MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Cardiology

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Code Description Fee

Cardio-vascular Diagnostic Procedures

00814 Dye dilution studies, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52
00813 Ergonovine provocative testing for coronary artery spasm $79.14
00816 Hydrogen ion study $28.96
00810 Right heart catheterization, by duly qualified specialist $165.44
00812 Selective angiocardiogram, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52

Consultations / Visits

33010 Consultation - cardiology $171.46
33012 Consultation-limited-cardiology $85.73
33013 Counselling-group-cardiology - 1st full hour $93.55
33015 Counselling-group-cardiology - 2nd hr per 1/2 hr $46.75
33014 Counselling-prolonged visit-cardiology $60.66

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33006 Directive care-cardiology $64.27
33005 Emergency visit - cardiology $94.84
33110 Telehealth consultation - cardiology $171.46
33106 Telehealth directive care - cardiology $64.27
33134 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $375.53
33133 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $563.36
33132 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $483.26
33131 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $333.75
33128 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $69.36
33154 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $46.24
33114 Telehealth prolonged visit counselling-cardiology $60.66
33112 Telehealth repeat consultation - cardiology $85.73
33153 Telehealth single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $23.12
33126 Telehealth single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - - professional fee $46.24
33108 Telehealth subsequent hosp visit - cardiology $57.46
33107 Telehealth subsequent office visit - cardiology $64.92
33009 Visit-home-cardiology $42.80
33008 Visit-hospital-cardiology $57.46
33007 Visit-office-cardiology $64.92

Diagnostic Procedures

00947 Tilt table testing - professional fee $178.57
00948 Tilt table testing - technical fee $111.59
00944 Tilt table testing with continuous ecg monitoring and automatic bp recording - total fee $290.15

Diagnostic Ultrasound

33094 Contrast echocardiography (extra) technical fee, per vial of contrast $127.45
33091 Echocardiography - combined two dimensional real time and m-mode $144.20
08638 Echocardiography (real time) $101.86
33093 Level iii echocardiographer complex assessment of previous echocardiogram (clinical assessment and review, interpretation and written report of submitted echocardiograms) per patient $252.39
33057 Trans-esophageal echocardiography - procedure fee $165.45

Doppler Studies

08679 Doppler echocardiography $46.73
08662 Exercise echocardiography $234.46

Electrophysiological Mapping and Ablation

33085 Catheter ablation - AV node $948.58
33084 Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation $1,718.60
33086 Catheter ablation of SVT $1,450.76
33087 Catheter ablation of VT $1,718.60
33089 Catheter ablation-assistant fee(per hour) $139.50
33088 Repeat diagnostic EP study $334.78


33025 Cardioversion $88.90
33028 Dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $69.36
33054 Dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - techncial fee $46.24
33017 Ecg and interpretation-home-(cardiology) $34.10
33016 Ecg and interpretation-office(cardiology) $24.52
33018 Ecg interpretation only-(cardiology) $8.58
33020 Ecg interpretation only-(cardiology) $62.41
33034 Graded exercise test $77.66
33035 Graded exercise test - professional fee $46.06
33036 Graded exercise test - technical fee $31.58
33031 Left ventricular pacing lead insertion-extra $456.79
33049 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - level 1 $54.16
33065 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - level 4 $13.57
33047 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - professional fee $66.13
33048 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - technical fee $24.81
33063 Scanning of 24 hr ECG -level 2 $40.61
33026 Single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $46.24
33053 Single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $23.12
33030 Temporary right ventricular pacemaker catheter placement, using external battery pack - cardiologist or other qualified physician $176.07

Interventional Cardiology Procedures

33076 Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty for aortic stenosis (composite fee) $611.78
33075 Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty for congenital or rheumatic mitral stenosis (composite fee) $917.67
33071 Percutaneous endovascular aortic or pulmonary heart valve replacement $1,147.10
33072 Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure $900.00
33073 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder device closure of asd for patients over 18 years of age composite fee $713.74
33074 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder device closure of pfo - for patients over 18 years of age - composite fee $560.80


00841 Direct angiography coronary $198.57
33066 Intracardiac electrophysiological mapping - initial study $776.20
33068 Oesophageal or intra-atrial-physiological study $116.03
00840 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty $376.64

Patient Activated Cardiac Event Recorders

33092 Event/unmonitored loop recorder-technical fee $43.51
33062 Event/unmonitored loop recorders (first strip) - professional fee $36.21
33069 Event/unmonitored loop recorders-each additional $18.10

Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

00845 Cardiology assist for first hour or fraction $171.21
00846 Cardiology assist-after one hour, each 15 min $42.81
00842 Percutaneous coronary intervention for additional vessel(s), per vessel $189.01
00871 Pulse tracing - intravascular, including both arterial and venous $55.52

Remote Monitoring Cardiac Devices

33176 Remote mon of dual chamber implant card dev-prof $69.36
33177 Remote mon of dual chamber implant card dev-tech $46.24
33174 Remote mon of single chamber implant card dev-prof $46.24
33175 Remote mon of single chamber implant card dev-tech $23.12

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