MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Pediatrics

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Code Description Fee


00578 High intensity cancer chemotherapy- patients 0-16yr $243.26
00580 Limited intensity cancer chemotherapy-patients 0-16 years $110.56
00579 Major intensity cancer chemotherapy-patients 0-16 $187.96

Diagnostic Procedures

00570 Lumbar puncture in a patient 12 years and younger $82.92
00572 Pediatric colonoscopy-flex colonoscope 0-16 years $364.86
50542 Pediatric direct coronary angiography / 7-16 years $322.96
50541 Pediatric direct coronary angiography 0 -6 years $430.62
00571 Pediatric esophagogastroduodenoscopy - 0-16 years $199.00
50522 Pediatric myocardial biopsy for 0-16 yrs age,extra $103.08
50539 Pediatric percutaneous transluminal 0-6 years $816.85

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50540 Pediatric percutaneous transluminal 7-16 years $612.64
50527 Pediatric retrograde left heart cath,extra 0-6yrs $286.99
50528 Pediatric retrograde left heart cath,extra 7-16 yr $215.22
50520 Pediatric right heart catheter patients 0-6 years $358.82
50521 Pediatric right heart catheter patients 7-16 years $269.10
50545 Pediatric therapeutic radiological patients 0-6yrs $749.01
50546 Pediatric therapeutic radiological patients 7-16yr $561.78
50530 Pediatric trans-septal left heart cath 0-6 years $386.73
50531 Pediatric trans-septal left heart cath 7-16 years $290.05
50550 Percutaneous cardiac stenting 0-18 years $1,050.37
50551 Percutaneous cardiac stenting-0-18 yr addtl stents $221.14
50555 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $1,050.37


00545 Pediatric case conference $78.64
50571 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $34.21
50572 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $34.21
50573 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $105.51

Referred Cases

00590 Antenatal consultation-pediatrics $141.41
00597 Antenatal follow-up visit-pediatrics $37.28
00552 Complex subsequent office visit >12 mins $103.20
00511 Consultation for complex condition - child $452.52
00512 Consultation, limited, paediatrics $103.39
00585 Diabetic ketoacidosis(dka)-1st day management $461.81
00506 Directive care, paediatrics $104.16
00505 Emergency visit - pediatrics $127.35
00550 Extended consultation-exceeding 53 minutes $331.08
00551 Extended consultation-exceeding 68 minutes $393.05
00554 Extended subsequent office visit, exceeding 38 minutes $230.94
00553 Extened subsequent office visit, exceeding 23 mins $158.48
00513 Group counselling, 1st full hour - paediatrics $125.40
00515 Group counselling, 2nd hour, 1/2 hour or major portion thereof - paediatrics $62.69
00514 Prolonged counselling visit, paediatrics $90.32
00509 Subsequent home visit, paediatrics $153.94
00508 Subsequent hospital visit, paediatrics $104.16
00507 Subsequent office visit, paediatrics $91.04
50511 Telehealth complex consultation, paediatrics $452.52
50515 Telehealth consult-pediatrics-extended > 53 mins $331.08
50516 Telehealth consult-pediatrics-extended >68 mins $393.05
50510 Telehealth consultation, paediatrics $241.36
50506 Telehealth directive care - paediatrics $104.16
50514 Telehealth prolonged visit for counselling paediat $90.32
50512 Telehealth repeat or limited consult, paediatrics $103.39
50508 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - paediatrics $104.16
50507 Telehealth subsequent office visit - paediatrics $91.04
50517 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >12 min $103.20
50518 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >23 min $158.48
50519 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >38 min $230.94

Special Procedures

00540 24 hour intra-esophageal ph study in children $245.54
00532 Electrocardiogram and interpretation children (under 2 years) $57.24
00533 Electrocardiogram - interpretation (under 2 years) $13.43
00534 Electrocardiogram - technical fee (under 2 years) $43.81
00528 Electrocardiogram and interpretation home (paed.) $48.57
00527 Electrocardiogram and interpretation office (paed.) $34.94
00529 Electrocardiogram professional (paed.) $12.23
00523 Exchange transfusion - procedural fee $458.60
00535 Graded exercise test, paed - professional fee $62.91
00530 Graded exercise test, paed. - technical fee $43.12
00531 Graded exercise test, paed. - total fee $106.05
00525 Insertion of intra-arterial infusion line, infants $95.69
00526 Insertion of intravenous infusion line, under 5 $57.24
00541 Pediatric urethral catheterization in child <5 years $19.91
00539 Rectal suction biopsy in children $106.34

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