MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Neurosurgery

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Code Description Fee

Cerebral Procedures

03132 - two surgeons - neurosurgeon $2,019.98
03094 Anterior decompressing craniovertebral junction $2,947.49
03125 Bilateral craniectomies for cranial expansion or delayed treatment of synostosis (patient must be older than 1 year) $1,913.31
03144 Corpus callosum - section of corpus callosum $2,255.16
03238 Cortical or deep brain localization with seep or stimulation in an awake patient (extra to craniotomy) $471.01
03147 Cranial reconstruction for complex deformity in a child $2,480.37
03122 Craniectomy for osteomyelitis or skull tumor $1,061.40
03123 Craniectomy osteomyelitis or tumor w/cranioplasty $1,493.23
03121 Cranioplasty $950.12
03057 Craniotomy - cortical resection -epilepsy $2,149.49

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03055 Craniotomy - microsurgical-resection-epilepsy-ga $2,474.42
03053 Craniotomy - neurosurgical component $685.59
03056 Craniotomy - resection - epilepsy/awake $3,249.23
03239 Craniotomy and insertion of subdural grid electrodes with or without additional strip electrodes unilateral $1,465.22
03059 Craniotomy and microsurgical hemispherotomy $2,592.93
03114 Craniotomy and microsurgical removal of tumour $2,909.46
03136 Craniotomy for intracranial aneurysm or angioma $2,731.29
03133 Craniotomy for removal of extra-axial brain tumour using operating microscope $2,909.46
03130 Craniotomy for removal of extra-axial brain tumour using operating microscope when procedure is prolonged more than 8 hours (to include operative report) $4,490.32
03129 Craniotomy for tumor $1,701.87
03222 Craniotomy lasting more than 12 hours $5,337.81
03135 Craniotomy or laminectomy using operating microscope when procedure is prolonged more than 8 hours (to include operative report) $3,924.59
03066 Craniotomy-microsurgical resection-extra-axial $193.16
03148 Forehead reconstruction/extra linear craniectomy $285.85
03058 Hemispherectomy $2,235.64
03139 Implantation of stimulator $985.00
03236 Insertion of subdural strip electrodes - unilateral [epilepsy surgery, to include burrhole(s)] $1,099.02
03140 Intra-cranial stimulating electrodes $2,450.00
03143 Lateral canthal - bilateral $1,280.35
03137 Lateral canthal advancement or similar procedure for coronal synostosis - unilateral $1,195.69
03124 Linear craniectomy or craniotomy for cranial stenosis - 1st suture $1,032.86
03127 Linear craniectomy or craniotomy for cranial stenosis - additional sutures to a maximum of 3 - each extra $253.50
03146 Morcellation of skull for craniosynostosis $1,745.53
03120 Neurosurgical fee for facial craniotomy reconstruction $1,347.34
03235 Ntraoperative cortical localization ssep or stimulation studies g.a. (extra to craniotomy) $235.48
03095 Posterior decompression - no dural repair $1,549.63
03097 Posterior decompression - with 4th ventricular rep $2,124.50
03096 Posterior decompression - with dural repair $1,874.56
03241 Re-opening of craniotomy for removal of subdural grid electrodes unilateral $789.19
03126 Re-opening or removal of bone flap $693.26
03320 Removal of skull tumour without craniectomy $418.78
03237 Removal of subdural strip electrodes - unilateral $471.01
03128 Stereotactic biopsy for intracranial pathology via frame-based or frameless techniques $1,474.65
03189 Stereotactic localization during neurosurgery in association with craniotomy and spinal fusion/stabilization procedures extra $481.50
03131 Transsphenoidal removal of pituitary tumour or hypophysectomy - one surgeon $2,022.48
03138 Unilateral stereotaxic intracranial procedures $1,195.69

Cervical - Instrumented Procedures

03354 Cervical $2,836.82
03358 Cervical - orif $1,008.32
03341 Cervical - segmental (includes c1-2 transarticular screws). $1,087.67
03340 Cervical - simple, single or multiple level (includes gallie fusion).. $541.49
03347 Cervical - stabilization alone (with neurosurgeon). $504.14
03348 Cervical - with plates and discectomy $1,574.63
03349 Cervical - with plates and discectomy $1,769.22

Ceverical - Decompression Procedures

03362 Cervical - single level $625.53
03363 Cervical - two or more levels $807.58
03365 Vertebral body resection - cervical $1,633.84

Endoscopy / Hydrocephalus

03037 Removal of ventricular shunt (operation only) $288.15
03038 Stereotactic localiz w intracran shunt proc-extra $380.65

Extra-cranial Vascular Procedures

03142 Application of silverstone clamps (operation only) $561.66
03141 Cerebral re-vascularization procedure with extracranial-intracranial anastomosis $2,222.19

Functional Neurosurgery / Pain

03276 Dual channel neural stimulator implant test -prof $69.11
03277 Dual channel neural stimulator implant test tech $46.08
03274 Single channel nerual stimulator implant test prof $46.08
03275 Single channel neural stimulator implant test-tech $23.04


03240 Implantation of totally implantable ventricular access device (e.g.: ommaya reservoir) - (operation only) $467.81
03184 Lumbar peritoneal shunt for hydrocephalus $1,011.31
03182 Revision-shunt/ventricular obstruction $1,011.31
03181 Shunt procedure for ventricular obstruction $1,011.31
03188 Ventriculostomy or insertion of external ventricular drain (operation only) $339.44


61381 Plastic surgery portion $2,073.65

Maxillo-facial, Cerebral Procedures

03080 Bilat orbital advancement-hypertelorism team-neurosurgery portion $2,235.25
03082 Bilateral orbital advancement-team proc-neurosurgery portion $2,773.64
61380 Plastic surgery portion $2,235.25
61382 Plastic surgery portion $2,773.64
03081 Unilateral orbital advancement-team proc-neurosurgery portion $2,073.65


06214 Intrafascicular nerve graft - digital or palmar $533.59
06215 Intrafascicular nerve graft - major nerve $1,600.00
06213 Microfascicular neurorraphy - major nerve $614.93
06212 Microfascicular neurorraphy - digital or palmar $288.08
06210 Microneural surgery; neurolysis - external $288.08
06211 Microneural surgery; neurolysis - intraneural $438.94
03207 Microsurgical removal of neoplasm/major peripheral nerve $815.19


03145 Cranioplasty using autologous bone graft $1,341.20
03221 Implantation of vagal nerve stimulator to include electrodes and stimulator $531.34
03100 Intra-operative ultrasound during neurosurgery $40.87
00750 Lumbar puncture in a patient 13 years of age and over $55.28
03211 Muscle biopsy $55.80
03065 Neurosurgical component of cranial facial resection for tumour of ethmoid, frontal sinus or orbit, as a combined procedure with ent $1,639.46
03224 Neurosurgical component of microsurgical removal of cerebellar pontine angle tumour $1,885.07
03227 Neurosurgical interpretation and written report of submitted x-ray films (including ct scan, mri) $59.43
03217 Percutaneous ventricular puncture (operation only) $129.36
03216 Puncture of ventricular shunt for csf aspiration (operation only) $36.20
03225 Removal of vagal nerve stimulator and electrodes $391.52
03230 Repeat neurosurgery $3,892.38
03223 Replacement of stimulator component of vagal nerve stimulator $221.49

Peripheral Nerve

03045 Brachial plexus exploration for neurolysis, primary repair or tumour removal $1,500.00
03196 Exploration, mobilization and transposition $281.48
03204 Hypoglossal facial anastomosis $681.78
03205 Nerve graft $431.81
03048 Nerve graft done in addition to brachial plexus exploration, extra per graft $194.02
03198 Neurectomy of major peripheral nerve $222.43
03049 Neurotization in brachial plexus surgery, extra $452.71
03047 Ntraoperative diagnostic monitoring in brachial plexus surgery, extra $213.42
03046 Post traumatic delayed or repeat exploration in brachial plexus surgery, extra $550.00
03200 Secondary suture including transposition $575.24
03201 Secondary suture of major nerve $437.73

Referred Cases

03101 Avulsion supra or intra-orbital nerve $225.93
03011 Consultation, limited, neurosurgery $90.17
03010 Consultation, neurosurgery $172.86
03232 Cranial nerve with graft/microsurgical anastomosis $733.22
03233 Cranial nerve without graft - microsurgical $449.18
03102 Decompression gasserian ganglion $1,195.79
03005 Emergency visit - neurosurgery $112.94
03250 Microelectrode recording (mer) $3,127.23
03104 Percutaneous rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,024.33
03106 Posterior fossa exploration w/ rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,722.07
03315 Pre-operative assessment - neurosurgery $172.86
03103 Preganglionic rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,037.96
03310 Telehealth consultation - neurosurgery $172.86
03312 Telehealth repeat/limited consult - neurosurgery $90.17
03318 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit -neurosurgery $29.63
03317 Telehealth subsequent office visit - neurosurgery $47.16
03009 Visit, home, neurosurgery $54.82
03008 Visit, hospital, neurosurgery $29.63
03007 Visit, office, neurosurgery $47.16


03170 - in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeon (operation only) $649.23
03173 - in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeon (operation only) $649.23
03179 - thoracic or general surgeon $470.49
03305 - using laminotomy electrode (operation only) $951.90
03369 Abscess or hematoma, extraspinal, under ga (operation only). $186.72
03164 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - multiple level $1,936.16
03163 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - one level $1,429.88
03152 Bischoff's or longitudinal myelotomy $936.10
03177 Cordotomy $791.17
03368 Discogram (operation only) $92.97
03172 Fracture of spine with cord injury - open reduction and fusion $937.07
03169 Fracture of spine without cord injury - open reduction and fusion $686.74
03303 Implantation of pulse generator or receiver for chronic pain stimulation (operation only) $605.71
03304 Implantation of spinal stimulator (complete system), to include implantation of pulse generator/receiver - using percutaneous electrode (operation only) $851.71
03165 Insertion of intracranial pressure monitoring device - operation only $296.11
03215 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid catheter (operation only) $46.62
03220 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid catheter access device-reservoir/pump in anterior chest wall or abdominal wall (operation only) $626.46
03219 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid device reservoir in paraspinal region (operation only) $391.54
03158 Laminectomy for lumbar disc - one level $670.94
03157 Laminectomy for cervical disc - multiple levels $2,204.84
03156 Laminectomy for cervical disc - one level $2,003.94
03168 Laminectomy for intradural spinal cord or extra-medullary tumour or vascular malformation by micro-surgical technique $2,213.98
03159 Laminectomy for lumbar disc - multiple levels $1,333.43
03153 Laminectomy with drez lesion for pain $1,408.69
03150 Laminectomy, 03153, 03155 for selective posterior rhizotomy $1,256.01
03301 Laminotomy for insertion of spinal stimulator electrode for chronic pain (operation only) $472.93
03183 Microsurgical repair of meningomyelocele $1,754.52
03108 Operative facet rhizotomy utilizing fluoroscopy or ct in an operating room environment under general anesthetic $450.00
03178 Operative microsurgical rhizotomy utilizing fluoroscopy or ct in an operating room environment under general anesthetic $932.43
03176 Percutaneous cordotomy $984.04
03361 Percutaneous discectomy $270.75
03302 Percutaneous fluoroscopically controlled insertion of spinal stimulator electrode for chronic pain (operation only) $353.75
03185 Postero-lateral microsurgical thoracic discectomy $1,915.56
03367 Removal of spinal instrumentation $863.50
03307 Removal of spinal/brain stimulator system $400.79
03166 Removal of thoracic disc $2,349.45
03175 Repair of meningocoele or encephalocoele $1,001.39
03231 Repair of spinal csf leak or pseudomeningocoele $698.96
03218 Replacement of spinal subarachnoid catheter access device with infusion pump for spinal subarachnoid infusion (operation only) $462.00
03306 Revision of spinal/cranial stimulator pulse generator $605.71
03151 Stereotaxic surgery $791.17
03174 Trans-thoracic or trans-abdominal removal of thoracic disc; team procedure - neurosurgeon $1,239.79

Thoracolumbar Decompression Procedures

03372 Posterior lumbar interspinous/interlaminar stabilization/instrumentation - multiple level $403.00
03371 Posterior lumbar interspinous/interlaminar stabilization/instrumentation - single level $201.50
03366 Thoracolumbar $1,904.58
03374 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) - multiple level $604.50
03373 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) - single level $403.00
03364 Thoracolumbar- includes decompression $1,442.43

Thoracolumbar - Instrumented Procedures

03359 Orif with segmental fixation alone. $1,307.07
03360 Orif with segmental fixation and decompression. $1,577.82
03356 Posterior instrumentation and fusion - adult $1,769.22
03357 Posterior instrumentation and fusion - pediatric $1,442.43
03352 Thoracolumbar $1,442.43
03350 Thoracolumbar - approach and stabilization alone (with neurosurgeon). $952.30
03351 Thoracolumbar - instrumentation with anterior release or vertebrectomy. $2,449.42
03346 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and fusion with decompression - multiple levels . $2,411.31
03345 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and fusion with decompression - single level . $2,058.13
03344 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and spinal fusion $1,251.05
03343 Thoracolumbar - simple instrumentation (harrington or wires or screws, etc.). $774.90
03353 Thoracolumbar - with anterior instrumentation and correction. $1,713.19
03342 Thoracolumbar - without instrumentation $490.15
03355 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion $3,526.25
03370 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) $50.79


03116 Abscess intra-cranial $1,719.76
03113 Cerebral laceration with skull fracture $1,867.71
03118 Craniotomy repair cfs leak $1,612.18
03119 Craniotomy, microvascular decompression $1,999.53
03110 Elevation of depressed skull fracture in infant $142.29
03115 Exploration subdural space $914.11
03112 Skull fracture depressed compound $1,177.67
03111 Skull fracture depressed simple $729.98

Venticuloscopic Procedures

03036 Ventricular shunt with ventriculoscopic guidance $1,074.87
03035 Ventriculoscopic resection /intraventricular tumor $2,576.95
03033 Ventriculoscopic retrieval of foreign body $1,638.85
03030 Ventriculoscopy $840.73
03031 Ventriculoscopy, third ventriculostomy $1,324.72
03032 Ventriculoscopy/endoscopy biopsy /intraventricular $1,909.66
03034 Ventriculoscopy/fenestration of cyst or septum $1,475.45

Vertebra, Facette and Spine

58250 Abscess/hematoma - extraspinal/ga $185.33
58710 Application of halo - c-spine fracture/dislocation $186.72
11845 Biopsy, with ga $242.74
58715 Cervical spine - orif $1,000.81
58680 Deformity correction - cervical $2,427.87
58670 Deformity correction - thoracolumbar $1,431.69
58675 Deformity correction - thoracolumbar/anterior inst $1,700.44
58690 Deformity; instrumentation/fusion/posterior, adult $1,756.05
58695 Deformity; instrumentation/fusion/posterior, child $1,431.69
58305 Discectomy $268.73
58375 Discectomy - cervical - >2 levels $801.57
58370 Discectomy - cervical, single level $620.87
58376 Discectomy - thoracolumbar $1,431.69
58210 Discogram $92.28
58725 Fracture/dislocation, thoracolumbar spine/fixation $1,297.34
58205 Injection/aspiration - facet joint $92.97
03167 Insertion of skull tongs (operation only) $126.29
03155 Laminectomy - for hematoma, tumour or vascular malformation $1,202.45
03160 Laminectomy for congenital spinal malformation or tethered spinal cord $2,027.87
03162 Laminectomy for generalized spinal stenosis (more than two levels) $1,213.99
03161 Laminectomy for localized spinal stenosis (two levels or less) $789.13
03180 Multiple level laminectomy for cervical cord compression, three or more levels $1,430.75
11831 Needle biopsy - soft tissue/bone - lumbar spine, under ga $186.72
11830 Needle biopsy - soft tissue/bone - thoracic spine, under ga $214.73
58685 Osteotomy - thoracolumbar- posterior $2,427.87
58410 Spinal instrumentation - removal $509.68
58655 Stabilization - anterior - thoracolumbar $945.21
58640 Stabilization - anterior: cervical $500.39
58645 Stabilization - cervical - plates/discectomy $982.27
58650 Stabilization - cervical - plates/vertebrectomy $1,756.05
58605 Stabilization - posterior - cervical $537.46
58610 Stabilization - segmental - cervical $1,079.57
58625 Stabilization - thoracolumbar/segmental instrument $1,241.74
58630 Stabilization thoracolumbar, fusion/decompression $1,566.07
58620 Stabilization thoracolumbar/simple instrumentation $769.13
58615 Stabilization thoracolumbar/without instrumentatio $486.50
58660 Stabilization; anterior, thoracolumbar/instrument $2,024.76
58635 Thoracolumbar fusion/decompression/multiple levels $1,834.81
58726 Thoracolumbar spine; orif/fixation + decompression $1,566.07
58385 Vertebral body resection - cervical $1,621.68
58386 Vertebral body resection - thoracolumbar $1,890.40

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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