OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: All

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Code Description Fee


E424 - assessment of paediatric patient with amblyopia - add $50.00
E519 - each additional polyp (10 mm - 19 mm) - add $77.50
E518 - each additional polyp (20 mm - 29 mm) - add $77.50
E520 - each additional polyp (6 mm - 9 mm) - add $77.50
E827 - repair of defect (> 10 cm) with component separation - add $600.00
E829 - repair of defect (5-10 cm) with component separation - add $300.00
E877 - repeat strabismus procedure(s) - add 30%
E175 - therapeutic paracentsis done in conjuction - add $20.00
E521 - when done in conjuction with another procedure - add $200.00
M112 - when performed thorascopically, by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), by robotic-assisted surgery, or by uniportal approach - add 35%

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E494 - 1 or more compartments, must include substantial debridement of pathologic articular cartilage and includes when rendered synovectomy, meniscal trimming and/or chondroplasty - add $299.00
E379 - 2D stereotactic spinal procedure - add $510.00
E378 - 3D stereotactic spinal procedure - add $510.00
K187 - acute post-discharge community psychiatric care - add 15%
E837 - additional biopsy(s) performed by EBUS, to a maximum of 3 - add $50.75
G549 - additional implantation site(s) (maximum 1 per patient) $157.85
E640 - after chest wall resection where a significant defect (minimum 5 cm in diameter) remains requiring repair with synthetic material - add $179.55
E894 - aneurysm greater than 2.5 cm - add $229.55
E622 - any bronchoscopic procedure for patients under 3 years of age - add $79.40
J809 - application of SPECT (maximum 2 per examination) - add $23.65
J866 - application of SPECT), maximum 1 per exam - add $23.65
E925 - basic fee for a repeat peripheral nerve procedure, (e.g. repair, transposition, graft or tumour excision) when repair delayed for more than 4 weeks - add 30%
E906 - basic fee for neurolysis, tumour excision, nerve suture or graft when using operating microscope - add 40%
E802 - biopsy or fine needle aspiration, to a maximum of 3, per lesion - add $50.75
E532 - both tibial plateaus, same knee - add 50%
J708 - cardiac PET with quantitative analysis - add 0%
E544 - Cast-bracing w/ closed reduction to closed reduction fee - add 40%
E078 - chronic disease assessment premium (see General Preamble GP116) - add 50%
G329 - each additional bursa or complex joint, to a maximum of 2 $20.25
G371 - each additional bursa, joint, ganglion or tendon sheath, to a maximum of 5 $19.90
E541 - each additional expander (to a maximum of 3) $11.55
G876 - each additional injection to a maximum of 11 - add $10.00
E719 - each additional polyp (maximum of 4) - add $24.75
E720 - each additional polyp greater than or equal to 3mm (maximum of 2) - add $77.50
E799 - each additional polyp, by snare polypectomy (> 1 cm) (to a maximum of 2) - add $25.25
G265 - each additional unilateral block following G264 per spinal level per day when G264 is payable in full (maximum 3 per day to a maximum of 48 additional blocks per calendar year) $17.10
G292 - each additional unilateral block following G291 per spinal level per day when G291 is payable in full (maximum 3 per day) $10.00
E608 - each additional wedge resection of lung (to a maximum of 3) - add $84.15
E630 - endoscopic placement of stent in colon, - add $137.05
E386 - extradural decompression - spinal cord or cauda equina - tumour or infection - add 42%
E983 - following previous glaucoma filtering procedure - add 25%
G123 - for each additional one (to a maximum of 4) - add $17.10
E601 - for each additional rib (more than 3) to a maximum of 3 additional - add $57.50
E605 - for each additional rib (more than 3) to a maximum of 3 additional - add $55.60
G385 - for each additional site (to a maximum of 2) - add $4.55
E373 - for repeat decompression - add 30%
E375 - for repeat fusion - add 30%
E374 - foramen magnum decompression < 3cm as part of cervical decompression - add $357.00
E892 - harvesting of pedicled vascular flap(s) greater than 3cm in size for use in complex endoscopic closure, repair and/or reconstruction of surgical defect(s) - add $500.00
K188 - high risk community psychiatric care - add 15%
G556 - ICU/ NICU admission assessment is an initial visit rendered during night time (00:0007: 00) - add $136.40
E540 - if excision is performed in hospital for tumour free margin with frozen section - add 25%
E977 - if excision is performed in hospital for tumour free margin with frozen section, to excision or repair fees - add 25%
E530 - if inhalation general anaesthesia (other than 50% N2O/O2 mixture) is used, when suture of laceration is sole procedure - add
E911 - implantation of neuroma into bone or muscle - add 40%
E515 - Incision of abscess or hematoma when performed as sole procedure under general anaesthetic in an operating room but not in an emergency department or emergency department equivalent - add 100%
E919 - intracranial duroplasty (greater than 2 cm diameter) to any intracranial procedure - add $254.45
E451 - J315 plus 12 lead e.c.g. done at rest, used for monitoring - add $25.05
E793 - laparoscopic or laparoscopic assisted - add 25%
E902 - lesion greater than 2 cm diameter - add $454.15
E898 - lesion greater than 2.5 cm - add $283.80
E871 - lumbar puncture using image guidance following a failed blind attempt - add 25%
E489 - microfracture and/or abrasion arthroplasty, for osteoarthritic cartilage deficiency (includes removal of loose body(ies) - add $250.00
E785 - multiple screening biopsies (> 34 sites) for malignant changes in ulcerative colitis - add $54.25
E895 - of cerebral arteriovenous malformation greater than 4 cm - add $373.80
E481 - osteochondroplasty (extensive bone and arthrofibrotic tissue removal requiring a minimum of 2 hours to resect) - add $500.00
E490 - osteochondroplasty (extensive bone and arthrofibrotic tissue removal requiring a minimum of 2 hours to resect) - add $500.00
E826 - percutaneous pinning - add 75%
E569 - percutaneous pinning, to closed reduction fee - add 50%
E060 - post renal transplant assessment premium - add 25%
E607 - re-operation more than 30 days subsequent to previous excision, to appropriate excision fee - add $152.30
E623 - repeat operation after 30 days - add $415.15
E726 - repeat recurrent inguinal hernia (more than 2 repairs) - add $226.00
E564 - revision of arthroplasty - add 35%
E058 - revision/repair following previous glenohumeral joint surgery - add 30%
E059 - revision/repair following previous reconstruction of knee ligaments - add 30%
E057 - revision/repair following previous rotator cuff surgery - add 30%
E555 - rigid external fixation for closed reduct to closed reduction fee - add 50%
J022 - selective catheterization - add to catheter insertion fee (per vessel, to maximum of 4) - add $60.15
E411 - sole delivery (max 25/yr/physician) - add 100%
E483 - synovectomy for inflammatory arthritis requiring a minimum of 90 minutes to resect - add $326.55
E685 - total excision of very large sessile polyp (> 3 cm) through colonoscope, and may include fulguration, each - add $227.65
E831 - use of skin grafts, or revision surgery (with or without skin grafts) - add 30%
E445 - when alcohol or other sclerosing solutions are used - add 50%
E958 - when alcohol or other sclerosing solutions are used, the appropriate nerve block fees as listed above - add 50%
X486 - when cardiac gating is preformed - add 30%
E792 - when performed laparoscopically - add 25%
E862 - when performed laparoscopically - add 25%
E863 - when performed laparoscopically - add 25%
E683 - when performed thorascopically or by video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) - add 28%
E845 - when performed using a 3D CT/MRI image guided system - add $140.00
E982 - when service is rendered to newborn, infant or child (ages 0 to 15 inclusive) - add 30%
J819 - where each SPECT image represents a different organ or body area, maximum 3 images per examination - add $24.65
E857 - with D&C - add $78.45
E681 - with insertion of each additional endobiliary prosthesis and/or pancreatic stent (maximum 3) - add $43.60
E680 - with insertion of first endobiliary prosthesis and/or pancreatic stent (maximum 1) - add $82.35
E702 - with multiple (3 or more) biopsies of specific lesion - add $15.10
E444 - with radiofrequency ablation - add 50%
E752 - with repeat surgery on kidney at least 30 days after previous kidney surgery - add $83.25
E637 - with selective brushings of all 18 segmental bronchi for occult carcinoma in situ; specimens labeled as to site - add $76.45
E674 - with snare polypectomy - 1st polyp > 1 cm (maximum 1) - add $142.40
E675 - with snare polypectomy each additional polyp > 1 cm (maximum 2) - add $73.50
E703 - with snare polypectomy first polyp (> 1 cm) - add $50.50
E041 #NAME? $81.55
E048 #NAME? $108.75
E049 #NAME? $87.20
E050 #NAME? $77.05
E051 #NAME? $245.90
E052 #NAME? $259.85
E053 #NAME? $94.60
E054 #NAME? $236.10
E055 #NAME? $94.60
E056 #NAME? $91.90
E069 #NAME? $134.75
E090 #NAME? $260.80
E136 #NAME? $290.00
E233 #NAME? $153.25
E360 #NAME? $306.00
E361 #NAME? $255.00
E362 #NAME? $153.00
E363 #NAME? $357.00
E364 #NAME? $102.00
E365 #NAME? $765.00
E367 #NAME? $255.00
E368 #NAME? $306.00
E369 #NAME? $255.00
E371 #NAME? $816.00
E372 #NAME? $510.00
E376 #NAME? $255.00
E377 #NAME? $255.00
E380 #NAME? $357.00
E382 #NAME? $244.80
E383 #NAME? $255.00
E385 #NAME? $71.40
E387 #NAME? $153.00
E388 #NAME? $204.00
E389 #NAME? $102.00
E390 #NAME? $255.00
E391 #NAME? $252.95
E392 #NAME? $510.00
E393 #NAME? $510.00
E394 #NAME? $765.00
E395 #NAME? $306.00
E396 #NAME? $71.40
E414 #NAME? $62.05
E423 #NAME? $25.00
E430 #NAME? $11.95
E431 #NAME? $11.95
E440 #NAME? $30.00
E441 #NAME? $16.60
E442 #NAME? $20.00
E443 #NAME? $80.00
E446 #NAME? $30.00
E450 #NAME? $8.05
E476 #NAME? $192.00
E477 #NAME? $192.00
E478 #NAME? $251.55
E479 #NAME? $192.00
E480 #NAME? $350.65
E482 #NAME? $251.55
E484 #NAME? $336.65
E485 #NAME? $240.50
E487 #NAME? $240.00
E488 #NAME? $350.00
E491 #NAME? $161.45
E492 #NAME? $231.30
E495 #NAME? $240.45
E496 #NAME? $336.65
E497 #NAME? $526.40
E499 #NAME? $397.75
E500 #NAME? $148.60
E501 #NAME? $304.30
E503 #NAME? $26.85
E504 #NAME? $22.20
E505 #NAME? $178.05
E508 #NAME? $85.00
E509 #NAME? $805.65
E510 #NAME? $838.15
E511 #NAME? $100.00
E512 #NAME? $100.00
E513 #NAME? $297.50
E514 #NAME? $200.00
E523 #NAME? $321.00
E524 #NAME? $273.45
E525 #NAME? $48.05
E527 #NAME? $58.95
E528 #NAME? $258.50
E529 #NAME? $102.45
E537 #NAME? $165.20
E538 #NAME? $38.00
E539 #NAME? $117.85
E542 #NAME? $11.55
E543 #NAME? $30.60
E545 #NAME? $11.55
E546 #NAME? $388.75
E550 #NAME? $63.15
E551 #NAME? $86.30
E552 #NAME? $58.45
E553 #NAME? $25.15
E557 #NAME? $154.00
E558 #NAME? $22.25
E559 #NAME? $142.90
E560 #NAME? $12.05
E561 #NAME? $14.90
E571 #NAME? $148.75
E575 #NAME? $41.70
E576 #NAME? $10.25
E577 #NAME? $10.25
E578 #NAME? $10.25
E579 #NAME? $10.25
E580 #NAME? $70.95
E581 #NAME? $128.95
E582 #NAME? $32.20
E583 #NAME? $94.60
E584 #NAME? $11.15
E585 #NAME? $47.30
E587 #NAME? $41.70
E588 #NAME? $256.40
E589 #NAME? $101.25
E590 #NAME? $76.10
E591 #NAME? $158.65
E593 #NAME? $194.00
E594 #NAME? $41.70
E596 #NAME? $41.70
E597 #NAME? $87.05
E598 #NAME? $94.60
E599 #NAME? $87.20
E600 #NAME? $33.60
E602 #NAME? $177.95
E603 #NAME? $50.90
E604 #NAME? $55.60
E609 #NAME? $121.70
E610 #NAME? $263.80
E612 #NAME? $338.35
E613 #NAME? $500.00
E614 #NAME? $162.45
E615 #NAME? $250.00
E616 #NAME? $142.10
E617 #NAME? $78.80
E618 #NAME? $121.85
E619 #NAME? $162.45
E620 #NAME? $78.80
E621 #NAME? $45.85
E624 #NAME? $111.20
E625 #NAME? $142.20
E626 #NAME? $174.35
E627 #NAME? $400.00
E628 #NAME? $194.50
E629 #NAME? $137.05
E632 #NAME? $68.40
E633 #NAME? $44.55
E634 #NAME? $52.00
E635 #NAME? $67.20
E636 #NAME? $50.00
E638 #NAME? $81.90
E639 #NAME? $78.50
E641 #NAME? $137.05
E642 #NAME? $119.20
E643 #NAME? $121.65
E644 #NAME? $400.00
E645 #NAME? $371.00
E646 #NAME? $187.80
E647 #NAME? $264.70
E649 #NAME? $112.45
E650 #NAME? $371.00
E651 #NAME? $202.05
E652 #NAME? $187.85
E653 #NAME? $127.15
E654 #NAME? $188.85
E655 #NAME? $348.70
E656 #NAME? $288.85
E657 #NAME? $446.50
E658 #NAME? $278.10
E659 #NAME? $169.00
E661 #NAME? $185.15
E662 #NAME? $49.75
E663 #NAME? $183.00
E664 #NAME? $127.05
E665 #NAME? $419.00
E666 #NAME? $52.30
E667 #NAME? $266.60
E668 #NAME? $93.80
E669 #NAME? $102.75
E670 #NAME? $224.70
E671 #NAME? $543.60
E672 #NAME? $133.40
E677 #NAME? $104.00
E678 #NAME? $104.00
E679 #NAME? $124.10
E682 #NAME? $423.85
E684 #NAME? $214.10
E686 #NAME? $144.10
E687 #NAME? $69.80
E688 #NAME? $69.80
E690 #NAME? $43.85
E691 #NAME? $178.40
E692 #NAME? $69.70
E693 #NAME?
E694 #NAME?
E696 #NAME? $30.65
E697 #NAME? $142.40
E698 #NAME? $69.70
E700 #NAME? $13.40
E704 #NAME? $46.50
E705 #NAME? $30.30
E706 #NAME? $122.05
E707 #NAME? $70.80
E708 #NAME? $122.05
E709 #NAME? $122.05
E710 #NAME? $45.55
E711 #NAME? $106.55
E712 #NAME? $111.10
E713 #NAME? $137.55
E714 #NAME? $82.35
E715 #NAME? $74.90
E716 #NAME? $147.30
E717 #NAME? $27.05
E718 #NAME? $142.40
E721 #NAME? $122.05
E722 #NAME? $162.70
E723 #NAME? $284.80
E724 #NAME? $23.25
E725 #NAME? $130.00
E727 #NAME? $65.90
E728 #NAME? $167.65
E729 #NAME? $284.75
E732 #NAME? $29.10
E733 #NAME? $142.40
E734 #NAME? $211.15
E735 #NAME? $284.75
E736 #NAME? $187.90
E737 #NAME? $82.35
E738 #NAME? $387.40
E739 #NAME? $122.05
E740 #NAME? $51.75
E741 #NAME? $31.15
E742 #NAME? $217.35
E743 #NAME? $153.05
E744 #NAME? $115.80
E745 #NAME? $94.85
E746 #NAME? $5.85
E747 #NAME? $31.15
E748 #NAME? $122.05
E749 #NAME? $22.35
E750 #NAME? $26.05
E751 #NAME? $54.70
E753 #NAME? $241.20
E754 #NAME? $57.50
E755 #NAME? $69.30
E756 #NAME? $24.50
E757 #NAME? $55.25
E758 #NAME? $217.35
E759 #NAME? $95.95
E760 #NAME? $167.85
E761 #NAME? $95.95
E762 #NAME? $301.05
E764 #NAME? $24.20
E765 #NAME? $300.45
E766 #NAME? $29.70
E767 #NAME? $138.15
E768 #NAME? $236.70
E769 #NAME? $260.05
E770 #NAME? $23.10
E771 #NAME? $343.40
E772 #NAME? $175.50
E773 #NAME? $49.90
E775 #NAME? $15.35
E776 #NAME? $24.90
E777 #NAME? $11.50
E780 #NAME? $32.60
E781 #NAME? $49.90
E782 #NAME? $49.90
E783 #NAME? $99.65
E784 #NAME? $49.85
E786 #NAME? $99.70
E787 #NAME? $260.40
E788 #NAME? $99.70
E789 #NAME? $99.70
E790 #NAME? $8.80
E791 #NAME? $26.00
E794 #NAME? $35.85
E795 #NAME? $46.30
E796 #NAME? $102.40
E797 #NAME? $46.30
E798 #NAME? $69.70
E800 #NAME? $101.50
E801 #NAME? $152.30
E803 #NAME? $30.65
E804 #NAME? $145.05
E805 #NAME? $203.05
E807 #NAME? $2,644.75
E808 #NAME? $150.00
E809 #NAME? $250.00
E815 #NAME? $398.15
E817 #NAME? $15.35
E818 #NAME? $24.90
E819 #NAME? $54.65
E820 #NAME? $49.75
E822 #NAME? $37.70
E823 #NAME? $233.65
E824 #NAME? $49.85
E825 #NAME? $63.95
E828 #NAME? $104.00
E830 #NAME? $107.20
E832 #NAME? $273.85
E833 #NAME? $116.10
E838 #NAME? $79.40
E839 #NAME? $19.20
E840 #NAME? $119.20
E841 #NAME? $226.80
E842 #NAME? $58.60
E843 #NAME? $103.05
E844 #NAME? $200.00
E846 #NAME? $95.70
E847 #NAME? $75.00
E848 #NAME? $80.00
E849 #NAME? $220.00
E852 #NAME? $49.25
E853 #NAME? $145.00
E860 #NAME? $131.45
E861 #NAME? $9.00
E870 #NAME? $8.35
E874 #NAME? $64.00
E875 #NAME? $19.40
E876 #NAME? $9.70
E880 #NAME? $184.60
E882 #NAME? $177.40
E884 #NAME? $374.00
E885 #NAME? $106.00
E886 #NAME? $800.00
E887 #NAME? $500.00
E888 #NAME? $500.00
E889 #NAME? $520.00
E891 #NAME? $520.00
E893 #NAME? $555.00
E896 #NAME? $400.40
E899 #NAME? $102.45
E901 #NAME? $234.65
E903 #NAME? $614.70
E904 #NAME? $241.00
E905 #NAME? $750.00
E908 #NAME? $304.30
E912 #NAME? $233.30
E916 #NAME? $233.30
E917 #NAME? $301.70
E918 #NAME? $132.80
E921 #NAME? $262.15
E922 #NAME? $215.35
E930 #NAME? $102.35
E931 #NAME? $222.85
E932 #NAME? $205.00
E933 #NAME? $99.85
E934 #NAME? $204.80
E935 #NAME? $307.70
E936 #NAME? $90.00
E937 #NAME? $100.00
E938 #NAME? $213.20
E940 #NAME? $105.00
E941 #NAME? $296.90
E942 #NAME? $53.20
E943 #NAME? $89.45
E944 #NAME? $175.15
E945 #NAME? $52.40
E946 #NAME? $106.45
E947 #NAME? $306.85
E948 #NAME? $113.20
E949 #NAME? $180.00
E950 #NAME? $92.50
E951 #NAME? $52.40
E952 #NAME? $178.50
E953 #NAME? $80.90
E954 #NAME? $80.90
E955 #NAME? $202.35
E956 #NAME? $399.90
E957 #NAME? $138.05
E959 #NAME? $106.45
E960 #NAME? $103.80
E961 #NAME? $296.60
E962 #NAME? $594.20
E963 #NAME? $296.60
E964 #NAME? $594.20
E965 #NAME? $296.60
E966 #NAME? $594.20
E967 #NAME? $256.40
E968 #NAME? $511.90
E969 #NAME? $204.80
E970 #NAME? $307.15
E971 #NAME? $383.65
E972 #NAME? $511.90
E973 #NAME? $178.90
E974 #NAME? $297.55
E975 #NAME? $76.50
E976 #NAME? $154.00
E979 #NAME? $396.70
E981 #NAME? $132.35
E984 #NAME? $137.50
E985 #NAME? $106.45
E986 #NAME? $250.00
G194 #NAME? $8.35
G221 #NAME? $16.95
G223 #NAME? $17.10
G262 #NAME? $210.40
G263 #NAME? $96.45
G281 #NAME? $7.70
G285 #NAME? $32.90
G286 #NAME? $32.90
G417 #NAME? $15.90
G431 #NAME? $41.60
G486 #NAME? $28.50
G488 #NAME? $18.80
G544 #NAME? $8.75
G579 #NAME? $11.35
G585 #NAME? $133.90
G877 #NAME? $18.85
G878 #NAME? $28.10
G879 #NAME? $18.85
G880 #NAME? $28.10
G913 #NAME? $20.00
G915 #NAME? $14.00
J014 #NAME? $38.05
J020 #NAME? $23.85
J030 #NAME? $54.05
J038 #NAME? $21.75
J047 #NAME? $56.80
J169 #NAME? $16.35
K189 #NAME? $216.30
K684 #NAME? $6.00
L823 #NAME? $38.25
L831 #NAME? $49.35
L835 #NAME? $15.60
L842 #NAME? $8.45
X194 #NAME? $5.20
E384 #VALUE! $1,020.00
C105 Additional Person(s) Seen - Evenings (17:00 - 24:00) Monday through Friday $60.00
C107 Additional Person(s) Seen - Nights (00:00 - 07:00) $100.00
C106 Additional Person(s) Seen - Sat., Sun. and Holidays (07:00 - 24:00) $75.00
E586 Amputation with immediate fitting to include supervision of final limb fitting, add 40%
J196 Ankle pressure measurements - with exercise and/or quantitative measurements $10.10
E890 complex endonasal endoscopic resection from cavernous sinuses, to N114 or N116 $520.00
E088 Congestive heart failure premium - add 50% for virutal services
E150 CritiCall review of complex neurosurgical imaging - add
E366 Each additional disc level fused $153.00
E660 epicardial E.P.S. mapping to R714 $185.15
E648 excision of extensive endocardial scar, to ventriculotomy or aneurysm repair to R747 $135.80
C108 First Person Seen - Evenings (17:00 - 24:00) Monday through Friday $75.00
C110 First Person Seen - Nights (00:00 - 07:00) $100.00
C109 First Person Seen - Sat., Sun. and Holidays (07:00 - 24:00) $60.00
E098 Gastroenterology chronic disease assessment premium - add 50% for virutal services
E731 Gastrotomy - with removal of tumour or foreign body - with suture of bleeding peptic ulcer - add $247.05
C101 Intensive or Coronary Care Unit Premium $9.10
E673 Lysis of extensive intra-abdominal adhesions - add $62.05
E676 Morbidly obese patient, surgeon, to procedural fee - add 25%
E592 more than one, to R536 - add $133.05
E370 One disc level - below C2 $867.00
E554 synovectomy requiring a minimum of 30 minutes to resect, to R236, R240, R241, R244, R281, R288, R436, R437, R438, R439, R440, R441, R443, R453, R454, R456, R479, R481, R482, R483, R485, R486, R487, R488, R491, R493, R496, R497, R498, R499, R500, R509, R510 $175.00
E730 Total thoracic oesophageal resection - with reconstruction - add $740.95
C102 Travel Premium - Evenings (17:00 - 24:00) Monday through Friday $36.40
C104 Travel Premium - Nights (00:00 - 07:00) $36.40
C103 Travel Premium - Sat., Sun. and Holidays (07:00 - 24:00) $36.40
E854 ureterolysis - unilateral - payable in conjunction with major gynaecological operative procedure except S743 and must include surgical definition of pararectal and paravesical spaces, identification of uterine artery and vein, and mobilization of the pelvic ureter from common iliac vessels to ureterovesical junction - add $170.00
E855 with dye injection - add - to S743 $25.85
E631 with resection of cricoid to M099 $314.20
E611 with resection of diaphragm and direct suture closure to M138, M142, M143, M144, M145, M151, M149 $145.00
E883 with subtotal thyroidectomy - add - to S792 $266.60

All Codes

Z518 All Codes $150.15

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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