OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Penis

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


S574 Amputation - partial $284.15
S575 Amputation - partial with inguinal glands 1 or 2 stages $437.20
S576 Amputation - radical with inguinal and femoral glands 1 or 2 stages $719.30
Z702 Biopsy $39.60
S577 Circumcision - for physical symptomatology only - for infants less than one year of age $188.05
S573 Circumcision - for physical symptomatology only - for patients aged one year or older $210.80
S599 Condylomata - Excision plaque for Peyronies disease $286.20

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Z767 Condylomata - general anaesthetic $78.60
Z701 Condylomata - local anaesthetic $32.60


S569 Slit of prepuce (complete care) - adult or child $65.30
S568 Slit of prepuce (complete care) - infant $62.45
S567 Slit of prepuce (complete care) - newborn $61.35


S579 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Chordee repair $215.80
S581 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Closure urethrocutaneous fistula $296.95
Z700 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Intracorporeal injection for impotence $27.80
S578 Hypospadias or Epispadia - One stage repair - with meatus to but not into glans $593.80
S572 Hypospadias or Epispadia - One stage repair - with meatus to but not into glans - intoglans using island flap pedicle (penoscrotal) $872.45
S571 Hypospadias or Epispadia - One stage repair - with meatus to but not into glans - withadvancement of meatus into glans $614.40
S597 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Penile prosthesis for impotence $395.90
S580 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Plastic reconstruction, urethra $331.70
S566 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Revision including removal of prosthesis $239.75
S588 Hypospadias or Epispadia - Surgical removal of prosthesis $148.45

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