MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Infectious Disease

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Code Description Fee

Consultations / Visits

33620 Consultation - extended - infectious disease $335.29
33610 Consultation - infectious diseases $207.09
33612 Consultation-limited-infectious diseases $109.91
33606 Directive care-infectious disease $62.64
33605 Emergency visit-infectious diseases $116.16
33613 Group counselling for groups of two or more patients: first full hour $114.64
33615 Group counselling for groups of two or more patients: second hour, per 1/2 hour or major portion thereof $57.28
33645 Infectious disease care mgt of hiv/aids-per 1/2hr $102.36
33614 Prolonged visit for counselling (maximum, four per year) $55.95
33632 Telehealth-consult-rept/limited-infectious disease $109.91

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33635 Telehealth-consult-rept/limited-infectious disease $102.36
33630 Telehealth-consultation-infectious diseases $207.09
33636 Telehealth-directive care-infectious diseases $62.64
33637 Telehealth-subseq office visit-infectious disease $57.98
33638 Telehealth-subsq hospital visit-infectious disease $41.42
33640 Telehealth-subsq hospital visit-infectious disease $335.29
33609 Visit-home-infectious diseases $52.41
33608 Visit-hospital-infectious diseases $41.42
33607 Visit-office-infectious diseases $57.98

Diagnostic and Therapeutic

00760 Paracentesis abdominal $25.88


33655 Home parenteral antibiotic management fee $18.78

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