MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Otolaryngology

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Code Description Fee

Airway Surgery

02422 Broncho or microlaryngoscopy w f b removal- <3 yrs $380.57
02450 Broncho or microlaryngoscopy w removal of foreign body $255.15
02420 Dilation of trachea $152.64
02421 Dilation of trachea - repeat within one month $152.43
02430 Micro-surgery w co2 laser for removal of-1st procedure $445.46
02435 Microsurgery w c02 laser for ..-subsequent proc $445.46

Cerebral Procedures

02437 Transphenoidal removal of pituitary tumour or hypophysectomy - two surgeons - otolaryngologist $1,233.76

Diagnostic Procedures

00908 - procedure and biopsy $52.89
00701 Direct laryngoscopy $37.70
00907 Endoscopic flexible or rigid examination of the nose and nasopharynx - procedure only $33.07

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02459 Excision cystic hygroma $548.56
00909 Flexible fiberoptic nasopharyngolaryngoscopy $44.30
00717 Micro-laryngoscopy $75.39
00745 Peripheral or subcutaneous lymph node biopsy $49.15
02476 Pharyngoesophageal anastomosis - re-establishment in neck by neck surgeon $637.88
10762 Rigid esophagoscopy, including collection of specimens by brushing or washing, - procedural fee $74.74
02407 Tracheotomy $390.00


02223 - under general anesthesia (operation only) $63.76
02234 - vertical segment $586.86
02267 Conchal cartilage graft $318.91
02256 Endolymphatic shunt (any procedure) $867.48
02260 Excision of glomus - where extensive dissection is required $1,039.57
02259 Excision of glomus - by tympanotomy approach $676.13
02255 Exploratory tympanotomy $236.02
02261 Exploratory tympanotomy - with chemical control, tac procedure, cryosurgical control, ultrasound $389.10
02269 Implantable bone conductor $469.68
02268 Intra-cochlear implant $1,383.29
02241 Labyrinthectomy-drill out of petrous bone $574.07
02247 Mastoidectomy - partial, canal wall up (cortical) $612.35
02221 Microscopic debridement, foreign body removal, or aural polyp removal $27.11
02242 Microsurgical repair and reconstruction soft tissue atresia, external ear canal complete $796.06
02245 Microsurgical repair and reconstruction soft tissue stenosis - external ear canal $663.38
02231 Microsurgical revision and reconstruction, soft tissue stenosis - external ear $530.69
02273 Microsurgical tympanomastoidectomy - complete, canal wall up $1,127.78
02225 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $920.76
02228 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $103.09
02229 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $157.79
02266 Myringoplasty - paper patch or synthetic $44.65
02251 Myringoplasty repair of drum without exploration of middle ear $191.35
02274 Myringotomy w insertion aerating tube-bilateral $127.57
02254 Myringotomy with insertion of aerating tube - unilateral (operation only) $82.94
02210 Paracentesis of the ear drum (operation only) $44.65
02248 Radical mastoidectomy $778.18
02206 Removal of ear canal osteoma $82.94
02209 Removal of obstructing exostosis of ear canal $484.78
02243 Repair atresia external ear canal, complete, bony $1,058.85
02244 Repair stenosis external ear canal, bony $612.35
02250 Stapes - mobilization of $357.19
02249 Stapes - reconstruction $612.35
02246 Stapes-reconstruction with laser $663.38
02263 Trans-tympanic polyneurectomy $331.68
02224 Transcanal labyrinthotomy transmastoid for posterior semicircular canal occlusion $218.88
02270 Transmastoid - posterior semicircular canal occlusion or repair of superior canal dehiscence $1,383.29
02233 Transmastoid facial nerve decompression - vertical and horizontal segment $1,127.78
02271 Transmastoid microsurgical removal of facial neuroma via extended facial recess approach $1,990.13
02272 Transmastoid microsurgical removal of middle ear/mastoid tumour $1,194.08
02253 Tympanomastoidectomy - complete, canal wall down, including tympanoplasty $1,033.35
02264 Tympanoplasty- with ossicular chain reconstruction $676.13
02276 Tympanoplasty-lateral graft,homograft tympanic membrane $676.13
02278 Tympanoplasty-mid ear cholesteotoma-add 15 min $50.76
02277 Tympanoplasty-mid ear cholesteotoma-first 90 min $507.54
02252 Tympanoplasty-without ossicular chain reconstruct $446.51
02239 Tympanotomy-with ossicular chain reconstruction $357.19
02265 Typanomastoiedectomy - partial, canal wall down $612.35
02238 Typmanplasty/excsn bony canal stenosis/microscopic $832.28

Head and Neck

02458 Local excision tongue under ga $165.83
02457 Tongue tie, under g.a. $82.94

Laryngeal Endoscopy and Surgery

02412 Biopsy of larynx and/or cauterization $127.57
02419 Direct or indirect laryngoscopy with foreign body removal $153.09
02423 Micro-laryngoscopy - with removal of non-pedunculated malignancy or extensive submucosal lesion $445.46
02429 Micro-laryngoscopy & removal of tumor from larynx or trachea $204.12
02428 Micro-laryngoscopy w biopsy of larynx and/or cauterization $178.61

Major Head and Neck Surgery

02600 Complete temporal bone resection, ent fee $2,412.31
02282 Composite resection of tongue, mandible, radical neck dissection and tracheostomy $1,926.37
02281 Conservative radical neck dissection $1,255.22
02431 Hemilaryngectomy $1,447.59
02411 Laryngectomy, total $1,659.94
02473 Laryngo-pharyngo-oesophagectomy - primary excision $1,900.00
02280 Otolaryngological component of cranio facial resection for tumour of ethmoid or frontal sinus or orbit (in conjunction with a neurosurgeon (- see also fee code 03065) $2,412.31
02470 Radical neck dissection $1,056.28
02449 Rigid oesophagoscopy for removal of foreign body $191.35
02471 Subtotal parotidectomy w facial nerve dissection $842.01
02432 Supraglottic laryngectomy $1,575.30
02477 Suprahyoid dissection - contralateral $484.78
02601 Temporal bone resection for neoplasm, subtotal and lateral, to include mastoidectomy and excision of external auditory canal $1,506.13
02472 Total parotidectomy - with nerve dissection for malignancy or deep lobe tumour $969.55
02474 Transoral maxillectomy with skin graft $1,056.25
02479 Transpalatal ethmoidectomy/maxillectomy/sphenoide $1,320.23

Major Surgery of Head and Neck

02275 Glossectomy - subtotal $1,056.22
02478 Glossectomy - partial for carcinoma $369.96
02480 Resection mandible, floor of mouth suprahyoid dissection and tracheostomy - malignancy $1,320.23
02279 Resection-base of tongue &/or tonsil/soft palate $1,926.37


02519 Complex laryngeal disorder conference $30.35

Nose and Sinuses

02325 Antral lavage - bilateral $50.35
02324 Antral lavage - unilateral $33.58
02303 Cauterization of septum - electric $38.25
02327 Choanal atresia ; definitive repair of - bilateral $676.13
02329 Choanal atresia perforation of - bilateral $229.62
02326 Choanal atresia; definitive repair of - unilateral $484.78
02328 Choanal atresia; perforation of - unilateral $165.83
02354 Complete rhinoplasty with s.m.r. to include nasal hump removal, nasal refracture, and reconstruction of nasal tip, without skin grafting $612.35
02355 Complete rhinoplasty with smr to include nasal hump removal, nasal refracture and external reconstruction of nasal tip without skin grafting $776.17
02299 Cryosurgical treatment of turbinates - bilateral $191.35
02298 Cryosurgical treatment of turbinates - unilateral $153.09
02345 Drainage of abscess or haematoma of septum $114.81
02318 Electrocoagulation of turbinates - both sides $76.53
02317 Electrocoagulation of turbinates - one side $51.03
25310 Endoscop trans-nasal repair csf leak frm ant skull base $976.07
25305 Endoscopic ligation - sphenopalatine artery $418.55
25301 Endoscopic stereotactic resection of intranasal or sinus tumour - additional payment after 7 hours operating time $261.58
25300 Endoscopic stereotactic resection of intranasal or sinus tumour - up to 7 hours operating time $1,046.36
02362 Ethmoidotomy -intranasal - anterior - unilateral $191.35
02363 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-anterior- bilateral $318.91
02361 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-posterior-bilateral $548.56
02360 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-posterior-unilateral $357.19
02347 External osteoplastic frontal flap operation $931.30
02315 External radical fronto - ethmoidectomy $586.86
02353 External reconstruction of nasal tip, ala and columella (such as for cleft lip or open trauma) $563.88
25100 Laser photocoagulation of hht lesions nasal cavity $446.09
02336 Laser revision of choanal stenosis $132.68
02333 Lat rhinotomy/medial maxillectomy for exis tumour $625.11
02332 Lateral rhinotomy and excision of tumour - benign $586.86
02337 Ligation of anterior and posterior ethmoid arterie $318.91
02342 Maxillectomy with exenteration of ethmoid $803.71
02365 Nasal fracture - reduction and splinting $127.57
02364 Nasal fracture - simple reduction $63.76
06123 Nasal fracture- comminuted nasal fractures transosseous wire plate fixation $307.05
02351 Nasal refracture requiring lateral osteotomies $357.19
02308 Naso-antral window - double $178.61
02307 Naso-antral window - single $114.81
02349 Operative closure of nasal septal perforation $510.30
02348 Operative closure of oral nasal fistula $357.19
02339 Palatal fenestration $257.82
02341 Posterior nasal packing - (operation only) $63.76
02346 Posterior nasal packing-- with trans-oral gauze pack, under local, topical, or general anesthesiology (operation only) $99.49
25315 Primary frontal sinusotomy $232.29
02309 Radical antrostomy $318.91
02310 Radical antrostomy with closure of alveolar fistul $459.27
02352 Reconstruction of nasal tip, ala and columella $420.98
02338 Removal of angiofibroma - nasal pharynx $739.92
02301 Removal of foreign body from nose - complicated w anesthetic $63.76
02323 Removal of nasal polypi- bilateral $165.83
02322 Removal of nasal polypi- unilateral $102.06
02358 Revision endoscopic frontal sinusotomy, with or without c arm $464.38
02359 Revision endoscopic intranasal spheno-ethmoidotomy (anterior, middle and posterior cells including sphenoid) $530.69
02343 Septal reconstruction $382.72
02321 Sinus sphenoidotomy (intranasal) $267.90
02357 Sinus surgery- functional - endoscopic - <14 years $318.93
02306 Submucous resection of septum $165.83
02331 Submucous turbinectomy - bilateral $255.15
02330 Submucous turbinectomy - unilateral $165.83
02334 Transantral ethmoidectomy $484.78
02335 Transantral ligation, internal maxillary artery $510.30
02319 Trephining frontal sinus $255.15
02305 Turbinectomy - bilateral $140.31
02304 Turbinectomy - unilateral $95.67

Referred Cases

02515 Allergy consultation - otolaryngology $145.14
02517 Consult, management of complex laryngeal disorder $137.56
02510 Consultation - otolaryngology $77.84
02512 Consultation, special for dizziness $166.27
02511 Consultation: with pure tone audiogram $93.45
02505 Emergency visit - otolaryngology $122.35
02513 Malignancy management-consultation $108.85
02215 Pre-operative assessment - otolaryngology $77.84
02514 Repeat or limited consultation - otolaryngology $45.81
02509 Subsequent home visit - otolaryngology $48.92
02508 Subsequent hospital visit - otolaryngology $24.41
02507 Subsequent office visit - otolaryngology $36.97

Salivary Glands and Ducts

02455 Excision of submandibular gland $318.91
02456 Fistula - salivary -plastic to stenson's duct $420.98
02453 Sialolithotomy - complicated in gland $191.35
02452 Sialolithotomy - simple in duct $63.76

Skull Base Procedures

02622 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee $2,224.40
02623 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $2,582.14
02878 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $29.92
02879 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $40.00
02880 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $20.00
02881 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $12.50
02612 Middle cranial fossa approach - petrosectomy $1,929.76
02610 Middle cranial fossa approach without petrosectomy - for trauma, neoplasm resection, nerve section/decompression $1,440.32
02613 Middle cranial fossa approach- petrosectomy - procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $2,412.08
02618 Repair of csf leak following skull base approach with mastoid obliteration - to include exposure, dissection and closure with microscope $1,400.00
02614 Retrolabyrinthine approach for neurosurgical access - exposure, closure with microscope $2,206.00
02262 Translabyrinthine approach for neurosurgical access exposure, closure with microscope $2,429.48

Special Examinations

02520 Audiogram - pure tone (ac and bc) $15.44
02521 Audiogram - speech (srt, pb, mcl) $16.85
02527 Bithermal test $24.10
02536 Brain stem evoked response audiometry $47.21
02539 Brain stem evoked response audiometry w/ electrocochleography $68.22
02526 Cold calorics test $11.11
02541 Electrocochleography $51.42
02528 Electronystagmography - e.n.g. $47.54
02540 Flexible nasopharyngoscopy with video fluoroscopy $62.83
02534 Free field audiometry $24.10
02530 Functional tests - stenger $24.10
02525 Impedance test $9.04
02531 Impedance test,including contralateral reflex $17.79
02538 Laryngostroboscopy $84.80
02535 Maxillary sinus endoscopy via canine fossa w/ or w/out biospy $116.87
02542 Measurement of autoacoustic emissions $32.14
02532 Pi-pb test $6.24
02533 Play audiometry $24.10


02443 Adenoidectomy - 14 years and under $158.22
02454 Alveolectomy $191.35
02436 Arytenoid adduction $812.06
02425 Arytenoidectomy $637.88
02440 Bilateral micro-transposition of submandibular salivary ducts when done with or without a microscope $338.35
02451 Congenital cyst/fistula - excision, neck $420.98
02408 Removal of tumor from larynx or trachea $191.35
02414 Repair laryngo-tracheal stenosis - to include skin grafting, stenting, and associated endoscopy $1,441.57
02418 Repair of fractured larynx external approach $829.22
02406 Retropharyngeal abscess or hematoma - requiring lateral pharyngotomy $315.73
02448 Retropharyngeal abscess or hematoma-drainage under local anesthetic $127.57
02441 Standby fee- ent $298.53
02410 Thyrotomy $510.30
02424 Tracheoesophageal puncture and insertion of voice prosthesis following laryngectomy $357.19
02438 Trans-oral cricopharyngeal myotomy $420.98
02409 Uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty for obstructive sleep apnea confirmed by polysomnogram, with or without tonsillectomy $420.98
02434 Vocal cord implant - external approach $637.88
02433 Vocal cord implant - injection $318.91

Throat, Pharynx and Tonsils

02442 Adenoidectomy - adult or child over 14 years $128.81
02399 Cryotherapy of tonsils and oral lesions $114.81
02444 Incision of peritonsillar abscess-general anaesthe $128.81
02447 Incision of peritonsillar abscess-local anaestheti $95.00
02413 Operative control of post-tonsillectomy or post-adenoidectomy haemorrhage requiring local or general anesthetic $263.45
02445 Tonsillectomy - over 14 years of age $250.73
02403 Tonsillectomy - under la $257.70
02446 Tonsillectomy -14 years and under(includes neonate $224.46

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