MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: General Surgery

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Code Description Fee

Abdominal and Perineal Approach

72666 Altemeier transperineal excision of rectal procide $677.27
72667 Division of stricture of rectum $252.59
72664 Proctectomy, complete - subtotal/total colectomy $1,645.83
72665 Proctectomy, partial - without anastomosis $558.30
07580 Rectal tumor excision by posterior parasacral $800.00

Abdominal Surgery - Miscellaneous

07603 Abdominal wound evisceration - resuture $406.03
07597 Haemorrhage; intra-abdominal management - post ope $379.58
71280 Indwelling enteral tubes, removal - no anes $30.65
71282 Indwelling enteral tubes, removal- gen anaes $203.93
71281 Indwelling enteral tubes,removal-local/regional $63.06

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71283 Indwelling entereal tubes, replacement - extra $30.65
07601 Intra-abdominal abscess excluding intrahepatic $434.19
07600 Laparotomy to include biopsy - exploratory $405.81
71292 Peritonectomy, with or without chemotherapy $662.77
71293 Peritonectomy, with/without chemotherapy add 15min $75.60
71291 Resection of soft issue tumour 10cmor >-add 15min $76.47
71290 Resection of soft tissue tumour 10cm or greater $662.77
72600 Temp or delayed abdominal closure with vac $376.25
07451 Thoracic extension of abdominal incision(extra) $285.69

Anus Excision

70676 Abscess - ischiorectal/ intramural - incision $389.95
07687 Anal fissure, excision $115.00
70675 Anal seton - removal $28.67
07691 Anus imperforate simple incision $303.06
71682 Botox injection for anal fissure $252.34
07675 Fistula-in-ano - subcutaneous or submucous $250.00
07677 Fistula-in-ano - multiple or horseshoe $451.50
07676 Fistula-in-ano - submuscular $337.72
71700 Fistula-in-ano; closure of congenital anal fistula $645.16
07666 Fistula-in-ano; second stage; division - sphincter $250.00
71689 Hemmorhoid(s); office procedure (eg band ligation) $80.58
71690 Hemorrhoid(s); office procedure-infrared photocoag $80.58
71691 Hemorrhoid(s); office procedure-infrared photocoag $16.82
07683 Hemorrhoidectomy $268.05
07678 Incision and drainage perianal abscess,superficial $91.43
07679 Incision/drain abscess - ischiorectal, intramural $203.01
71686 Papillectomy - multiple - extra $123.30
71684 Papillectomy - single - extra $67.87
71681 Sphincterotomy with/without fissurectomy $303.07

Anus Repair

07689 Anal dilation under general anaesthetic $152.67
70665 Anoplasty - adult $451.50
07690 Anoplasty for imperforate anus - peads $602.52
70674 Destruction - anal lesion $75.41
70680 Destruction of anal lesion - complicated $252.69
70683 Eua with or without sigmoidoscopy $152.95
07452 Extra-peritoneal rectum +/- colostomy - repair $962.78
70668 Graft - rectal incontinence/prolapse: $203.93
70671 Imbrication - levator muscle $451.50
70672 Implantation - artificial sphincter $1,009.32
70666 Sphincteroplasty - anal - adult $451.50
70670 Sphincteroplasty - anal - incontinence $702.52


72658 Appendectomy - laparoscopic $480.30
72659 Appendectomy - laparoscopic - perforated $505.30
72657 Appendectomy - perforated $505.30
72656 Appendectomy - open $480.30
72660 Appendiceal abscess - incision/drainage $434.19

Arterial System

77300 A-v fistula with bypass graft in limb salvage $185.56
77175 Abdominal aneurysm, with grafting $1,397.15
77155 Aorta and/or iliac bypass graft - bilateral $1,400.80
77150 Aorta and/or iliac bypass graft - unilateral $892.24
77160 Aorto-femoral and ilio-femoral bypass, unilateral $866.39
77165 Aorto-iliac, aorto-femoral, ilio-femoral bypass $1,400.80
77295 Arm vein graft $254.66
00722 Arteriography, operative $75.51
77170 Arteriovenous aneurysm $495.27
77220 Axillo-femoral bypass graft (autogenous vein) $820.89
77210 Axillo-femoral bypass graft (synthetic)/unilateral $979.23
77215 Axillo-femoral bypass graft(synthetic)/bilateral $1,269.39
77260 Bypass graft (autogenous vein) - femoral $859.23
77265 Bypass graft (autogenous vein) - popliteal $1,072.16
77270 Bypass graft/anterior/posterior tibial or peroneal $1,115.63
77130 Carotid arteries - bypass graft (synthetic) $981.24
77360 Decompression fasciotomy - subcutaneous $334.57
77125 Embolectomy - one side $446.10
77120 Embolectomy - trunk or extremities $620.60
77240 Femoral bypass graft (synthetic) $858.35
77230 Femoro-femoral crossover bypass graft (synthetic) $930.69
77235 Femoro-femoral crossover bypass graft/autogenous $930.69
77245 Infrainguinal popliteal (endarterectomy) $679.59
77135 Inominate - neck or thoracic - bypass graft $779.13
77255 Intraguinal - anterior, post tibial or peroneal $742.29
77250 Intraguinal - popliteal (synthetic) $620.53
77145 Ligation of carotid artery - neck or thoracic $255.38
77280 Non-ipsilateral long saphenous graft - autogenous $254.66
77315 Profundoplasty - extended $750.88
77310 Profundoplasty bypass graft (synthetic) $553.02
77112 Re-dissection of groin (after 21 days), extra $132.47
77110 Re-exploration of groin for bleeding or haematoma $125.47
77370 Release of popliteal entrapment syndrome $334.57
77104 Removal of synthetic graft - with replacement at a different site $1,015.99
77100 Removal of synthetic graft - without replacement $1,354.69
77102 Removal of synthetic graft, with replacement at the same site $677.35
77205 Renal bypass graft (autogenous vein) $892.23
77200 Renal bypass graft (synthetic) $885.59
77345 Repair of injury of major vessel in trunk - graft $1,168.71
77340 Repair of injury of major vessel in trunk - suture $876.21
77180 Resection of abdominal aneurysm $124.11
77185 Ruptured aneurysm, with grafting $1,598.26
77285 Short saphenous graft $254.66
77140 Subclavian - neck or thoracic - bypass graft $846.50
77290 Superficial femoral vein graft(extra) $254.66
77195 Superior mesenteric bypass graft (autogenous vein) $892.23
77190 Superior mesenteric bypass graft (synthetic) $892.23
77350 Supra renal aortic cross-clamp $114.21
77115 Thrombectomy with or without angioplasty $556.73
77275 Vein graft - in situ $257.02

Arteries Surgical Procedures

77335 Repair of injury of major vessel in extremity $750.88
77330 Repair of injury of major vessel in extremity - su $583.75

Biliary Tract

70728 Anastomosis - intra-hepatic ducts/gi tract $1,769.19
70710 Atresia - bile ducts - congenital $1,522.60
07781 Biliary endoscopy - percutaneous $202.59
07780 Biliary endoscopy - intraoperative $202.77
07782 Biliary endoscopy -stone removal $228.06
07783 Biliary endoscopy; with dilation of duct stricture $228.06
70701 Cholecystectomy - cbd (laparoscopic) $1,212.66
70702 Cholecystectomy - cbd (open) $1,212.66
07707 Cholecystectomy - laparoscopic $536.09
07699 Cholecystectomy - open $606.62
70704 Cholecystectomy with choledochojejunostomy $1,313.92
70700 Cholecystectomy; open preceded by cholecystectomy $707.84
70703 Cholecystectomy/choledochoduodenostomy $1,313.82
70705 Cholecystectomy/transduodenal sphincterotomy $1,313.82
07706 Cholecystoenterostomy - direct (loop) $1,015.07
70720 Cholecystoenterostomy/gastroenterostomy $1,218.09
70721 Cholecystoenterostomy/roux-en-y $1,116.58
70722 Cholecystoenterostomy/roux-en-y/gastroenterostomy $1,319.59
70698 Cholecystostomy - laparoscopic $455.06
07698 Cholecystostomy - open $505.43
71698 Cholecystostomy - percutaneous $164.85
07561 Choledochal stent - placement $172.45
07703 Choledochoduodenostomy $1,116.58
70725 Choledochojejunostomy with gastrojejunostomy $1,700.00
07705 Choledochojejunostomy/anastomosis of extra-hepatic $1,218.09
70726 Choledochojejunostomy/roux-en-y $1,700.00
70727 Choledochojejunostomy/roux-en-y/gastrojejunostomy $1,700.00
70695 Choledochotomy/choledochostomy - laparoscopic $900.00
70694 Choledochotomy/choledochostomy open $850.00
70696 Choledochotomy/transduodenal sphincteroplasty $950.00
70715 Cyst - choledochal $1,414.54
70716 Cyst - choledochal/ductoplasty $1,471.37
70717 Cyst; choledochal - excision, multiple anastomoses $1,594.00
07562 Duodenal biliary stent - replacement $172.45
07769 Duodenotomy and sphincteroplasty $1,014.02
07554 Ercp - balloon dilatation $434.25
07519 Ercp - biliary stenting $434.25
07517 Ercp - papillotomy/sphincterotomy $447.05
07518 Ercp - stone extraction $530.07
07556 Ercp - stone extraction requiring lithotripsy $555.62
70731 Extra-hepatic biliary duct: primary repair $1,421.10
07560 Naso-biliary drainage tube - insertion $103.49
70718 Portal lymphadenectomy $764.73
70711 Portoenterostomy $1,584.89
07776 Repair of cholecystenteric fistula $1,000.00
70713 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - upper $2,200.00
70712 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - lower $1,900.00
70714 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - multiple anastomoses $2,500.00
70730 U-tube hepatico enterostomy $1,769.19


70042 Aspiration - fine needle - additional cyst/ lesion $12.07
07475 Axillary dissection - partial $237.35
07474 Axillary dissection (level ii) - complete $507.42
70470 Biopsy - breast - incisional $152.26
70471 Biopsy - breast - excisional $203.56
70469 Biopsy - breast - needle core $57.48
70472 Biopsy - needle core-stereotactic/ultrasound guide $90.89
70477 Biopsy breast lesion - each additional $110.42
07497 Biopsy or segmental resection of non-palpable brea $232.60
70473 Biopsy-needle core-stereotactic/ultrasound guided $128.33
70041 Fine needle aspiration solid or cystic lesion $48.20
07472 Mastectomy - total for malignancy $474.13
07473 Mastectomy - partial for malignancy $329.57
70479 Mastectomy - radical $777.59
07471 Mastectomy - simple for benign disease $340.96
70478 Mastectomy - gynecomastia $305.89
07498 Mastectomy - skin sparing - unilateral $650.00
70044 Mastotomy - under general anesthetic $203.73
70043 Mastotomy with exploration of drainage of abscess $81.45
07470 Nipple exploration $277.88
07479 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $474.13
07481 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $450.00
07482 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $550.00

Closure of Fistula (Enterovesical, Colovesical or Colovaginal)

07455 Emergency resection of obstructed colon $1,011.50
07658 Exteriorization of bowel $602.52
72654 Fistula - closure/bowel resection $404.35
72653 Fistula - enterovesical/colovesical/colovaginal $909.89

Closure of Loop Enterostomy

07647 Closure of loop enterostomy with resection $631.93
07646 Closure of loop enterostomy, large/small intestine $509.22
72652 Hartman procedure - reconstruction - laparoscopic $1,033.43
72651 Reconstruction hartmann procedure - open $1,010.79

Closure of Oesophagostomy or Fistula

07528 Placement gastroesophageal venous compression ball $202.10

Consultations / Visits

71010 Consultation - general surgery - malignancy $150.00
07010 Consultation- general surgery $116.00
07012 Repeat or limited consultation- general surgery $60.00
70070 Telehealth consultation - general surgery $116.00
70076 Telehealth directive care - general surgery $30.00
70072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult - gen surgery $60.00
70078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - gen surgery $29.00
70077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - general surg $28.50

Debridement of Soft Tissues

70168 Active wound mgmt-acute phase after debridement $78.57
70169 Active wound mgmt/in or acute phase aft debridemnt $125.72
70155 Debridement of skin and subcutaneous tissue restricted to genitalia and perineum for necrotizing infection (fourniers gangrene) (stand alone procedure) $550.00
70166 Debridement skin/fascia/muscle/bone; each sub 5% of body surface area $144.06
70165 Debridement skin/fascia/muscle/bone;up to 1st 5% of body surface area $288.10
70162 Debridement skin/sub/necrotic fascia / 1st 5% of body surface area $261.93
70163 Debridement skin/sub/necrotic fascia/each sub 5% of body surface area $130.96
70158 Debridement skin/subcutaneous tissue,up to 5% body surface area $294.65
70159 Debridement skin/subcutaneous tissue; each sub 5% of body surface area $117.87

Diagnostic procedures

07764 Cholangiography; operative $80.86
33374 Colonoscopy - removal of polyp $283.50
33373 Colonoscopy-biopsy $235.15
00780 Diagnostic schirmer test $13.15
00869 Manometry - anal - adult $101.37
07710 Pancreatogram w/ or w/o sphincterotomy - extra $67.19
00789 Peritoneal lavage $85.74
00809 Retrograde pancreatography $216.54
00715 Sigmoidoscopy with biopsy $37.98
00718 Sigmoidoscopy, flexible and with biopsy $77.34

Diaphragm - Repair

70604 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia $1,522.60
07431 Diaphragmatic injury - repair $804.44
70603 Diaphragmatic or other hernia - laparoscopic $1,212.64
70602 Diaphragmatic or other hernia - open $1,212.64
70607 Imbrication of diaphragm for eventration $800.00
70605 Repair diaphragmatic hernia or laceration - acute $1,215.00
70606 Repair diaphragmatic hernia or laceration -chronic $1,215.00
70601 Repair of para-oesophageal hiatus hernia, transabdominal, with or without fundoplication $1,212.64

Emergency Care

00082 Critical care monitoring $63.67
00081 Emergency bedside care $106.12

Endocrine System - Adrenal

71705 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - open $1,600.00
71704 Adrenalectomy - unilateral - open $804.44
71703 Adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma - open $1,019.18
72703 Adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma-laparoscopic $1,273.97
72705 Adrenalectomy; any approach-bilateral-laparoscopic $1,800.00
72704 Adrenalectomy;any approach-unilateral-laparoscopic $1,005.57

Endocrine System - Carotid Body

71706 Carotid body tumor - excision $1,014.37
71707 Carotid body tumor with excision of carotid artery $1,217.37

Endocrine System - Pancreas

71718 Ampulla of vater - excision $1,062.67
07733 Anastomosis of pancreatic pseudocyst, roux-en-y- $1,015.07
71710 Biopsy - pancreas - open $100.00
00826 Biopsy of pancreas - percutaneous $101.44
71713 Pancreatectomy - distal subtotal - open $1,300.00
71715 Pancreatectomy - pancreaticojejunostomy $1,500.00
71719 Pancreatectomy - proximal/subtotal $3,045.21
71720 Pancreatectomy - pyloric sparing $3,045.21
71721 Pancreatectomy - regional $3,449.82
71722 Pancreatectomy - total $2,500.00
71725 Pancreatectomy - total $1,469.94
71714 Pancreatectomy - with splenic preservation - open $1,600.00
71717 Pancreatectomy -distal/near total $2,400.00
71716 Pancreatectomy -splenic preservation/pancreatic $1,700.00
72713 Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal-laparoscopic $1,520.85
72714 Pancreatectomy, with splenic preserv-laparoscopic $1,277.23
71712 Pancreatic lesion - excision - limited $1,000.00
07758 Pancreatic pseudocyst - laparoscopic $1,000.00
07756 Pancreatic pseudocyst - open $1,000.00
07732 Pancreatic pseudocyst - drainage, transduodenal $1,015.07
07711 Pancreatic pseudocyst internal drainage $964.32
72711 Pancreatic pseudocyst internal drainage-laparoscop $1,114.48
07714 Pancreaticojejunostomy; side-to-side anastomosis $1,400.00
71708 Pancreatitis - acute - drainage $1,000.00
71709 Resectional debridement - pancreas $1,300.00

Endocrine System - Parathyroid

71748 Parathyroid autotransplantation $101.96
72572 Parathyroid autotransplantation $873.38
71746 Parathyroidectomy - re-exploration $1,217.10
71747 Parathyroidectomy - mediastinal exploration $1,217.17
07744 Parathyroidectomy - subtotal parathyroidectomy $1,014.37
07745 Parathyroidectomy or exploration of parathyroids $900.00

Endocrine System - Thyroid

07740 Biopsy of thyroid - open $354.83
70740 Cyst - thyroglossal - infected $203.93
70742 Lobectomy - total thyroid $587.84
07771 Picking operation; metastatic neck nodes $1,100.00
70748 Substernal thyroid - sternal split $163.48
70747 Thyroid tissue - remaining - removal $694.84
70745 Thyroidectomy - subtotal - bilateral $706.81
07743 Thyroidectomy - total or complete $1,014.42
07741 Thyroidectomy; subtotal unilateral (local excision $450.00
70743 Thyroidectomy; total; unilateral inc'l isthmus $728.04

Excision of Rectal Tumour (Transanal Approach)

72671 Excision of rectal tumour greater than 5 cm $455.09
72669 Excision of rectal tumour, 0 to 2.5 cm $253.59
72673 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $917.67
72683 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $981.74
72684 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $421.25
72670 Tumor - rectal - excision - 2.6 to 5 cm. $304.52
72672 Tumor - rectal - malignant - electrodesiccation $252.68

Gastrointestinal Reconstruction

71547 Ligation/stapling - oesophageal perforation $1,200.00
71546 Transection of oesophagus with repair $830.20

Hernia - Repair

71612 Bilateral primary inguinal or femoral hernias > ag $606.63
71613 Bilateral primary inguinal or femoral hernias > ag $667.08
71614 Hernia - initial incisional - repair - reducible $596.65
71619 Hernia - umbilical - repair - reducible $343.80
71621 Hernia repair with resection of bowel $758.16
71622 Hernia repair, bowel resection, separate incision $809.05
71623 Hernia-laparoscopic initial ventral or incision $697.44
07610 Hernia, epigastric $343.80
71624 Hernia, laparoscopic recurrent ventral or incision $761.21
07596 Hernia; incisional; repair following laparotomy $125.00
71615 Hernia; initial incisional repair, incarcerated $596.65
71616 Hernia; initial incisional repair, prosthetic mesh $596.65
71618 Hernia; repair recurrent incisional, incarcerated $609.16
71617 Hernia; repair recurrent incisional, reducible $608.86
71620 Hernia; repair umbilical incarcerated/strangulated $343.80
71625 Myofascial abdominal wall advancement flaps for $866.70
71600 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia < 6 months $406.03
71608 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia; > age 12 incarc $411.85
71607 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia; > age 12-laparo $404.42
71606 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;> age 12 - open $364.12
71603 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $379.23
71604 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $606.64
71605 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $433.34
71601 Repair inquinal or femoral hernia < 6 months bilat $707.68
71602 Repair inquinal or femoral hernia < 6 months-incar $507.54
71609 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $455.15
71610 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $505.52
71611 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $514.78

Inestines - Excision

72635 Anterior resection - rectosigmoid-carcinoma - open $1,515.90
72755 Anterior resection of rectosigmoid - laparoscopic $1,617.81
72601 Caecostomy tube for decompression-lap. (extra) $377.50
72641 Caecostomy/tube - decompression $404.20
72760 Colectomy - total, abdominal - laparoscopic $1,409.05
72769 Colectomy and hemiproctectomy - laparoscopic $1,360.51
07569 Colectomy and hemiproctectomy - open $1,088.40
07640 Colectomy,total,abdominal,without proctectomy/open $1,314.24
07570 Colo-colostomy or entero-colostomy - open $802.82
72770 Colo-colostomy or entero-colostomy-laparoscopic $1,003.53
72788 Colostomy of ileostomy - end - laparoscopic $589.60
72646 Colostomy or ileostomy - multiple biopsies $134.49
07588 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - end - open $505.63
72715 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - laparoscopic $511.75
07645 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - open $505.38
72645 Continent ileostomy - open $1,004.22
72745 Continent ileostomy (koch procedure) laparoscopic $1,255.27
07643 Enteroenterostomy $606.44
72631 Hemicolectomy - left - laparoscopic $1,096.80
72625 Hemicolectomy - right - laparoscopic $1,033.43
72624 Hemicolectomy - right - open $884.86
72621 Mobilization - splenic flexure $95.79
72721 Mobilization of splenic flexure - lap (extra) $119.74
72640 Partial right colectomy (caecum) - open $884.71
72740 Partial right colectomy - laparoscopic $985.67
72636 Proctectomy - abdominal/transanal $1,125.66
07567 Proctectomy with rectal mucosectomy - open $1,750.00
72767 Proctectomy with rectal mucosectomy-laparoscopic $1,936.03
07641 Proctocolectomy total with perineal excision-open $1,645.83
07566 Rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis $837.43
72623 Resection - colon - limited - laparoscopic $984.85
72622 Resection - colon - limited - open $859.52
72736 Resection of small intestine with anastomosis $754.18
72620 Resection of small intestine-with enterostomy/open $813.78
72720 Resection small intestine/enterostomy-laparoscopic $1,017.22
07649 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - radical $505.42
07648 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - simple incision $450.00
72644 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - with repair $657.12
72633 Sigmoid resection - laparoscopic $1,141.81
72632 Sigmoid resection - open $1,011.14
72734 Sigmoid resection-with end colostomy-laparoscopic $1,078.87
72634 Sigmoid resection/end colostomy - open $960.56
07636 Small intestine resection/with anastomosis - open $632.10
72765 Take-down of pelvic pouch - laparoscopic $1,520.89
07565 Takedown pelvic pouch to include ileostomy - open $1,218.09
07589 Total proctocolectomy synchronous abdominal portio $1,317.10
72741 Total proctocolectomy-single surgeon/laparoscopic $2,057.30
72789 Total proctocoloectomy - syn.abd.portion $1,646.40

Inestines - Incision

71651 Corretion of malrotation - laparoscopic $586.02
07634 Enterotomy or colotomy (single); for exploration $487.38
71650 Hernia repair - correction - malrotation $505.61
07654 Intestinal obstruction, plication/insertion - tube $570.04
72650 Intestinal obstruction, resection of bands-lap $627.62
07650 Intestinal obstruction; resection of bands $550.00
07635 Multiple colotomy with operative sigmoidoscopy $639.86
70648 Tube or needle catheter jejunostomy $507.00
07651 Volvulus reduction, intussusception by laparotomy $526.23

Intestinal Stricturoplasty

72648 Intestinal stricturoplasty - multiple $909.55
72647 Intestinal stricturoplasty - single $606.54


70661 Lysis of intra-abd adhesions-lap-add 15min extra $76.47
70660 Lysis of intra-abd adhesions-lap-first 30 min ex $152.95
70650 Lysis of intra-abdom adhesions-first 30 min extra $152.95
70651 Lysis of intra-abdominal adhesions-add. 15 min $76.47

Liver Excision

07410 Hepatectomy - caudate lobectomy $2,100.00
07409 Hepatectomy - extended left lobectomy $2,200.00
07411 Hepatectomy - extended right lobectomy $2,300.00
07405 Hepatectomy - segmental resection - one or more $1,200.00
07407 Hepatectomy - total left lobectomy $2,000.00
07408 Hepatectomy - total right lobectomy $2,000.00
07406 Hepatectomy - two or more segments $1,600.00
72795 Lap. hepatectomy, segmental resection-one or more, $1,261.93
72794 Lap. non-anatomic sub-segmental excision-liver mas $1,141.96
72796 Lap. seg. resection liver:2 or more segments,bilat $1,800.00
72797 Laparoscopic total left lobectomy $2,500.00
72798 Laparoscopic total right lobectomy $2,500.00
07404 Liver mass - subsegmental excision $1,000.00

Liver Incision

07402 Hepatotamy - abscess/cyst - single $434.19
07403 Hepatotamy - multiple, including marsupialization $653.95
71380 Open or laparoscopic liver tumour non-resectional $900.00

Liver Repair

07441 Hepatic artery ligation $1,015.07
07442 Hepatic lobectomy for trauma $2,500.00
07412 Hepatorrhaphy - simple $609.04
07413 Hepatorrhaphy - with packing $644.63
07440 Liver - resectional debridement $1,268.85

Lymphatic System

07368 Laparoscopic splenectomy $809.21

Lymphoedema - Leg

06128 Lymphoedema - lower limb $1,046.58
06127 Lymphoedema - entire leg $700.04

Miscellaneous Surgery

79135 Chest wall tumour with rib resection $1,016.71
32031 Closed drainage of chest, operation only. $137.00
00046 Hyperbaric chamber - additional charge per hour $28.44
00744 Thyroid biopsy $73.65

Mouth, Head and Neck

07796 Excision neurogenic neoplasm neck $1,115.70
07790 Lesion - benign - floor of mouth $152.81
07789 Lesion - tongue $319.30
07725 Maxillectomy $1,014.37
07726 Maxillectomy with exenteration of orbit and skin g $1,051.77
07749 Partial maxillectomy for malignancy - fenestration $811.46
07500 Resection of mandible $402.23
06140 Wedge resection - lip vermilion $200.57
06141 Wedge resection of lip sulcus $250.72

Oesophageal Surgery

71541 Cardiospasm - with fundoplication - open $940.05
71542 Cardiospasm with fundoplication - laparoscopic $1,175.07
70502 Cricopharyngeal myotomy - cervical approach $469.34
07536 Direct ligation of oesophageal varices $736.52
70545 Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx/oesophagus-cervica $536.76
70544 Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx/oesophagus-thoraci $653.95
71534 Division of tracheo-oesophageal fistula $804.44
33327 Endoscopic repositioning of gastric feeding tube $14.25
33329 Esophageal dilation or dilation of pathological $109.02
33328 Esophageal dilation, blind bouginage $57.25
70532 Excision - oesophageal lesion - laparoscopic/ tho $777.59
70530 Excision oesophageal lesion - cervical approach $536.76
70531 Excision oesophageal lesion thoracic/abdominal $777.59
33325 Gastric polypectomy $161.47
71544 Gastrointestinal reconstruction - colon interposit $1,673.20
71543 Gastrointestinal reconstruction - with stomach $1,430.50
71549 Oesophageal wound - transthoracic/transabdominal $1,522.60
71548 Oesophageal wound or injury - cervical approach $1,268.85
70504 Oesophagectomy w/ colon interposition - 2nd surg $650.00
70534 Oesophagectomy w/ colon interposition - prim. surg $2,030.14
70505 Oesophagectomy w/ thoracotomy - 2nd surgeon $650.00
70535 Oesophagectomy w/ thoracotomy - primary surgeon $2,283.91
70533 Oesophagectomy w/o thoracotomy - primary surgeon $2,030.14
70503 Oesophagectomy w/o thoracotomy - secondary surgeon $650.00
70536 Oesophagectomy w/thoracotomy&colon inter.-1st surg $2,283.91
70506 Oesophagectomy w/thoracotomy&colon inter.-2nd surg $650.00
70542 Oesophagectomy,total or partial,w/o reconstruction $1,073.50
71536 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - open $736.52
71538 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - with gastroplasty $1,218.09
71535 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - laparoscopic $920.65
71537 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty with fundic patch $791.86
71533 Oesophagoplasty - w/ tracheo-oesophageal fistula $2,250.00
71532 Oesophagoplasty - w/o tracheo-oesophageal fistula $2,000.00
71530 Oesophagostomy - cervical $531.36
71551 Oesophagostomy or fistula closure - transthoracic $1,522.60
71550 Oesophagostomy/fistula closure-cervical approach $1,268.85
70500 Oesophagotomy:cerv. approach w/ rem. foreign body $536.76
70501 Oesophagotomy:thora. approach w/ rem. foreign body $637.58
70540 Part. oesophagectomy thoraco-abdom. or abdominal $1,430.50
70541 Part. oesophagectomy throacoabdominal - 1st surg $1,673.20
70509 Part. oesophagectomy w/colon inter. - 2nd surg $650.00
70539 Part. oesophagectomy w/colon inter. - prim. surg $1,864.78
70511 Part.oesophagectomy thoracoabdominal - 2nd surg. $650.00
70538 Partial oesophagectomy - distal 2/3 $1,634.89
33326 Percutaneous endoscopically placed feeding tube $73.78
71540 Plastic operation: cardiospasm - laparoscopic $840.72
71539 Plastic operation: cardiospasm -thoracic approach $672.58
33321 Removal of foreign material causing obstruction $101.91
71531 Repair tracheo-oesophagal fistula-cervical appr. $2,000.00
33322 Therapeutic injection(s), sclerosis, band ligation $116.68
33324 Thermal coagulation - heater probe and laser $42.60
33323 Transendoscopic tube, stent or catheter $101.86

Pediatric Intestine Procedures

07655 Excision of meckel's diverticulum $505.22
07447 Mesenteric injury - repair of $572.71

Pediatric Procedures

07466 Anal stricture - child $450.49
07552 Aortopexy for tracheomalacia $1,015.07
07653 Atresia; small bowel; excision or bypass $1,522.60
07700 Cloacal anomalies; primary surgeon, total correct $2,150.54
07614 Omphalocele or gastroschesis - temporary repair $402.23
07615 Omphalocele or gastroschesis - permanent repair $613.07
07571 Pena posterior sagittal anal proctoplasty $1,150.14
72662 Proctectomy, complete - synchronous abdominal - pediatric $1,314.90
72751 Red of volvulus, intussuspection; hernia(lap) $657.80
07692 Repair major ano-rectal anomalies, sacral approach $1,522.60
07697 Sacrococcygeal teratoma- excision $1,522.60

Rectum Endoscopy

10733 Colonoscopy - control bleeding $303.99
10731 Colonoscopy - flexible - diagnostic $231.61
10732 Colonoscopy - removal of foreign body $272.07
10730 Colonoscopy,flexible-transabdominal via colotomy $240.14
10714 Proctosigmoidoscopy, rigid - diagnostic $35.40
07465 Sigmoidoscopy - ablation of tumor/other lesion $169.75
07462 Sigmoidoscopy - control bleeding $181.00
07460 Sigmoidoscopy - decompression - volvulus $228.83
07463 Sigmoidoscopy - decompression volvulus, any method $228.83
07464 Sigmoidoscopy - polyp removal $251.02
07461 Sigmoidoscopy - removal of foreign body $181.00
00716 Sigmoidoscopy; flexible; diagnostic $76.09

Rectum - Excision

07662 Abdomino-perineal resection (single surgeon)-open $1,718.82
07663 Abdomino-perineal resection (synchronous abdominal $1,314.61
72762 Abdomino-perineal resection-single surgeon $1,820.21
72763 Abdomino-perineal resection-synchronous $1,407.07
07664 Proctectomy,combined with abdom resection/perineal $505.57

Rectum - Incision and Excision

07665 Anorectal wall, biopsy - anal approach $150.98
07660 Pelvic abscess - transrectal drainage $303.15

Rectum Repair

07672 Complete rectal prolapse $698.70

Referred Cases

07006 Directive care - general surgery $30.00
07005 Emergency visit - general surgery $116.00
71017 General surgery - visit for malignancy $65.00
71008 Post op visit in hosp (1-14 days) $28.00
71015 Pre-operative assessment - general surgery $116.00
07009 Subsequent home visit- general surgery $50.00
07008 Subsequent hospital visit - general surgery $29.25
07007 Subsequent office visit - general surgery $28.50
70080 Telehealth consultation general surgery-malignancy $150.00
70087 Telehealth visit general surgery-for malignancy $65.00

Removal of Tumours or Scars

70127 Closure/radical resection requiring a free split $101.15
70124 Local tissue shift-eyebrow,eyelid,lip nose-single $295.14
70122 Multiple flap for lesion greater than 2 cm $571.97
70123 Multiple flap lesion >2 cm w/free skin graft $650.54
70126 Radical resect malign skin/soft tissue tumour =>10 $452.56
70125 Radical resect malign skin/soft tissue tumour 5-10 $261.90
70119 Single flap <2 cm diameter for repair defect (op) $158.38
70121 Single flap for lesion >2 cm w/free skin graft sec $408.56
70120 Single flap for lesion greater than 2 cm $324.74
70116 Tumour removal or scar revision (2-5 cm)op only $127.72
70117 Tumour removal or scar revision (5.1-10 $261.90
70118 Tumour removal or scar revision greater than 10 cm $452.56

Renal Access

77403 Arm revascularization with dril $707.73
77402 Brachiobasilic arteriovenous fistula,vein transpot $707.74
77395 Creation of internal arterio-venous fistu $414.93
07366 Laparotomy and staging of lymphoma $909.86
07365 Limb perfusion - isolated $938.97
77380 Peritoneal catheter insertion $190.68
77385 Peritoneal catheter removal $132.26
07363 Radical femoral, inguinal and iliac dissection $536.76
77396 Revision of av fistula $505.58
07360 Splenectomy $808.57
07361 Tb glands - radical removal $269.03
77405 Thrombectomy of arterio-venous fistula $349.01

Salivary Gland and Ducts

07515 Abscess - partoid/submaxillary/sublingual $202.59
00844 Biopsy of salivary gland, fine or core needle $54.02
07516 Excision or marsupialization of salivary cyst $203.56
07522 Local excision of parotid tumor $203.62
07526 Salivary duct - dilation $152.38

Second Surgeon or Operator

70021 Certified general surgeon assist(extra) $31.77
07702 Cloacal anomaly - total correction second surgeon $507.54
07593 Pena posterior sagittal anoproctoplasty 2nd surgeo $339.13
77030 Second operator: synchronous combined bypass graft $300.19
77025 Synchronous combined bypass graft - extremities $300.19


07633 Closure of gastrojejunocolic fistula $1,140.06
70649 Fistula - gastrocolic $786.78
70628 Gastrectomy - reconstruction - roux-en-y - open $1,700.00
70627 Gastrectomy - total - open $1,700.00
07623 Gastrectomy revision after previous gastrectomy $1,217.37
70629 Gastrectomy with formation/intestinal pouch - open $1,700.00
72729 Gastrectomy, total: with pouch - laparoscopic $2,000.00
72728 Gastrectomy, total: with roux-en-y reconstruction $2,000.00
72727 Gastrectomy,total:oesophagoenterostomy-laparoscop $2,000.00
70645 Gastric restrict procedure/revision/reversal/open $1,617.25
70642 Gastric restrictive procedure $1,015.07
72743 Gastric restrictive procedure - laparoscopic $1,415.75
70643 Gastric restrictive procedure/bypass - open $1,600.00
70644 Gastric restrictive procedure/small bowel reconstr $929.80
72737 Gastrojejunostomy - laparoscopic $634.10
07627 Gastrojejunostomy - open $558.30
70646 Gastrostomy - closure - surgical $402.23
07630 Gastrostomy - open $456.79
70641 Gastrotomy - laparoscopic $750.00
07632 Gastrotomy, open $750.00
72739 Laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy $1,105.07
70626 Limited/wedge excision malignant tum-stomach-open $653.95
33394 Peg procedure-assistant's fee $112.47
07626 Pyloroplasty $402.23
72723 Revision gastrectomy/after prv gastrectomy lap $1,521.68
72775 Revision/reversal of gastric restrictive procedure $1,700.00
70637 Tube change - gastrostomy $45.46

Stomach Excision

72626 Hemicolectomy - left - open $960.62
72726 Limited/wedge excision - malignant tumour stomach $817.44
72725 Limited/wedge excision - ulcer or benign tumour $715.27
70625 Limited/wedge excision-ulcer or benign tum stomach $572.21

Stomach Incision

70620 Gastrotomy $505.35
70621 Gastrotomy with suture repair of bleeding ulcer $674.39
70622 Gastrotomy-suture repair oesophagogastric lacer. $702.47
70624 Pyloromyotomy, cutting of pyloric muscle $505.35

Stomach Partial Gastrectomy (Distal)

70635 Gastrectomy - proximal - open $1,202.67
07624 Gastrectomy emergency for continued haemorrhage $1,200.00
70632 Gastrectomy partial/distal reconstruction-roux-en $1,200.00
70630 Gastrectomy partial/distal with gastroduodenostomy $1,100.00
70631 Gastrectomy partial/distal/gastrojejunostomy-open $1,100.00
70633 Gastrectomy, partial, distal-intestinal pouch-open $1,300.00
72733 Gastrectomy, partial, with pouch - laparoscopic $1,379.45
72730 Gastrectomy,partial,distal(billroth i)laparoscopic $1,226.17
72731 Gastrectomy,partial,distal(billroth ii)laparoscope $1,226.17
72732 Gastrectomy,partial,distal/roux-en-y-laparoscopic $1,277.23
07628 Gastrojejunostomy or pyloroplasty $636.64
72735 Proximal gastrectomy - laparoscopic $1,503.32
07578 Vagotomy - highly selective $636.64
70634 Vagotomy (extra) $63.86

Superficial Issues

07041 Abdomen aspiration/chest $76.01
07027 Abscess - deep - general anaesthetic $203.59
07059 Abscess - deep - local/regional anesthesia $81.46
07061 Abscess - deep, post operative wound infection under general anesthesia $203.37
70084 Abscess - pilonidal cyst/sinus - incision/drainage $101.36
06028 Abscess - web space operation only $254.92
06029 Abscess - web space under general anaesthetic $290.00
07045 Anterior closed space abscess - op only $101.44
70023 Exc biopsy of lymph gland for susp malig - neck $203.62
70025 Exc biopsy of lymph glands for susp malig - groin $203.37
70024 Exc biopsy of lymph glands for susp malig -axilla $237.34
07053 Exc of nail bed, complete, w/shortening of phalanx $137.99
06166 Excision of axillary sweat gland for hyperhydrosis $325.14
07055 Ganglia - wrist $202.23
07072 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - axillary $250.00
07075 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - inguinal $250.00
07076 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - perianal $250.00
07082 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - perineal $250.00
07685 Pilonidal cysts or sinus - excision or marsupialization $277.43
06063 Removal of foreign body requiring ga $250.72
06018 Removal of tumor - more than 10 cm $447.40
06016 Removal of tumor or scar under ga, up to 5 cm $126.26
06017 Removal of tumour; 5 cm to 10 cm $258.91
07028 Sural nerve - biopsy of $177.27
07025 Temporal artery biopsy $140.69
07073 Tenotomy congenital torticollis $304.16
07074 Tenotomy resection of tendon $257.99

Surgical Fee Modifiers

07003 Bmi surgical surcharge @ 25% of surgical fee to a maximum of $2,008.00
07001 Surgical surcharge (age 75+) $85.00


77422 Cervical sympathectomy - unilateral $501.87
77430 Lumbar sympathectomy - bilateral (extra) $248.26
77420 Lumbar sympathectomy - unilateral $371.15
77428 Lumbar sympathectomy - unilateral (extra) $124.12
77426 Lumbo-dorsal sympathectomy & splanchnic neurectomy $458.38
77424 Preganglionic sympathectomy; upper dorsal region $458.38

Thoracic Procedures

10761 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (egd) $89.73
10763 Initial esophageal, gastric or duodenal biopsy $29.06
00710 Mediastinoscopy or anterior mediastinotomy $196.39
10764 Multiple biopsies for differential diagnoses $43.58
00818 Oesophageal ph study - professional fee $41.00
00817 Oesophageal ph study - technical fee $13.00
00797 Oesophageal, motility test $176.15
00798 Oesophageal, motility test - professional fee $101.79
00788 Oesophageal, motility test - technical fee $74.35


77440 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $836.46
77707 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $42.87
77708 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $30.90
77710 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $145.69
77712 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $89.54


07446 Bowel - small - resection of injured $644.63
07445 Bowel - small - repair of lacerations $572.71
07448 Colonic injury +/- colostomy - repair $962.78
07450 Colonic injury- exteriorization $602.52
07443 Distal pancreas - resection for trauma $1,268.85
07438 Duodenal injury - resection and debridement $1,522.60
07437 Duodenum - repair of laceration to $857.71
07436 Duodenum/pancreas - exploration and mobilization $644.63
07150 Insertion of thoracostomy tube $203.01
07435 Lacerations to stomach - repair $750.00
07433 Laparotomy and removal of injured spleen $850.00
07432 Laparotomy for trauma $454.41
07430 Peritoneal lavage (catheter) - diagnostic $102.83
07449 Resection of colonic injury $962.78
07434 Splenic repair, any method $758.60
10089 Trauma team leader - subsequent hospital visit $78.72
10088 Trauma team leader - tertiary assessment $104.00
07444 Whipple procedure for trauma $3,045.21

Vascular Access

07139 Broviac catheter - insertion of $162.55
07140 Catheter insertion - broviac type, <3 mo or <3 kg $269.03
00319 Central catheter insertion - tpn $56.81
07146 Inferior vena cava filter - insertion $367.84
00526 Insertion of intravenous infusion line, under 5 $57.24
07147 Insertion of peritoneal catheter under ga $305.89
07145 Intra osseous - access $101.29
00801 Intra-arterial cannulation $22.10
07134 Peritoneal venous shunt for ascites $390.37
07141 Permcath removal $126.79
07142 Venous access port - implantable - insertion $255.98
07143 Venous access port - implantable/revision/removal $350.00


77084 Acute venous: ligation of femoral vein $495.27
77060 Compression sclerotherapy - repeat $37.87
77055 Compression sclerotherapy - complicated $120.26
77050 Compression sclerotherapy - uncomplicated $80.82
77070 Fasciotomy - complete $319.25
77082 Femoral vein - ligation $148.84
77075 Groin - re-exploration, and/or popliteal fossa $300.19
77065 High ligation, long saphenous $223.03
07112 Ligation of 2 or more perforators $278.91
07111 Ligations and strippings - 6 or more incisions $304.28
07110 Ligations and strippings - 3 to 5 incisions $278.91
77096 Mesocaval graft - autogenous $1,006.21
77094 Mesocaval graft - synthetic $945.05
07116 Multiple ligations, strippings, perforators $523.41
77092 Porto-caval shunt $945.05
77090 Spleno-renal shunt $945.05
07108 Stripping long saphenous $263.88
07109 Stripping short saphenous $228.30
77086 Thrombectomy/acute ilio-femoral thrombophlebitis $620.60
77077 Ulcer excision and grafting $120.28
77045 Varicose vein injection $13.46
77079 Venous crossover graft for iliac obstruction $609.87


06077 Complicated laceration of the scalp cheek and neck $333.13
70150 Lacerations - tongue/floor of mouth - complicated $270.50
06075 Lips and eyelid wounds complicated $339.41
06076 Nose and ear wounds complicated $426.36

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