OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Lungs And Pleura

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


Z335 Thoracoscopy (pleuroscopy) with or without pleural biopsy, suction, etc $242.35


Z338 Biopsy of pleura or lung - with limited thoracotomy $202.80
M151 Bullectomy for major bullous disease $725.00
M157 Donor Heart Lung removal $906.45
M138 Hilar lymph node or lung biopsy with full thoracotomy $534.10
M143 Lobectomy, may include radical mediastinal node dissection or sampling $1,402.60
M155 Lung transplant (one lung) $2,054.25

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M149 Pleurectomy, and/or apical bullectomy for pneumothorax $525.00
M142 Pneumonectomy, may include radical mediastinal node dissection, sampling or pericardial resection requiring repair $1,700.00
M156 Repeat lung transplant (one lung) $2,670.55
M144 Segmental resection, including segmental bronchus and artery $1,441.75
M145 Wedge resection of lung $843.40


Z340 Biopsy of lung, needle $158.70
Z336 Biopsy of pleura, needle including diagnostic aspiration $59.15
Z361 Chronic indwelling pleural catheter for palliative management of malignant pleural effusion - Insertion of indwelling catheter $200.00
Z362 Chronic indwelling pleural catheter for palliative management of malignant pleural effusion - Removal of indwelling catheter $200.00
Z341 Closed drainage effusion or pneumothorax $76.80
M130 Closure of broncho-pleural fistula (transthoracic or trans-sternal) $584.75
Z352 Intrapleural administration of thrombolytic or fibrinolytic agent via thoracostomy tube (chest tube) $50.00
M135 Major decortication of lung for empyema or tumour $848.80
Z363 Removal of thoracostomy tube (chest tube) $20.00
Z337 Rib resection for drainage $133.10
M134 Thoracotomy for post-operative haemorrhage or empyema $390.65
M133 Thoracotomy for removal of foreign body $390.65
M137 Thoracotomy with or without biopsy $390.65
M132 Thoracotomy with repair of ruptured diaphragm $900.00

Introduction - Thoracentesis

Z331 Aspiration for diagnostic sample $37.35
Z332 Aspiration with therapeutic drainage with or without diagnostic sample $68.10
Z349 Intrapleural administration of chemotherapy or sclerosing agent - by any method $23.25
Z334 Total unilateral lung lavage with or without bronchoscopy using Double Lumen Tube and single lung anaesthesia $304.60

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