
S561 Re-implantation of ureter with extensive tapering with or without ureterolysis $693.45
S562 Re-implantationof bifid ureter $539.50
S428 Symphysiotomy for horseshoe kidney with or without nephropexy and associated procedures $494.90
S452 Ureteroileal conduit $788.15
S454 Ureteroileal conduit - with ureterectomy and ileal replacement $893.50
S462 Ureterointestinal anastomosis - bilateral $438.35
S455 Ureterointestinal anastomosis - unilateral $331.70
S460 Ureterolysis for periureteral fibrosis - unilateral $448.00
S461 Ureteroplasty (Hutch) - unilateral $331.70
S458 Ureterostomy - Cutaneous - unilateral $494.90
S463 Ureterostomy - Cutaneous - with lower third ureterotomy $381.60
S459 Ureterostomy - Ureterovaginal fistula $557.85
S457 Ureteroureterostomy $552.30


S429 Ruptured or lacerated kidney repair or removal $437.20
S466 Traumatic rupture, or transection (partial or complete) - Immediate - lower 1/3 $437.20
S465 Traumatic rupture, or transection (partial or complete) - Immediate - upper 2/3 $381.60
S468 Traumatic rupture, or transection (partial or complete) - Late repair - lower 1/3 $482.40
S467 Traumatic rupture, or transection (partial or complete) - Late repair - upper 2/3 $437.20

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