MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Opthalmology

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Code Description Fee

Clinical Examinations

02018 Biomicroscopy $31.95
02010 Consultation - ophthalmology $99.26
02005 Emergency visit - ophthalmology $89.84
02028 Examination for low visual aid $49.50
02048 Exophthalmometry $13.45
02015 Eye examination (refraction, opthalmoscopy etc...) $50.86
02009 Home visit - ophthalmology $60.27
02008 Hospital visit - ophthalmology $48.72
02038 Keratometry $15.63
02011 Limited consultation - ophthalmology $48.83

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02017 Oculo-motor function test $34.51
02007 Office visit - ophthalmology $36.14
02020 Ophthalmodynamometry $28.61
02014 Orthoptic evaluation $60.87
22016 Pachymetry-extra(when billed with other eye exams) $10.21
02040 Retinoscopy, keratometry, tonometry, indirect fundoscopy, fundus photography and prosthetic fitting under general anesthetic $133.06
02012 Special consultation - ophthalmology $135.53
22010 Telehealth consultation - ophthalmology $99.26
22011 Telehealth repeat or lmtd consult - ophthalmology $48.83
22008 Telehealth subseqnt hospital visit - ophthalmology $48.72
22007 Telehealth subsequent office visit - ophthalmology $36.14
02019 Tonometry $31.95

Cornea and Sclera

22175 Collagen cross-linking for keratoconus-prof fee $404.61
22176 Collagen cross-linking for keratoconus-tech fee $505.77

Diagnostic Examinations

00771 Retinal examination under anaesthesia $20.08
22051 Specular microscopy-professional fee $20.39
22052 Specular microscopy-technical fee $57.74
22050 Specular microscopy-total fee $78.13

Fitting of Contact Lenses

22059 Contact lens - keratoconus - unilateral $266.12
02058 Contact lens bandage - aphakia - unilateral $266.12
22056 Contact lens bandage - unilateral $79.83

Laboratory / Diagnostic Examinations

22023 10 or 24 hour tension curve - diurnal $35.27
22047 Anterior segment gonioscopy $15.01
02035 Color vision assessment $41.04
02036 Colour vision assessment (professional) $26.91
02037 Colour vision assessment (technical) $14.14
02043 Comprehensive quantitative perimetry examination $63.32
22075 Computerized corneal topography $58.70
22076 Computerized corneal topography - professional fee $15.92
22077 Computerized corneal topography - technical fee $42.78
22067 Computerized retinal nerve fibre layer photography $55.54
02047 Dacryocystogram $62.57
02034 Dark adaptation, per eye $21.39
02031 Electro -retinogram - professional fee $34.98
02032 Electro- retinogram - technical fee $59.20
02044 Electro-oculogram $76.33
02045 Electro-oculogram - professional fee $26.91
02030 Electro-retinogram $94.19
02026 Fluorescein angiography of retina - prof fee $26.90
02027 Fluorescein angiography of retina - tech fee $80.07
02025 Fluorescein angiography of retina with interpret. $106.96
02039 Fundus photography $13.40
02067 Manual retinal nerve fibre layer photography $65.18
22046 Posterior segment contact lens exam $11.20
02049 Potentiometry $31.31
22068 Professional fee -computerized retinal nerve fibre $12.52
02042 Quantitative perimetry examination $45.70
02068 Ret nerve fibre and neuro-retinal assess. - prof $12.52
02069 Ret nerve fibre and neuro-retinal assess. - tech $52.65
22069 Technical fee - computerized retinal nerve fibre $43.02
02041 Visual field examination (limited) $32.59

Retinal Procedures

02182 - non-magnetic extraction - isolated procedure $750.18
22197 Additional gas (c3f8 or sf6) or air injection $99.69
02091 Anterior chamber paracentesis $134.23
02198 Anterior vitrectomy $349.55
22195 Buckle material or sponge - removal $173.65
02194 Buckling procedure $807.76
02195 Cryopexy or diathermy for retinal tear or other retinal disorder $226.99
22199 Fluid/gas exchange and silicone injection if required with posterior vitrectomy $67.23
02181 Foreign body intraocular - magnetic extraction - isolated procedure $620.22
22202 Intra ocular lens removal/lensectomy when done with a posterior vitrectomy $56.01
02092 Intravitreal biopsy (microbiology, cytology) or intraocular tumour needle biopsy $215.18
02090 Intravitreal injection of vitreous paracentesis $134.43
22200 Panretinal endolaser greater than 200 burns when done with a posterior vitrectomy $207.26
22196 Pneumatic retinopexy with air/gas - isolated proc. $387.65
02199 Posterior vitrectomy with 2 or 3 port infusion cutting device. includes membrane peel and/or dissection $910.84
22203 Removal of intra-ocular foreign body at the time of posterior vitrectomy $224.07
22198 Repair of scleral laceration and cryopexy and/or gas injection with scleral buckle isolated procedure $981.42
22201 Scleral buckle done with posterior vitrectomy $56.01

Surgical Fees - Cataract / Lens

22191 Cataract - capsulotomy (needling or discission) - isolated procedure $208.26
02188 Cataract linear extraction, congenital, traumatic $279.16
22188 Pediatric cataract extraction-ages 0-7 years $1,122.62
22189 Pediatric cataract extraction-ages 8-16 years $748.41
02190 Primary intraocular lens implantation to include repositioning of lens within the 42 day post-operative period - extra $73.47
02192 Secondary intraocular lens implantation to include repositioning of lens within the 42 day post-operative period $481.75
02196 Surgical repositioning of implant lens $225.87

Surgical Fees - Cornea and Sclera

02167 Cautery or cryotherapy of corneal ulcer $31.83
22172 Complicated pterygium excision (re-operation) or cancer excision, with mucous membrane graft $604.99
02172 Gunderson-type flap $294.05
02168 Keratoplasty - complicated re-operation $956.76
02173 Keratoplasty - lamellar $850.60
02175 Keratoplasty - penetrating $851.47
22171 Pterygium excision with mucous membrane graft $420.13
02171 Pterygium or limbus tumour excision $126.95
02169 Suture of cornea/sclera (complicated) $701.33
02174 Suture of cornea/sclera (simple) $309.98
22169 Suture removal at slit lamp following keratoplasty $22.15

Surgical Fees - Eye Muscles

22166 Adjustable suture fee - extra to strabismus $176.44
22167 Prism adaptation and/or amblyopia therapy $138.39
02161 Strabismus (1 or 2 muscles) $374.20
02162 Strabismus (3 or more muscles) $529.31
22165 Strabismus (5 or more muscles) $764.54
02163 Strabismus (complicated re-operation) $588.12

Surgical Fees - Eyelids

02150 Chalazion removal $78.90
02148 Cryotherapy of eyelids for trichiasis or tumour $117.64
02154 Ectropion/entropian - complicated $334.98
02153 Ectropion/entropian - ziegler or simple procedure $56.35
02156 Excision of tumour of eyelid margin or conjunctiva benign (operation only) $88.57
02157 Eyelid tumour - benign - excision $38.32
02158 Fasanella-servat procedure $265.00
02100 Graded muellerectomy with levator recession under local anesthesiology $470.48
02166 Lid elevation & scleral graft $470.48
02104 Major lid reconstruction (one or two stage) $882.17
02149 Meibomian gland evacuation $22.36
02106 Microscopic repair of trichiasis including muscular graft or mucosal membrane graft $582.57
02103 Minor lid repair (operation only) $88.57
02159 Ptosis repair - frontalis sling using autologous material $547.30
02155 Ptosis repair - frontalis sling using synthetic material $294.05
02160 Ptosis repair (levator resection) $537.77
02107 Repair of eyelid margin defect, requiring layered closure $352.88
02152 Tarsorrhaphy $116.92
02147 Trichiasis - electric $64.38
02146 Trichiasis - epilation (forceps) $22.36
02105 Two-stage reconstruction with micrographic tumour excision $1,470.29

Surgical Fees - Glaucoma / Iris / Anterior Chamber

22187 Glaucoma - complicated trabeculectomy $939.34
22185 Glaucoma - cycloablative procedures $309.98
02184 Glaucoma - cyclodialysis $334.98
02187 Glaucoma - filtering procedure, microscopic $644.24
02178 Glaucoma - filtering procedure, non-microscopic $598.26
02180 Glaucoma - goniotomy $543.84
02183 Glaucoma - goniotomy repeat within 3 months $225.87
02177 Glaucoma - peripheral iridectomy(isolated proced.) $345.26
02189 Iridocyclectomy via scleral flap dissection $631.00
22070 Molteno implant (includes phase 1 and phase 2) $1,072.16
02176 Sclerotomy - posterior with or without insufflation of gas - isolated procedure $131.46
02197 Surgical evacuation of a hyphema $518.72

Surgical Fees - Lacrimal Apparatus

02112 Dacryocystectomy (complex) $1,058.61
02126 Dacryocystorhinostomy $560.17
02119 Dacryocystostomy (la) $35.29
02122 Duct probing - under local anesthesia (operation only) $25.54
22121 Duct probing under ga - unilateral or bilateral $176.44
02129 Insertion of lester jones tube $423.43
02123 Insertion of quickert tube $206.18
02111 Lacrimal gland micro-dissection $1,119.48
02120 Punctum dilation and syringing sac $25.54
02127 Repair of canaliculi $494.00
02118 Two or three snip procedure $47.95

Surgical Fees - Laser Procedures

22115 Capsulotomy - yag laser, per eye $106.44
02072 Laser interferometry $32.49
22113 Laser iridotomy per eye $117.64
22114 Laser trabeculoplasty per eye $128.40
02116 Panretinal photocoagulation - > 700 burns max. $524.72
22125 Photodynamic thrpy for age-rltd wet macular degene - professional fee $279.77
22118 Post-laser follow-up $33.20
22116 Retinal photocoagulation - left $128.40
22117 Retinal photocoagulation - right $128.40
00094 Yag laser tray service fee $65.66

Surgical Fees - Orbit

02144 Aspiration needle biopsy of orbit under scan $135.62
22136 Biopsy or excision of anterior orbital tumour $352.88
02133 Enucleation or evisceration $529.70
02134 Orbit - enucleation with complicated implant $776.31
02135 Orbit - exenteration of $1,008.31
22142 Orbital decompression - (2 wall) $980.91
22141 Orbital decompression - (1 wall) $635.16
22143 Orbital decompression - (3 wall) $1,411.49
02145 Orbital exenteration with en bloc resection of bony orbital walls - ophthalmologist $1,679.65
22140 Orbital exploration (posterior route) - to biopsy posterior orbital tumour or to fenestrate optic nerve sheath $1,129.17
02101 Orbitotomy - posterior, microdissection $1,764.34
22138 Posterior orbitotomy for removal of posterior orbital tumour not involving the orbital apex or optic nerve $1,411.49
02132 Retrobulbar injection $90.93

Surgical Fees - Special Therapy

02108 Beta radiation $20.74
02073 Botulinum toxin injection for blepharospasm $136.66
02075 Botulinum toxin injection for entropion $74.69
02076 Botulinum toxin injection for strabismus $207.99
02110 Radioactive plaque $1,002.34
02109 Subconjunctival injection $22.36

Ultrasoun and Axial Measurement Examinations

22399 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $64.34
25007 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $36.97
25010 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $77.84
25012 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $45.81
25013 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $108.85

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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