MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Dermatology

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Code Description Fee

Consultations / Visits

00210 Consultation, dermatology $79.36
00214 Consultation, dermatology - repeat/limited $50.56
00204 Directive care - dermatology $30.75
00205 Emergency visit - dermatology $105.43
00206 For primary systemic diseases with cutaneous manifestations, to include complete history and physical examination, review of x-ray and laboratory findings, and a written report $179.96
20210 Telehealth consultation, dermatology $79.36
20214 Telehealth repeat consultation, dermatology $50.56
20208 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - dermatology $30.75
20207 Telehealth subsequent office visit - dermatology $31.76
00209 Visit, home dermatology $63.28

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00208 Visit, hospital, dermatology $30.75
00207 Visit, office, dermatology $31.76

Diagnostic Procedures

00765 Annual maximum (scratch or intracutaneous tests) $34.40
00764 Intracutaneous test, per test $2.15
00767 Patch testing (extra) (annual maximum, 80 tests) per test $1.96
00769 Photopatch test, annual maximum $56.69
00768 Photopatch test, per test $5.66
00763 Scratch test - children under 5 years $2.32
00762 Scratch test, per antigen $1.06

Skin Grafts

20226 Derm-full thcknss grfts-eyelid,nose,lips,ear $310.50
20227 Derm-full thcknss grfts-finger,more than 1 phalanx $296.52
20228 Dermatology-full thickness grafts-sole or palm $296.52
20225 Dermatology-skin grafts-eyebrw,eyelid,lip,ear,nose $296.52
20223 Dermatology-skin grafts-multiple $569.41
20222 Dermatology-skin grafts-single $315.48
20221 Dermatology-skin grafts-single or multiple < 2cm $203.96
20224 Dermatology-with free skin graft to secndry defect $647.63

Special Therapy

00237 Additional surgical professional fee billable when either of the above two procedures are performed under general anesthesia $56.08
00218 Curettage and electrosurgery of skin carcinoma proven histopathologically (operation only) $61.38
00219 For each additional lesion to a maximum of two additional lesions per day (operation only) $30.69
00228 Photo epilation of facial hair - per 1/4 hr $28.43
00223 Psoralen ultra violet a treatment - partial body $20.33
00222 Psoralen ultra violet a treatment - whole body $20.33
00236 Pulsed laser - face/neck > 50cm2 or eye shields $101.87
00235 Pulsed laser- face/neck: < 50cm2 $67.92
00217 Treatment of skin disorders and lesions other than: ultraviolet, x-ray, grenz ray: such as cryosurgery, electrosurgery, etc., - extra (operation only) $14.81
00224 Ultra violet b treatment, whole or partial body - - includes office visit $20.33
00019 Venesection for polycythaemia or phlebotomy $31.65

Surgical Procedures and Repairs

20231 Biopsy, not sutured $26.85
20314 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $40.65
20310 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $78.71
20232 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $13.42
06069 Excision of tumor or small scar - face $88.03
06041 Full thickness free skin grafts; eyelid/nose/lip $349.88
06146 Lip shave - vermillionectomy $399.13
00225 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-initial cut, including debulking $346.71
00226 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-one or more additional cuts, extra $300.32
00227 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-special overhead and technical component, extra $323.29
06024 Skin graft; eyebrow/eyelid, lip, ear, nose single $291.77
06020 Skin grafts - single $321.04
06019 Skin grafts - single or multiple flaps < 2cm $156.57

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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