OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Nerve Blocks Peripheral Other Injections

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Code Description Fee

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00


G214 Brachial plexus $54.65
G244 Femoral nerve - bilateral $81.95
G243 Femoral nerve - unilateral $54.65
G218 Ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves $54.65
G219 Infraorbital $34.20
G220 Intercostal nerve $34.20
G258 Intrapleural block (single injection) $44.25

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G257 Intrapleural block (with the introduction of a catheter for the purpose of continuous analgesia) $77.25
G250 Maxillary or mandibular division of trigeminal nerve $75.10
G225 Mental branch of mandibular nerve $34.20
G242 Obturator nerve - bilateral $82.45
G241 Obturator nerve - unilateral $54.65
G291 Occipital nerve - first block per day $19.85
G264 Occipital nerve - first block per day (maximum 1 per day to a maximum of 16 first blocks per calendar year) $34.10
G227 Other cranial nerve block $54.65
G228 Paravertebral nerve block of cervical, thoracic or lumbar or sacral or coccygealnerves $34.10
G240 Pudendal - bilateral $82.45
G229 Pudendal - unilateral $54.65
G422 Retrobulbar injection (not to be claimed when used as a local anaesthesia) $34.20
G226 Sciatic nerve - bilateral $82.45
G230 Sciatic nerve - unilateral $54.65
G231 Somatic/peripheral 1 nerve/site $34.10
G256 Superior laryngeal nerve $34.10
G235 Supraorbital $34.10
G238 Transverse scapular nerve $34.10

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