MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Internal Medicine

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Code Description Fee

Adult and Pediatric Critical Care

01413 Comprehensive care (icu) - 1st day $507.54
01423 Comprehensive care (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $256.61
01455 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $7.26
01450 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $42.87
01443 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $147.80
01433 Comprehensive care (icu) - 8th to 30th day $142.11
01411 Critical care (icu) - 1st day $340.05
01421 Critical care (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $170.52
01441 Critical care (icu) - 31st day onward $135.47
01431 Critical care (icu) - 8th to 30th day $117.75

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01412 Ventilatory support (icu) - 1st day $294.96
01422 Ventilatory support (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $161.06
01442 Ventilatory support (icu) - 31st day onward $110.89
01432 Ventilatory support (icu) - 8th to 30th day $123.38


33581 Cancer chemotherapy, high intensity $203.27
33583 Cancer chemotherapy, limited $68.11
33582 Cancer chemotherapy, major $119.21

Consultations / Visits

00310 Consultation, int. med. $168.39
00312 Consultation, limited, int. med. $81.35
00313 Counselling group - internal med - 1st full hour $113.42
00315 Counselling group -internal med -2nd hr per 1/2 hr $56.67
00306 Directive care, internal medicine $72.19
00305 Emergency visit - general internal medicine $114.98
00311 Gim - complex consultation - 3 medical conditions $277.78
00314 Internal medicine prolonged visit for counselling $55.38
32307 Sub f/u off visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $98.88
32318 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $34.71
32367 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $98.88
32317 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $55.00
32312 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $181.82
32308 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $67.29
32271 Telehealth complex consultation-internal medicine $277.78
32270 Telehealth consultation - internal medicine $168.39
32276 Telehealth directive care - internal medicine $72.19
32272 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-internal med $81.35
32278 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-internal med $29.07
32277 Telehealth subsequent office visit - internal med $53.73
00309 Visit, home, int. med. $51.88
00308 Visit, hospital, int. med. $29.07
00307 Visit, office, int. med. $53.73


00839 Direct intra-coronary streptokinase thrombolysis $361.78


00343 Cardiac screening $4.67
00344 Cardiac screening- professional fee $2.34
00345 Cardiac screening-technical fee $2.34
00322 Cardioangiogram internist part $46.76
33033 Generator placement and venous cutdown $263.32
00017 Insertion of central venous pressure catheter $23.88
00753 Marrow aspiration $43.77
33032 Pacemaker standby and/or placement of the endocardial catheter (operation only) $80.66
33756 Pd tube reinsertion (10 days after initial) $52.22
33037 Replacement transfusion - hepatic failure to include two weeks' care after transfusion $287.85

Pulmonary Investigative and Function Studies

00958 Exercise induced asthma - professional fee $22.35
00959 Exercise induced asthma - technical fee $32.95
00930 Peak expiratory flow rate $5.57
00970 Precipitin tests - professional fee $11.16
00971 Precipitin tests - technical fee $27.05
00929 Simple screening spirometry as above but before and after bronchodilators $19.00
00928 Simple screening spirometry with fvc, fev(i), and fev(i)/fvc ratio using a portable apparatus without bronchodilators $13.00

Referred Cases

32210 Consultation $206.36
32207 Directive care $80.00
32206 Directive care $85.64
32212 Repeat or limited consultation $90.68
32208 Subsequent hospital visit $50.38
32370 Telehealth consultation $206.36
32377 Telehealth directive care $80.00
32376 Telehealth directive care $85.64
32372 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation $90.68
32378 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit $50.38

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