OHIP Billing Codes

Specialty: Upper Extremities

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X210 Acromioclavicular joints (bilateral) with or without weighted distraction - three or more views
X046 Acromioclavicular joints (bilateral) with or without weighted distraction - two views
X209 Clavicle - three or more views
X045 Clavicle - two views
X216 Elbow - five or more views
X215 Elbow - three or four views
X051 Elbow - two views
X221 Finger or thumb - three or more views
X056 Finger or thumb - two views
X217 Forearm including one joint - three or more views

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X052 Forearm including one joint - two views
X219 Hand - four or more views
X054 Hand - two or three views
X214 Humerus including one joint - three or more views
X050 Humerus including one joint - two views
X213 Scapula - three or more views
X049 Scapula - two views
X212 Shoulder - three or more views
X048 Shoulder - two views
X211 Sternoclavicular joints (bilateral) - four or more views
X047 Sternoclavicular joints (bilateral) - two or three views
X218 Wrist - four or more views
X053 Wrist - two or three views
X220 Wrist and hand - four or more views
X055 Wrist and Hand - two or three views

Complete Study - 1 and 2 dimensions

G571 Professional component $96.20
G570 Technical component $118.95

COVID-19 Immunization

G593 COVID-19 vaccine $13.00

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OHIP Billing Codes

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