OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Gastrointestinal Tract

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X113 Colon - air contrast, primary or secondary, including survey films, if taken
X112 Colon - barium enema including survey film, if taken
X114 Gallbladder - one or multiple day examinations
X120 Gallbladder - one or multiple day examinations with preliminary plain film
X110 Hypotonic duodenogram
X107 Oesophagus when X103, X104, X108 or X109 not claimed
X104 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum - double contrast, including survey film, if taken
X103 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum - double contrast, including survey film, if taken, and small bowel
X108 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum - including survey film, if taken
X109 Oesophagus, stomach and small bowel

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X117 Operative cholangiogram
X123 Operative pancreatogram or ERCP
X105 Palatopharyngeal analysis - cine or videotape
X106 Pharynx and oesophagus - cine or videotape
X111 Small bowel only - when only examination performed during patient's visit
X116 T-tube cholangiogram

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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