OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Accessory Nasal Sinuses

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Code Description Fee

Accessory Nasal Sinuses Endoscopic Approach

Z351 Endoscopic Septoplasty $122.40
Z350 Ethmoidectomy/Antrostomy - Endoscopic sphenoidotomy unilateral $123.70
M083 Ethmoidectomy/Antrostomy - Intranasal ethmoidectomy including maxillary antrostomy, with endoscope unilateral (not eligible for payment with M061 or M054) $350.00
M054 Intranasal maxillary antrostomy unilateral by endoscopic or endonasal approach $123.70
M086 Transnasal endoscopic repair of CSF rhinorrhea (includes harvesting of graft material) with or without 3D CT/MRI image guided system $822.45
Z318 Trephine or endoscopic frontal sinusotomy $133.30

Accessory Nasal Sinuses - External or Endonasal Approach

Z319 Antrum or sinus lavage - Antral puncture and/or lavage - unilateral or bilateral $43.15
M067 Closure of antral fistula - under general anaesthetic (to include Caldwell-Luc if necessary) $345.15
M063 Coronal and/or osteoplastic procedure for frontal sinusectomy, reconstruction or obliteration -v unilateral or bilateral $716.25
M059 External frontal-ethmoidal sinusectomy and/or reconstruction - unilateral $460.20

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M023 External or transantral ethmoidectomy - unilateral (to include Caldwell-Luc with transantral approach) $360.45
M064 External transethmoidal sphenoid sinusectomy $612.65
M055 Maxillary - Caldwell-Luc (includes intranasal antrostomy) - unilateral $247.35
M056 Maxillectomy - partial or complete $971.75
M058 Maxillectomy -Radical frontal sinusectomy for tumour, radical exenteration of disease with drill out for access, or ostium revision $460.20
M061 Sphenoid - Transseptal sphenoidectomy for tumour or radical exenteration of disease $355.65

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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