OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Oesophagus

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Dilation of Oesophagus

Z529 Passive (bougie) - initial session $40.55
Z530 Passive (bougie) - repeat session (within three months following previous dilation) $27.35
Z525 Pneumatic - as sole procedure $110.85
Z531 Pneumatic - Repeat dilations during the same admission $26.40
Z523 Pneumatic - with rigid dilators guided over a string or wire $52.90


Z515 Oesophagoscopy, with or without biopsy(ies) $68.25
Z399 Oesophagoscopygastroscopy, with or without duodenoscopy - elective $92.50

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Z400 Oesophagoscopygastroscopy, with or without duodenoscopy - for active bleeding $125.10


S088 Cricopharyngeal diverticulum $390.05
S086 Cricopharyngeal myotomy, open approach $300.00
Z505 Cricopharyngeal myotomy, when rendered by endoscopy, or in association with a urgical procedure during the same anaesthetic $37.20
S093 Enucleation of benign oesophageal tumour $584.15
S087 Intrathoracic diverticulum $507.00
S089 Partial oesophageal resection and reconstruction (including intestinal transposition) $1,180.50
S090 Total thoracic oesophageal resection $1,912.30


S085 Oesophagostomy - Cervical - neonatal $304.20
S084 Oesophagostomy - Cervical - other than neonatal $212.35
S082 Oesophagostomy - Intrathoracic oesophageal stent - via laparotomy $410.55
S083 Oesophagostomy - Intrathoracic oesophageal stent - via oesophagoscope (includes Z515) $304.20
S080 Oesophagostomy - Oesophagealgastric devascularization (including splenectomy and oesophageal division/anastomosis) $898.15
S081 Oesophagostomy - Transoesophageal division of oesophageal varices $558.05


S075 Abdominal approach
S073 Cervical approach
S074 Thoracic approach


S099 Oesophageal bypass, abdomen to neck - with colon or jejunum $1,264.05
S098 Oesophageal bypass, abdomen to neck - with stomach $912.60
S091 Oesophageal hiatus hernia - abdominal or transthoracic approach with fundal plication $750.00
S079 Oesophageal hiatus hernia - massive paraesophageal $1,200.00
S092 Oesophageal hiatus hernia - recurrent $1,100.00
S161 Oesophageal myotomy, partial (below aortic arch) $584.15
S095 Oesophageal stricture (Thal) may include oesophageal hiatus hernia repair with or without gastroplasty $676.05
S097 Oesophagogastrostomy for bypass (as sole procedure) $608.30
S096 Ruptured oesophagus, suture and drainage $1,200.00
S100 Total thoracic oesophageal myotomy (as sole procedure) $738.90


S103 Closure of H-type tracheooesophageal fistula by cervical or thoracic approach $923.05
S104 Repair of oesophageal atresia with or without tracheal fistula $2,203.20

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