OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Vagina

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


Z478 Vaginoscopy (premenarchal) with or without medication $56.70


Z722 Biopsy(ies) - when sole procedure - local anaesthetic $39.60
Z723 Biopsy(ies) - when sole procedure -general anaesthetic $97.20
S742 Colpectomy - e.g. for carcinoma $365.55
S702 Excision of congenital vaginal septum $159.55
S715 Excision of cyst(s), or benign tumour(s) $140.45


S712 Culdotomy, drainage or needle puncture $115.00

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Z728 Incision and drainage of cyst, abscess or haematoma $97.20


Z735 Examination and/or dilatation (may include insertion and/or removal of IUD) - general anaesthetic as sole procedure $56.70


S725 Abdominal approach to vaginal vault prolapse - Colpocleisis (LeFort or modification) $300.35
S761 Abdominal approach to vaginal vault prolapse - Combined abdominal/vaginal approach for vaginal vault prolapse $431.45
S724 Abdominal approach to vaginal vault prolapse - Perineorrhaphy (not eligible for payment with delivery or other vaginal surgery procedures) $127.35
S813 Abdominal approach to vaginal vault prolapse - repeat - vaginal sacropexy $515.05
S760 Abdominal approach to vaginal vault prolapse - vaginal sacropexy $432.45
S717 Anterior or posterior - repair $396.80
S718 Anterior or posterior - repair of enterocoele and/or vault prolapse $432.45
S716 Anterior or posterior repair $250.65
S721 Anterior repair - Anterior, posterior repair with excision of cervical stump $432.45
S720 Anterior repair - with or without posterior repair and repair of uterine prolapse (Fothergill or Watkin's interposition) $432.45
S729 Closure of fistula - Ureterovaginal $560.95
S709 Closure of fistula - Urethrovaginal $374.85
S731 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following previous failed procedure - One surgeon $557.95
S733 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following previous failed procedure - Two surgeons - abdominal surgeon $429.65
S732 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following previous failed procedure - Two surgeons - vaginal surgeon $429.65
S811 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following two or more failed procedures $829.40
S748 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following two or more failed procedures - One surgeon $686.70
S751 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following two or more failed procedures - Two surgeons - abdominal surgeon $528.75
S749 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Following two or more failed procedures - Two surgeons - vaginal surgeon $528.75
S728 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Primary approach - One surgeon $429.10
S740 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Primary approach - Two surgeons - abdominal surgeon $330.50
S730 Combined Abdominal-Vaginal Procedure for Stress Incontinence (Sling Procedure) - Primary approach - Two surgeons - vaginal surgeon $330.50
S722 Post hysterectomy vault prolapse - repair by vaginal approach, may include enterocoele and/or anterior and posterior repair $432.45
S812 Post hysterectomy vault prolapse - repeat - repair by vaginal approach, may include enterocoele and/or anterior and posterior repair $515.05
S723 Posterior repair and repair of - anal sphincter $305.90
S719 Posterior repair and repair of enterocoele and/or vault prolapse $366.55

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