OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Hematology 61

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

General Listings

A611 Complex medical specific re-assessment $76.20
A615 Consultation $172.00
A655 Limited consultation $105.25
A613 Medical specific assessment $85.80
A614 Medical specific re-assessment $65.85
A618 Partial assessment $38.05
A616 Repeat consultation $105.25

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Non-Emergency Hospital In-Patient Services

C611 Complex medical specific re-assessment $76.20
C618 Concurrent care - per visit $34.10
C615 Consultation $172.00
C655 Limited consultation $105.25
C613 Medical specific assessment $85.80
C614 Medical specific re-assessment $65.85
C616 Repeat consultation $105.25
C619 Subsequent visits - after thirteenth week (maximum 6 per patient per month) - per visit $34.10
C612 Subsequent visits - first five weeks - per visit $34.10
C617 Subsequent visits - sixth to thirteenth week inclusive (maximum 3 per patient per week) - per visit $34.10

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