MSP Billing Codes

Specialty: Psychiatry

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Code Description Fee

Consultations / Visits

00610 Consultation, psychiatry $247.37
00605 Emergency visit - psychiatry $144.57
00622 Emotionally disturbed child - consultation $441.73
00623 Emotionally disturbed family - consultation $441.73
00624 Evaluation interview with family member $54.58
00611 Extended adult psychiatry consultation > 68 minutes $324.92
60633 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1/2 hr $109.17
60639 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1 1/2 hr $317.41
60636 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1 hr $211.58
60635 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 3/4 hr $162.48

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60638 Family/conjoint telehealth thereapy-per 1 1/4 hr $264.50
00613 Geriatric consultation (age 75 years or older) $374.12
00615 Hospital/institution inpatient or home visit $247.37
60632 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 1 hr $211.58
60630 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 1/2 h $109.17
60631 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 3/4 h $162.48
00645 Patient mangmnt confer. - 3rd parties, per 1/4 hr $54.58
60622 Telehealth consult emotionally disturbed child psy $441.73
60610 Telehealth consultation psychiatry $247.37
60624 Telehealth eval interview with family member, 1/2 $54.58
60613 Telehealth geriatric consult psychiatry 75 yrs or $374.12
60608 Telehealth hospital in-patient visit - psychiatry $55.23
60645 Telehealth patient mangement conference psychiatry $54.58
60626 Telehealth repeat or limited consult emotionally $220.85
60625 Telehealth repeat or limited consult psychiatry $131.12
60614 Telehealth repeat/limited geriatric consult psych $187.06
60607 Telehealth subsequent office visit psychiatry $55.23
00609 Visit, home, psychiatry $74.34
00608 Visit, hospital, psychiatry $55.23
00607 Visit, office, psychiatry $55.23

Psychiatric Treatment

00641 Electroconvulsive therapy $91.17
00671 Group phychotherapy-11 patients-per patient $19.82
00672 Group pshchotherapy-12 patients-per patient $18.61
00668 Group psychotherapy - eight patients - per patient $25.46
00665 Group psychotherapy - five patients - per patient $33.78
00664 Group psychotherapy - four patients - per patient $38.86
00669 Group psychotherapy - nine patients - per patient $23.88
00667 Group psychotherapy - seven patients - per patient $27.42
00666 Group psychotherapy - six patients - per patient $30.05
00670 Group psychotherapy - ten patients - per patient $22.60
00663 Group psychotherapy - three patients - per patient $48.65
00681 Group psychotherapy->20 patients-per patient $13.42
00673 Group psychotherapy-13 patients-per patient $17.25
00674 Group psychotherapy-14 patients-per patient $16.92
00675 Group psychotherapy-15 patients-per patient $16.25
00676 Group psychotherapy-16 patients-per patient $15.76
00677 Group psychotherapy-17 patients-per patient $15.10
00678 Group psychotherapy-18 patients-per patient $14.87
00679 Group psychotherapy-19 patients-per patient $14.23
00680 Group psychotherapy-20 patients-per patient $13.88
00639 Psychotherapy family per 1 1/2 hr $317.41
00638 Psychotherapy family per 1 1/4 hr $264.50
00633 Psychotherapy family per 1/2 hr $109.17
00635 Psychotherapy family per 3/4 hr $162.48
00636 Psychotherapy family per hour $211.58
00630 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per 1/2 hr $109.17
00631 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per 3/4 hr $162.48
00632 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per hour $211.58
00652 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 1 hr $211.58
00650 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 1/2 hr $109.17
00651 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 3/4 hr $162.48

Referred Cases

00626 Emotionally disturbed child - repeat consultation $220.85
00627 Emotionally disturbed family - repeat consultation $220.85
00625 Repeat consultation - psychiatry $131.12
00614 Repeat geriatric consultation $187.06

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