MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Prosthetics

Code Description Fee


19270 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic - diagnostic socket $1.00
19272 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic - electric elbow $1.00
19271 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic - materials $1.00
19273 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic - suction procedure $1.00
19279 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic freight charge $1.00
19280 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic post warranty trial $1.00
19268 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic-immediate post-op $1.00
19276 Worksafebc reserved prosthetic-moulded distal $75.00
19255 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - cosmetic gloves $1.00
19239 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - hip joint $1.00

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19250 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - labour $1.00
19259 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - lock procedure $1.00
19252 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - ocular $1.00
19254 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - sheaths $1.00
19244 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - socket liners $1.00
19220 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics - symes socket $1.00
19251 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics -facial prosthesis $1.00
19237 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics ankle joint block $1.00
19238 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics artificial foot $1.00
19233 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics components lower e $1.00
19248 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics elbow and hinges u $1.00
19235 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics knee joint artific $1.00
19234 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics locking devices $1.00
19262 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics myoelectric compo $1.00
19245 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics partial hand prost $1.00
19236 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics shank,rotator,torq $1.00
19249 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics shoulder joint upp $1.00
19242 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics socket variations $1.00
19253 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics stump socks $1.00
19240 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics susp/add lower ext $1.00
19243 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics susp/add upper ext $1.00
19241 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics suspension sleeves $1.00
19246 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics terminal devices u $1.00
19247 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics wrist units-upper $1.00
19257 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-consumables-cleane $1.00
19260 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-cosmetic finishing $1.00
19256 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-cosmetic underhose $1.00
19228 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-elbow disarticulat $1.00
19225 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-hemipelvectomy soc $1.00
19224 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-hip disarticulaton $1.00
19267 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-intra-scapular $1.00
19222 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-knee disarticulatn $1.00
19263 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-myoelectric termi $1.00
19231 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-partial foot prost $1.00
19290 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-partial hand socke $1.00
19230 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-shoulder disartic $1.00
19258 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-shrinkers and ten $1.00
19232 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-socket var - lowe $1.00
19261 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-socket var-elec ar $1.00
19229 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-trans humeral sock $1.00
19227 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-trans radial sockt $1.00
19223 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-transfemoral sockt $1.00
19221 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-transtibial socket $1.00
19226 Worksafebc reserved prosthetics-wrist disarticulat $1.00
19282 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetic-diagnostic socket lower $1.00
19288 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics components - upper ext $1.00
19281 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics early post-op procedur $1.00
19284 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics lock procedure - lower $1.00
19286 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics locking devices, upper $1.00
19289 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics rental charge $1.00
19285 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics socket liners, lower $1.00
19283 Worksafebc rsvd prosthetics-suction procedure $1.00

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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