MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Vascular Surgery

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Code Description Fee


77114 Intraoperative open or percutaneous angioplasty $589.40
77113 Intraoperative open or percutaneous tibial artery angioplasty $697.42

Chest Wall Surgery

79125 Cervical rib resection $360.84
79130 Trans-axillary resection of first rib $869.08


10900 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair using endovascular stent graft second operator $509.83
77400 Synthetic av graft for hemodialysis $707.49

Referred Cases

77010 Consultation - vascular surgery $145.69
77006 Directive care - vascular surgery $30.90
77005 Emergency visit - vascular surgery $89.07
77015 Pre-operative assessment - vascular surgery $136.64

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77012 Repeat or limited consultation - vascular surgery $89.54
77009 Subsequent home visit - vascular surgery $44.63
77008 Subsequent hospital visit - vascular surgery $30.90
77007 Subsequent office visit - vascular surgery $42.87

Repeat Surgery

77043 Re-dissection of artery/vein $777.63

Surgical Procedures

77177 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair $1,397.15
77354 Percutaneous endovascular aortic /trunk-suture $845.95
77353 Percutaneous endovascular aortic valve - graft $724.93
77352 Percutaneous endovascular aortic valve implant $563.58
77355 Percutaneous endovascular aortic/trunk-graft $1,128.31

Vascular Access

77142 Removal of totally implant access device,op only $127.95


77046 Us directed foam sclerotherapy- initial $171.95
77047 Us directed foamsclerotherapy - repeat $171.95

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