MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Family Medicine

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Code Description Fee

Chronic Disease Management Incentives

14253 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-copd $125.78
14250 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-diabet $125.78
14251 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-heart $125.78
14252 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-hypert $50.31

Community Based GP Hospital Visits

13339 Com based gp,1st hosp visit of day bonus, extra $49.84
13008 Community based gp: hospital visit $54.20
13011 Community based gp: hospital visit $64.64
13012 Community based gp: hospital visit $43.23
13228 Community based gp: hospital visit $30.09
13028 Community based gp: supportive care hosp visit $36.01

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Complete Examinations

12101 In office (age 0-1)-complete examination $76.83
00101 In office (age 2-49)-complete examination $69.85
15301 In office (age 50-59)-complete examination $76.83
16101 In office (age 60-69)-complete examination $80.32
17101 In office (age 70-79)-complete examination $90.80
18101 In office (age 80+)-complete examination $104.79
12201 Out of office (age 0-1)-complete examination $92.20
13201 Out of office (age 2-49)-complete examination $83.82
15201 Out of office (age 50-59)-complete examination $92.20
16201 Out of office (age 60-69)-complete examination $96.39
17201 Out of office (age 70-79)-complete examination $108.95
18201 Out of office (age 80+)-complete examination $125.74

Consultations / Visits

13109 Community based gp:acute care hospital admission $103.16
14016 Community patient conference fee-general practice $40.00
00117 Ecg interpretation only g.p. $10.41
14015 Facility patient conference-general practice $40.00
14017 General practice acute care discharge conference $40.00
14019 Gp advice fee to np-telephone or in person $43.23
14078 Gp email/text/telephone medical advice relay fee $7.04
14079 Gp telephone/email management fee $15.00
14018 Gp urgent telephone conference with a specialist $43.23
14023 Gp with spec training tele patient mgmt-follow up $20.12
14021 Gp with specialty training tele advice - urgent $60.37
14022 Gp with specialty training tele patient mgmt 1 wk $43.23
13015 Hiv/aids primary care mgmt - per 1/2 hr or $85.95
00103 Home visit - call placed between 0800 and 2300hrs $116.09
15310 In office (age 50-59)-consultation $85.40
13070 In office assessment in assoc with a wsbc service $16.49
13075 In office assessment in assoc with an icbc service $16.49
17110 In office: (age 70-79)-consultation $100.91
18110 In office: (age 80+)-consultation $116.11
00110 In office: age 2-49-consultation $77.63
12110 In office:(age 0-1)-consultation $85.40
16110 In office:(age 60-69)-consultation $89.28
00113 On call, on site hospital visit - evening $51.93
00105 On call, on site hospital visit - night $72.17
00123 On call, on site hospital visit - sat, sun or hols $51.93
12210 Out of office (age 0-1)-consultation $102.48
13210 Out of office (age 2-49)-consultation $93.16
15210 Out of office (age 50-59)-consultation $102.48
16210 Out of office (age 60-69)-consultation $107.14
17210 Out of office (age 70-79)-consultation $121.10
18210 Out of office (age 80+)-consultation $139.76
13005 Phone call (advice about patient in community care) $18.28
00116 Special in-hospital, consultation $164.96
13000 Telephone advice in first nations communities $18.28
12200 Visit - out of office (age 0 - 1) $41.87
13200 Visit - out of office (age 2-49) $38.07
16200 Visit - out of office (age 60-69) $43.87
17200 Visit - out of office (age 70-79) $49.48
18200 Visit - out of office (age 80+) $57.09
12100 Visit in office (age 0-1) $34.90
00100 Visit in office (age 2 - 49) $31.72
15300 Visit in office (age 50-59) $34.90
16100 Visit in office (age 60-69) $36.47
17100 Visit in office (age 70-79) $41.22
18100 Visit in office (age 80+) $47.59
15200 Visit out of office (age 50-59) $41.87
00112 Visit, emergency $116.09
00111 Visit, emergency home $117.46

Counselling - Group

00122 Group counselling-2nd hour/per half or major part $80.50
00121 Group counselling-first full hour $160.99
13020 Telehealth general practitioner assistant $43.23
13036 Telehealth gp in-office consultation $82.43
13042 Telehealth gp in-office group counselling - 2nd hr $43.50
13041 Telehealth gp in-office group counselling/1st hr $86.94
13038 Telehealth gp in-office individual counselling $58.90
13037 Telehealth gp in-office visit $34.44
13016 Telehealth gp out of office consultation $109.02
13021 Telehealth gp out of office group counsel 1st hour $87.46
13022 Telehealth gp out of office group counsel 2nd hour $43.76
13018 Telehealth gp out of office individual counselling $75.32
13017 Telehealth gp out of office visit $41.10

Counselling - Individual

12220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 0 - 1) $74.90
13220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 2-49) $68.09
16220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 60-69) $78.31
17220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 70-79) $88.54
18220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $102.15
19100 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $185.00
19101 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $185.00
19102 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $83.00
19103 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $55.00
19104 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $43.00
19105 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $43.00
12120 Individual counselling in office (age 0 - 1) $62.43
00120 Individual counselling in office (age 2-49) $56.76
15320 Individual counselling in office (age 50-59) $62.43
16120 Individual counselling in office (age 60 - 69) $65.26
17120 Individual counselling in office (age 70-79) $73.77
18120 Individual counselling in office (age 80+) $85.12
15220 Individual counselling out of office (age 50-59) $74.90

Facility Visits

00109 Acute care hospital admission visit $81.61
00108 Hospital visit $31.93
13334 Ltc facility visit-first visit of day bonus,extra $49.84
00115 Nursing home visit - 1 patient when specially call $116.45
00128 Supportive care hospital visit $27.52
00127 Terminal care facility visit $54.20
00114 Visit nursing home one or multiple patients $36.54

GP For Me Attachment Fees

14075 Gp attachment complex care management fee $316.95
14077 Gp attachment patient conference fee $43.23
14076 Gp attachment telephone management fee $20.12
14074 Gp unattached complex/high needs patient attachmen $200.00

GPSC Annual Bonuses

14033 Annual complex care management fee $316.95
14041 Annual complex care management fee $15.00
14050 Gp annual chronic care bonus - diabetes mellitus $125.78
14051 Gp annual chronic care bonus - heart failure $125.78
14052 Gp annual chronic care bonus - hypertension $50.31
14053 Incentive for gp annual chronic care bonus copd $125.78

Group Medical Visits

13770 General practice group medical visit - 10 patients $12.06
13771 General practice group medical visit - 11 patients $10.56
13772 General practice group medical visit - 12 patients $9.93
13773 General practice group medical visit - 13 patients $9.20
13774 General practice group medical visit - 14 patients $9.03
13775 General practice group medical visit - 15 patients $8.66
13776 General practice group medical visit - 16 patients $8.41
13777 General practice group medical visit - 17 patients $8.06
13778 General practice group medical visit - 18 patients $7.88
13779 General practice group medical visit - 19 patients $7.60
13780 General practice group medical visit - 20 patients $7.41
13763 General practice group medical visit - 3 patients $25.95
13764 General practice group medical visit - 4 patients $20.95
13765 General practice group medical visit - 5 patients $18.01
13766 General practice group medical visit - 6 patients $16.03
13767 General practice group medical visit - 7 patients $14.62
13768 General practice group medical visit - 8 patients $13.57
13769 General practice group medical visit - 9 patients $12.71
13781 General practice group medical visit- >20 patients $7.14
14002 General practice group medical visit- >20 patients $50.00

Gynecology & Pregnancy

00118 Caesarean section-attendance $91.09
14109 Delivery - attendance - emerg c/s $490.12
14104 Delivery and post-natal care (1-14 days in-hosp) $588.41
14008 Full service gp-bonus with post natal care $77.23
14005 Full service gp-bonus with transfer higher care $156.34
14009 Full service gp-obstet delivery bonus-w c section $312.70
14004 Full service gp-obstet delivery bonus-w delivery $375.40
14540 Insertion intrauterine contraceptive device $43.28
14105 Management of labour and transfer to higher level $245.04
14010 Maternity network incentive $2,100.00
14545 Medical abortion $165.47
14199 Mngmnt of prlngd 2nd stg labour - per 30 mins $85.47
00119 Newborn care, routine, in hospital $93.11
14108 Post-natal care after elective c-section $121.06
14094 Post-natal office visit $31.81
15120 Pregnancy test, immunologic, urine $11.72
14091 Prenatal visit - subsequent examination $31.81
14090 Prenatal visit- complete examination $84.95
14560 Routine pelvic exam including pap $31.72

Laboratory Services

15132 Candida culture (in physicians office) $6.67
93120 E.c.g. tracing, without interpretation (technical) $16.97
30015 Eosinophils - secretion smear $7.29
15133 Examination of eosinophils/secretions/excretions $7.14
15136 Fungus, direct examination, koh preparation $8.39
15100 Glucose - semiquantitative $3.70
15137 Haemoglobin - cyanmethaemoglobin $3.12
15000 Haemoglobin -other methods (in physicians office) $1.62
00012 Injection, venepuncture $5.99
15110 Occult blood - feces $5.37
15134 Pinworm ova-examination $5.85
15138 Sedimentation rate (in physicians office) $2.51
15139 Sperm, seminal examination for presence or absence $14.78
15140 Stained smear (in physicians office) $7.40
15141 Trichomonas and / or candida, direct examination $5.69
15130 Urinalysis - screening $2.19
15131 Urinalysis - micro exam of centrifuged deposit $4.15
15142 Urinalysis-complete diagnostic, semi-quant & micro $5.65
15143 White cell count only $6.48

Mental Health Planning & Management

14044 Gp mental health management fee age 2-49 $56.76
14045 Gp mental health management fee age 50-59 $62.43
14046 Gp mental health management fee age 60-69 $65.26
14047 Gp mental health management fee age 70-79 $73.77
14048 Gp mental health management fee age 80+ $85.12
14043 Gp mental health planning fee $100.62

Minor Procedures

13623 Excision tumour skin/subcututaneous/small scar $90.04
14541 Removal of intrauterine device (iud) $31.72
13624 Removal scars (5 cm or more) per cm over 5 c $8.62

Other GPSC Fees

14086 Gp assigned inpatient care network $2,100.00
14088 Gp unassigned inpatient care fee $150.00
14063 Palliative care planning fee-general practice $100.62
14066 Personal health risk assessment $50.31
14067 Personal health risk assessment $18.22


13621 - additional lesions removed at the same sitting (maximum per sitting, five) each (operation only) $33.39
13601 Biopsy - facial area (operation only) $52.24
13600 Biopsy of skin or mucosa (operation only) $52.24
00190 Electrosurg./cryotherapy for removal of warts etc. $31.72
13650 Enucleation or excision of ext thrombotic haemorrh $52.44
13620 Excision of tumour of skin or subcutaneous tissue or small scar under local anesthetic - up to 5 cm (operation only) $66.76
13612 Extensive laceration greater than 5cm $13.40
10710 In-office anoscopy $7.96
13622 Localized carcinoma of skin proven histopath. $73.75
13660 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $53.11
13701 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $50.00
13702 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $40.00
13706 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $20.12
13707 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $7.04
13708 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $43.23
13610 Minor laceration or foreign body - no anaesthesia $35.84
13611 Minor laceration/foreign body requiring anaes. $66.76
13631 Nail removal - simple $35.75
13632 Nail removal with destruction of nail bed $72.34
13605 Opening superficial abscess, including furuncle - operation only $44.76
13630 Paronychia $35.75
13633 Wedge excision of one nail $63.83

Surgical Assistant Or Second Operator

13052 Anaes. evaluation - non-certified anaesthetist $55.93
13194 Gp first surgical assist of the day $89.09
00193 Non-cvt cert. surgical assist @ open heart surgery $30.89
00196 Surgical assist $317.01 to 529.00 inclusive $189.24
00198 Surgical assist time after 3 hrs - per 15 mins $28.52
00195 Surgical assist-less than $317.00 inclusive $134.22
00197 Surgical assistance - operations over $529.00 $261.76


13338 Community based gp,1st fac visit of day bonus,extr $49.84
13236 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 0-1) $85.40
13436 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 2-49) $77.63
13536 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 50-59) $84.87
13636 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 60-69) $89.28
13736 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 70-79) $100.91
13836 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 80+) $116.11
13238 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 0-1) $62.43
13438 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 2-49) $56.76
13538 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 50-59) $62.05
13638 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 60-69) $65.26
13738 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 70-79) $73.77
13838 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 80+) $85.12
13237 Telehealth GP Visit (age 0-1) $34.90
13437 Telehealth GP Visit (age 2-49) $31.72
13537 Telehealth GP Visit (age 50-59) $31.72
13637 Telehealth GP Visit (age 60-69) $36.47
13737 Telehealth GP Visit (age 70-79) $41.22
13837 Telehealth GP Visit (age 80+) $47.59


13655 General practice - vasectomy bonus $21.57

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