MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Laboratory Medicine

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Code Description Fee


92520 1-amphetamine $70.92
92521 1-metamphetamine $70.92
92353 13c triolein breath test for malabsorption $67.91
91482 Acetaminophen (quantitative) $11.47
91480 Acetazolamide $46.68
91985 Albumin creatinine ratio (acr) $11.41
91484 Amikacin $45.99
91486 Amiodarone $46.53
91488 Amitryptyline $24.64
93065 Amniotic cell culture - analysis only $210.20

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91490 Amoxapine $46.53
92503 Amphetamines $9.55
92522 Anileridine $70.92
90287 Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (anca) $114.26
90121 Anti-nuclear antibodies, by multiplex immunoassay $38.64
90288 Anti-parietal cell antibody (apca), immuno screen $23.82
92523 Antihistamines $70.92
90281 Antinuclear antibodies by sensitive eia $16.24
91220 B-glucosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91221 B-glucosidase, white blood cells $51.38
91275 B-type natriuretic peptide(bnp or nt-probnp) $28.14
91226 Barbiturates - quantitative $35.61
92505 Benzodiazepines $8.39
91230 Beta - 2 - microglobulin $20.40
91231 Beta-glucuronidase, white blood cells $51.25
91232 Beta-mannosidase white blood cells $51.25
91235 Bicarbonate, serum/plasma $2.37
91236 Bicarbonate, urine $1.06
91241 Bile acids, total $32.36
91240 Bile pigments and salts, qualitative, urine $2.34
91245 Bilirubin total, serum/plasma $1.61
91246 Bilirubin total, transudate/exudate $1.05
91250 Bilirubin, direct $1.58
90620 Biochemical identification - micro-organism $9.55
92515 Blood methadone $46.42
91255 Blood, qualitative, gastric $2.44
91260 Bone gla protein (osteocalcin) $17.76
91270 Bromides, qualitative, urine $10.48
91265 Bromides, quantitative $16.29
91280 C - 1q esterase inhibitors $22.86
91285 C - 3 complement $9.61
91290 C - 4 complement $9.87
91295 C - peptide $47.42
91300 C - reactive protein $10.31
91310 Ca 125 $22.72
91305 Ca 15 - 3 $21.25
91315 Ca 19 -9 $20.88
91320 Calcitonin $50.63
91326 Calcium total, serum/plasma $1.55
91327 Calcium, 24 hours excretion, feces $19.73
91325 Calcium, timed urine collection $5.48
91328 Calcium, urine random $1.05
91330 Calculus analysis, urine $27.86
91335 Carbamazepine $15.32
91340 Carbon monoxide, quantitative $17.58
91345 Carotene $8.90
91350 Catecholamines $59.27
91351 Catecholamines fractions-separation/interpretation $40.79
91352 Catecholamines, total urine $46.45
91353 Cells count - examination for faeces $5.46
91360 Ceruloplasmin $10.15
91370 Chloride - iontophoresis, sweat $77.50
91365 Chloride, quantitative, csf/other fluids $7.21
91366 Chloride, serum/plasma $1.49
91367 Chloride, timed urine collection $10.06
91368 Chloride, urine random $3.26
91369 Chloride, whole blood $1.06
91492 Chlorpromazine $46.53
91375 Cholesterol, total $6.87
91380 Cholinesterase/dibucaine number $30.26
91386 Chromatography, keto acids $36.30
91387 Chromatography, reducing substances, urine $31.40
91388 Chromatography, thin layer (tlc) $32.65
93070 Chromosomal breakage $181.80
93080 Chromosome analysis - high resolution $123.82
93081 Chromosome analysis - high resolution $113.56
91494 Citrate, urine $24.66
91496 Clobazam $49.73
91498 Clomipramine $49.82
91500 Clonazepam $46.53
92524 Clonidine $70.92
91502 Clozapine $27.92
92507 Cocaine/cocaine metabolite $7.10
91390 Complement assay $19.63
91395 Complement, total haemolytic (ch 100) $43.71
92546 Comprehensive drug analysis $119.94
91400 Copper, serum $49.19
91401 Copper, tissue $49.77
91402 Copper, urine $49.78
91405 Cortisol $13.28
91406 Cortisol, late night salivary test $77.25
91415 Creatine kinase $1.88
91410 Creatine, timed urine collection $12.73
91420 Creatinine, random urine $5.10
91421 Creatinine, serum/plasma $1.52
91422 Creatinine, timed urine collection $5.80
91425 Cryofibrinogen $17.38
91440 Cryoglobulins $41.92
93010 Crystal identification synovial fluid $40.05
91445 Csf - albumin $20.16
91450 Csf - immunoglobulin g $20.40
91504 Cyanide $24.64
91435 Cyclic a.m.p., urine $45.46
91434 Cyclic amp, plasma/serum $44.73
91455 Cyclosporine $23.47
93045 Cytogenetic analysis $966.29
93047 Cytogenetic analysis $296.18
93048 Cytogenetic analysis $400.00
93049 Cytogenetic analysis $800.00
93020 Cytogenetic analysis - bone marrow $516.59
93025 Cytogenetic analysis - chorionic villus $727.15
93030 Cytogenetic analysis - cultured amniotic fluid $414.61
93035 Cytogenetic analysis - cultured tissue $414.49
93040 Cytogenetic analysis - foetal blood sample $392.46
93015 Cytogenetic analysis - short term blood $301.44
93051 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence in situ, single $192.68
93052 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence, subtelomeric $515.49
93053 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence,uncultured $389.61
93050 Cytogenetic analysis/in-situ hybridization $466.46
93095 Cytologic interpretation - unscreened cytology $85.52
93090 Cytologic interpretation of pre-screened cytology $65.54
91460 Dehydroepiandrosterone, serum (dhea) $18.55
91506 Desipramine $24.35
91508 Desmethylclobazam $46.53
91510 Diazepam $46.53
91465 Digoxin $18.97
91470 Disaccharides, intestinal $62.40
91512 Disopyramide $46.53
91475 Dopamine, quantitative $61.91
91514 Doxepin $46.53
91599 Drug assay - multiple (2 or more) $53.46
92152 Drug assay (multiple) - pyridinium cross links $24.67
93100 Electron microscopy $384.40
91602 Electrophoresis, c.s.f. $31.21
91600 Electrophoresis, protein, qualitative $26.54
91601 Electrophoresis, protein, quantitative $34.58
91603 Electrophoresis, qualitative, urine $31.35
91605 Erythrocyte galactose 1 phosphate transferase $70.84
91610 Estradiol $22.43
91615 Estrogens $51.66
92508 Ethanol $6.92
91620 Ethosuximide $18.47
91628 Ethosuximide $26.00
91636 Fat, balance 3 day, feces $92.68
91631 Fat, microscopic exam-faeces $5.48
91640 Fatty acids, nonesterified (free), feces $22.79
91635 Fecal elastase $46.65
92006 Fecal immunochemical test (fit)-analysis only $11.29
92007 Fecal immunochemical test(fit)-collection only $6.57
91630 Fecal ph $3.92
92525 Fentanyl $70.92
92518 Fentanyl, urine screening immunoassay $13.10
91645 Ferritin, serum $10.12
91650 Fibrinogen, quantitative, chemical $28.68
93085 Fine needle aspirate - cytologic examination $94.24
91516 Fluoxetine $46.53
91518 Flupenthixol $46.53
91520 Fluphenazine $46.53
91522 Fluvoxamine $46.53
91660 Follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) $13.13
92330 Free t4 $12.12
92526 Furosemide $70.92
91523 Gabapentin $24.64
91665 Galactocerebrosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91666 Galactocerebrosidase, white blood cells $51.38
91670 Galactose, qualitative, urine $17.13
91675 Gastric acidity determination, quantitative $3.52
91681 Gastric analysis, acid $0.92
91682 Gastric analysis, hollander insulin $89.43
91680 Gastric analysis, intubation $18.15
91685 Gastrin $63.32
90811 Gastrointestinal pathogen multiples(gpmp)& culture $105.04
92545 Gc/ms confirmation of positive screen $67.92
91524 Gentamycin $26.69
91720 Glucose phosphate isomerase $14.29
91705 Glucose quantitative, csf $6.45
91706 Glucose quantitative, joint fluid $6.45
91708 Glucose quantitative, transudate/exudate $6.45
91709 Glucose quantitative, urine $1.06
91700 Glucose semiquantitative $3.53
91716 Glucose tolerance test > 6 hours $39.40
91695 Glucose tolerance test-gestational protocol $15.84
91715 Glucose tolerance test, 2 - 5 hours $12.94
91717 Glucose tolerance test, intravenous $38.90
91690 Glucose, gestational assessment $10.03
91707 Glucose, quantitative serum/plasma $1.46
91710 Glucose, timed urine collection $7.13
91725 Glutamyl transpeptidase (gtp) $1.66
91730 Glutathione peroxidase $44.32
91735 Gold $43.91
91745 Haemoglobin, a1c $5.30
91526 Haloperidol $24.63
91740 Haptoglobin $19.77
91780 Hdl cholesterol $7.85
91760 Helicobacter pilori carbon 13 urea breath test $36.50
91761 Helicobacter pylori stool antigen (hpsa) $35.64
91750 Hemoglobin, qualitative, urine $2.28
91762 Heparan sulfamidase, white blood cells $93.71
93110 Hepatic glucose - 6 phosphatase $49.10
93105 Hepatic glycogen (tissue) $32.52
91765 Hepatitis b surface antigen $10.40
91777 Hexosaminidase white blood cells $99.30
91775 Hexosaminidase, serum $51.38
91770 Hexosaminidases $51.38
92080 Homocysteine - plasma $22.97
91785 Homocystine, screening test, urine $2.28
91790 Homovanillic acid (quantitative) urine $38.61
92527 Hydrocodone $70.92
92528 Hydromorphone $70.92
91796 Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, quantitative, urine $44.28
91795 Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, urine $9.28
90752 Id microorganisms maldi-tof-ms/non-stool specimen $6.84
90753 Id microorganisms maldi-tof-ms/stool specimen $6.84
91800 Iga anti-gliadin antibodies $32.58
91801 Iga quantitative, secretion $20.31
91802 Iga quantitative, serum/plasma $9.83
92170 Ige assay, quantitative (duplicate) $13.72
91805 Igf - i (somatomedin - c). $55.08
91840 Igg - quantitative serum $9.95
91163 Igg anti-deamidated gliadin peptide(anti-dgp)antib $18.24
91814 Igg blocking antibody $20.40
91803 Igg quantitative spinal fluid $20.06
91810 Igg1 $24.85
91811 Igg2 $24.85
91812 Igg3 $24.85
91813 Igg4 $24.85
91845 Igm - quantitative $10.05
91528 Imipramine $46.53
91815 Immune complex detection by c1q binding method $44.66
91820 Immunofixation, csf $105.31
91821 Immunofixation, serum/plasma $104.12
91822 Immunofixation, urine $104.12
91830 Immunoglobulin + specific protein assays $20.40
91825 Immunoglobulin d $20.40
91831 Immunoglobulin, additional assay $12.53
91835 Immunoreactive trypsin $18.80
91850 Inclusion bodies, (cytomegalic) urine $7.77
91857 Insulin tolerance test, per specimen $6.29
91856 Insulin, additional specimen $19.49
91855 Insulin, first specimen $27.55
91858 Interferon beta, neutralizing antibodies $205.52
93075 Investigation - chromosomal mosaicism $114.52
91860 Ionized calcium. $14.02
91865 Iron, total and binding capacity, protein $7.56
91870 Isoenzymes by electrophoresis $25.53
91882 Keto acids chromatography - screening tests - urin $5.44
91881 Keto acids chromatography - total, chemical - urin $10.99
91880 Keto acids, chromatography - urine $36.90
91885 Ketogenic steroids - urine $39.47
91890 Ketosteroids, total neutral - urine $50.17
91900 Lactate dehydrogenase, csf $1.06
91901 Lactate dehydrogenase, serum/plasma $1.62
91902 Lactate dehydrogenase, transudate/exudate $1.05
91895 Lactate, serum/plasma $7.64
91896 Lactate, whole blood $17.89
91905 Lactose, qualitative, urine $9.81
91529 Lamotrigine $24.64
91910 Lead $130.68
91912 Lead, porphyrin screening test, urine $6.22
91911 Lead, timed urine collection $40.68
91915 Lecithin sphingomyelin ratio $232.26
91920 Lhrh stimulation test $46.22
91530 Lidocaine $44.73
91925 Light chains, free kappa and lambda $78.99
91930 Lipase $6.62
91936 Lipoprotein (a) isoforms $25.92
91940 Lipoprotein electrophoresis $56.04
91941 Lipoprotein, sizing $25.92
91935 Lipoprotein(a) $29.61
91945 Lithium, serum/plasma $14.94
91946 Lithium, whole blood $11.23
90286 Liver autoantibodies (liaa), immunofluorescence $23.82
91532 Lorazepam $46.53
91534 Loxapine $46.53
91950 Luteinizing hormone (lh) $12.41
91955 Magnesium, fecal $25.15
91956 Magnesium, red blood cell $29.51
91957 Magnesium, serum/plasma $6.79
91958 Magnesium, urine $10.06
91959 Magnesium, whole blood $23.97
91536 Maprotiline $46.53
91960 Melanin, qualitative, urine $2.35
92529 Meperidine $70.92
92530 Meprobamate $70.92
91965 Mercury $52.42
91970 Metachromatic granules, urine $16.13
91975 Metanephrines, quantitative $155.77
92513 Methadone $3.50
92510 Methadone metabolite $6.80
92532 Methaqualone $70.92
92533 Methocarbamol $70.92
91538 Methotrexate $46.53
91540 Methotrimeprazine $46.53
92534 Methylenedioxyamphetamine $70.92
92535 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine $70.92
91542 Methylphenidate $46.53
92396 Microalbumin, semiquantative - by urine dipstick $6.68
91990 Microscopic examination of feces $5.08
91992 Mitochondrial preparation-muscle $90.55
91995 Mucopolysaccharides, urine $59.55
93115 Muscle biopsy enzyme studies $195.44
91022 Muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody (musk ab) $245.60
91544 N - acetyl procainamide $46.53
92536 N-acetyl morphine $70.92
91997 N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase, wbc $93.71
92537 Naloxone $70.92
91546 Netilmicin $46.53
91548 Nitrazepam $46.53
92001 Nitrogen - 24 hr. excretion - urine $6.43
92000 Nitrogen, 24 hr. excretion - feces $19.79
91550 Nortriptyline $24.35
92005 Occult blood-feces $6.02
91551 Olanzapine $24.64
92511 Opiates $7.16
92010 Organic acids $105.41
92015 Osmolar concentration, serum $49.25
92016 Osmolar concentration, urine $49.41
92020 Oxalate, timed urine collection $58.00
92538 Oxycodone $70.92
92514 Oxycodone, screening assay $12.82
92025 Oxygen capacity or content $20.06
92026 Oxygen, saturation (photometric) $10.93
92539 Oxymorphone $70.92
92030 Parathyroid hormone (intact) $17.52
92031 Parathyroid hormone (mid molecule/carboxyl termina $25.18
91552 Paroxetine $46.53
92035 Pentagastrin test, gastric $67.51
92540 Pentazocine $70.92
92040 Peptide hormones $25.18
91554 Perphenazine $46.53
92045 Ph, pc02 and p02 $36.18
92050 Phenothiazine screen $7.24
92541 Phentermine $70.92
92056 Phenylalanine, quantitative $20.56
92055 Phenylalanine, screening test (guthrie) $4.04
92542 Phenylpropanolamine $70.92
92065 Phenylpyruvic acid, qualitative, urine $2.35
92060 Phenytoin $17.13
92072 Phosphate, timed urine collection $3.95
92070 Phosphates, random urine $2.24
92071 Phosphates, serum/plasma $1.62
92075 Pigments, abnormal (spectroscopic) $14.06
90415 Plasma preparation $16.19
92085 Porphobilinogen, qualitative, urine $9.70
92090 Porphyrins, qualitative, urine $7.62
92095 Porphyrins, quantitative - blood $21.76
92092 Porphyrins, quantitative - feces $132.71
92091 Porphyrins, quantitative - urine $56.74
92100 Potassium, serum/plasma $1.39
92101 Potassium, timed urine collection $5.57
92102 Potassium, urine random $2.84
92103 Potassium, whole blood $1.05
92105 Pre albumin $20.16
92110 Pregnancy test - serum $14.74
92108 Pregnancy test, immunologic - urine $15.50
92115 Pregnanediol, urine $45.07
92120 Pregnanetriol, urine $53.20
92125 Primidone (mysolene) $18.49
91556 Procainamide $46.53
92130 Progesterone, serum/plasma $14.86
92131 Progesterone, serum/plasma 17-oh $41.71
92135 Prolactin $13.49
92543 Propoxyphene $70.92
91558 Propranolol $46.53
90710 Prostatic specific antigen (psa) $14.35
92150 Protease inhibitor $32.95
92397 Protein creatinine ratio, urine $7.67
92147 Protein total, joint fluid $1.05
92148 Protein total, serum or plasma $1.60
92149 Protein total, transudate/exudate $1.05
92146 Protein, timed urine collection $5.95
92145 Proteins, total quantitative, c.s.f. $7.14
92156 Pryruvate carboxylase, fibroblasts $93.71
92544 Pseudoephedrine $70.92
92151 Purine, pyrimidine and creatine disorder screen $63.34
92157 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, fibroblasts $93.71
92155 Pyruvates $17.98
92160 Quantitative beta hcg $16.30
92165 Quantitative hcg (intact) $25.18
91559 Quetiapine $24.64
92180 Quinidine $27.36
92185 Renin, single determination $63.87
92190 Renin, two or more determinations $98.11
92195 Respiratory chain enzymes-muscle $274.56
92197 Retinol binding protein $27.82
91561 Risperidone $26.46
92201 Salicylates, qualitative, gastric $2.88
92200 Salicylates, qualitative, serum $5.24
92202 Salicylates, qualitative, urine $3.01
92203 Salicylates, quantitative, serum $9.26
92204 Salicylates, quantitative, urine $9.77
92205 Scc $20.40
92210 Secretin - pancreozymin test $462.10
92215 Selenium $49.77
93160 Semen - examination - complete $82.34
93170 Seminal examination $26.98
92220 Seminal fructose $7.32
91560 Sertraline $52.35
92225 Serum viscosity $23.17
92267 Sex hormone binding globulig (shbg) $13.56
92227 Sirolimus $43.01
91430 Skin fibroblasts-culturing/biochemical/dna $603.88
92230 Sodium, random urine $2.72
92231 Sodium, serum/plasma $1.38
92232 Sodium, timed urine collection $4.60
92233 Sodium, whole blood $1.05
92236 Somatotropin, additional specimen $19.36
92235 Somatotropin, one specimen $30.38
93060 Special banding (q-, r-, c-) $29.48
93055 Special staining (giemsa ii, dapi, sce, nor) $30.78
92240 Specific protein analysis/preparative ultracentrif $141.14
92250 Sphingomyelinase, fibroblasts $51.38
92251 Sphingomyelinase, white blood cells $51.38
91010 Split base fee (referral facility) $7.02
90810 Stool examination - amoebae $46.93
92255 Sulfonamides, quantitative, urine $3.77
92260 Sweat test (mucoviscidosis) chemical $10.20
92311 T3 - free $9.35
92263 Tacrolimus $23.47
92266 Testosterone total $15.81
92506 Tetrahydrocannabinoids (thc) $10.92
92270 Thallium $43.91
92275 Theophylline $42.33
92277 Thiopurine metabolites $50.46
92278 Thiopurine metabolites $54.49
91562 Thioridazine $48.47
90545 Thrombin time $8.31
92280 Thyroglobulin $27.90
92285 Thyroglobulin antibodies $20.40
92290 Thyroid binding globulin $20.40
92305 Thyroid receptor ab $22.48
92320 Thyroid releasing hormone (trh) stimulation test $55.91
92325 Thyroid stimulating hormone, tsh $9.90
92332 Thyroperoxidase antibodies $20.22
92315 Thyroxine ratio, t4 or total $12.12
92335 Tissue iron $43.91
91564 Tobramycin $26.17
91565 Topiramate $24.64
92310 Total t3 $12.12
92340 Transcobalamine ii $20.40
92345 Transferrin $7.56
92346 Transferrin isoelectric focusing(qualitive) $90.49
91566 Trazodone $46.53
91568 Trifluoperazine $46.53
92350 Triglycerides, serum/plasma $6.59
92351 Triglycerides, transudate/exudate $9.05
91570 Trimipramine $46.53
92355 Troponin $15.05
92360 Trypsin, qualitative, feces $2.24
92361 Trypsin, quantitative, feces $3.96
92362 Trypsin, quantitative, gastric $3.96
92365 Urea, amniotic fluid $1.06
92366 Urea, csf $1.06
92367 Urea, nitrogen quantitative, urine $7.42
92368 Urea, serum/plasma $1.57
92369 Urea, urine random $1.76
92370 Urea, whole blood $1.06
92375 Uric acid, random urine $1.06
92376 Uric acid, serum/plasma $1.70
92377 Uric acid, synovial fluid $1.58
92378 Uric acid, timed urine collection $4.56
92385 Urinalysis - or any part of (screening) $2.05
92391 Urinalysis-microscopic exam of centrifuged deposit $4.19
92390 Urinalysis, macroscopic $7.42
92395 Urinalysis, microscopic $7.17
92382 Urinalysis, screening and microscopic $5.63
92550 Urine, drugs of abuse screen - per analyte $6.95
92400 Urobilin, qualitative, urine $2.35
92405 Urobilinogen, qualitative, urine $4.09
92406 Urobilinogen, timed urine collection $13.58
91572 Valproic acid $16.55
91573 Vancomycin $15.57
92420 Vanillylmandelic acid $38.61
90000 Venepuncture $7.65
92425 Very long chain fatty acids $91.69
91576 Vigabatrin $26.68
92430 Vitamin a $47.86
92435 Vitamin b1 $54.30
92450 Vitamin b12 $14.38
92440 Vitamin b2 $54.30
92445 Vitamin b6 $54.30
92455 Vitamin d (1,25 dihydroxy) $94.49
92460 Vitamin d (25 hydroxy-cholecalciferol) $61.32
92465 Vitamin e $53.94
91861 Voltage-gated calcium channel antibody (vgcc ab) $281.78
92467 White blood cell preparation for lysosomal enzyme $42.36
92470 Xylose tolerance $106.16
92475 Zinc $102.44
91574 Zopiclone $24.64
91575 Zuclopenthixol $24.64


91000 Primary base fee - chemistry $15.62
91005 Primary base fee (collecting) - chemistry $7.02

Consultations / Visits

94012 Consult - limited/repeat, laboratory medicine $82.69
94010 Consultation - laboratory medicine $148.82
94005 Emergency visit - laboratory medicine $127.63
94006 Laboratory medicine, directive care $31.44
94009 Laboratory medicine, home visit $63.89
94008 Laboratory medicine, hospital visit $32.04
94007 Laboratory medicine, office visit $32.15

Criteria for Chemistry Add-Ons

91023 Acetyl coa: a-glucosaminide-n-acetyl transferase, $93.71
91020 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies - qualitative $101.93
91021 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies - quantitative $167.50
91025 Acid alpha-1 glycoprotein $20.40
91027 Acid lipase, wite blood cells $51.25
91031 Acid phosphatase, fractions - each $13.66
91030 Acid phosphatase, total $13.66
91036 Acth stimulation test $45.24
91035 Acth, plasma $36.57
91037 Acylcarnitine profiling $41.28
91065 Alanine aminotransferase $1.47
91042 Albumin - transudate/exudate $1.06
91040 Albumin, serum/plasma $1.55
91050 Alcohol $20.79
91055 Aldolase $14.12
91060 Aldosterone, plasma/serum $170.92
91061 Aldosterone, urine $170.92
91070 Alkaline phosphatase $1.57
91075 Allergen specific ige assay $16.13
91090 Alpha fetoglobulin $13.03
91095 Alpha fetoprotein $24.79
91080 Alpha-1 antitrypsin $20.06
91096 Alpha-iduronidase, white blood cells $51.25
91097 Alpha-mannosidase, white blood cells $51.25
91100 Aluminum $49.19
91105 Amino acid, quantitative, chromatography $78.42
91110 Amino acids-urine, chromatography $54.27
91115 Ammonia $7.41
91120 Amniotic fluid examination/written interpretation $55.10
91125 Amylase cyst $13.73
91126 Amylase, serum/plasma $5.27
91127 Amylase, transudate/exudate $13.66
91128 Amylase, urine $7.53
91135 Androstenedione, plasma $36.09
91140 Angiotensin converting enzyme (ace)-serum analysis $18.72
91142 Anti-diuretic hormone (adh), plasma $113.81
91150 Anti-endomysium antibodies $94.39
91162 Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies(anti-ttg) $13.92
91155 Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody $25.73
91165 Apolipoprotein a - 1 $20.40
91170 Apolipoprotein b - 100 $16.60
91175 Apolipoprotein e isoforms $33.57
91180 Apoprotein e genotyping $93.90
91185 Arsenic $43.40
91190 Aryl sulfatase a, fibroblasts $51.38
91191 Aryl sulfatase a, white blood cells $51.38
91195 Aryl sulfatase b, fibroblasts $51.38
91196 Aryl sulfatase b, white blood cells $51.38
91200 Aryl sulfatase c, fibroblasts $51.38
91201 Aryl sulfatase c, white blood cells $51.38
91205 Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) $26.76
91206 Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) - urine $8.28
91210 Aspartate aminotransferase $1.73
91215 B-galactosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91216 B-galactosidase, white blood cells $51.38

Hematology and Blood Bank

90025 Abo other groups $33.11
90020 Abo typing $16.09
90027 Activated protein c resistance (apcr $42.44
90030 Alpha 2 antiplasmin assay $45.48
90029 Alpha-thalassemia,molecular testing for com defect $67.80
90038 Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae (asca) lga $25.47
90039 Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae (asca)lgg $20.56
90035 Anti-dna $28.41
90040 Anti-thrombin iii/coagulation proteins - bychromog $33.49
90042 Anti-xa heparin assay $94.12
91145 Anticardiolipin ab, igg $24.47
91146 Anticardiolipin ab, igm $24.47
90080 Antiglobulin coombs test - direct $24.55
91160 Antimyeloperoxidase antibody $17.75
90047 Beta 2 glycoprotein i antibodies igg/igm isotype $47.26
90046 Beta 2 glycoprotein i(b2gpi)antibody screen $44.65
90465 Blood film review $17.99
91355 Cell count - csf and other body fluids $28.77
91356 Cell differential - csf and other body fluids $11.70
90050 Circulating anticoagulant - incubated - 1+ plasma $57.43
90055 Circulating inhibitor screen - unincubated-simple $30.54
90060 Clot retraction $6.19
90063 Coagulation factor/clotting assay $45.51
90070 Cold agglutinins - quantitative $27.40
90065 Cold agglutinins - qualitative $14.30
90072 Collagen binding assay $52.51
90300 Coombs - indirect $15.05
90068 Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies $29.48
90073 Dilute russell viper venom time $14.01
90085 Donath-landsteiner $15.00
90550 Dpg assay 2-3 $34.23
90120 Ena (extractable nuclear antigens)) $24.99
90090 Eosinophil count $10.62
90095 Erythropoietin (epo) assay $29.51
90105 Estimation - lymphocyte -rosette formation $70.55
90100 Estimation- b lymphocytes $96.31
90110 Euglobulin lysis time $16.30
90045 Examination - bone marrow $225.85
90115 Examination - eosinophils/secretions/excretions $54.08
90123 Factor ii assay - quantitative only $53.52
90145 Factor ix assay $58.08
90125 Factor v $52.04
90127 Factor v leiden/pgm - 1st gene $76.92
90128 Factor v leiden/pgm - 2nd gene $48.53
90130 Factor vii assay $51.21
90135 Factor viii c assay $51.58
90140 Factor viii:c inhibitor assay (bethesda titre) $89.64
90155 Factor x assay $51.21
90150 Factor xi $51.21
90160 Factor xii assay $51.21
90165 Factor xiii screen $16.27
90175 Fetal haemoglobin $18.51
90170 Fibrin/fibrinogen degradation/including d - dimer $23.27
90180 Foetal cell stain $19.03
90185 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase $42.91
90190 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase assay $59.02
90210 Haematology special stains - routine $28.76
90205 Haematology profile $10.96
90215 Haematology special stains - complex $42.56
90235 Haemoglobin - other methods $1.55
90220 Haemoglobin a2 quantification $14.14
90225 Haemoglobin-cyanmethaemoglobin $3.22
90245 Haemoglobin-h inclusion bodies $67.80
90200 Ham test $27.74
90240 Hemoglobin electrophoresis $29.84
90265 Hla - single antigen $40.58
90285 Immunofluorescent staining - add. autoantibodies $27.03
90280 Immunofluorescent staining - first autoantibody $20.44
90290 Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry- peripheral $223.42
90295 Immunophenotyping/flow cytometry - each additional $34.42
90310 Ivy template - bleeding time $26.63
90315 Latex test (rheumatoid factor) $8.41
90320 Leucocyte alkaline phosphatase $42.35
90325 Lymphocyte stimulation test $106.30
90330 Lymphocyte stimulation test - each additional $32.16
90335 Malaria/other parasites $61.82
90340 Marrow films -interpretation $163.79
90345 Marrow/peripheral blood stem cells $104.80
90350 Mixed leukocyte culture - donor/recipient $112.77
90355 Mixed leukocyte culture - each additional $129.35
90357 Neutrophil oxidative burst assay $112.77
90360 Nitro blue tetrazolium test $30.44
90365 Oxygen disassociation curve $77.96
90375 Partial thromboplastin time - substitution test $42.77
90377 Phospholipid neutralization test - confirm lupus $42.25
90380 Plasma haemoglobin $16.88
90385 Plasminogen assay $45.87
90390 Platelet antibodies $34.46
90400 Platelet estimation - film $4.64
90405 Platelet function aggregation $21.93
90410 Preparation of packed cells, per unit $16.22
90420 Protein c activity $51.33
90425 Protein c antigen $56.18
90427 Protein s activity (clot based) $38.31
90430 Protein s free antigen $43.51
90435 Protein s total antigen $40.50
91130 Proteinase 3 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody $18.90
90440 Prothrombin time/inr $12.07
90445 Pyruvic kinase assay $75.52
90450 Pyruvic kinase test $13.30
90455 Raji cell assay $50.59
90460 Rbc antibody detection, albumin or enzyme tubes $6.89
90480 Red cell fragility incubated $57.13
90475 Red cell fragility screening test $17.77
90485 Reptilase time $40.88
90490 Reticulocyte count and/or heinz bodies $11.54
90495 Rh (d) typing $10.38
90500 Rh genotype $41.21
90505 Ristocetin co-factor assay $77.57
90510 Saline tubes (per tube) $7.59
90512 Secretion smear for eosinophils $7.41
90515 Sedimentation rate $10.61
90520 Serum haptoglobin $20.42
90525 Sickle cell identification $76.41
90305 Slide agglutination - infectious mononucleosis $17.10
90530 Stypven prothrombin time $27.95
90535 Sugar water test (p.n.h.) $10.72
90540 Thalassemia/hemoglobinopathy investigation $65.46
90370 Thromboplastin test, partial $6.57
90560 Von willebrand factor - multimer analysis $88.77
90555 Von willebrand factor antigen $107.66
90565 White blood cells agglutinins $71.34


90600 Acid fast organisms - culture $24.13
90605 Anaerobic culture investigation $11.77
90765 Anti-streptolysin $11.73
90615 Antibiotic susceptibility test - semi-quantitative $11.61
90750 Biochemical identification - micro-organism/stool $14.42
90625 Blood culture - aerobic/anaerobic media $36.08
90630 C. difficile toxin - immunological $16.64
90656 C. difficile toxin, real time pcr $48.91
90640 Candida culture $6.81
90736 Cervical culture $15.44
90645 Chlamydia antigen $16.84
90647 Chlamydia antigen $18.54
90648 Chlamydia antigen $16.80
90649 Chlamydia antigen $31.47
90650 Chlamydia culture $42.84
90651 Chlamydia trachomatis using naat - urine $25.18
90652 Chlamydia trachomatis using naat -urogenital swab $24.09
90655 Clostridium difficile toxin - tissue culture $18.09
90739 Combined vagino-anorectal or vaginal culture $15.40
90660 Diphtheria antibodies $21.14
90665 Fungus culture $21.41
90670 Fungus direct examination koh preparation $13.76
90741 Genital culture - other site $25.28
90653 Gonorrhea by naat-urine $4.76
90654 Gonorrhea by naat-urogenital swab $4.76
90685 Hepatitis a - igm antibody (anti-hav-igm) $18.42
90690 Hepatitis b core antibody (anti-hbc) $10.85
90675 Hepatitis b e antigen $14.87
90700 Hepatitis b surface antibody (anti-hbs) $11.08
90751 Molecular identification, stool isolate $14.90
90715 Rotavirus antigen $16.87
90720 Routine culture $15.30
90725 Serological identification -micro-organism $15.94
90610 Serum bactericidal test $66.41
90730 Smear - inclusion bodies $12.38
90825 Smear/section - electron microscopy $27.79
90740 Stained smear $16.71
90745 Stool culture $16.90
90755 Streptococcal enzyme slide test $12.52
90760 Streptococci - rapid test $13.02
90770 Tetanus antibodies $21.14
90775 Throat or nose culture $18.18
90780 Throat or nose culture - additional $18.18
90785 Trichomonas and/or candida, direct examination $11.63
90784 Trichomonas antigen test $18.75
90738 Uretheral culture $21.17
90790 Urine colony count culture $19.57
90791 Urine colony count culture $125.00
90737 Vaginal culture $15.40

Ova & Parasites

90805 Parasite - macroscopic/microscopic exam $42.96
90795 Pinworm ova - examination $43.94
90800 Stool examination - concentration method $46.93

Telehealth Service with Direct Interactive Video Link With the Patient

94070 Telehealth consult - laboratory medicine $148.82
94076 Telehealth directive care - laboratory medicine $31.44
94072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-lab medicine $82.69
94078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-lab medicine $32.04
94077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - lab medicine $32.15


90832 Bk polyoma virus ident by nuc acid amplif, direct $39.13
90833 Cytomegalovirus viral(cmv) ident by nucl acid ampl $36.92
90835 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $129.88
90836 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $30.23
90837 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $26.73
90831 Hepatitis b virus (hbv) identification $60.34
90815 Serological tests - 1-3 antigens $36.83
90820 Serological tests - > 4 antigens $37.98
90830 Virus isolation $51.65

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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