OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Fibula And Tibia

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Code Description Fee


R624 Tibia/fibula $328.65

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

Decompression / Denervation

N184 Decompression of posterior tibial or common perineal nerve $165.20


R311 Exostosis/cyst $201.40
R210 Fibular head $193.00
R246 Tumour - Excision bony ridge to include interpositional materials $385.15
R253 Tumour - extensive with repair $648.20

Incision and Drainage

R237 Bone $308.10

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R238 Saucerization and bone grafting $411.20
R239 Sequestrectomy $329.40


R974 Deformity - Bone transport - circular external fixation (greater than 6 cm) $763.80
R973 Deformity - Bone transport - circular external fixation (less than or equal to 6 cm) $634.70
R972 Deformity - Double level correction circular external fixation $638.40
R289 Deformity - Osteotomy tibia and fibula adult or child $376.80
R971 Deformity - Single level correction circular external fixation $510.35
R976 Leg length discrepancy - Lengthening with circular external fixation (greater than 6 cm) $655.15
R975 Leg length discrepancy - Lengthening with circular external fixation (less than or equal to 6 cm) $438.00
R339 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial epiphysiodesis $322.05
R331 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial lengthening $470.50
R458 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial shortening $387.00
R460 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial stapling - both sides $242.25
R342 Leg length discrepancy - Tibial stapling - one side $193.00
R327 Pseudoarthrosis - Bypass fibular graft $341.45
R970 Pseudoarthrosis - Circumferential external fixation $291.40
R372 Pseudoarthrosis - Congenital pseudoarthrosis $484.35
R326 Pseudoarthrosis - Tibia/fibula $696.00


F083 Fractures - Fibula - closed reduction $101.25
F082 Fractures - Fibula - no reduction, rigid immobilization $67.75
F081 Fractures - Intramedullary nail with distal and proximal locking screws - medialor lateral tibial plateau $660.00
F084 Fractures - open reduction $230.20
F079 Fractures - Tibia with or without fibula - closed reduction $180.05
F078 Fractures - Tibia with or without fibula - no reduction, rigid immobilization $115.95
F080 Fractures - Tibia with or without fibula - open reduction shaft $604.15

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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