MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Diagnostic Ultrasound

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Code Description Fee


08648 Abdominal b-scan $110.10
08650 Guidance for biopsy or cyst puncture $126.67
08684 Prostate scan using rectal probe $110.08
08649 Renal b scan $86.68

Doppler Studies

08660 Abdominal duplex- native/ transplant liver/kidney $122.55
08679 Doppler echocardiography $46.73
08664 Doppler resting arterial assessment $60.19
08662 Exercise echocardiography $234.46
08669 Sympathetic tone response $43.96
08666 Treadmill stress without monitoring physician $72.19

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08665 Treadmill stress; with monitoring physician $106.71
08668 Vasospastic assessment $72.19


08676 Carotid imaging - duplex scanning of neck vessels $122.38
08677 Periorbital assessments $44.83
08678 Subclavian or vertebral assessment $61.42

Head and Neck

08659 B scan brain $105.25
08642 B scan soft tissues of neck $68.77
08641 Ophthalmic b-scan $101.17


08658 Extremity b scan $59.60
08644 Guided pericardiocentesis $110.08
08670 Peripheral venous - deep venous system $44.83


08646 Guided thoracentesis $100.51
08645 Thorax - b scan $86.68

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