MSP Billing Codes, Fees & Payment Schedule

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Code Description Fee

97008 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97009 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97010 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97011 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97012 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $60.00
97013 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97014 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97015 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
97016 Apb-form completion greater than 20 minutes $50.00
08710 Consult malignant haemopoietic/reproductive/etc. $57.89

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06184 Extensor - repair $232.45
09903 First additional area. physical therapy. $6.75
06183 Flexor - repair $369.80
96201 Gp 2nd medical opinion & form 12 - mental health $58.99
09908 Home visit - requires therapist to travel to home $28.70
10040 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $5.43
10041 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $14.00
10042 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $5.45
10043 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $14.00
10044 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $17.62
10045 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $17.62
10046 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $43.50
10050 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $60.00
09904 Initial visit - incl. evaluation & treatment - $25.20
09910 Initial visit - nursing home - physical therapy $23.85
96501 Msd form person with disabilities designation $130.00
96503 Msd med rprt - persons with persist multi barriers $50.00
96504 Msd medical report employability form $25.00
96505 Msd medical report, child $25.00
96400 Msd monthly nutritional supplement form part b $25.00
96502 Msd section 3 assessor report $75.00
09913 Multiple area treatment - second additional area $6.75
09914 Multiple area treatment - third additional area. $6.75
96223 Osmv - visual field test and exam visual functions $102.00
96222 Osmv diabetic driver report-sent out with dmer $30.00
96221 Osmv diabetic driver report-stand alone (no dmer) $75.00
96220 Osmv driver's medical examination report (dmer) $75.00
96224 Osmv examination of visual function (evf) by optom $70.00
96225 Osmv visual field test (vft) by optom-stand alone $42.00
96227 Osmv-examinatino of visual function(evf)-by ophth $91.51
96228 Osmv-vft-visual field test by oph-stand alone test $62.10
96226 Osmv-vft+evf(visual field+visual function)by ophth $153.61
09934 Prolonged visit - assessment,treatment,instruction $23.60
09935 Prolonged visit - cns, assessment,treatment of cns $35.90
09933 Prolonged visit -min 25 minutes of direct contact $23.60
09912 Prolonged visit at nursing home, therapy rendered $23.60
08711 Radiology consult for malignant lesion - w/ biopsy $43.58
08712 Radiology consult for malignant lesion of skin $29.09
99000 Sessional - GP visit $1,106.00
99001 Sessional - GP visit $3,842.00
99002 Sessional - GP visit $14,702.00
A00095 Sessional - GP visit $92.70
96302 Spec 2nd med op & form 12, follow up-mental health $81.31
96301 Spec 2nd med. op. & form 12, intl - mental health $177.10
10007 Specialist e-mail patient management-follow up $10.10
10008 Specialist e-mail patient management-follow up $60.00
10009 Specialist e-mail patient management-follow up $40.00
09902 Subsequent visit - short evaluation and either $17.65
09911 Subsequent visit at nursing home-therapy rendered $15.65
08770 Telehealth radiology consult for malignant lesion $57.89
08771 Telehealth radiology consult malignant w/biopsy $43.58
08772 Telehealth radiology consult/malignant lesion skin $29.09


08570 Abdomen x-ray $35.32
08648 Abdominal b-scan $110.10
08571 Abdominal multiple x-ray $53.41
08650 Guidance for biopsy or cyst puncture $126.67
08684 Prostate scan using rectal probe $110.08
08649 Renal b scan $86.68

Abdominal and Perineal Approach

72666 Altemeier transperineal excision of rectal procide $677.27
72667 Division of stricture of rectum $252.59
72664 Proctectomy, complete - subtotal/total colectomy $1,645.83
72665 Proctectomy, partial - without anastomosis $558.30
07580 Rectal tumor excision by posterior parasacral $800.00

Abdominal Operations

04208 Ectopic pregnancy $500.91
04217 Hemorrhage - post op (intra-abdominal management) $458.49
04228 Hysterectomy - total $736.94
04709 Hysterectomy-laparoscopic total/supracerv&/or lavh $980.80
04204 Hysterotomy - abdominal with/without sterilization $358.76
04707 Laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy $980.80
04001 Laparoscopy $229.25
04203 Myomectomy $500.91
04216 Neurectomy presacral $418.08
04003 Oophorectomy/salpingectomy $358.76
04201 Ovarian cystectomy $447.72
04229 Removal of complicated pelvic disease $754.70
04230 Sterilization - abdominal-open $356.60
04206 Suspension of uterus $240.19
04605 Vault prolapse $748.87

Abdominal Operations for Cancer

04011 Ca ovary/ fallopian tubes $1,011.82
04218 Hysterectomy - radical $1,102.00
04029 Omentectomy/removal of soft-tissue mass $358.76
04219 Para-aortic lymphadenectomy $595.90
04220 Para-aortic lymphadenectomy - partial $263.91
04212 Pelvic lymphadenectomy $595.90
04628 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $509.44
04630 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $474.13
04631 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $711.19
04632 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $356.60
04633 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $407.55
04640 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $474.13
04641 Removal of extrapelvic soft tissue mass > 10 cm $711.19

Abdominal Surgery - Miscellaneous

07603 Abdominal wound evisceration - resuture $406.03
07597 Haemorrhage; intra-abdominal management - post ope $379.58
71280 Indwelling enteral tubes, removal - no anes $30.65
71282 Indwelling enteral tubes, removal- gen anaes $203.93
71281 Indwelling enteral tubes,removal-local/regional $63.06
71283 Indwelling entereal tubes, replacement - extra $30.65
07601 Intra-abdominal abscess excluding intrahepatic $434.19
07600 Laparotomy to include biopsy - exploratory $405.81
71292 Peritonectomy, with or without chemotherapy $662.77
71293 Peritonectomy, with/without chemotherapy add 15min $75.60
71291 Resection of soft issue tumour 10cmor >-add 15min $76.47
71290 Resection of soft tissue tumour 10cm or greater $662.77
72600 Temp or delayed abdominal closure with vac $376.25
07451 Thoracic extension of abdominal incision(extra) $285.69


06114 Abrasive surgery - full face $523.79
06112 Abrasive surgery <1/4 of face $126.70
06113 Abrasive surgery 1/4 to 1/2 of face $246.18

Acute Pain Management

01075 Axillary indwelling catheter - repeat injection $60.85
01076 Axillary indwelling catheter - supervision $40.57
01007 Catheter insertion intrapleural for pain mgmt $83.54
01074 Catheter insertion-axillary for pain mgmt $72.55
01025 Epidural catheter insertion - lumbar or caudal $150.36
01026 Epidural catheter insertion - thoracic pain mgmt $228.03
01050 Epidural indwelling catheter repeat injection - 4 $60.85
01073 Epidural infusion - supervision $40.57
01019 Interpleural indwelling catheter repeat injections $60.85
01021 Intrapleural infusion - supervision $40.57
01187 Major peripheral nerve block - multiple $69.28
01186 Major peripheral nerve block - single $45.85
01013 Pain management - consultation for post-op pain $101.03
01012 Patient controlled analgesia - supervision $40.57
01011 Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) - first day $21.79

Adult and Pediatric Critical Care

01413 Comprehensive care (icu) - 1st day $507.54
01423 Comprehensive care (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $256.61
01443 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $147.80
01450 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $42.87
01455 Comprehensive care (icu) - 31st day onward $7.26
01433 Comprehensive care (icu) - 8th to 30th day $142.11
01411 Critical care (icu) - 1st day $340.05
01421 Critical care (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $170.52
01441 Critical care (icu) - 31st day onward $135.47
01431 Critical care (icu) - 8th to 30th day $117.75
01412 Ventilatory support (icu) - 1st day $294.96
01422 Ventilatory support (icu) - 2nd to 7th day (incl.) $161.06
01442 Ventilatory support (icu) - 31st day onward $110.89
01432 Ventilatory support (icu) - 8th to 30th day $123.38

Airway Surgery

02422 Broncho or microlaryngoscopy w f b removal- <3 yrs $380.57
02450 Broncho or microlaryngoscopy w removal of foreign body $255.15
79080 Closure of bronchopleural fistula $953.71
02420 Dilation of trachea $152.64
02421 Dilation of trachea - repeat within one month $152.43
02430 Micro-surgery w co2 laser for removal of-1st procedure $445.46
02435 Microsurgery w c02 laser for ..-subsequent proc $445.46
79085 Repair of ruptured bronchus $964.56
79065 Trachael resection $964.56
79075 Tracheal resection - with hilar release $476.11
79070 Tracheal resection - with laryngeal release $476.11


92520 1-amphetamine $70.92
92521 1-metamphetamine $70.92
92353 13c triolein breath test for malabsorption $67.91
91482 Acetaminophen (quantitative) $11.47
91480 Acetazolamide $46.68
91985 Albumin creatinine ratio (acr) $11.41
91484 Amikacin $45.99
91486 Amiodarone $46.53
91488 Amitryptyline $24.64
93065 Amniotic cell culture - analysis only $210.20
91490 Amoxapine $46.53
92503 Amphetamines $9.55
92522 Anileridine $70.92
90287 Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (anca) $114.26
90121 Anti-nuclear antibodies, by multiplex immunoassay $38.64
90288 Anti-parietal cell antibody (apca), immuno screen $23.82
92523 Antihistamines $70.92
90281 Antinuclear antibodies by sensitive eia $16.24
91220 B-glucosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91221 B-glucosidase, white blood cells $51.38
91275 B-type natriuretic peptide(bnp or nt-probnp) $28.14
91226 Barbiturates - quantitative $35.61
92505 Benzodiazepines $8.39
91230 Beta - 2 - microglobulin $20.40
91231 Beta-glucuronidase, white blood cells $51.25
91232 Beta-mannosidase white blood cells $51.25
91235 Bicarbonate, serum/plasma $2.37
91236 Bicarbonate, urine $1.06
91241 Bile acids, total $32.36
91240 Bile pigments and salts, qualitative, urine $2.34
91245 Bilirubin total, serum/plasma $1.61
91246 Bilirubin total, transudate/exudate $1.05
91250 Bilirubin, direct $1.58
90620 Biochemical identification - micro-organism $9.55
92515 Blood methadone $46.42
91255 Blood, qualitative, gastric $2.44
91260 Bone gla protein (osteocalcin) $17.76
91270 Bromides, qualitative, urine $10.48
91265 Bromides, quantitative $16.29
91280 C - 1q esterase inhibitors $22.86
91285 C - 3 complement $9.61
91290 C - 4 complement $9.87
91295 C - peptide $47.42
91300 C - reactive protein $10.31
91310 Ca 125 $22.72
91305 Ca 15 - 3 $21.25
91315 Ca 19 -9 $20.88
91320 Calcitonin $50.63
91326 Calcium total, serum/plasma $1.55
91327 Calcium, 24 hours excretion, feces $19.73
91325 Calcium, timed urine collection $5.48
91328 Calcium, urine random $1.05
91330 Calculus analysis, urine $27.86
91335 Carbamazepine $15.32
91340 Carbon monoxide, quantitative $17.58
91345 Carotene $8.90
91350 Catecholamines $59.27
91351 Catecholamines fractions-separation/interpretation $40.79
91352 Catecholamines, total urine $46.45
91353 Cells count - examination for faeces $5.46
91360 Ceruloplasmin $10.15
91370 Chloride - iontophoresis, sweat $77.50
91365 Chloride, quantitative, csf/other fluids $7.21
91366 Chloride, serum/plasma $1.49
91367 Chloride, timed urine collection $10.06
91368 Chloride, urine random $3.26
91369 Chloride, whole blood $1.06
91492 Chlorpromazine $46.53
91375 Cholesterol, total $6.87
91380 Cholinesterase/dibucaine number $30.26
91386 Chromatography, keto acids $36.30
91387 Chromatography, reducing substances, urine $31.40
91388 Chromatography, thin layer (tlc) $32.65
93070 Chromosomal breakage $181.80
93080 Chromosome analysis - high resolution $123.82
93081 Chromosome analysis - high resolution $113.56
91494 Citrate, urine $24.66
91496 Clobazam $49.73
91498 Clomipramine $49.82
91500 Clonazepam $46.53
92524 Clonidine $70.92
91502 Clozapine $27.92
92507 Cocaine/cocaine metabolite $7.10
91390 Complement assay $19.63
91395 Complement, total haemolytic (ch 100) $43.71
92546 Comprehensive drug analysis $119.94
91400 Copper, serum $49.19
91401 Copper, tissue $49.77
91402 Copper, urine $49.78
91405 Cortisol $13.28
91406 Cortisol, late night salivary test $77.25
91415 Creatine kinase $1.88
91410 Creatine, timed urine collection $12.73
91420 Creatinine, random urine $5.10
91421 Creatinine, serum/plasma $1.52
91422 Creatinine, timed urine collection $5.80
91425 Cryofibrinogen $17.38
91440 Cryoglobulins $41.92
93010 Crystal identification synovial fluid $40.05
91445 Csf - albumin $20.16
91450 Csf - immunoglobulin g $20.40
91504 Cyanide $24.64
91435 Cyclic a.m.p., urine $45.46
91434 Cyclic amp, plasma/serum $44.73
91455 Cyclosporine $23.47
93045 Cytogenetic analysis $966.29
93047 Cytogenetic analysis $296.18
93048 Cytogenetic analysis $400.00
93049 Cytogenetic analysis $800.00
93020 Cytogenetic analysis - bone marrow $516.59
93025 Cytogenetic analysis - chorionic villus $727.15
93030 Cytogenetic analysis - cultured amniotic fluid $414.61
93035 Cytogenetic analysis - cultured tissue $414.49
93040 Cytogenetic analysis - foetal blood sample $392.46
93015 Cytogenetic analysis - short term blood $301.44
93051 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence in situ, single $192.68
93052 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence, subtelomeric $515.49
93053 Cytogenetic analysis/fluorescence,uncultured $389.61
93050 Cytogenetic analysis/in-situ hybridization $466.46
93095 Cytologic interpretation - unscreened cytology $85.52
93090 Cytologic interpretation of pre-screened cytology $65.54
91460 Dehydroepiandrosterone, serum (dhea) $18.55
91506 Desipramine $24.35
91508 Desmethylclobazam $46.53
91510 Diazepam $46.53
91465 Digoxin $18.97
91470 Disaccharides, intestinal $62.40
91512 Disopyramide $46.53
91475 Dopamine, quantitative $61.91
91514 Doxepin $46.53
91599 Drug assay - multiple (2 or more) $53.46
92152 Drug assay (multiple) - pyridinium cross links $24.67
93100 Electron microscopy $384.40
91602 Electrophoresis, c.s.f. $31.21
91600 Electrophoresis, protein, qualitative $26.54
91601 Electrophoresis, protein, quantitative $34.58
91603 Electrophoresis, qualitative, urine $31.35
91605 Erythrocyte galactose 1 phosphate transferase $70.84
91610 Estradiol $22.43
91615 Estrogens $51.66
92508 Ethanol $6.92
91620 Ethosuximide $18.47
91628 Ethosuximide $26.00
91636 Fat, balance 3 day, feces $92.68
91631 Fat, microscopic exam-faeces $5.48
91640 Fatty acids, nonesterified (free), feces $22.79
91635 Fecal elastase $46.65
92006 Fecal immunochemical test (fit)-analysis only $11.29
92007 Fecal immunochemical test(fit)-collection only $6.57
91630 Fecal ph $3.92
92525 Fentanyl $70.92
92518 Fentanyl, urine screening immunoassay $13.10
91645 Ferritin, serum $10.12
91650 Fibrinogen, quantitative, chemical $28.68
93085 Fine needle aspirate - cytologic examination $94.24
91516 Fluoxetine $46.53
91518 Flupenthixol $46.53
91520 Fluphenazine $46.53
91522 Fluvoxamine $46.53
91660 Follicle stimulating hormone (fsh) $13.13
92330 Free t4 $12.12
92526 Furosemide $70.92
91523 Gabapentin $24.64
91665 Galactocerebrosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91666 Galactocerebrosidase, white blood cells $51.38
91670 Galactose, qualitative, urine $17.13
91675 Gastric acidity determination, quantitative $3.52
91681 Gastric analysis, acid $0.92
91682 Gastric analysis, hollander insulin $89.43
91680 Gastric analysis, intubation $18.15
91685 Gastrin $63.32
90811 Gastrointestinal pathogen multiples(gpmp)& culture $105.04
92545 Gc/ms confirmation of positive screen $67.92
91524 Gentamycin $26.69
91720 Glucose phosphate isomerase $14.29
91705 Glucose quantitative, csf $6.45
91706 Glucose quantitative, joint fluid $6.45
91708 Glucose quantitative, transudate/exudate $6.45
91709 Glucose quantitative, urine $1.06
91700 Glucose semiquantitative $3.53
91716 Glucose tolerance test > 6 hours $39.40
91695 Glucose tolerance test-gestational protocol $15.84
91715 Glucose tolerance test, 2 - 5 hours $12.94
91717 Glucose tolerance test, intravenous $38.90
91690 Glucose, gestational assessment $10.03
91707 Glucose, quantitative serum/plasma $1.46
91710 Glucose, timed urine collection $7.13
91725 Glutamyl transpeptidase (gtp) $1.66
91730 Glutathione peroxidase $44.32
91735 Gold $43.91
91745 Haemoglobin, a1c $5.30
91526 Haloperidol $24.63
91740 Haptoglobin $19.77
91780 Hdl cholesterol $7.85
91760 Helicobacter pilori carbon 13 urea breath test $36.50
91761 Helicobacter pylori stool antigen (hpsa) $35.64
91750 Hemoglobin, qualitative, urine $2.28
91762 Heparan sulfamidase, white blood cells $93.71
93110 Hepatic glucose - 6 phosphatase $49.10
93105 Hepatic glycogen (tissue) $32.52
91765 Hepatitis b surface antigen $10.40
91777 Hexosaminidase white blood cells $99.30
91775 Hexosaminidase, serum $51.38
91770 Hexosaminidases $51.38
92080 Homocysteine - plasma $22.97
91785 Homocystine, screening test, urine $2.28
91790 Homovanillic acid (quantitative) urine $38.61
92527 Hydrocodone $70.92
92528 Hydromorphone $70.92
91796 Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, quantitative, urine $44.28
91795 Hydroxyindoleacetic acid, urine $9.28
90752 Id microorganisms maldi-tof-ms/non-stool specimen $6.84
90753 Id microorganisms maldi-tof-ms/stool specimen $6.84
91800 Iga anti-gliadin antibodies $32.58
91801 Iga quantitative, secretion $20.31
91802 Iga quantitative, serum/plasma $9.83
92170 Ige assay, quantitative (duplicate) $13.72
91805 Igf - i (somatomedin - c). $55.08
91840 Igg - quantitative serum $9.95
91163 Igg anti-deamidated gliadin peptide(anti-dgp)antib $18.24
91814 Igg blocking antibody $20.40
91803 Igg quantitative spinal fluid $20.06
91810 Igg1 $24.85
91811 Igg2 $24.85
91812 Igg3 $24.85
91813 Igg4 $24.85
91845 Igm - quantitative $10.05
91528 Imipramine $46.53
91815 Immune complex detection by c1q binding method $44.66
91820 Immunofixation, csf $105.31
91821 Immunofixation, serum/plasma $104.12
91822 Immunofixation, urine $104.12
91830 Immunoglobulin + specific protein assays $20.40
91825 Immunoglobulin d $20.40
91831 Immunoglobulin, additional assay $12.53
91835 Immunoreactive trypsin $18.80
91850 Inclusion bodies, (cytomegalic) urine $7.77
91857 Insulin tolerance test, per specimen $6.29
91856 Insulin, additional specimen $19.49
91855 Insulin, first specimen $27.55
91858 Interferon beta, neutralizing antibodies $205.52
93075 Investigation - chromosomal mosaicism $114.52
91860 Ionized calcium. $14.02
91865 Iron, total and binding capacity, protein $7.56
91870 Isoenzymes by electrophoresis $25.53
91882 Keto acids chromatography - screening tests - urin $5.44
91881 Keto acids chromatography - total, chemical - urin $10.99
91880 Keto acids, chromatography - urine $36.90
91885 Ketogenic steroids - urine $39.47
91890 Ketosteroids, total neutral - urine $50.17
91900 Lactate dehydrogenase, csf $1.06
91901 Lactate dehydrogenase, serum/plasma $1.62
91902 Lactate dehydrogenase, transudate/exudate $1.05
91895 Lactate, serum/plasma $7.64
91896 Lactate, whole blood $17.89
91905 Lactose, qualitative, urine $9.81
91529 Lamotrigine $24.64
91910 Lead $130.68
91912 Lead, porphyrin screening test, urine $6.22
91911 Lead, timed urine collection $40.68
91915 Lecithin sphingomyelin ratio $232.26
91920 Lhrh stimulation test $46.22
91530 Lidocaine $44.73
91925 Light chains, free kappa and lambda $78.99
91930 Lipase $6.62
91936 Lipoprotein (a) isoforms $25.92
91940 Lipoprotein electrophoresis $56.04
91941 Lipoprotein, sizing $25.92
91935 Lipoprotein(a) $29.61
91945 Lithium, serum/plasma $14.94
91946 Lithium, whole blood $11.23
90286 Liver autoantibodies (liaa), immunofluorescence $23.82
91532 Lorazepam $46.53
91534 Loxapine $46.53
91950 Luteinizing hormone (lh) $12.41
91955 Magnesium, fecal $25.15
91956 Magnesium, red blood cell $29.51
91957 Magnesium, serum/plasma $6.79
91958 Magnesium, urine $10.06
91959 Magnesium, whole blood $23.97
91536 Maprotiline $46.53
91960 Melanin, qualitative, urine $2.35
92529 Meperidine $70.92
92530 Meprobamate $70.92
91965 Mercury $52.42
91970 Metachromatic granules, urine $16.13
91975 Metanephrines, quantitative $155.77
92513 Methadone $3.50
92510 Methadone metabolite $6.80
92532 Methaqualone $70.92
92533 Methocarbamol $70.92
91538 Methotrexate $46.53
91540 Methotrimeprazine $46.53
92534 Methylenedioxyamphetamine $70.92
92535 Methylenedioxymethamphetamine $70.92
91542 Methylphenidate $46.53
92396 Microalbumin, semiquantative - by urine dipstick $6.68
91990 Microscopic examination of feces $5.08
36079 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 1 $40.76
36080 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 2 $40.76
36081 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 3 $41.37
36082 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 4 $41.37
36083 Midwife consultative care and assessment-phase 5 $41.37
36084 Midwife consultative care/assessment by phone $41.37
36085 Midwife consultative care/assessment call-out-day $72.41
36086 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $116.89
36091 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $10.15
36092 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $4.06
36093 Midwife consultative care/assessment callout-night $35.53
36021 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimest) 1st visit is in ph 2 $268.98
36010 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester) - total care $268.98
36016 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $161.36
36014 Midwife phase 1 (1st trimester)-trans to othr 40% $107.58
36020 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester) - total care $268.98
36026 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $161.36
36024 Midwife phase 2 (2nd trimester)-trans to othr 40% $107.58
36036 Midwife phase 3 (3nd trimester)-trans frm othr 60% $322.82
36034 Midwife phase 3 (3nd trimester)-trans to othr 40% $215.22
36030 Midwife phase 3 (3rd trimester) - total care $538.05
36031 Midwife phase 3 (third trimester) phase 3 services $538.05
36046 Midwife phase 4 - home birth medications $50.73
36047 Midwife phase 4 - home birth supplies $101.45
36040 Midwife phase 4 (l & d) - first contact prior 34 w $1,075.91
36045 Midwife phase 4 home birth: second attendance fees $371.35
36048 Midwife phase 4 supp care-scheduld c-section in or $106.10
36070 Midwife phase 4 surgical assist caesarean schedule $192.08
36071 Midwife phase 4 surgical assistance-caesarean emer $260.35
36076 Midwife phase 4-caesarean night surcharge $185.94
36075 Midwife phase 4-caesarean-evening surcharge $115.83
36077 Midwife phase 4-caesarean-weekend/stat surcharge $115.83
36078 Midwife phase 4-call out-emergency caesarean sect $115.98
36073 Midwife phase 4-first surgical assist of the day $88.16
36056 Midwife phase 5 (post part care) - trnsfr to other $645.56
36054 Midwife phase 5 (post part care) -trnsfr frm other $430.37
36050 Midwife phase 5 (post partum care) - total care $1,075.91
36049 Midwife phase4 supp care-scheduled c-sect recovery $106.10
36064 Midwife supervision of 11-15 full courses of care $12,290.45
36065 Midwife supervision of 16-30 full courses of care $15,363.06
36062 Midwife supervision of 5 full courses of care $6,145.22
36063 Midwife supervision of 6 - 10 full courses of care $9,217.84
36061 Midwife supervision of up to 5 births or 4 full cs $3,072.61
36074 Midwife surgical assistance-fs delivery incentive $244.14
36072 Midwife-attendance at caesarean as mrp for baby $91.44
36041 Midwife-phase4 (labour/delivery) trans to (40%) $430.37
36042 Midwife-phase4 (labour/delivery) transfer (60%) $645.56
91992 Mitochondrial preparation-muscle $90.55
91995 Mucopolysaccharides, urine $59.55
93115 Muscle biopsy enzyme studies $195.44
91022 Muscle-specific tyrosine kinase antibody (musk ab) $245.60
91544 N - acetyl procainamide $46.53
92536 N-acetyl morphine $70.92
91997 N-acetyl-galactosamine-6-sulfate sulfatase, wbc $93.71
92537 Naloxone $70.92
91546 Netilmicin $46.53
91548 Nitrazepam $46.53
92001 Nitrogen - 24 hr. excretion - urine $6.43
92000 Nitrogen, 24 hr. excretion - feces $19.79
91550 Nortriptyline $24.35
92005 Occult blood-feces $6.02
91551 Olanzapine $24.64
92511 Opiates $7.16
92010 Organic acids $105.41
92015 Osmolar concentration, serum $49.25
92016 Osmolar concentration, urine $49.41
92020 Oxalate, timed urine collection $58.00
92538 Oxycodone $70.92
92514 Oxycodone, screening assay $12.82
92025 Oxygen capacity or content $20.06
92026 Oxygen, saturation (photometric) $10.93
92539 Oxymorphone $70.92
92030 Parathyroid hormone (intact) $17.52
92031 Parathyroid hormone (mid molecule/carboxyl termina $25.18
91552 Paroxetine $46.53
92035 Pentagastrin test, gastric $67.51
92540 Pentazocine $70.92
92040 Peptide hormones $25.18
91554 Perphenazine $46.53
92045 Ph, pc02 and p02 $36.18
92050 Phenothiazine screen $7.24
92541 Phentermine $70.92
92056 Phenylalanine, quantitative $20.56
92055 Phenylalanine, screening test (guthrie) $4.04
92542 Phenylpropanolamine $70.92
92065 Phenylpyruvic acid, qualitative, urine $2.35
92060 Phenytoin $17.13
92072 Phosphate, timed urine collection $3.95
92070 Phosphates, random urine $2.24
92071 Phosphates, serum/plasma $1.62
92075 Pigments, abnormal (spectroscopic) $14.06
90415 Plasma preparation $16.19
92085 Porphobilinogen, qualitative, urine $9.70
92090 Porphyrins, qualitative, urine $7.62
92095 Porphyrins, quantitative - blood $21.76
92092 Porphyrins, quantitative - feces $132.71
92091 Porphyrins, quantitative - urine $56.74
92100 Potassium, serum/plasma $1.39
92101 Potassium, timed urine collection $5.57
92102 Potassium, urine random $2.84
92103 Potassium, whole blood $1.05
92105 Pre albumin $20.16
92110 Pregnancy test - serum $14.74
92108 Pregnancy test, immunologic - urine $15.50
92115 Pregnanediol, urine $45.07
92120 Pregnanetriol, urine $53.20
92125 Primidone (mysolene) $18.49
91556 Procainamide $46.53
92130 Progesterone, serum/plasma $14.86
92131 Progesterone, serum/plasma 17-oh $41.71
92135 Prolactin $13.49
92543 Propoxyphene $70.92
91558 Propranolol $46.53
90710 Prostatic specific antigen (psa) $14.35
92150 Protease inhibitor $32.95
92397 Protein creatinine ratio, urine $7.67
92147 Protein total, joint fluid $1.05
92148 Protein total, serum or plasma $1.60
92149 Protein total, transudate/exudate $1.05
92146 Protein, timed urine collection $5.95
92145 Proteins, total quantitative, c.s.f. $7.14
92156 Pryruvate carboxylase, fibroblasts $93.71
92544 Pseudoephedrine $70.92
92151 Purine, pyrimidine and creatine disorder screen $63.34
92157 Pyruvate dehydrogenase, fibroblasts $93.71
92155 Pyruvates $17.98
92160 Quantitative beta hcg $16.30
92165 Quantitative hcg (intact) $25.18
91559 Quetiapine $24.64
92180 Quinidine $27.36
92185 Renin, single determination $63.87
92190 Renin, two or more determinations $98.11
92195 Respiratory chain enzymes-muscle $274.56
92197 Retinol binding protein $27.82
91561 Risperidone $26.46
92201 Salicylates, qualitative, gastric $2.88
92200 Salicylates, qualitative, serum $5.24
92202 Salicylates, qualitative, urine $3.01
92203 Salicylates, quantitative, serum $9.26
92204 Salicylates, quantitative, urine $9.77
92205 Scc $20.40
92210 Secretin - pancreozymin test $462.10
92215 Selenium $49.77
93160 Semen - examination - complete $82.34
93170 Seminal examination $26.98
92220 Seminal fructose $7.32
91560 Sertraline $52.35
92225 Serum viscosity $23.17
92267 Sex hormone binding globulig (shbg) $13.56
92227 Sirolimus $43.01
91430 Skin fibroblasts-culturing/biochemical/dna $603.88
92230 Sodium, random urine $2.72
92231 Sodium, serum/plasma $1.38
92232 Sodium, timed urine collection $4.60
92233 Sodium, whole blood $1.05
92236 Somatotropin, additional specimen $19.36
92235 Somatotropin, one specimen $30.38
93060 Special banding (q-, r-, c-) $29.48
93055 Special staining (giemsa ii, dapi, sce, nor) $30.78
92240 Specific protein analysis/preparative ultracentrif $141.14
92250 Sphingomyelinase, fibroblasts $51.38
92251 Sphingomyelinase, white blood cells $51.38
91010 Split base fee (referral facility) $7.02
90810 Stool examination - amoebae $46.93
92255 Sulfonamides, quantitative, urine $3.77
36067 Supervised labour and delivery-conditional midwive $131.32
36066 Supervision of continuity of care-conditional midw $315.15
36068 Supervision of in-office competency-based skills $15.75
36069 Supervision of out-of-office competency-based $26.26
92260 Sweat test (mucoviscidosis) chemical $10.20
92311 T3 - free $9.35
92263 Tacrolimus $23.47
92266 Testosterone total $15.81
92506 Tetrahydrocannabinoids (thc) $10.92
92270 Thallium $43.91
92275 Theophylline $42.33
92277 Thiopurine metabolites $50.46
92278 Thiopurine metabolites $54.49
91562 Thioridazine $48.47
90545 Thrombin time $8.31
92280 Thyroglobulin $27.90
92285 Thyroglobulin antibodies $20.40
92290 Thyroid binding globulin $20.40
92305 Thyroid receptor ab $22.48
92320 Thyroid releasing hormone (trh) stimulation test $55.91
92325 Thyroid stimulating hormone, tsh $9.90
92332 Thyroperoxidase antibodies $20.22
92315 Thyroxine ratio, t4 or total $12.12
92335 Tissue iron $43.91
91564 Tobramycin $26.17
91565 Topiramate $24.64
92310 Total t3 $12.12
92340 Transcobalamine ii $20.40
92345 Transferrin $7.56
92346 Transferrin isoelectric focusing(qualitive) $90.49
91566 Trazodone $46.53
91568 Trifluoperazine $46.53
92350 Triglycerides, serum/plasma $6.59
92351 Triglycerides, transudate/exudate $9.05
91570 Trimipramine $46.53
92355 Troponin $15.05
92360 Trypsin, qualitative, feces $2.24
92361 Trypsin, quantitative, feces $3.96
92362 Trypsin, quantitative, gastric $3.96
92365 Urea, amniotic fluid $1.06
92366 Urea, csf $1.06
92367 Urea, nitrogen quantitative, urine $7.42
92368 Urea, serum/plasma $1.57
92369 Urea, urine random $1.76
92370 Urea, whole blood $1.06
92375 Uric acid, random urine $1.06
92376 Uric acid, serum/plasma $1.70
92377 Uric acid, synovial fluid $1.58
92378 Uric acid, timed urine collection $4.56
92385 Urinalysis - or any part of (screening) $2.05
92391 Urinalysis-microscopic exam of centrifuged deposit $4.19
92390 Urinalysis, macroscopic $7.42
92395 Urinalysis, microscopic $7.17
92382 Urinalysis, screening and microscopic $5.63
92550 Urine, drugs of abuse screen - per analyte $6.95
92400 Urobilin, qualitative, urine $2.35
92405 Urobilinogen, qualitative, urine $4.09
92406 Urobilinogen, timed urine collection $13.58
91572 Valproic acid $16.55
91573 Vancomycin $15.57
92420 Vanillylmandelic acid $38.61
90000 Venepuncture $7.65
92425 Very long chain fatty acids $91.69
91576 Vigabatrin $26.68
92430 Vitamin a $47.86
92435 Vitamin b1 $54.30
92450 Vitamin b12 $14.38
92440 Vitamin b2 $54.30
92445 Vitamin b6 $54.30
92455 Vitamin d (1,25 dihydroxy) $94.49
92460 Vitamin d (25 hydroxy-cholecalciferol) $61.32
92465 Vitamin e $53.94
91861 Voltage-gated calcium channel antibody (vgcc ab) $281.78
92467 White blood cell preparation for lysosomal enzyme $42.36
92470 Xylose tolerance $106.16
92475 Zinc $102.44
91574 Zopiclone $24.64
91575 Zuclopenthixol $24.64

Allergy, patch and photopatch tests

00765 Annual maximum (scratch or intracutaneous tests) $34.40
00767 Patch testing (extra) (annual maximum, 80 tests) per test $1.96
00769 Photopatch test, annual maximum $56.69
00768 Photopatch test, per test $5.66
00763 Scratch test - children under 5 years $2.32
00762 Scratch test, per antigen $1.06


01215 Anesthesia surcharge - nonoperative - evening $66.69
01216 Anesthesia surcharge - nonoperative - night $91.18
01217 Anesthesia surcharge - nonoperative -weekend, stat $66.69

Anesthestic Intensity / Complexity Levels

01180 Level 10 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $50.00
01181 Level 11 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $50.00
01172 Level 2 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $36.64
01173 Level 3 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $36.75
01174 Level 4 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $36.75
01175 Level 5 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $41.87
01176 Level 6 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $43.75
01177 Level 7 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $43.75
01178 Level 8 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $49.82
01179 Level 9 - per 15 mins-anaes. intensity / complexity $50.00

Anesthetic Procedural Fee Modifiers

01192 Awake intubation, any means, for difficult airway $61.13
01082 Catheter axillary - insertion during GA $24.26
01084 Catheter insertion - intrapleural, during GA $27.93
01072 Epidural catheter - lumbar insertion during GA $41.75
01071 Epidural catheter - thoracic insertion during GA $54.28
01070 Hypotension - controlled in neurosurgical anaesth $61.13
01168 Neonates-anaesthesia - < 42 gest wks and / or 4000 gr $122.20
01169 Neonates-anaesthesia - < 42 gest wks and / or 4000 gr $10.00
01065 Patients < one year - anaesthetic modifier $61.10
01164 Patients 70-79 years of age - anaesthesia $20.38
01165 Patients 80 years of age and over-anaesthesia $41.56
01059 Prone position $35.50
01077 Pulmonary artery catheterization $55.60
01096 Retrobulbar / peribulbar block with anaesthetic $34.04
01166 Sitting position - anaesthesia $61.13
01093 Spinal cord monitoring - interp of ssep during GA $40.76


08626 Angiogram, thoracic or abdominal, mult non-select $137.74
08627 Angiogram, thoracic or abdominal, mult selective $135.56
08616 Angiography cerebral x-ray - bilateral $232.60
08615 Angiography cerebral x-ray - unilateral $135.56
08618 Angiography peripheral - bilateral $104.61
08617 Angiography peripheral - unilateral $70.17


77114 Intraoperative open or percutaneous angioplasty $589.40
77113 Intraoperative open or percutaneous tibial artery angioplasty $697.42

Anus Excision

70676 Abscess - ischiorectal/ intramural - incision $389.95
07687 Anal fissure, excision $115.00
70675 Anal seton - removal $28.67
07691 Anus imperforate simple incision $303.06
71682 Botox injection for anal fissure $252.34
07675 Fistula-in-ano - subcutaneous or submucous $250.00
07677 Fistula-in-ano - multiple or horseshoe $451.50
07676 Fistula-in-ano - submuscular $337.72
71700 Fistula-in-ano; closure of congenital anal fistula $645.16
07666 Fistula-in-ano; second stage; division - sphincter $250.00
71689 Hemmorhoid(s); office procedure (eg band ligation) $80.58
71690 Hemorrhoid(s); office procedure-infrared photocoag $80.58
71691 Hemorrhoid(s); office procedure-infrared photocoag $16.82
07683 Hemorrhoidectomy $268.05
07678 Incision and drainage perianal abscess,superficial $91.43
07679 Incision/drain abscess - ischiorectal, intramural $203.01
71686 Papillectomy - multiple - extra $123.30
71684 Papillectomy - single - extra $67.87
71681 Sphincterotomy with/without fissurectomy $303.07

Anus Repair

07689 Anal dilation under general anaesthetic $152.67
70665 Anoplasty - adult $451.50
07690 Anoplasty for imperforate anus - peads $602.52
70674 Destruction - anal lesion $75.41
70680 Destruction of anal lesion - complicated $252.69
70683 Eua with or without sigmoidoscopy $152.95
07452 Extra-peritoneal rectum +/- colostomy - repair $962.78
70668 Graft - rectal incontinence/prolapse: $203.93
70671 Imbrication - levator muscle $451.50
70672 Implantation - artificial sphincter $1,009.32
70666 Sphincteroplasty - anal - adult $451.50
70670 Sphincteroplasty - anal - incontinence $702.52


72658 Appendectomy - laparoscopic $480.30
72659 Appendectomy - laparoscopic - perforated $505.30
72657 Appendectomy - perforated $505.30
72656 Appendectomy - open $480.30
72660 Appendiceal abscess - incision/drainage $434.19

Application of Cast (Incl. External Stimulator)

51019 Cast - below knee $23.23
51024 Cast - body $86.95
51025 Cast - cast brace $46.49
51023 Cast - hip spica - adult $86.95
51022 Cast - hip spica - child $86.95
51017 Cast - long arm $23.23
51021 Cast - long leg $23.23
51020 Cast - long leg cylinder $23.23
51018 Cast - shoulder spica $86.95
51016 Cast: short arm $23.23

Arterial System

77300 A-v fistula with bypass graft in limb salvage $185.56
77175 Abdominal aneurysm, with grafting $1,397.15
07822 Aneurysm ruptured thoracic $1,825.97
07821 Aneurysm thoracic $1,671.60
77155 Aorta and/or iliac bypass graft - bilateral $1,400.80
77150 Aorta and/or iliac bypass graft - unilateral $892.24
07827 Aortic dissection repair (thoracic) $1,690.88
07828 Aortic injury repair (thoracic) $1,690.88
77160 Aorto-femoral and ilio-femoral bypass, unilateral $866.39
77165 Aorto-iliac, aorto-femoral, ilio-femoral bypass $1,400.80
77295 Arm vein graft $254.66
00722 Arteriography, operative $75.51
77170 Arteriovenous aneurysm $495.27
77220 Axillo-femoral bypass graft (autogenous vein) $820.89
77210 Axillo-femoral bypass graft (synthetic)/unilateral $979.23
77215 Axillo-femoral bypass graft(synthetic)/bilateral $1,269.39
77260 Bypass graft (autogenous vein) - femoral $859.23
77265 Bypass graft (autogenous vein) - popliteal $1,072.16
77270 Bypass graft/anterior/posterior tibial or peroneal $1,115.63
77130 Carotid arteries - bypass graft (synthetic) $981.24
07820 Coarctation of aorta $941.63
77360 Decompression fasciotomy - subcutaneous $334.57
77125 Embolectomy - one side $446.10
77120 Embolectomy - trunk or extremities $620.60
77240 Femoral bypass graft (synthetic) $858.35
77230 Femoro-femoral crossover bypass graft (synthetic) $930.69
77235 Femoro-femoral crossover bypass graft/autogenous $930.69
77245 Infrainguinal popliteal (endarterectomy) $679.59
77135 Inominate - neck or thoracic - bypass graft $779.13
77255 Intraguinal - anterior, post tibial or peroneal $742.29
77250 Intraguinal - popliteal (synthetic) $620.53
77145 Ligation of carotid artery - neck or thoracic $255.38
77280 Non-ipsilateral long saphenous graft - autogenous $254.66
77315 Profundoplasty - extended $750.88
77310 Profundoplasty bypass graft (synthetic) $553.02
77112 Re-dissection of groin (after 21 days), extra $132.47
77110 Re-exploration of groin for bleeding or haematoma $125.47
77370 Release of popliteal entrapment syndrome $334.57
77104 Removal of synthetic graft - with replacement at a different site $1,015.99
77100 Removal of synthetic graft - without replacement $1,354.69
77102 Removal of synthetic graft, with replacement at the same site $677.35
77205 Renal bypass graft (autogenous vein) $892.23
77200 Renal bypass graft (synthetic) $885.59
77345 Repair of injury of major vessel in trunk - graft $1,168.71
77340 Repair of injury of major vessel in trunk - suture $876.21
07829 Repair of traumatic injury, intrathoracic vessels $941.63
07825 Resecting aneurysm with other procedure $273.08
77180 Resection of abdominal aneurysm $124.11
07826 Resection of aortic arch aneurysm $2,395.05
07818 Resection of ascending aortic anuerysm $1,690.88
07819 Resection of descending aortic aneurysm $1,690.88
77185 Ruptured aneurysm, with grafting $1,598.26
77285 Short saphenous graft $254.66
77140 Subclavian - neck or thoracic - bypass graft $846.50
77290 Superficial femoral vein graft(extra) $254.66
77195 Superior mesenteric bypass graft (autogenous vein) $892.23
77190 Superior mesenteric bypass graft (synthetic) $892.23
77350 Supra renal aortic cross-clamp $114.21
77115 Thrombectomy with or without angioplasty $556.73
77275 Vein graft - in situ $257.02

Arteries Surgical Procedures

77335 Repair of injury of major vessel in extremity $750.88
77330 Repair of injury of major vessel in extremity - su $583.75


08637 Arthogram - elbow (excluding injection of contrast $34.95
08631 Arthogram - wrist (excluding injection of contrast $34.95
08609 Arthrogram x-ray - ankle $34.95
08607 Arthrogram x-ray - hip $34.95
08608 Arthrogram x-ray - knee $74.99
08606 Arthrogram x-ray - shoulder $38.00

Biliary Tract

70728 Anastomosis - intra-hepatic ducts/gi tract $1,769.19
70710 Atresia - bile ducts - congenital $1,522.60
07781 Biliary endoscopy - percutaneous $202.59
07780 Biliary endoscopy - intraoperative $202.77
07782 Biliary endoscopy -stone removal $228.06
07783 Biliary endoscopy; with dilation of duct stricture $228.06
70701 Cholecystectomy - cbd (laparoscopic) $1,212.66
70702 Cholecystectomy - cbd (open) $1,212.66
07707 Cholecystectomy - laparoscopic $536.09
07699 Cholecystectomy - open $606.62
70704 Cholecystectomy with choledochojejunostomy $1,313.92
70700 Cholecystectomy; open preceded by cholecystectomy $707.84
70703 Cholecystectomy/choledochoduodenostomy $1,313.82
70705 Cholecystectomy/transduodenal sphincterotomy $1,313.82
07706 Cholecystoenterostomy - direct (loop) $1,015.07
70720 Cholecystoenterostomy/gastroenterostomy $1,218.09
70721 Cholecystoenterostomy/roux-en-y $1,116.58
70722 Cholecystoenterostomy/roux-en-y/gastroenterostomy $1,319.59
70698 Cholecystostomy - laparoscopic $455.06
07698 Cholecystostomy - open $505.43
71698 Cholecystostomy - percutaneous $164.85
07561 Choledochal stent - placement $172.45
07703 Choledochoduodenostomy $1,116.58
70725 Choledochojejunostomy with gastrojejunostomy $1,700.00
07705 Choledochojejunostomy/anastomosis of extra-hepatic $1,218.09
70726 Choledochojejunostomy/roux-en-y $1,700.00
70727 Choledochojejunostomy/roux-en-y/gastrojejunostomy $1,700.00
70695 Choledochotomy/choledochostomy - laparoscopic $900.00
70694 Choledochotomy/choledochostomy open $850.00
70696 Choledochotomy/transduodenal sphincteroplasty $950.00
70715 Cyst - choledochal $1,414.54
70716 Cyst - choledochal/ductoplasty $1,471.37
70717 Cyst; choledochal - excision, multiple anastomoses $1,594.00
07562 Duodenal biliary stent - replacement $172.45
07769 Duodenotomy and sphincteroplasty $1,014.02
07554 Ercp - balloon dilatation $434.25
07519 Ercp - biliary stenting $434.25
07517 Ercp - papillotomy/sphincterotomy $447.05
07518 Ercp - stone extraction $530.07
07556 Ercp - stone extraction requiring lithotripsy $555.62
70731 Extra-hepatic biliary duct: primary repair $1,421.10
07560 Naso-biliary drainage tube - insertion $103.49
70718 Portal lymphadenectomy $764.73
70711 Portoenterostomy $1,584.89
07776 Repair of cholecystenteric fistula $1,000.00
70713 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - upper $2,200.00
70712 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - lower $1,900.00
70714 Tumor/stricture - bile duct - multiple anastomoses $2,500.00
70730 U-tube hepatico enterostomy $1,769.19


08200 Bladder fulguration with cystoscopy $158.13
08255 Closure of fistula - suprapubic, vesico-vaginal, vesico-rectal, or vesico-sigmoid $713.74
08204 Cystectomy - partial for tumor or diverticulum $711.34
08205 Cystectomy - partial for tumor or diverticulum $285.00
08203 Cystolithotomy $315.89
08202 Cystostomy by trochar-isolated procedure $101.96
08201 Cystostomy-isolated procedure $220.24
08254 Litholapaxy and removal of fragments $280.41
08257 Transurethral removal of foreign body (excluding ureteric stents) $252.75
08251 Transurethral resection bladder neck,female $301.30
08250 Transurethral resection bladder, urethral tumor & adjacent muscle & electrocoagulation, as nescessary $321.78
08256 Transurethral resection external urinary sphincter $303.07
08253 Y-v vesical neck plasty $643.81


06126 Blepharoplasty - complicated $392.82
61026 Blepharoplasty-complicated-non-cosmetic(bilateral) $589.27
06125 Eyelids - blepharoplasty - simple $261.90
61025 Eyelids-blepharoplasty-simple(bilateral) $392.82

Blood Transfusions

00020 Blood transfusion administered outside hospital $62.51
00021 Blood transfusion in hospital $37.27
00023 Blood transfusion with vein dissection $52.84
00022 Serum transfusion $24.89

Bone Mineral Densitometry Using DEXA Technology

08689 Bone density - second area $47.37
08688 Bone density - single area $69.25
08696 Bone density - whole body $124.68

Bone Survey

08604 Bone survey - 1st anatomical area $35.32
08605 Bone survey - additional anatomical area $17.80
08603 Bone survey - age $37.01


70042 Aspiration - fine needle - additional cyst/ lesion $12.07
07475 Axillary dissection - partial $237.35
07474 Axillary dissection (level ii) - complete $507.42
61046 Biologic tissue for breast reconstruction-extra $303.46
61047 Biologic tissue for breast reconstruction-extra $43.77
70470 Biopsy - breast - incisional $152.26
70471 Biopsy - breast - excisional $203.56
70469 Biopsy - breast - needle core $57.48
70472 Biopsy - needle core-stereotactic/ultrasound guide $90.89
70477 Biopsy breast lesion - each additional $110.42
07497 Biopsy or segmental resection of non-palpable brea $232.60
70473 Biopsy-needle core-stereotactic/ultrasound guided $128.33
86048 Breast sonogram - additional side $35.62
86047 Breast sonogram - unilateral $70.63
70041 Fine needle aspiration solid or cystic lesion $48.20
61045 Immediate breast reconstruction-extra $202.31
83045 Interventional radiology consultation $150.00
07472 Mastectomy - total for malignancy $474.13
07473 Mastectomy - partial for malignancy $329.57
70479 Mastectomy - radical $777.59
07471 Mastectomy - simple for benign disease $340.96
70478 Mastectomy - gynecomastia $305.89
07498 Mastectomy - skin sparing - unilateral $650.00
70044 Mastotomy - under general anesthetic $203.73
70043 Mastotomy with exploration of drainage of abscess $81.45
07470 Nipple exploration $277.88
07479 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $474.13
07481 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $450.00
07482 Sentinel lymph node biopsy $550.00


06081 Burns surgical excision - first 5% of body surface $376.08
06082 Burns surgical excision/each additional 5% of body $203.93
06083 Burns, severe, general care - first hour $254.92
06084 Burns, severe, general care - subsequent hours $203.93
06080 Burns; subsequent surg debridement; each 5% body $30.37
06078 Minor burns; dressing (in hosp care only) $57.62
06079 Surgical debridement; minor burns, each 5% of body $122.35

Call-Out Charges

01200 1800-2300 call-out charge - evening $72.53
01201 2300-0800 call-out charge - night $101.86
01202 Saturday, sunday, or stat holiday (call placed between 0800 hours and 2300 hours) $72.53

Cardio-vascular Diagnostic Procedures

00839 Direct intra-coronary streptokinase thrombolysis $361.78
00814 Dye dilution studies, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52
00814 Dye dilution studies, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52
00813 Ergonovine provocative testing for coronary artery spasm $79.14
00813 Ergonovine provocative testing for coronary artery spasm $79.14
00816 Hydrogen ion study $28.96
00816 Hydrogen ion study $28.96
00810 Right heart catheterization, by duly qualified specialist $165.44
00810 Right heart catheterization, by duly qualified specialist $165.44
00812 Selective angiocardiogram, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52
00812 Selective angiocardiogram, extra, by duly qualified specialist $55.52
00830 Trans-septal left heart catheterization $235.58

Cavity Grafting

06062 Bone cavity grafting in large bone over 7.5 cm $441.02
06065 Bone cavity in large bone - cavity grafting $311.13
06064 Bone cavity in small bone - cavity grafting $254.92
06066 Cavity grafting; absence of vagina - congenital $582.45
06060 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - mouth $523.79
06055 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - eye socket $441.02
06057 Skin grafts - cavity grafting - nose $393.90
06061 Skin grafts/cavity grafting - lining pedicle flaps $300.67
06056 Skin grafts/cavity grafting/eye socket with mucosa $675.68

Cell-assisted Lipotransfer for soft defects (Aspiration and Injections)

61250 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume < 20 ml $81.88
61252 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume > 60 ml $143.28
61251 Lipotransfer - aspiration - volume 21-60 ml $102.34
61260 Lipotransfer - injection functional area: < 20ml $122.81
61261 Lipotransfer - injection functional area: > 20 ml $184.23
61271 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunc area: 21 to 60 ml $143.28
61270 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunctional area: < 20ml $102.34
61272 Lipotransfer-injection nonfunctional area: > 60ml $184.23

Cerebral Procedures

03132 - two surgeons - neurosurgeon $2,019.98
03094 Anterior decompressing craniovertebral junction $2,947.49
03125 Bilateral craniectomies for cranial expansion or delayed treatment of synostosis (patient must be older than 1 year) $1,913.31
03144 Corpus callosum - section of corpus callosum $2,255.16
03238 Cortical or deep brain localization with seep or stimulation in an awake patient (extra to craniotomy) $471.01
03147 Cranial reconstruction for complex deformity in a child $2,480.37
03122 Craniectomy for osteomyelitis or skull tumor $1,061.40
03123 Craniectomy osteomyelitis or tumor w/cranioplasty $1,493.23
03121 Cranioplasty $950.12
03057 Craniotomy - cortical resection -epilepsy $2,149.49
03055 Craniotomy - microsurgical-resection-epilepsy-ga $2,474.42
03053 Craniotomy - neurosurgical component $685.59
03056 Craniotomy - resection - epilepsy/awake $3,249.23
03239 Craniotomy and insertion of subdural grid electrodes with or without additional strip electrodes unilateral $1,465.22
03059 Craniotomy and microsurgical hemispherotomy $2,592.93
03114 Craniotomy and microsurgical removal of tumour $2,909.46
03136 Craniotomy for intracranial aneurysm or angioma $2,731.29
03133 Craniotomy for removal of extra-axial brain tumour using operating microscope $2,909.46
03130 Craniotomy for removal of extra-axial brain tumour using operating microscope when procedure is prolonged more than 8 hours (to include operative report) $4,490.32
03129 Craniotomy for tumor $1,701.87
03222 Craniotomy lasting more than 12 hours $5,337.81
03135 Craniotomy or laminectomy using operating microscope when procedure is prolonged more than 8 hours (to include operative report) $3,924.59
03066 Craniotomy-microsurgical resection-extra-axial $193.16
03148 Forehead reconstruction/extra linear craniectomy $285.85
03058 Hemispherectomy $2,235.64
03139 Implantation of stimulator $985.00
03236 Insertion of subdural strip electrodes - unilateral [epilepsy surgery, to include burrhole(s)] $1,099.02
03140 Intra-cranial stimulating electrodes $2,450.00
03143 Lateral canthal - bilateral $1,280.35
03137 Lateral canthal advancement or similar procedure for coronal synostosis - unilateral $1,195.69
03124 Linear craniectomy or craniotomy for cranial stenosis - 1st suture $1,032.86
03127 Linear craniectomy or craniotomy for cranial stenosis - additional sutures to a maximum of 3 - each extra $253.50
03146 Morcellation of skull for craniosynostosis $1,745.53
03120 Neurosurgical fee for facial craniotomy reconstruction $1,347.34
03235 Ntraoperative cortical localization ssep or stimulation studies g.a. (extra to craniotomy) $235.48
03095 Posterior decompression - no dural repair $1,549.63
03097 Posterior decompression - with 4th ventricular rep $2,124.50
03096 Posterior decompression - with dural repair $1,874.56
03241 Re-opening of craniotomy for removal of subdural grid electrodes unilateral $789.19
03126 Re-opening or removal of bone flap $693.26
03320 Removal of skull tumour without craniectomy $418.78
03237 Removal of subdural strip electrodes - unilateral $471.01
03128 Stereotactic biopsy for intracranial pathology via frame-based or frameless techniques $1,474.65
03189 Stereotactic localization during neurosurgery in association with craniotomy and spinal fusion/stabilization procedures extra $481.50
02437 Transphenoidal removal of pituitary tumour or hypophysectomy - two surgeons - otolaryngologist $1,233.76
03131 Transsphenoidal removal of pituitary tumour or hypophysectomy - one surgeon $2,022.48
03138 Unilateral stereotaxic intracranial procedures $1,195.69

Certificates, etc.

00062 Adoption-examination $77.58
00064 Adoption-subsequent exam $34.90
00067 Mental ill-health - voluntary committal $46.54
00066 Mental ill-health-documentation $46.66
00065 Mental ill-health-investigation $103.82

Cervical - Instrumented Procedures

03354 Cervical $2,836.82
03358 Cervical - orif $1,008.32
03341 Cervical - segmental (includes c1-2 transarticular screws). $1,087.67
03340 Cervical - simple, single or multiple level (includes gallie fusion).. $541.49
03347 Cervical - stabilization alone (with neurosurgeon). $504.14
03348 Cervical - with plates and discectomy $1,574.63
03349 Cervical - with plates and discectomy $1,769.22

Ceverical - Decompression Procedures

03362 Cervical - single level $625.53
03363 Cervical - two or more levels $807.58
03365 Vertebral body resection - cervical $1,633.84


91000 Primary base fee - chemistry $15.62
91005 Primary base fee (collecting) - chemistry $7.02


33581 Cancer chemotherapy, high intensity $203.27
33583 Cancer chemotherapy, limited $68.11
33582 Cancer chemotherapy, major $119.21
00578 High intensity cancer chemotherapy- patients 0-16yr $243.26
00580 Limited intensity cancer chemotherapy-patients 0-16 years $110.56
00579 Major intensity cancer chemotherapy-patients 0-16 $187.96


08553 Chest fluoroscopy $17.93
08555 Chest x-rays - ribs both sides $53.41
08554 Chest x-rays - ribs one side $35.32
08557 Chest x-rays - sternum and sterno $53.41
08556 Chest x-rays - sternum or sterno $35.32
08551 Chest x-rays - thoracic inlet $35.04
08552 Chest x-rays - thoracic inlet -additional views $17.80
08550 Chest x-rays - thoracic viscera $35.04

Chest Wall Surgery

79125 Cervical rib resection $360.84
79110 Closure of pleurostomy re:longterm care of empyema $498.07
79115 Pectus excavatum and carinatum $776.56
79105 Rib resection for empyema $498.07
79120 Thoracoplasty $776.56
79130 Trans-axillary resection of first rib $869.08

Chronic Disease Management Incentives

14253 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-copd $125.78
14250 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-diabet $125.78
14251 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-heart $125.78
14252 Gp annual chronic care incentive(encounter)-hypert $50.31

Clinical Examinations

02018 Biomicroscopy $31.95
02010 Consultation - ophthalmology $99.26
02005 Emergency visit - ophthalmology $89.84
02028 Examination for low visual aid $49.50
02048 Exophthalmometry $13.45
02015 Eye examination (refraction, opthalmoscopy etc...) $50.86
02009 Home visit - ophthalmology $60.27
02008 Hospital visit - ophthalmology $48.72
02038 Keratometry $15.63
02011 Limited consultation - ophthalmology $48.83
02017 Oculo-motor function test $34.51
02007 Office visit - ophthalmology $36.14
02020 Ophthalmodynamometry $28.61
02014 Orthoptic evaluation $60.87
22016 Pachymetry-extra(when billed with other eye exams) $10.21
02040 Retinoscopy, keratometry, tonometry, indirect fundoscopy, fundus photography and prosthetic fitting under general anesthetic $133.06
02012 Special consultation - ophthalmology $135.53
22010 Telehealth consultation - ophthalmology $99.26
22011 Telehealth repeat or lmtd consult - ophthalmology $48.83
22008 Telehealth subseqnt hospital visit - ophthalmology $48.72
22007 Telehealth subsequent office visit - ophthalmology $36.14
02019 Tonometry $31.95

Closure of Fistula (Enterovesical, Colovesical or Colovaginal)

07455 Emergency resection of obstructed colon $1,011.50
07658 Exteriorization of bowel $602.52
72654 Fistula - closure/bowel resection $404.35
72653 Fistula - enterovesical/colovesical/colovaginal $909.89

Closure of Loop Enterostomy

07647 Closure of loop enterostomy with resection $631.93
07646 Closure of loop enterostomy, large/small intestine $509.22
72652 Hartman procedure - reconstruction - laparoscopic $1,033.43
72651 Reconstruction hartmann procedure - open $1,010.79

Closure of Oesophagostomy or Fistula

07528 Placement gastroesophageal venous compression ball $202.10

Community Based GP Hospital Visits

13339 Com based gp,1st hosp visit of day bonus, extra $49.84
13008 Community based gp: hospital visit $54.20
13011 Community based gp: hospital visit $64.64
13012 Community based gp: hospital visit $43.23
13228 Community based gp: hospital visit $30.09
13028 Community based gp: supportive care hosp visit $36.01

Complete Examinations

12101 In office (age 0-1)-complete examination $76.83
00101 In office (age 2-49)-complete examination $69.85
15301 In office (age 50-59)-complete examination $76.83
16101 In office (age 60-69)-complete examination $80.32
17101 In office (age 70-79)-complete examination $90.80
18101 In office (age 80+)-complete examination $104.79
12201 Out of office (age 0-1)-complete examination $92.20
13201 Out of office (age 2-49)-complete examination $83.82
15201 Out of office (age 50-59)-complete examination $92.20
16201 Out of office (age 60-69)-complete examination $96.39
17201 Out of office (age 70-79)-complete examination $108.95
18201 Out of office (age 80+)-complete examination $125.74

Computerized Tomography

83090 Cardiac ct/ct coronary angiography, prof. fee $170.21
83096 Ct colonography, professional fee (extra) $62.20
08695 Tomography - body scan double scan or two regions $138.54
08691 Tomography - head scan with contrast $64.08
08694 Tomography-body scan one region with contrast $101.35
08693 Tomography-body scan one region without contrast $91.69
08692 Tomography-head scan double scan or 2 planes $82.76
08690 Tomography-head scan without contrast $45.95

Consultations / Visits

30006 Clinical immunology & allegy - directive care $93.00
30007 Clinical immunology and allegy - office visit $40.03
30008 Clinical immunology and allergy - hospital visit $22.50
30010 Clinical immunology and allergy consultation $190.24
13109 Community based gp:acute care hospital admission $103.16
14016 Community patient conference fee-general practice $40.00
32011 Complex respiratory medicine assessment $69.08
94012 Consult - limited/repeat, laboratory medicine $82.69
33010 Consultation - cardiology $171.46
33620 Consultation - extended - infectious disease $335.29
33310 Consultation - gastroenterology $178.78
71010 Consultation - general surgery - malignancy $150.00
33410 Consultation - geriatric medicine $204.44
33510 Consultation - hematology/oncology $174.00
33610 Consultation - infectious diseases $207.09
94010 Consultation - laboratory medicine $148.82
01115 Consultation - repeat / limited - anaesthesia $76.14
01116 Consultation - repeat or limited - diagnostic / pain mgmt $100.86
07010 Consultation- general surgery $116.00
33012 Consultation-limited-cardiology $85.73
33312 Consultation-limited-gastroenterolody $101.14
33512 Consultation-limited-hematology/oncology $84.24
33612 Consultation-limited-infectious diseases $109.91
33710 Consultation-nephrology $173.42
01015 Consultation, anaesthesia $132.71
07810 Consultation, cardio-thoracic $193.65
00210 Consultation, dermatology $79.36
00214 Consultation, dermatology - repeat/limited $50.56
00310 Consultation, int. med. $168.39
07812 Consultation, limited or repeat, cardio-thoracic $65.10
00312 Consultation, limited, int. med. $81.35
01016 Consultation, management of complicated chronic pain $201.75
00410 Consultation, neurology $182.41
00510 Consultation, paediatrics $241.36
00610 Consultation, psychiatry $247.37
00313 Counselling group - internal med - 1st full hour $113.42
00315 Counselling group -internal med -2nd hr per 1/2 hr $56.67
33013 Counselling-group-cardiology - 1st full hour $93.55
33015 Counselling-group-cardiology - 2nd hr per 1/2 hr $46.75
33315 Counselling-group-gastro -2nd hr per 1/2 hr $52.78
33313 Counselling-group-gastroenterology - 1st full hr $105.06
33415 Counselling-group-geriatric med. 2nd hr per 1/2 hr $49.68
33413 Counselling-group-geriatric medicine - 1st full hr $99.46
33513 Counselling-group-hematology - 1st full hour $113.76
33515 Counselling-group-hematology - 2nd hr per 1/2 hr $56.84
33014 Counselling-prolonged visit-cardiology $60.66
33314 Counselling-prolonged visit-gastroenterology $54.82
33414 Counselling-prolonged visit-geriatric medicine $53.21
33514 Counselling-prolonged visit-hematology/oncology $78.88
00204 Directive care - dermatology $30.75
33706 Directive care - nephrology $60.17
33006 Directive care-cardiology $64.27
33306 Directive care-gastroenterology $59.43
33406 Directive care-geriatric medicine $50.00
33506 Directive care-hematology/oncology $84.20
33606 Directive care-infectious disease $62.64
00306 Directive care, internal medicine $72.19
00406 Directive care, neurology $90.08
33455 Discontined - geriatric fee code $96.55
00117 Ecg interpretation only g.p. $10.41
01810 Emergency medicine consultation $130.28
07805 Emergency visit - cardiac surgery $99.03
33005 Emergency visit - cardiology $94.84
30005 Emergency visit - clinical immunology and allergy $87.57
00205 Emergency visit - dermatology $105.43
00305 Emergency visit - general internal medicine $114.98
94005 Emergency visit - laboratory medicine $127.63
33705 Emergency visit - nephrology $108.26
00405 Emergency visit - neurology $94.16
00605 Emergency visit - psychiatry $144.57
33405 Emergency visit when specially called $122.15
33305 Emergency visit-gastroenterology $111.65
33505 Emergency visit-hematology & oncology $145.13
33605 Emergency visit-infectious diseases $116.16
00622 Emotionally disturbed child - consultation $441.73
00623 Emotionally disturbed family - consultation $441.73
00624 Evaluation interview with family member $54.58
00611 Extended adult psychiatry consultation > 68 minutes $324.92
31050 Extended consultation-rheumatology-exceed 53 min $270.47
00441 Face to face acvs consultation - neurology $215.58
00442 Face to face f/u neurological clin (without tpa) $100.19
00443 Face to face f/u neurological clinical (with tpa) $100.19
00444 Face to face follow up acvs relapse intervention $80.14
14015 Facility patient conference-general practice $40.00
60633 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1/2 hr $109.17
60639 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1 1/2 hr $317.41
60636 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 1 hr $211.58
60635 Family/conjoint telehealth therapy - per 3/4 hr $162.48
60638 Family/conjoint telehealth thereapy-per 1 1/4 hr $264.50
10003 Follow-up-specialist patient mgmt $24.17
00206 For primary systemic diseases with cutaneous manifestations, to include complete history and physical examination, review of x-ray and laboratory findings, and a written report $179.96
14017 General practice acute care discharge conference $40.00
33401 Geriatric assessment $295.00
33445 Geriatric care conference (pat 65+) per 15 min $50.00
33446 Geriatric care conference (pat 65+) per 15 min $72.00
33447 Geriatric care conference (pat 65+) per 15 min $80.00
33448 Geriatric care conference (pat 65+) per 15 min $44.00
00613 Geriatric consultation (age 75 years or older) $374.12
33450 Geriatric family conference (pat 65+)-per 15 min $43.55
33402 Geriatric reassessment $118.00
33403 Geriatric reassessment $295.00
33404 Geriatric reassessment $118.00
00311 Gim - complex consultation - 3 medical conditions $277.78
14019 Gp advice fee to np-telephone or in person $43.23
14078 Gp email/text/telephone medical advice relay fee $7.04
14079 Gp telephone/email management fee $15.00
14018 Gp urgent telephone conference with a specialist $43.23
14023 Gp with spec training tele patient mgmt-follow up $20.12
14021 Gp with specialty training tele advice - urgent $60.37
14022 Gp with specialty training tele patient mgmt 1 wk $43.23
33715 Group counselling (each additional 1/2 hour) $53.36
33713 Group counselling (first hour) $106.78
33613 Group counselling for groups of two or more patients: first full hour $114.64
33615 Group counselling for groups of two or more patients: second hour, per 1/2 hour or major portion thereof $57.28
13015 Hiv/aids primary care mgmt - per 1/2 hr or $85.95
00103 Home visit - call placed between 0800 and 2300hrs $116.09
01108 Hospital visit - anaesthesia $50.74
33708 Hospital visit - nephrology $48.32
01109 Hospital visit (Sat / Sun / stat) anesthesia $88.62
00615 Hospital/institution inpatient or home visit $247.37
15310 In office (age 50-59)-consultation $85.40
13070 In office assessment in assoc with a wsbc service $16.49
13075 In office assessment in assoc with an icbc service $16.49
17110 In office: (age 70-79)-consultation $100.91
18110 In office: (age 80+)-consultation $116.11
00110 In office: age 2-49-consultation $77.63
12110 In office:(age 0-1)-consultation $85.40
16110 In office:(age 60-69)-consultation $89.28
60632 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 1 hr $211.58
60630 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 1/2 h $109.17
60631 Individual telehealth psychiatric treatment, 3/4 h $162.48
33645 Infectious disease care mgt of hiv/aids-per 1/2hr $102.36
00314 Internal medicine prolonged visit for counselling $55.38
94006 Laboratory medicine, directive care $31.44
94009 Laboratory medicine, home visit $63.89
94008 Laboratory medicine, hospital visit $32.04
94007 Laboratory medicine, office visit $32.15
31060 Mulitidiscriplinary conference for community pat $225.96
00457 Neurology complex care - ext visit - per 15 min $36.88
00450 Neurology complex care-extend consult - per 15 min $58.10
00460 Neurology ext consult - transfer of care from peds $388.18
01107 Office visit - anaesthesia $56.75
33707 Office visit - nephrology $49.56
00113 On call, on site hospital visit - evening $51.93
00105 On call, on site hospital visit - night $72.17
00123 On call, on site hospital visit - sat, sun or hols $51.93
10002 One week - specialist advice for patient management $40.20
12210 Out of office (age 0-1)-consultation $102.48
13210 Out of office (age 2-49)-consultation $93.16
15210 Out of office (age 50-59)-consultation $102.48
16210 Out of office (age 60-69)-consultation $107.14
17210 Out of office (age 70-79)-consultation $121.10
18210 Out of office (age 80+)-consultation $139.76
30011 Paediatric clinical immunology and allergy consult $190.70
00645 Patient mangmnt confer. - 3rd parties, per 1/4 hr $54.58
13005 Phone call (advice about patient in community care) $18.28
01151 Pre-anaesthetic evaluation - standard $60.85
07815 Pre-operative assessment - cardiac surgery $193.65
33714 Prolonged visit for counselling (max 4 per year) $52.15
33614 Prolonged visit for counselling (maximum, four per year) $55.95
33412 Repeat or limited consultation $116.43
33712 Repeat or limited consultation (nephrology) $85.60
07012 Repeat or limited consultation- general surgery $60.00
00411 Repeat or limited consultation, neurology $87.21
30012 Repeat or ltd clinical immunology and allergy cons $94.70
31055 Rheumatology immunosuppressant review $30.00
10004 Spec multidisciplinary conferencing for complex pt $46.46
00116 Special in-hospital, consultation $164.96
78720 Specialist advance care planning discussion -extra $40.20
78717 Specialist discharge care plan for complex patient $75.38
10006 Specialist e-mail patient management-follow up $10.15
10005 Specialist email advice for patient management $10.15
78768 Specialist group medical visits - eight patients $24.78
78771 Specialist group medical visits - eleven patients $19.29
78765 Specialist group medical visits - five patients $32.91
78764 Specialist group medical visits - four patients $37.86
78769 Specialist group medical visits - nine patients $23.27
78767 Specialist group medical visits - seven patients $26.71
78766 Specialist group medical visits - six patients $29.28
78776 Specialist group medical visits - sixteen patients $15.35
78763 Specialist group medical visits - three patients $47.40
78772 Specialist group medical visits - twelve patients $18.14
78775 Specialist group medical visits -fifteen patients $15.83
78774 Specialist group medical visits -fourteen patients $16.49
78773 Specialist group medical visits -thirteen patients $16.79
78781 Specialist group medical visits- >20 patients $13.08
78778 Specialist group medical visits-eighteen patients $14.48
78779 Specialist group medical visits-nineteen patients $13.87
78777 Specialist group medical visits-seventeen patients $14.71
78780 Specialist group medical visits-twenty patients $13.54
78770 Specialist group medical vistis - ten patients $22.01
32307 Sub f/u off visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $98.88
32308 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $67.29
32312 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $181.82
32317 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $55.00
32318 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $34.71
32367 Sub hosp visit, complex pat-3 medical cond gim $98.88
33409 Subsequent home visit $140.00
00409 Subsequent home visit, neurology $41.02
33408 Subsequent hospital visit $43.00
00408 Subsequent hospital visit, neurology $83.57
33407 Subsequent office visit $55.00
00407 Subsequent office visit, neurology $88.11
32271 Telehealth complex consultation-internal medicine $277.78
33421 Telehealth comprehensive geriatric consult/65yrs $295.00
60622 Telehealth consult emotionally disturbed child psy $441.73
30071 Telehealth consult-ped clinical immunology/allergy $190.70
30070 Telehealth consult/clinical immunology/allergy $190.24
01155 Telehealth consultation - anesthesia $132.71
78010 Telehealth consultation - cardiac surgery $193.65
33110 Telehealth consultation - cardiology $171.46
33360 Telehealth consultation - gastroenterology $178.78
70070 Telehealth consultation - general surgery $116.00
33470 Telehealth consultation - geriatric medicine $204.44
32270 Telehealth consultation - internal medicine $168.39
60610 Telehealth consultation psychiatry $247.37
20210 Telehealth consultation, dermatology $79.36
00470 Telehealth consultation, neurology $182.41
30076 Telehealth direct care-clinical immunology/allergy $93.00
33106 Telehealth directive care - cardiology $64.27
33366 Telehealth directive care - gastroenterology $59.43
70076 Telehealth directive care - general surgery $30.00
33476 Telehealth directive care - geriatric medicine $50.00
32276 Telehealth directive care - internal medicine $72.19
00476 Telehealth directive care, neurology $90.08
33128 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $69.36
33131 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $333.75
33132 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $483.26
33133 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $563.36
33134 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $375.53
33154 Telehealth dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $46.24
60624 Telehealth eval interview with family member, 1/2 $54.58
60613 Telehealth geriatric consult psychiatry 75 yrs or $374.12
33422 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $118.00
33423 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $250.00
33424 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $130.00
33426 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $72.00
33427 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $70.00
33428 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $44.00
33440 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $250.00
33442 Telehealth geriatric reassessment $130.00
60608 Telehealth hospital in-patient visit - psychiatry $55.23
60645 Telehealth patient mangement conference psychiatry $54.58
33114 Telehealth prolonged visit counselling-cardiology $60.66
00471 Telehealth repeat / limited consultation neurology $87.21
33112 Telehealth repeat consultation - cardiology $85.73
20214 Telehealth repeat consultation, dermatology $50.56
70072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult - gen surgery $60.00
60626 Telehealth repeat or limited consult emotionally $220.85
60625 Telehealth repeat or limited consult psychiatry $131.12
32272 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-internal med $81.35
30072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult/cln imm/allgy $94.70
33472 Telehealth repeat or limited consult/geriatric med $116.43
33473 Telehealth repeat or limited consult/geriatric med $295.00
33474 Telehealth repeat or limited consult/geriatric med $118.00
78012 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation - cardiac surgery $65.10
33362 Telehealth repeat/limited consult-gastroenterology $101.14
60614 Telehealth repeat/limited geriatric consult psych $187.06
33153 Telehealth single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $23.12
33126 Telehealth single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - - professional fee $46.24
33108 Telehealth subsequent hosp visit - cardiology $57.46
33368 Telehealth subsequent hosp visit-gastroenterology $40.95
30078 Telehealth subsequent hosp vist/immunology/allergy $22.50
78008 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - cardiac surgery $24.63
20208 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - dermatology $30.75
70078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - gen surgery $29.00
33478 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-geriatric med $43.00
32278 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-internal med $29.07
00478 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit, neurology $83.57
78007 Telehealth subsequent office visit - cardiac surgery $28.85
33107 Telehealth subsequent office visit - cardiology $64.92
20207 Telehealth subsequent office visit - dermatology $31.76
70077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - general surg $28.50
32277 Telehealth subsequent office visit - internal med $53.73
60607 Telehealth subsequent office visit psychiatry $55.23
33477 Telehealth subsequent office visit-geriatric med $55.00
00477 Telehealth subsequent office visit, neruology $88.11
30077 Telehealth subsequent office visit/cln/imm/allergy $40.03
33367 Telehealth subsequent office vist/gastroenterology $67.10
33730 Telehealth-consult-nephrology $173.42
33632 Telehealth-consult-rept/limited-infectious disease $109.91
33635 Telehealth-consult-rept/limited-infectious disease $102.36
33630 Telehealth-consultation-infectious diseases $207.09
33636 Telehealth-directive care-infectious diseases $62.64
33736 Telehealth-directive care-nephrology $60.17
33732 Telehealth-repeat consult-nephrology $85.60
33637 Telehealth-subseq office visit-infectious disease $57.98
33738 Telehealth-subsequent hospital visit-nephrology $48.32
33737 Telehealth-subsequent office visit-nephrology $49.56
33638 Telehealth-subsq hospital visit-infectious disease $41.42
33640 Telehealth-subsq hospital visit-infectious disease $335.29
13000 Telephone advice in first nations communities $18.28
10001 Urgent specialist advice (phone or in person) $60.30
12200 Visit - out of office (age 0 - 1) $41.87
13200 Visit - out of office (age 2-49) $38.07
16200 Visit - out of office (age 60-69) $43.87
17200 Visit - out of office (age 70-79) $49.48
18200 Visit - out of office (age 80+) $57.09
12100 Visit in office (age 0-1) $34.90
00100 Visit in office (age 2 - 49) $31.72
15300 Visit in office (age 50-59) $34.90
16100 Visit in office (age 60-69) $36.47
17100 Visit in office (age 70-79) $41.22
18100 Visit in office (age 80+) $47.59
15200 Visit out of office (age 50-59) $41.87
33009 Visit-home-cardiology $42.80
33309 Visit-home-gastroenterology $49.22
33509 Visit-home-hematology/oncology $52.04
33609 Visit-home-infectious diseases $52.41
33709 Visit-home-nephrology $48.85
33008 Visit-hospital-cardiology $57.46
33308 Visit-hospital-gastroenterology $40.95
33508 Visit-hospital-hematology/oncology $64.48
33608 Visit-hospital-infectious diseases $41.42
33007 Visit-office-cardiology $64.92
33307 Visit-office-gastroenterology $67.10
33507 Visit-office-hematology/oncology $56.20
33607 Visit-office-infectious diseases $57.98
00112 Visit, emergency $116.09
00111 Visit, emergency home $117.46
00209 Visit, home dermatology $63.28
07809 Visit, home, cardio-thoracic $49.62
00309 Visit, home, int. med. $51.88
00609 Visit, home, psychiatry $74.34
07808 Visit, hospital, cardio-thoracic $24.63
00208 Visit, hospital, dermatology $30.75
00308 Visit, hospital, int. med. $29.07
00608 Visit, hospital, psychiatry $55.23
07807 Visit, office, cardio-thoracic $28.85
00207 Visit, office, dermatology $31.76
00307 Visit, office, int. med. $53.73
00607 Visit, office, psychiatry $55.23

Continuing Care Surcharges

01205 1800-2300 surcharge - nonoperative $66.69
01210 1800-2300 surcharge - operative @ 44.49% of surgical (or assistant) fee to a maximum of $444.47
01206 2300-0800 surcharge - nonoperative $91.18
01211 2300-0800 surcharge - operative @ 71.42% of surgical (or assistant) to a maximum of $624.17
01212 Weekend and stat holiday surcharge - operative @ 44.49% of surgical (or assistant ) fee to a maximum of $444.47
01207 Weekend and stat/holiday (service rendered between 0800 hours and 2300 hours) - per half hour or major part thereof $66.69

Cornea and Sclera

22175 Collagen cross-linking for keratoconus-prof fee $404.61
22176 Collagen cross-linking for keratoconus-tech fee $505.77

Counselling - Group

00122 Group counselling-2nd hour/per half or major part $80.50
00121 Group counselling-first full hour $160.99
13020 Telehealth general practitioner assistant $43.23
13036 Telehealth gp in-office consultation $82.43
13042 Telehealth gp in-office group counselling - 2nd hr $43.50
13041 Telehealth gp in-office group counselling/1st hr $86.94
13038 Telehealth gp in-office individual counselling $58.90
13037 Telehealth gp in-office visit $34.44
13016 Telehealth gp out of office consultation $109.02
13021 Telehealth gp out of office group counsel 1st hour $87.46
13022 Telehealth gp out of office group counsel 2nd hour $43.76
13018 Telehealth gp out of office individual counselling $75.32
13017 Telehealth gp out of office visit $41.10

Counselling - Individual

12220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 0 - 1) $74.90
13220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 2-49) $68.09
16220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 60-69) $78.31
17220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 70-79) $88.54
18220 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $102.15
19100 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $185.00
19101 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $185.00
19102 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $83.00
19103 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $55.00
19104 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $43.00
19105 Individual counselling - out of office (age 80 +) $43.00
12120 Individual counselling in office (age 0 - 1) $62.43
00120 Individual counselling in office (age 2-49) $56.76
15320 Individual counselling in office (age 50-59) $62.43
16120 Individual counselling in office (age 60 - 69) $65.26
17120 Individual counselling in office (age 70-79) $73.77
18120 Individual counselling in office (age 80+) $85.12
15220 Individual counselling out of office (age 50-59) $74.90

Criteria for Chemistry Add-Ons

91023 Acetyl coa: a-glucosaminide-n-acetyl transferase, $93.71
91020 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies - qualitative $101.93
91021 Acetylcholine receptor antibodies - quantitative $167.50
91025 Acid alpha-1 glycoprotein $20.40
91027 Acid lipase, wite blood cells $51.25
91031 Acid phosphatase, fractions - each $13.66
91030 Acid phosphatase, total $13.66
91036 Acth stimulation test $45.24
91035 Acth, plasma $36.57
91037 Acylcarnitine profiling $41.28
91065 Alanine aminotransferase $1.47
91042 Albumin - transudate/exudate $1.06
91040 Albumin, serum/plasma $1.55
91050 Alcohol $20.79
91055 Aldolase $14.12
91060 Aldosterone, plasma/serum $170.92
91061 Aldosterone, urine $170.92
91070 Alkaline phosphatase $1.57
91075 Allergen specific ige assay $16.13
91090 Alpha fetoglobulin $13.03
91095 Alpha fetoprotein $24.79
91080 Alpha-1 antitrypsin $20.06
91096 Alpha-iduronidase, white blood cells $51.25
91097 Alpha-mannosidase, white blood cells $51.25
91100 Aluminum $49.19
91105 Amino acid, quantitative, chromatography $78.42
91110 Amino acids-urine, chromatography $54.27
91115 Ammonia $7.41
91120 Amniotic fluid examination/written interpretation $55.10
91125 Amylase cyst $13.73
91126 Amylase, serum/plasma $5.27
91127 Amylase, transudate/exudate $13.66
91128 Amylase, urine $7.53
91135 Androstenedione, plasma $36.09
91140 Angiotensin converting enzyme (ace)-serum analysis $18.72
91142 Anti-diuretic hormone (adh), plasma $113.81
91150 Anti-endomysium antibodies $94.39
91162 Anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies(anti-ttg) $13.92
91155 Antiglomerular basement membrane antibody $25.73
91165 Apolipoprotein a - 1 $20.40
91170 Apolipoprotein b - 100 $16.60
91175 Apolipoprotein e isoforms $33.57
91180 Apoprotein e genotyping $93.90
91185 Arsenic $43.40
91190 Aryl sulfatase a, fibroblasts $51.38
91191 Aryl sulfatase a, white blood cells $51.38
91195 Aryl sulfatase b, fibroblasts $51.38
91196 Aryl sulfatase b, white blood cells $51.38
91200 Aryl sulfatase c, fibroblasts $51.38
91201 Aryl sulfatase c, white blood cells $51.38
91205 Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) $26.76
91206 Ascorbic acid (vitamin c) - urine $8.28
91210 Aspartate aminotransferase $1.73
91215 B-galactosidase, fibroblasts $51.38
91216 B-galactosidase, white blood cells $51.38

Debridement of Soft Tissues

70168 Active wound mgmt-acute phase after debridement $78.57
70169 Active wound mgmt/in or acute phase aft debridemnt $125.72
70155 Debridement of skin and subcutaneous tissue restricted to genitalia and perineum for necrotizing infection (fourniers gangrene) (stand alone procedure) $550.00
70166 Debridement skin/fascia/muscle/bone; each sub 5% of body surface area $144.06
70165 Debridement skin/fascia/muscle/bone;up to 1st 5% of body surface area $288.10
70162 Debridement skin/sub/necrotic fascia / 1st 5% of body surface area $261.93
70163 Debridement skin/sub/necrotic fascia/each sub 5% of body surface area $130.96
70158 Debridement skin/subcutaneous tissue,up to 5% body surface area $294.65
70159 Debridement skin/subcutaneous tissue; each sub 5% of body surface area $117.87

Diagnostic and Therapeutic

11402 Aspiration - bursa/synovial sheath, etc. $23.23
11602 Aspiration - knee joint - bursa/tendon sheath, e $23.23
11302 Aspiration - bursa/tendon sheath - diagnostic $23.23
11501 Aspiration - hip joint $23.23
11502 Aspiration - hip -bursa/tendon sheath, etc. $11.63
00757 Aspiration other joints $12.03
00760 Paracentesis abdominal $25.88

Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures

00755 Artery puncture $6.41
00736 Bronchial brushing - extra to bronchoscopy $67.00
00700 Bronchoscopy or bronchofibroscopy $122.00
00702 Bronchoscopy with biopsy $210.00
01146 Cryosection / neurolysis - major plexus / nerve root $352.86
01148 Cryosection / neurolysis - multiple peripheral nerves $223.60
01147 Cryosection / neurolysis - single peripheral nerve $166.87
01138 Epidural block - caudal $150.36
01135 Epidural block - lumbar $150.36
01037 Epidural blocks - cervical $263.12
01036 Epidural blocks - thoracic $228.03
01149 Epidural or subarachnoid neurolysis $397.04
01035 Gasserian ganglion $254.41
01150 Gasserian ganglion neurolysis $397.04
00868 Gastrostomy / gastrojejunostomy - percutaneous $276.74
01160 IV injection for diagnostic / therapeutic mangagement of pain - guanethid $121.52
01159 IV injection for diagnostic / therapeutic mangagement of pain - local $60.75
01022 Nerve plexus $135.49
01141 Nerve root / facet block - cervical multiple $244.17
01140 Nerve root / facet block - cervical single $183.13
01145 Nerve root / facet block - lumbar multiple $203.09
01144 Nerve root / facet block - lumbar single $152.31
01143 Nerve root / facet block - thoracic multiple $223.60
01142 Nerve root / facet block - thoracic single $167.72
00759 Paracentesis (thoracic)or transtrachial aspiration $86.00
01042 Paravertebral (lumbar sympathetic) nerve block $193.87
00749 Parietal pleural including thoracentesis $131.00
00751 Pericardial puncture $252.53
01125 Peripheral nerve block - multiple $96.97
01124 Peripheral nerve block - single $64.17
01034 Subarachnoid (spinal) block differential spinal $213.36
01032 Subarachnoid (spinal) block subdural (spinal) $160.01
01044 Sympathetic nerve (coeliac plexus) block $269.84
01040 Sympathetic nerve stellate ganglion - block $117.92
00719 Thoracoscopy $331.00
01156 Trigger point injection - single $60.75
01157 Trigger point injections - multiple $76.20

Diagnostic Examinations

00771 Retinal examination under anaesthesia $20.08
22051 Specular microscopy-professional fee $20.39
22052 Specular microscopy-technical fee $57.74
22050 Specular microscopy-total fee $78.13

Diagnostic Procedures

00908 - procedure and biopsy $52.89
00765 Annual maximum (scratch or intracutaneous tests) $34.40
07764 Cholangiography; operative $80.86
33374 Colonoscopy - removal of polyp $283.50
33373 Colonoscopy-biopsy $235.15
00780 Diagnostic schirmer test $13.15
00701 Direct laryngoscopy $37.70
00866 Dynamic cavernosometry and avernosography $79.05
00907 Endoscopic flexible or rigid examination of the nose and nasopharynx - procedure only $33.07
10741 Endoscopy - upper gi using linear ultrasound $256.63
10740 Endoscopy - upper gi using radial ultrasound $256.63
10735 Endoscopy-rectal using (radial/linear) ultrasound $153.99
10744 Endoscopy-upper gi rad/lin ultrasnd/drainage-extra $205.32
10742 Endoscopy-upper gi,rad/lin ultrasnd,with biopsy $51.33
10743 Endoscopy-upper gi,rad/lin ultrasnd,with injection $153.99
02459 Excision cystic hygroma $548.56
00909 Flexible fiberoptic nasopharyngolaryngoscopy $44.30
00764 Intracutaneous test, per test $2.15
00570 Lumbar puncture in a patient 12 years and younger $82.92
00869 Manometry - anal - adult $101.37
00717 Micro-laryngoscopy $75.39
07710 Pancreatogram w/ or w/o sphincterotomy - extra $67.19
00767 Patch testing (extra) (annual maximum, 80 tests) per test $1.96
00572 Pediatric colonoscopy-flex colonoscope 0-16 years $364.86
50542 Pediatric direct coronary angiography / 7-16 years $322.96
50541 Pediatric direct coronary angiography 0 -6 years $430.62
00571 Pediatric esophagogastroduodenoscopy - 0-16 years $199.00
50522 Pediatric myocardial biopsy for 0-16 yrs age,extra $103.08
50539 Pediatric percutaneous transluminal 0-6 years $816.85
50540 Pediatric percutaneous transluminal 7-16 years $612.64
50527 Pediatric retrograde left heart cath,extra 0-6yrs $286.99
50528 Pediatric retrograde left heart cath,extra 7-16 yr $215.22
50520 Pediatric right heart catheter patients 0-6 years $358.82
50521 Pediatric right heart catheter patients 7-16 years $269.10
50545 Pediatric therapeutic radiological patients 0-6yrs $749.01
50546 Pediatric therapeutic radiological patients 7-16yr $561.78
50530 Pediatric trans-septal left heart cath 0-6 years $386.73
50531 Pediatric trans-septal left heart cath 7-16 years $290.05
50550 Percutaneous cardiac stenting 0-18 years $1,050.37
50551 Percutaneous cardiac stenting-0-18 yr addtl stents $221.14
50555 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $1,050.37
00745 Peripheral or subcutaneous lymph node biopsy $49.15
00789 Peritoneal lavage $85.74
02476 Pharyngoesophageal anastomosis - re-establishment in neck by neck surgeon $637.88
00769 Photopatch test, annual maximum $56.69
00768 Photopatch test, per test $5.66
00809 Retrograde pancreatography $216.54
10762 Rigid esophagoscopy, including collection of specimens by brushing or washing, - procedural fee $74.74
00763 Scratch test - children under 5 years $2.32
00762 Scratch test, per antigen $1.06
00715 Sigmoidoscopy with biopsy $37.98
00718 Sigmoidoscopy, flexible and with biopsy $77.34
00947 Tilt table testing - professional fee $178.57
00948 Tilt table testing - technical fee $111.59
00944 Tilt table testing with continuous ecg monitoring and automatic bp recording - total fee $290.15
02407 Tracheotomy $390.00
10750 Transnasal esophagogastroduodenoscopy (tgd) $89.73
10708 Video capsule endoscopy using m2a capsule $256.63

Diagnostic Procedures Involving Visualization by Instrumentation

00704 Cystoscopy to include dilation & panendoscopy $95.37
00705 Cystoscopy with catheterization of ureters $111.51
10700 Endobronchial cautery--extra $77.00
10702 Endobronchial cryotheraphy--extra $77.00
10703 Transbronchial needle aspiration(tbna) $70.00

Diagnostic Procedures or Endoscopy

11925 Four channel home polysomnography - prof fee $83.61
11926 Four channel home polysomnography - technical fee $83.86
11920 Multiple sleeplatency test (mslt) - technical fee $193.51
11919 Multiple sleeplatency test (mslt) professional fee $83.70
00910 Overnight home oximetry - professional fee $28.30
00911 Overnight home oximetry - technical fee $15.62
11915 Standard polysomnography - professional fee $167.45
11916 Standard polysomnography - technical fee $387.02

Diagnostic Procedures Utilizing Radiological Equipment

00724 Air insufflation - presacral $39.17
00748 Bone biopsy, under local/regional anaesthetic $63.99
00730 Catheterization of bronchi for bronchogram $27.48
00857 Cholangiogram percutaneous transhepatic $113.54
00732 Cysto-urethrogram, voiding $19.74
10739 Endobronchial ultrasound(ebus) $387.16
00729 Fluoroscopy of chest by internist or pediatrician - procedural fee $11.11
00733 Intra-osseous venogram $59.58
00811 Joint injection, aspiration or arthogram $53.31
00734 Lymphangiography or lymphography - surgical $130.97
00721 Myelogram diagnostic $44.19
00728 Orthodiagram diagnostic $11.87
00727 Salpingogram diagnostic $77.95
00723 Sialogram or galactograms injection $48.85

Diagnostic Therapeutic Procedures

10320 Insertion of permanent pleural drainage catheter $235.00
10321 Removal permanent pleural drainage catheter $72.00

Diagnostic Ultrasound

08652 B scan i.u.d. localization $55.31
08657 Chorionic villus sampling for ultrasonic guidance $110.68
33094 Contrast echocardiography (extra) technical fee, per vial of contrast $127.45
08399 Doppler evaluation of penile blood flow wave from evaluation of dorsal and cavernosal arteries. blood pressure recordings and calculation of penile brachial index $47.43
33091 Echocardiography - combined two dimensional real time and m-mode $144.20
08638 Echocardiography (real time) $101.86
04680 Guided amniocentesis $168.11
33093 Level iii echocardiographer complex assessment of previous echocardiogram (clinical assessment and review, interpretation and written report of submitted echocardiograms) per patient $252.39
86051 Obs b scan (14 wks gestation or over)- add fetuses $81.91
08651 Obs. - b-scan - 14 wks. or more for singles $110.08
08655 Obs. b-scan - less than 14 wks. $82.58
08653 Pelvic b scan - non-obstetrical $110.08
33057 Trans-esophageal echocardiography - procedure fee $165.45


33758 Chronic hemodialysis (rounds 6+) $52.22
33759 Chronic peritoneal dialysis $52.22
33751 Hemodialysis ( round 2 to 5) $199.65
33750 Hemodialysis (round 1) $531.27
33761 Home dialysis $63.13
33723 Initial peritoneal dialysis (first 2 weeks) $397.47

Diaphragm - Repair

70604 Congenital diaphragmatic hernia $1,522.60
07431 Diaphragmatic injury - repair $804.44
70603 Diaphragmatic or other hernia - laparoscopic $1,212.64
70602 Diaphragmatic or other hernia - open $1,212.64
70607 Imbrication of diaphragm for eventration $800.00
70605 Repair diaphragmatic hernia or laceration - acute $1,215.00
70606 Repair diaphragmatic hernia or laceration -chronic $1,215.00
70601 Repair of para-oesophageal hiatus hernia, transabdominal, with or without fundoplication $1,212.64

Doppler Studies

08660 Abdominal duplex- native/ transplant liver/kidney $122.55
08679 Doppler echocardiography $46.73
08679 Doppler echocardiography $46.73
08664 Doppler resting arterial assessment $60.19
08662 Exercise echocardiography $234.46
08662 Exercise echocardiography $234.46
08669 Sympathetic tone response $43.96
08666 Treadmill stress without monitoring physician $72.19
08665 Treadmill stress; with monitoring physician $106.71
08668 Vasospastic assessment $72.19

Doppler Ultrasound

00468 Neurlolgy outpatient transcranial doppler ultra sound $118.86
00469 Neurology outpat trans doppler ultra sound $29.71


02223 - under general anesthesia (operation only) $63.76
02234 - vertical segment $586.86
02267 Conchal cartilage graft $318.91
02256 Endolymphatic shunt (any procedure) $867.48
02260 Excision of glomus - where extensive dissection is required $1,039.57
02259 Excision of glomus - by tympanotomy approach $676.13
02255 Exploratory tympanotomy $236.02
02261 Exploratory tympanotomy - with chemical control, tac procedure, cryosurgical control, ultrasound $389.10
02269 Implantable bone conductor $469.68
02268 Intra-cochlear implant $1,383.29
02241 Labyrinthectomy-drill out of petrous bone $574.07
02247 Mastoidectomy - partial, canal wall up (cortical) $612.35
02221 Microscopic debridement, foreign body removal, or aural polyp removal $27.11
02242 Microsurgical repair and reconstruction soft tissue atresia, external ear canal complete $796.06
02245 Microsurgical repair and reconstruction soft tissue stenosis - external ear canal $663.38
02231 Microsurgical revision and reconstruction, soft tissue stenosis - external ear $530.69
02273 Microsurgical tympanomastoidectomy - complete, canal wall up $1,127.78
02225 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $920.76
02228 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $103.09
02229 Middle fossa approach-repair sup canal dehiscence $157.79
02266 Myringoplasty - paper patch or synthetic $44.65
02251 Myringoplasty repair of drum without exploration of middle ear $191.35
02274 Myringotomy w insertion aerating tube-bilateral $127.57
02254 Myringotomy with insertion of aerating tube - unilateral (operation only) $82.94
02210 Paracentesis of the ear drum (operation only) $44.65
02248 Radical mastoidectomy $778.18
02206 Removal of ear canal osteoma $82.94
02209 Removal of obstructing exostosis of ear canal $484.78
02243 Repair atresia external ear canal, complete, bony $1,058.85
02244 Repair stenosis external ear canal, bony $612.35
02250 Stapes - mobilization of $357.19
02249 Stapes - reconstruction $612.35
02246 Stapes-reconstruction with laser $663.38
02263 Trans-tympanic polyneurectomy $331.68
02224 Transcanal labyrinthotomy transmastoid for posterior semicircular canal occlusion $218.88
02270 Transmastoid - posterior semicircular canal occlusion or repair of superior canal dehiscence $1,383.29
02233 Transmastoid facial nerve decompression - vertical and horizontal segment $1,127.78
02271 Transmastoid microsurgical removal of facial neuroma via extended facial recess approach $1,990.13
02272 Transmastoid microsurgical removal of middle ear/mastoid tumour $1,194.08
02253 Tympanomastoidectomy - complete, canal wall down, including tympanoplasty $1,033.35
02264 Tympanoplasty- with ossicular chain reconstruction $676.13
02276 Tympanoplasty-lateral graft,homograft tympanic membrane $676.13
02278 Tympanoplasty-mid ear cholesteotoma-add 15 min $50.76
02277 Tympanoplasty-mid ear cholesteotoma-first 90 min $507.54
02252 Tympanoplasty-without ossicular chain reconstruct $446.51
02239 Tympanotomy-with ossicular chain reconstruction $357.19
02265 Typanomastoiedectomy - partial, canal wall down $612.35
02238 Typmanplasty/excsn bony canal stenosis/microscopic $832.28


06130 Auricle - accessory $254.92
06133 Microtia - total major $938.36
06132 Microtia - partial $377.06
06134 Microtia - total minor $307.05
06131 Otoplasty - outstanding ears(unilateral) $317.82
61031 Otoplasty-outstanding ears(bilateral) $476.72
06180 Preauricular sinus - complicated $304.33
06135 Preauricular sinus - simple $254.92

Elbow, Proximal Radius and Ulna

53980 Amputation - elbow $406.12
53981 Amputation - forearm $406.12
53998 Amputation - forearm - primary wound care $102.26
53999 Amputation - forearm - secondary wound management $186.72
53810 Arthrodesis - elbow joint $718.88
53641 Arthroplasty - elbow - interposition/distraction $924.30
53642 Arthroplasty- total elbow $991.26
53643 Arthroplasty- total elbow - revision $1,335.36
11300 Arthroscopy - elbow joint $268.43
11332 Arthroscopy/biopsy- elbow joint $296.44
11315 Arthrotomy - elbow joint $186.72
53521 Biceps tendon, distal insertion - elbow $569.50
53520 Biceps tendon, longhead, tenodesis - elbow $270.75
11330 Biopsy - needle - elbow joint/ga $186.72
11345 Biopsy - open - elbow joint $242.74
53653 Bone grafting - olecranon - elbow $149.38
53652 Bone grafting - radius and/or ulna - elbow $242.74
53651 Bone grafting: humerus - elbow $242.74
53385 Bone tumour - elbow - osteomyelitis-debridement $322.10
53380 Bone tumour - elbow - osteomyelitis, acute $186.72
53712 Distal humerus - closed reduction external fixation/percutaneous fixation $386.07
53727 Distal humerus - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53728 Distal humerus - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53718 Distal humerus - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53719 Distal humerus - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53715 Distal humerus - orif $444.88
53726 Distal humerus - orif - bicondylar with or without olecranon osteotomy $868.26
53725 Distal humerus - orif - unicondylar/osteochondral $406.12
53602 Distal humerus - repair - elbow $718.88
53722 Distal humerus-closed reduction external fixation $354.78
53711 Distal humerus: closed reduction, with ga, cast/traction $186.72
53721 Distal humerus: closed reduction, with ga, cast/traction/ and/or percutaneous fixation $186.72
53370 Elbow - bone tumour, benign $270.75
53360 Elbow arthrotomy - open synovectomy $406.12
53365 Elbow excision benign soft tissue tumor,subfacial $270.75
53505 Elbow instability- chronic $676.86
53752 Elbow joint - closed reduction, with ga $242.74
53751 Elbow joint - closed reduction, without ga $149.38
53755 Elbow joint - open reduction $298.77
53225 Elbow joint arthrotomy i and d $186.72
53310 Elbow, excision - debridement, synovectomy-total $642.00
53305 Elbow, excision -removal loose body $333.85
53355 Elbow, excision -therapeutic - bursa/ganglion $214.73
53260 Elbow, fasciotomy, compartment syndrome $214.73
53269 Elbow, incision - fasciotomy, secondary wound $186.72
53255 Elbow, incision-decompression,neurolysis $406.12
53215 Elbow, proximal radius- abscess i&d under ga $186.72
53220 Elbow, proximal radius/ulna - hematoma under ga $242.74
53210 Elbow, proximal radius/ulna - i & d $186.72
53250 Elbow,proximal radius/ulna- decompression/neuroly $242.74
53540 Epicondylitis - fascial stripping - elbow $214.73
53606 Epiphysiodesis - repair/revision - elbow $270.75
53702 Humeral epicondyle - closed reduction percutaneous fixation $270.75
53701 Humeral epicondyle - closed reduction, with ga, cast $242.74
53708 Humeral epicondyle - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53709 Humeral epicondyle - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53705 Humeral epicondyle - orif $270.75
53601 Humeral shaft - repair - elbow $711.89
53410 Injection of bursa/tendon sheath - elbow $11.63
53405 Injection of joint - elbow $11.63
53415 Int fixation device(s)-elbow-removal with ga $214.73
53420 Int fixation device(s)-elbow-removal/without ga $70.02
53800 Manipulation - under ga - elbow joint $93.37
53738 Olecranon - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53739 Olecranon - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53735 Olecranon - orif $416.76
53644 Osteocapsular arthroplasty $924.49
53607 Physeal bar excision/harvest - elbow $448.14
53386 Radial head resection - elbow $242.74
53742 Radial head/neck - closed reduction percutaneous fixation $270.75
53741 Radial head/neck - closed reduction, with ga, cast $242.74
53748 Radial head/neck - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53749 Radial head/neck - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53745 Radial head/neck - orif $406.12
53605 Radius and ulna shafts - repair/revision - elbow $718.88
53779 Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53772 Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - closed reduction external fixation $270.75
53778 Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53775 Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia - orif $416.76
53771 Radius or ulna shaft/monteggia-closed reduction, with ga, cast $270.75
53603 Radius shaft -repair - elbow $595.16
53761 Radius/ulna shaft - closed reduction, without ga, cast $93.37
53768 Radius/ulna shaft - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
53765 Radius/ulna shaft - orif $541.49
53762 Radius/ulna shaft- closed reduction, with ga, cast $298.77
53769 Radius/ulna shaft-open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
53510 Recurrent dislocation - radial head - elbow $569.50
53530 Tendon transfer - major - elbow $718.88
53531 Tendon transfer- minor - elbow $434.15
53515 Triceps tendon - acute - elbow $352.44
53516 Triceps tendon, fascial reconstruction - elbow $406.12
53604 Ulna shaft - repair - elbow $520.94


00905 Daily measurements of nerve conduction thresholds in facial palsy $6.35
00906 Daily measurements of nerve conduction thresholds in facial palsy - maximum per course $44.15
00927 Decamethonium test - for attendance at, and follow-up observation if necessary $34.34
00900 Electrodiagnosis, extensive examination (sched. a) $121.85
00901 Electrodiagnosis, limited examination (sched. b) $81.49
00902 Electrodiagnosis, short examination (sched c) $40.61
00922 Electrodiagnostic component of the decamethoniumedrophonium test for myasthenia gravis, inclusive of tetanic stimulation tests $57.26
00914 Insertion of sphenoidal electrodes, , temporal lobe epilepsy, e.e.g.: recording $43.61
00915 Intra-carotid injection of sodium amytal, speech localization test $98.01
00926 Seizure activation with intravenous activating agents associated with insertion of sphenoidal and/or orbital electrodes $147.86
00923 Technical fee for electrodiagnostic testing $20.39

Electrophysiological Mapping and Ablation

33085 Catheter ablation - AV node $948.58
33084 Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation $1,718.60
33086 Catheter ablation of SVT $1,450.76
33087 Catheter ablation of VT $1,718.60
33089 Catheter ablation-assistant fee(per hour) $139.50
33088 Repeat diagnostic EP study $334.78

Emergency Care

00084 Accompanying patients $223.06
00083 Crisis intervention $106.13
00082 Critical care monitoring $63.67
00081 Emergency bedside care $106.12


08168 Nephroscopy & stone removal-includes lithopaxy $618.92
08155 Ureteral stent-internal-insertion,includes c&p & $128.46
08146 Ureteroscopy basket manipulation ureteral calculus $513.90

Endocrine System - Adrenal

71705 Adrenalectomy - bilateral - open $1,600.00
71704 Adrenalectomy - unilateral - open $804.44
71703 Adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma - open $1,019.18
72703 Adrenalectomy for pheochromocytoma-laparoscopic $1,273.97
72705 Adrenalectomy; any approach-bilateral-laparoscopic $1,800.00
72704 Adrenalectomy;any approach-unilateral-laparoscopic $1,005.57

Endocrine System - Carotid Body

71706 Carotid body tumor - excision $1,014.37
71707 Carotid body tumor with excision of carotid artery $1,217.37

Endocrine System - Pancreas

71718 Ampulla of vater - excision $1,062.67
07733 Anastomosis of pancreatic pseudocyst, roux-en-y- $1,015.07
71710 Biopsy - pancreas - open $100.00
00826 Biopsy of pancreas - percutaneous $101.44
71713 Pancreatectomy - distal subtotal - open $1,300.00
71715 Pancreatectomy - pancreaticojejunostomy $1,500.00
71719 Pancreatectomy - proximal/subtotal $3,045.21
71720 Pancreatectomy - pyloric sparing $3,045.21
71721 Pancreatectomy - regional $3,449.82
71722 Pancreatectomy - total $2,500.00
71725 Pancreatectomy - total $1,469.94
71714 Pancreatectomy - with splenic preservation - open $1,600.00
71717 Pancreatectomy -distal/near total $2,400.00
71716 Pancreatectomy -splenic preservation/pancreatic $1,700.00
72713 Pancreatectomy, distal subtotal-laparoscopic $1,520.85
72714 Pancreatectomy, with splenic preserv-laparoscopic $1,277.23
71712 Pancreatic lesion - excision - limited $1,000.00
07758 Pancreatic pseudocyst - laparoscopic $1,000.00
07756 Pancreatic pseudocyst - open $1,000.00
07732 Pancreatic pseudocyst - drainage, transduodenal $1,015.07
07711 Pancreatic pseudocyst internal drainage $964.32
72711 Pancreatic pseudocyst internal drainage-laparoscop $1,114.48
07714 Pancreaticojejunostomy; side-to-side anastomosis $1,400.00
71708 Pancreatitis - acute - drainage $1,000.00
71709 Resectional debridement - pancreas $1,300.00

Endocrine System - Parathyroid

71748 Parathyroid autotransplantation $101.96
72572 Parathyroid autotransplantation $873.38
71746 Parathyroidectomy - re-exploration $1,217.10
71747 Parathyroidectomy - mediastinal exploration $1,217.17
07744 Parathyroidectomy - subtotal parathyroidectomy $1,014.37
07745 Parathyroidectomy or exploration of parathyroids $900.00

Endocrine System - Thyroid

07740 Biopsy of thyroid - open $354.83
70740 Cyst - thyroglossal - infected $203.93
70742 Lobectomy - total thyroid $587.84
07771 Picking operation; metastatic neck nodes $1,100.00
70748 Substernal thyroid - sternal split $163.48
70747 Thyroid tissue - remaining - removal $694.84
70745 Thyroidectomy - subtotal - bilateral $706.81
07743 Thyroidectomy - total or complete $1,014.42
07741 Thyroidectomy; subtotal unilateral (local excision $450.00
70743 Thyroidectomy; total; unilateral inc'l isthmus $728.04

Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP)

33341 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $447.05
33342 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $530.07
33343 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $434.25
33344 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $434.25
33345 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $555.62
33346 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $103.49
33347 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $172.45

Endoscopy / Hydrocephalus

03037 Removal of ventricular shunt (operation only) $288.15
03038 Stereotactic localiz w intracran shunt proc-extra $380.65


08347 Avulsion penile skin and scrotum - repair $405.11
08342 Epididymectomy - unilateral $279.07
08340 Epididymis-abscess,incision,complete care $195.36
08343 Epididymovasostomy or re-anastomosis of vas,unilateral $778.03
08353 Plastic repair of exotrophy & of bladder with skin $1,329.95
08341 Spermatocele or hydrocele - excision $252.90
08350 Urethro-vesical neck plasty for congenital incontinence $1,032.76
08346 Varicocele resection $392.06
08344 Vas cannulation, unilateral or bilateral $126.41
08345 Vasectomy, bilateral $101.51

Evoked Response Procedures

00985 Brainstem auditory evoked response $48.66
00987 Somatosensory evoked response - upper and lower $64.10
00986 Somatosensory evoked response - upper extremity $37.08
00988 Visual evoked response $71.89

Examination by Certified Hematologist and Oncologist

33538 Plasmapheresis-therapeutic $199.65

Examination Under Anesthesia When Done as Independent Procedure

00771 Retinal examination under anaesthesia $20.08
00771 Retinal examination under anaesthesia $20.08


33025 Cardioversion $88.90
33028 Dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $69.36
33054 Dual chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - techncial fee $46.24
33017 Ecg and interpretation-home-(cardiology) $34.10
33016 Ecg and interpretation-office(cardiology) $24.52
33018 Ecg interpretation only-(cardiology) $8.58
33020 Ecg interpretation only-(cardiology) $62.41
33034 Graded exercise test $77.66
33035 Graded exercise test - professional fee $46.06
33036 Graded exercise test - technical fee $31.58
33031 Left ventricular pacing lead insertion-extra $456.79
33049 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - level 1 $54.16
33065 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - level 4 $13.57
33047 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - professional fee $66.13
33048 Scanning of 24 hr ECG - technical fee $24.81
33063 Scanning of 24 hr ECG -level 2 $40.61
33026 Single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - professional fee $46.24
33053 Single chamber permanent programmable pacemaker testing - technical fee $23.12
33030 Temporary right ventricular pacemaker catheter placement, using external battery pack - cardiologist or other qualified physician $176.07

Excision of Rectal Tumour (Transanal Approach)

72671 Excision of rectal tumour greater than 5 cm $455.09
72669 Excision of rectal tumour, 0 to 2.5 cm $253.59
72673 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $917.67
72683 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $981.74
72684 Transanal endo. micro. resection of rectal tumour $421.25
72670 Tumor - rectal - excision - 2.6 to 5 cm. $304.52
72672 Tumor - rectal - malignant - electrodesiccation $252.68

Extra-cranial Vascular Procedures

03142 Application of silverstone clamps (operation only) $561.66
03141 Cerebral re-vascularization procedure with extracranial-intracranial anastomosis $2,222.19


08676 Carotid imaging - duplex scanning of neck vessels $122.38
08677 Periorbital assessments $44.83
08678 Subclavian or vertebral assessment $61.42

Eye Bank Services

00051 Corneal tissue processing $375.66
00050 Eye bank services $138.67

Facility Visits

00109 Acute care hospital admission visit $81.61
00108 Hospital visit $31.93
13334 Ltc facility visit-first visit of day bonus,extra $49.84
00115 Nursing home visit - 1 patient when specially call $116.45
00128 Supportive care hospital visit $27.52
00127 Terminal care facility visit $54.20
00114 Visit nursing home one or multiple patients $36.54

Femur, Knee Joint, Tibia and Fibula

56322 Abrasion debridement, extra - first 15 min. $143.81
56323 Abrasion debridement,extra-each additional 15 min. $71.91
56330 Abrasion/debridement - knee $287.62
56980 Amputation - below the knee $518.18
56998 Amputation: below knee - open - prim. wound care $102.26
56999 Amputation: below knee - open - sec. wound mana $186.72
56810 Arthrodesis - knee joint $802.93
56321 Arthroplasty - knee - arthroscopic $287.62
56661 Arthroplasty - knee joint $802.93
11600 Arthroscopy - knee joint $214.73
11632 Arthroscopy/biopsy - knee joint $214.73
11615 Arthrotomy - knee joint $242.74
56225 Arthrotomy - knee joint $186.72
56356 Arthrotomy - removal of loose body - knee $242.74
56357 Arthrotomy knee - pinning/drilling $352.44
11630 Biopsy - needle - knee joint/ga $186.72
11645 Biopsy - open - knee joint $242.74
56653 Bone grafting - epiphysiodesis $298.77
56654 Bone grafting - physeal bar excision $508.83
56652 Bone grafting - tibia $270.75
56370 Bone tumour - benign - knee $270.75
56250 Decompression - knee joint $214.73
56260 Fasciotomy, compartment syndrome - knee joint $235.21
56651 Femur - bone grafting $270.75
56210 Femur, knee joint/tibia/fibula - i & d/ga $186.72
56215 Femur/knee joint/tibia/fibula - abscess i & d/ga $186.72
56769 Fibular shaft fracture - open - prim. wound care $186.72
56702 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond) - closed w/ ga $214.73
56701 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond) -closed w/o ga $121.36
56704 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- closed w/ im nail $774.90
56708 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- prim. wound care $102.26
56709 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)- sec. wound care $186.72
56703 Frac./disloc. femur (supracond)-closed, extern fix $354.78
56705 Frac./disloc. femur (supracondylar) - orif $774.90
56711 Frac./disloc. femur cond./intracond-closed w/o ga $93.37
56712 Frac./disloc. femur cond./intracond.-closed w/ ga $186.72
56713 Frac./disloc. femur cond/intracond-closed ex fix $354.78
56718 Frac/disloc femur con/intracond-op prim wound care $102.26
56719 Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-op sec wound care $186.72
56716 Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-orif-bicondylar $1,115.69
56715 Frac/disloc femur cond/intracond-orif-unicondylar $774.90
56353 Ganglion/cyst - knee $214.73
56220 Hematoma - femur/knee joint/tibia/fibula $298.77
56410 Injection - bursa/tendon sheath - knee $23.23
56405 Injection of joint - knee $23.23
56306 Knee - pinning/drilling osteochondral fragment $410.88
56415 Knee - removal of int fixation device(s)/ga $242.74
56420 Knee - removal of internal fixation device(s) $70.02
56269 Knee joint - secondary wound closure $186.72
56280 Knee liberation/major release $770.24
56528 Knee ligament - open injury - primary wound care $102.26
56529 Knee ligament - open injury - secondary wound care $186.72
56505 Knee ligament instability - one repair $616.34
56510 Knee ligament instability - posterior cruciate $746.91
56520 Knee ligament instability - three ligaments $835.59
56515 Knee ligament instability - two ligaments $718.62
56335 Lateral/medial release - endoscopic knee $287.62
56800 Manipulation - knee joint w/ ga $93.37
56666 Meniscal allograft transplant $1,301.86
56325 Meniscal repair $410.88
56362 Meniscal repair - knee $352.44
56361 Menisectomy - knee $242.74
56320 Menisectomy - knee $287.62
56355 Open excision - knee - bursa/prepatellar $214.73
56380 Osteomyelitis acute - knee - decompression $186.72
56385 Osteomyelitis/debridement - knee. $214.73
56601 Osteotomy distal femur - non-union/malunion $802.93
56604 Osteotomy fibula -non-union/malunion $270.75
56602 Osteotomy proximal tibia - non-union/malunion $569.50
56603 Osteotomy tibia/shaft/fibula - non-union/malunion $746.91
56728 Patellar dislocation - open - primary wound care $102.26
56729 Patellar dislocation - open -sec. wound management $186.72
56725 Patellar dislocation - open reduction & repair $242.74
56738 Patellar fracture - open - primary wound care $102.26
56739 Patellar fracture - open - sec. wound management $186.72
56735 Patellar fracture - orif $462.14
56542 Patellar tendon repair $480.90
56390 Patellectomy $326.77
56734 Patellectomy - patella fracture $326.77
56354 Popliteal cyst - knee $298.77
56285 Quadriceps plasty - knee $625.53
56530 Recur. sublux./disloc. patella-extensor realignmen $434.15
56531 Recurr. sublux./disloc. patella-lateral release $242.74
56541 Recurr. sublux./disloc. quad. tendon rupt.-chronic $490.15
56540 Recurr. sublux./disloc. quad. tendon rupture,acute $345.45
56305 Removal symptomatic loose body - knee $287.62
56315 Resection 'plica' $287.62
56290 Retinacular release - lateral/medial knee - open $242.74
56665 Revision - patellar component $406.12
56664 Revision - total knee $1,104.00
56525 Revision of knee ligament reconstruction $718.88
56275 Soft tissue release - knee - major $487.81
56270 Soft tissue release - knee - minor $345.45
56365 Soft tissue tumour - benign - knee $326.77
56360 Synovectomy - knee, total $464.48
56310 Synovectomy knee, total $487.92
56545 Tendon transfer, transplant - patella $326.77
56742 Tibial plateau fracture - closed red, extern fix $382.78
56741 Tibial plateau fracture - closed red. w/ ga $186.72
56748 Tibial plateau fracture - open - prim. wound care $102.26
56749 Tibial plateau fracture - open - sec. wound manage $186.72
56746 Tibial plateau fracture - orif - bicondylar $924.30
56745 Tibial plateau fracture - orif - unicondylar $653.54
56753 Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. extern fix $354.78
56752 Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. w/ ga $214.73
56751 Tibial shaft fracture - closed red. w/o ga $93.37
56754 Tibial shaft fracture - closed reduction im nail $686.20
56758 Tibial shaft fracture - open - prim. wound care $102.26
56759 Tibial shaft fracture - open - sec. wound manag. $186.72
56755 Tibial shaft fractures - orif $569.50
56662 Total knee replacement $802.93
56663 Total knee, removal prosthesis, includes prostalac $490.15

Fitting of Contact Lenses

22059 Contact lens - keratoconus - unilateral $266.12
02058 Contact lens bandage - aphakia - unilateral $266.12
22056 Contact lens bandage - unilateral $79.83


08629 Fluoroscopy with clinical procedures $40.86
08575 Video fluroscopy - 50% added to 08572 & 08573 $43.03


61222 Crif phalangeal or metacarpal fracture (mid/prxml) $227.73
06222 Finger fracture - phalanx $126.70
06224 Fracture - distal phalanges, first $150.64
06225 Fracture - distal phalanges, each additional $126.70
06223 Fracture - metacarpal $126.70
61224 Open (compound) hand fractures primary wound mgmt $41.11
61225 Open (compound)hand fractures-secondary wound mgmt $82.15
61223 Orif phalangeal or metacarpal fracture (mid/prxml) $340.00

Fractures & Dislocations

01850 Clavicle fracture: closed - adult $105.60
01851 Fibula fracture, shaft or malleolus - no reduction $91.34
01861 Patella dislocation - closed $66.05
01860 Tmj dislocation - closed reduction $68.95
01862 Toe dislocation - closed $49.54
01870 Toe dislocation - closed $27.70
01871 Toe dislocation - closed $27.70

Free Skin Grafts (including mucosa)

06040 Finger, phalanx multiple skin graft free $291.77
06045 Free skin graft; full thickness - toe pulp graft $247.86
61351 Full-thickness graft-arms, legs,scalp (2 to 19cm) $289.29
61352 Full-thickness graft-axilla,cheeks,chin, etc (2 to $355.27
61353 Full-thickness graft-ears,eyelids,lips and nose (2 $395.89
61350 Full-thickness graft-trunk (2 to 19 cm) $228.39
61354 Graft (pinch,split or full thickness)-open area-up $310.00
06043 Skin graft - finger tip - full thickness $247.86
06053 Skin graft; functional areas: head & neck > 65 cm $648.00
06054 Skin grafts - head and neck - in excess of 195 sq $1,033.97
06044 Skin grafts - full thickness - free - sole or palm $291.77
06052 Skin grafts - head and neck - 65 sq. cm or less $440.00
06048 Skin grafts - split thickness - free - 650 sq. cm $648.00
06047 Skin grafts - split thickness - free - 65 sq. cm $432.00
06058 Skin grafts; functional areas; major joints, late $523.79
06046 Split thickness free skin graft; < 6.5 sq. cm. $300.00
06049 Split thickness free skin grafts; each 6.5 > 650 $8.00

Functional Neurosurgery / Pain

03276 Dual channel neural stimulator implant test -prof $69.11
03277 Dual channel neural stimulator implant test tech $46.08
03274 Single channel nerual stimulator implant test prof $46.08
03275 Single channel neural stimulator implant test-tech $23.04

Gall Bladder

08584 Biliary calculi, removal, radiological $64.67
08581 Cholangiogram intravenous x-ray $76.37
08582 Cholangiogram operative x-ray $57.41
08583 Cholangiogram, direct post-operative $61.91

Gastrointestinal Reconstruction

71547 Ligation/stapling - oesophageal perforation $1,200.00
71546 Transection of oesophagus with repair $830.20

Gastrointestinal Tracts

08576 Colon or double contrast air studies $96.96
08579 Glucagon assisted contrast study $37.85
08577 Hypotonic duodenography $86.03
08572 Oesophagus only -x-ray $60.23
08573 Oesophagus, stomach and duodenum -x-ray $86.03
08578 Pancreatography $52.63
08574 Small bowel $86.03

Genito-Urinary System

08595 Cystogram or retrogradeurethrogram $52.88
08596 Hystero-salpingogram x-ray $86.03
08594 Intravenous pyelogram / voiding cystourethrogram $104.61
08590 Kub x-ray $35.32
08597 Pelvimetry x-ray $72.97
08591 Pyelogram x-ray intravenous $79.56
08593 Pyelogram x-ray retrograde or antegrade $52.88
08599 Voiding cystourethrogram x-ray $87.41

GP For Me Attachment Fees

14075 Gp attachment complex care management fee $316.95
14077 Gp attachment patient conference fee $43.23
14076 Gp attachment telephone management fee $20.12
14074 Gp unattached complex/high needs patient attachmen $200.00

GPSC Annual Bonuses

14033 Annual complex care management fee $316.95
14041 Annual complex care management fee $15.00
14050 Gp annual chronic care bonus - diabetes mellitus $125.78
14051 Gp annual chronic care bonus - heart failure $125.78
14052 Gp annual chronic care bonus - hypertension $50.31
14053 Incentive for gp annual chronic care bonus copd $125.78

Group Medical Visits

13770 General practice group medical visit - 10 patients $12.06
13771 General practice group medical visit - 11 patients $10.56
13772 General practice group medical visit - 12 patients $9.93
13773 General practice group medical visit - 13 patients $9.20
13774 General practice group medical visit - 14 patients $9.03
13775 General practice group medical visit - 15 patients $8.66
13776 General practice group medical visit - 16 patients $8.41
13777 General practice group medical visit - 17 patients $8.06
13778 General practice group medical visit - 18 patients $7.88
13779 General practice group medical visit - 19 patients $7.60
13780 General practice group medical visit - 20 patients $7.41
13763 General practice group medical visit - 3 patients $25.95
13764 General practice group medical visit - 4 patients $20.95
13765 General practice group medical visit - 5 patients $18.01
13766 General practice group medical visit - 6 patients $16.03
13767 General practice group medical visit - 7 patients $14.62
13768 General practice group medical visit - 8 patients $13.57
13769 General practice group medical visit - 9 patients $12.71
13781 General practice group medical visit- >20 patients $7.14
14002 General practice group medical visit- >20 patients $50.00


00787 Amniocentesis, transabdominal $87.80
00784 Cervical punch biopsy $19.23
00794 Chorionic villus sampling $120.73
00807 Diagnostic hysteroscopy $152.83
00808 Diagnostic hysteroscopy with biopsy(s) $203.77
00819 Diagnostic vaginoscopy under ga $152.83
00785 Endometrial biopsy $44.57
00776 Fetal scalp sampling $100.09
00790 Foetal heart monitoring - interpretation only $17.61
00783 Huhners test $44.57
00775 Hydrotubation $44.57
00815 Laparoscopic biopsies/lysis of adhesions $62.32
00782 Needle aspiration of pouch of douglas $35.33
00786 Pelvic exam with aspiration pouch of douglas $47.09

Gynecology & Pregnancy

00118 Caesarean section-attendance $91.09
14109 Delivery - attendance - emerg c/s $490.12
14104 Delivery and post-natal care (1-14 days in-hosp) $588.41
14008 Full service gp-bonus with post natal care $77.23
14005 Full service gp-bonus with transfer higher care $156.34
14009 Full service gp-obstet delivery bonus-w c section $312.70
14004 Full service gp-obstet delivery bonus-w delivery $375.40
14540 Insertion intrauterine contraceptive device $43.28
14105 Management of labour and transfer to higher level $245.04
14010 Maternity network incentive $2,100.00
14545 Medical abortion $165.47
14199 Mngmnt of prlngd 2nd stg labour - per 30 mins $85.47
00119 Newborn care, routine, in hospital $93.11
14108 Post-natal care after elective c-section $121.06
14094 Post-natal office visit $31.81
15120 Pregnancy test, immunologic, urine $11.72
14091 Prenatal visit - subsequent examination $31.81
14090 Prenatal visit- complete examination $84.95
14560 Routine pelvic exam including pap $31.72

Hand and Wrist

06218 Amputation - transmetacarpal $254.92
06219 Amputation - finger $254.92
54810 Arthrodesis - wrist - limited or total $658.20
54635 Arthroplasty - total wrist - revision $952.30
54631 Arthroplasty - ulna - distal excision $242.74
54633 Arthroplasty- silastic wrist $541.49
11400 Arthroscopy - wrist joint $287.62
11432 Arthroscopy/biopsy - wrist /hand joint(s) $186.72
11415 Arthrotomy - wrist joint - isolated procedure $186.72
11416 Arthrotomy - mp/pip/dip joints $186.72
11430 Biopsy - needle - wrist joint/ga $186.72
11445 Biopsy - open - hand/wrist $242.74
54651 Bone grafting - distal radius/ulna $242.74
54652 Bone grafting - metacarpal/phalanx $121.36
54372 Bone tumor - benign - carpals/distal radius $324.44
54603 Carpal bone (scaphoid) - repair/revision $541.49
54715 Carpal bone fracture(scaphoid) - open reduction $434.15
54505 Carpal instability - acute $597.51
54510 Carpal instability: chronic $658.20
54387 Carpectomy - proximal row $541.49
54728 Carpus - primary wound care $51.13
54722 Carpus - closed reduction/percutaneous fixation $298.77
54725 Carpus - orif $597.51
54729 Carpus - secondary wound management $93.37
54721 Carpus-dislocation-w/wo fracture-closed reduction $252.09
54310 Debridement/ synovectomy, total $324.44
54515 Distal radio-ulnar instability - chronic $487.81
54351 Excision - open - meniscus/radiocarpal $324.44
54315 Excision triangular fibro cartilage complex (tfcc) $324.44
54350 Foreign body removal - hand/wrist/ga $214.73
54410 Injection bursa, tendon sheath, other peri articular structures $23.23
54405 Injection joint $23.23
54632 Joint replacement - total wrist $718.88
54800 Manipulation - hand/wrist joint under ga $93.37
54380 Osteomyelitis, acute - carpals, distal/radius $186.72
54385 Osteomyelitis/debridement - carpals/distal radius $322.10
54601 Osteotomy - distal radius $658.20
54602 Osteotomy - distal ulna $326.77
54604 Osteotomy - epiphysiodesis/epiphysioplasty/radius/ $406.12
54708 Radius - primary wound care $51.13
54702 Radius - closed reduction/ga $298.77
54703 Radius - external/percutaneous fixation. $326.77
54701 Radius - fracture/dislocation-closed reduction $252.09
54705 Radius - orif $518.18
54709 Radius - secondary wound management $93.37
54415 Removal of internal fixation device(s), with ga $214.73
54420 Removal of internal fixation device(s), without ga $46.68
54305 Removal of loose body - hand/wrist $242.74
54386 Styloid - radial/ulnar - excision $214.73
54634 Wrist prosthesis - removal $270.75

Head and Neck

08659 B scan brain $105.25
08642 B scan soft tissues of neck $68.77
08513 Dacryocystogram x-ray $34.94
08511 Eye x-ray for foreign body $35.32
08512 Eye x-ray localization procedure $52.88
08504 Facial bones x-ray $35.32
08515 Laryngogram (excluding procedural fee) $52.89
02458 Local excision tongue under ga $165.83
08508 Mandible temporo mandibular joint x-ray $35.32
08507 Mandible x-ray $35.32
08506 Mastoids x-ray $53.41
08505 Nasal bones - x-ray $35.32
08514 Nasopharynx and/or neck, soft tissue $22.93
08641 Ophthalmic b-scan $101.17
08518 Pre-mri view(s) of orbits to rule out metallic fb $24.29
08509 Salivary gland area x-ray $35.32
08510 Sialography $55.11
08503 Sinuses para-nasal x-ray diagnostic $35.32
08500 Skull x-ray routine $53.41
08501 Skull x-ray special studies $35.32
02457 Tongue tie, under g.a. $82.94


78030 Aicd and single ventricular lead $578.55
78031 Aicd and single ventricular lead - each additional $210.39
07839 Aortic valvulotomy $822.92
07835 Blalock or Pott's procedure for Tetralogy of Fallot $822.92
07836 Blalock-Hanlon procedure $822.92
07846 Cardiac massage for cardiac arrest $418.95
07833 Cardiotomy $597.73
78043 Debridement chest wall with 78041 - extra $52.92
07953 Double lead endocardial pacemaker $541.77
07952 Electronic monitoring of pacing and pacemaker function $96.22
07852 Gore-tex modified aorto-pulmonary shunt $941.63
07844 Implantation / replacement of pulse generator for cardia pacing $250.28
07843 Implantation of endocardial pacemaker (ventricular) $414.25
78042 Laser lead extraction - additional leads - extra $529.26
78041 Laser lead extraction - first lead $1,409.88
07837 Mitral commissurotomy (closed) $822.92
07834 Patent ductus arteriosus $822.92
07832 Pericardectomy $822.92
07831 Pericardiotomy $822.92
07851 Phrenic nerve stimulation $473.55
07830 Pulmonary artery - banding $822.92
07838 Pulmonary valvulotomy (closed) $822.92
07845 Repair, replacement, adjustment of electrode $253.15
78045 Thoracotomy post cardiac surgery for hemorrhage $751.07
78044 Wide debridement chest wall with 78041 - extra $105.87

Hematology and Blood Bank

90025 Abo other groups $33.11
90020 Abo typing $16.09
90027 Activated protein c resistance (apcr $42.44
90030 Alpha 2 antiplasmin assay $45.48
90029 Alpha-thalassemia,molecular testing for com defect $67.80
90038 Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae (asca) lga $25.47
90039 Anti saccharomyces cerevisiae (asca)lgg $20.56
90035 Anti-dna $28.41
90040 Anti-thrombin iii/coagulation proteins - bychromog $33.49
90042 Anti-xa heparin assay $94.12
91145 Anticardiolipin ab, igg $24.47
91146 Anticardiolipin ab, igm $24.47
90080 Antiglobulin coombs test - direct $24.55
91160 Antimyeloperoxidase antibody $17.75
90047 Beta 2 glycoprotein i antibodies igg/igm isotype $47.26
90046 Beta 2 glycoprotein i(b2gpi)antibody screen $44.65
90465 Blood film review $17.99
91355 Cell count - csf and other body fluids $28.77
91356 Cell differential - csf and other body fluids $11.70
90050 Circulating anticoagulant - incubated - 1+ plasma $57.43
90055 Circulating inhibitor screen - unincubated-simple $30.54
90060 Clot retraction $6.19
90063 Coagulation factor/clotting assay $45.51
90070 Cold agglutinins - quantitative $27.40
90065 Cold agglutinins - qualitative $14.30
90072 Collagen binding assay $52.51
90300 Coombs - indirect $15.05
90068 Cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies $29.48
90073 Dilute russell viper venom time $14.01
90085 Donath-landsteiner $15.00
90550 Dpg assay 2-3 $34.23
90120 Ena (extractable nuclear antigens)) $24.99
90090 Eosinophil count $10.62
90095 Erythropoietin (epo) assay $29.51
90105 Estimation - lymphocyte -rosette formation $70.55
90100 Estimation- b lymphocytes $96.31
90110 Euglobulin lysis time $16.30
90045 Examination - bone marrow $225.85
90115 Examination - eosinophils/secretions/excretions $54.08
90123 Factor ii assay - quantitative only $53.52
90145 Factor ix assay $58.08
90125 Factor v $52.04
90127 Factor v leiden/pgm - 1st gene $76.92
90128 Factor v leiden/pgm - 2nd gene $48.53
90130 Factor vii assay $51.21
90135 Factor viii c assay $51.58
90140 Factor viii:c inhibitor assay (bethesda titre) $89.64
90155 Factor x assay $51.21
90150 Factor xi $51.21
90160 Factor xii assay $51.21
90165 Factor xiii screen $16.27
90175 Fetal haemoglobin $18.51
90170 Fibrin/fibrinogen degradation/including d - dimer $23.27
90180 Foetal cell stain $19.03
90185 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase $42.91
90190 Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase assay $59.02
90210 Haematology special stains - routine $28.76
90205 Haematology profile $10.96
90215 Haematology special stains - complex $42.56
90235 Haemoglobin - other methods $1.55
90220 Haemoglobin a2 quantification $14.14
90225 Haemoglobin-cyanmethaemoglobin $3.22
90245 Haemoglobin-h inclusion bodies $67.80
90200 Ham test $27.74
90240 Hemoglobin electrophoresis $29.84
90265 Hla - single antigen $40.58
90285 Immunofluorescent staining - add. autoantibodies $27.03
90280 Immunofluorescent staining - first autoantibody $20.44
90290 Immunophenotyping by flow cytometry- peripheral $223.42
90295 Immunophenotyping/flow cytometry - each additional $34.42
90310 Ivy template - bleeding time $26.63
90315 Latex test (rheumatoid factor) $8.41
90320 Leucocyte alkaline phosphatase $42.35
90325 Lymphocyte stimulation test $106.30
90330 Lymphocyte stimulation test - each additional $32.16
90335 Malaria/other parasites $61.82
90340 Marrow films -interpretation $163.79
90345 Marrow/peripheral blood stem cells $104.80
90350 Mixed leukocyte culture - donor/recipient $112.77
90355 Mixed leukocyte culture - each additional $129.35
90357 Neutrophil oxidative burst assay $112.77
90360 Nitro blue tetrazolium test $30.44
90365 Oxygen disassociation curve $77.96
90375 Partial thromboplastin time - substitution test $42.77
90377 Phospholipid neutralization test - confirm lupus $42.25
90380 Plasma haemoglobin $16.88
90385 Plasminogen assay $45.87
90390 Platelet antibodies $34.46
90400 Platelet estimation - film $4.64
90405 Platelet function aggregation $21.93
90410 Preparation of packed cells, per unit $16.22
90420 Protein c activity $51.33
90425 Protein c antigen $56.18
90427 Protein s activity (clot based) $38.31
90430 Protein s free antigen $43.51
90435 Protein s total antigen $40.50
91130 Proteinase 3 antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody $18.90
90440 Prothrombin time/inr $12.07
90445 Pyruvic kinase assay $75.52
90450 Pyruvic kinase test $13.30
90455 Raji cell assay $50.59
90460 Rbc antibody detection, albumin or enzyme tubes $6.89
90480 Red cell fragility incubated $57.13
90475 Red cell fragility screening test $17.77
90485 Reptilase time $40.88
90490 Reticulocyte count and/or heinz bodies $11.54
90495 Rh (d) typing $10.38
90500 Rh genotype $41.21
90505 Ristocetin co-factor assay $77.57
90510 Saline tubes (per tube) $7.59
90512 Secretion smear for eosinophils $7.41
90515 Sedimentation rate $10.61
90520 Serum haptoglobin $20.42
90525 Sickle cell identification $76.41
90305 Slide agglutination - infectious mononucleosis $17.10
90530 Stypven prothrombin time $27.95
90535 Sugar water test (p.n.h.) $10.72
90540 Thalassemia/hemoglobinopathy investigation $65.46
90370 Thromboplastin test, partial $6.57
90560 Von willebrand factor - multimer analysis $88.77
90555 Von willebrand factor antigen $107.66
90565 White blood cells agglutinins $71.34

Hernia - Repair

71612 Bilateral primary inguinal or femoral hernias > ag $606.63
71613 Bilateral primary inguinal or femoral hernias > ag $667.08
71614 Hernia - initial incisional - repair - reducible $596.65
71619 Hernia - umbilical - repair - reducible $343.80
71621 Hernia repair with resection of bowel $758.16
71622 Hernia repair, bowel resection, separate incision $809.05
71623 Hernia-laparoscopic initial ventral or incision $697.44
07610 Hernia, epigastric $343.80
71624 Hernia, laparoscopic recurrent ventral or incision $761.21
07596 Hernia; incisional; repair following laparotomy $125.00
71615 Hernia; initial incisional repair, incarcerated $596.65
71616 Hernia; initial incisional repair, prosthetic mesh $596.65
71618 Hernia; repair recurrent incisional, incarcerated $609.16
71617 Hernia; repair recurrent incisional, reducible $608.86
71620 Hernia; repair umbilical incarcerated/strangulated $343.80
71625 Myofascial abdominal wall advancement flaps for $866.70
71600 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia < 6 months $406.03
71608 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia; > age 12 incarc $411.85
71607 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia; > age 12-laparo $404.42
71606 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;> age 12 - open $364.12
71603 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $379.23
71604 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $606.64
71605 Repair inguinal or femoral hernia;age 6 mths to 12 $433.34
71601 Repair inquinal or femoral hernia < 6 months bilat $707.68
71602 Repair inquinal or femoral hernia < 6 months-incar $507.54
71609 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $455.15
71610 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $505.52
71611 Repair recurrent inguinal or femoral hernia;any ag $514.78


03240 Implantation of totally implantable ventricular access device (e.g.: ommaya reservoir) - (operation only) $467.81
03184 Lumbar peritoneal shunt for hydrocephalus $1,011.31
03182 Revision-shunt/ventricular obstruction $1,011.31
03181 Shunt procedure for ventricular obstruction $1,011.31
03188 Ventriculostomy or insertion of external ventricular drain (operation only) $339.44

Hyperbaric Chamber

00026 Hyperbaric chamber-phys in chamber- addtnl 15 min $42.02
00025 Hyperbaric chamber-phys in chamber-1st 1/2 hr $81.83
00027 Hyperbaric chamber-phys outside chamber-1st 1/2 hr $55.73
00028 Hyperbaric chamber-phys outside chamber-add 15 min $29.59

Hysteroscopy - Surgical

04224 Endometrial ablation $455.19
04222 Hysteroscopic div of intrauterine adhesions-comp $350.88
04221 Hysteroscopic div of intrauterine adhesions-simple $210.53
04225 Hysteroscopic division of uterine septum $344.52
04226 Hysteroscopic tubal occlusion (bilateral) $195.31
04223 Resection of myoma $455.19

Immunization Skin Tests

10028 Hpv vaccine (human papiloma virus) $5.45
10015 Immunization - patient < 19 yrs - flu (influenza) $5.45
10016 Immunization - patient < 19 yrs - ha (hepatitis a) $5.45
10026 Immunization - patient < 19 yrs - var (varicella) $5.45
10019 Immunization - patient < 19 yrs-ipv $5.45
10012 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs - td $5.45
10010 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-dtap-p $5.45
10011 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-dtap-p-hib $5.45
10018 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-hib $5.45
10021 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-men-c-acyw135(mening $5.45
10022 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr(measles,mumps, $5.45
10030 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-mmr/v $5.45
10024 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-pneu-p-23 $5.45
10025 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-rab (rabies) $5.45
10014 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-tdap $5.45
10013 Immunization-patient < 19 yrs-tdp $5.45
10027 Immunization-patient < 19yrs-infanrix hexa $5.45
10029 Immunization-patient <19 yrs - rotavirus,oral $5.45
10017 Immunization-patient <19 yrs-hb(hepatitis b) $5.45
10020 Immunization-patient <19 yrs-men-c-c(meningococcal $5.45
10023 Immunization-patient <19 yrs-pneu-c-13 pneumococal $5.45
00034 Injection subcutaneous $11.41
00030 Skin tests-diagnostic $8.96
00031 Smallpox-vaccination $8.64

Inestines - Excision

72635 Anterior resection - rectosigmoid-carcinoma - open $1,515.90
72755 Anterior resection of rectosigmoid - laparoscopic $1,617.81
72601 Caecostomy tube for decompression-lap. (extra) $377.50
72641 Caecostomy/tube - decompression $404.20
72760 Colectomy - total, abdominal - laparoscopic $1,409.05
72769 Colectomy and hemiproctectomy - laparoscopic $1,360.51
07569 Colectomy and hemiproctectomy - open $1,088.40
07640 Colectomy,total,abdominal,without proctectomy/open $1,314.24
07570 Colo-colostomy or entero-colostomy - open $802.82
72770 Colo-colostomy or entero-colostomy-laparoscopic $1,003.53
72788 Colostomy of ileostomy - end - laparoscopic $589.60
72646 Colostomy or ileostomy - multiple biopsies $134.49
07588 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - end - open $505.63
72715 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - laparoscopic $511.75
07645 Colostomy or ileostomy - loop - open $505.38
72645 Continent ileostomy - open $1,004.22
72745 Continent ileostomy (koch procedure) laparoscopic $1,255.27
07643 Enteroenterostomy $606.44
72631 Hemicolectomy - left - laparoscopic $1,096.80
72625 Hemicolectomy - right - laparoscopic $1,033.43
72624 Hemicolectomy - right - open $884.86
72621 Mobilization - splenic flexure $95.79
72721 Mobilization of splenic flexure - lap (extra) $119.74
72640 Partial right colectomy (caecum) - open $884.71
72740 Partial right colectomy - laparoscopic $985.67
72636 Proctectomy - abdominal/transanal $1,125.66
07567 Proctectomy with rectal mucosectomy - open $1,750.00
72767 Proctectomy with rectal mucosectomy-laparoscopic $1,936.03
07641 Proctocolectomy total with perineal excision-open $1,645.83
07566 Rectal mucosectomy, ileoanal anastomosis $837.43
72623 Resection - colon - limited - laparoscopic $984.85
72622 Resection - colon - limited - open $859.52
72736 Resection of small intestine with anastomosis $754.18
72620 Resection of small intestine-with enterostomy/open $813.78
72720 Resection small intestine/enterostomy-laparoscopic $1,017.22
07649 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - radical $505.42
07648 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - simple incision $450.00
72644 Revision of colostomy, ileostomy - with repair $657.12
72633 Sigmoid resection - laparoscopic $1,141.81
72632 Sigmoid resection - open $1,011.14
72734 Sigmoid resection-with end colostomy-laparoscopic $1,078.87
72634 Sigmoid resection/end colostomy - open $960.56
07636 Small intestine resection/with anastomosis - open $632.10
72765 Take-down of pelvic pouch - laparoscopic $1,520.89
07565 Takedown pelvic pouch to include ileostomy - open $1,218.09
07589 Total proctocolectomy synchronous abdominal portio $1,317.10
72741 Total proctocolectomy-single surgeon/laparoscopic $2,057.30
72789 Total proctocoloectomy - syn.abd.portion $1,646.40

Inestines - Incision

71651 Corretion of malrotation - laparoscopic $586.02
07634 Enterotomy or colotomy (single); for exploration $487.38
71650 Hernia repair - correction - malrotation $505.61
07654 Intestinal obstruction, plication/insertion - tube $570.04
72650 Intestinal obstruction, resection of bands-lap $627.62
07650 Intestinal obstruction; resection of bands $550.00
07635 Multiple colotomy with operative sigmoidoscopy $639.86
70648 Tube or needle catheter jejunostomy $507.00
07651 Volvulus reduction, intussusception by laparotomy $526.23


00018 Blood transfusion, autologous ascitic infusion $48.07
00013 Injection, intra-arterial $16.08
00015 Injection, intra-articular - all other joints $17.05
00014 Injection, intra-articular - hip $25.65
00010 Injection, intramuscular $11.41
00016 Injection, intrathecal $33.86
00011 Injection, intravenous $12.81
00024 Vein dissection for i.v. therapy $36.96

Interventional Cardiology Procedures

33076 Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty for aortic stenosis (composite fee) $611.78
33075 Percutaneous balloon valvuloplasty for congenital or rheumatic mitral stenosis (composite fee) $917.67
33071 Percutaneous endovascular aortic or pulmonary heart valve replacement $1,147.10
33072 Percutaneous left atrial appendage closure $900.00
33073 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder device closure of asd for patients over 18 years of age composite fee $713.74
33074 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder device closure of pfo - for patients over 18 years of age - composite fee $560.80

Interventional Radiology

83000 Interventional radiology consultation $103.35
08630 Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty $318.46
83070 Telehealth interventional radiology consultation $103.35

Intestinal Stricturoplasty

72648 Intestinal stricturoplasty - multiple $909.55
72647 Intestinal stricturoplasty - single $606.54


70661 Lysis of intra-abd adhesions-lap-add 15min extra $76.47
70660 Lysis of intra-abd adhesions-lap-first 30 min ex $152.95
70650 Lysis of intra-abdom adhesions-first 30 min extra $152.95
70651 Lysis of intra-abdominal adhesions-add. 15 min $76.47

Joints - Interphalangeal or Metacarpophalangeal

06229 Arthrodesis of metacarpophalangeal/interphalangeal $344.75
06228 Arthroplasty of metacarpophalangeal/interphalangea $344.75
06231 Hand joints - rheumatoid - reconstruction $992.21
06235 Intrinsic release - joints $254.92
06236 Metacarpo/interphalangeal joint - closed reduction $125.35
06237 Metacarpo/interphalangeal joint - open reduction $254.92
06232 Prosthesis - finger joint - first joint $259.64
06233 Prosthesis - finger joint - subsequent joints $147.59
06234 Synovectomy - rheumatoid disease $351.20

Kidney and Perinephrium

08123 Extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy (eswl) $222.55
81110 Laparoscopic nephrourecterectomy $1,879.95
81104 Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy $1,950.06
81114 Laparoscopic pyeloplasty, with or without insertion of ureteral stent, includes management of aberrant vessels and nephropexy, cystoscopy or retrograde pyelogram $1,352.04
81105 Laparoscopic radical nephrectomy $1,529.46
08105 Nephrectomy $1,248.95
08106 Nephrectomy - ectopic kidney $875.87
08104 Nephrectomy - partial $1,350.91
08109 Nephrectomy - radical with gland dissection $1,274.43
08108 Nephrectomy - thoraco-abdominal $1,325.42
08110 Nephro-ureterectomy to include bladder cuff $1,503.98
08117 Nephrolithotomy and/or pyelolithotomy $778.42
08119 Nephrolithotomy or pyelolithotomy w renal cooling with or without x-ray control with or without nephroscopy $739.23
08118 Nephrolithotomy or pyelolithotomy w x-ray control with or without nephroscopy $843.15
08112 Open renal biopsy (as an independent procedure) $316.22
08100 Perinephric abscess - drainage $484.34
08114 Pyeloplasty includes nephropexy & mgmt of aberrant vessels & nephropexy $866.47
08116 Ruptured or lacerated kidney-repair or removal $1,264.25
08113 Symphysiotomy and nephropexy or nephrectomy in horseshoe kidney $434.81

Laboratory / Diagnostic Examinations

22023 10 or 24 hour tension curve - diurnal $35.27
22047 Anterior segment gonioscopy $15.01
02035 Color vision assessment $41.04
02036 Colour vision assessment (professional) $26.91
02037 Colour vision assessment (technical) $14.14
02043 Comprehensive quantitative perimetry examination $63.32
22075 Computerized corneal topography $58.70
22076 Computerized corneal topography - professional fee $15.92
22077 Computerized corneal topography - technical fee $42.78
22067 Computerized retinal nerve fibre layer photography $55.54
02047 Dacryocystogram $62.57
02034 Dark adaptation, per eye $21.39
02031 Electro -retinogram - professional fee $34.98
02032 Electro- retinogram - technical fee $59.20
02044 Electro-oculogram $76.33
02045 Electro-oculogram - professional fee $26.91
02030 Electro-retinogram $94.19
02026 Fluorescein angiography of retina - prof fee $26.90
02027 Fluorescein angiography of retina - tech fee $80.07
02025 Fluorescein angiography of retina with interpret. $106.96
02039 Fundus photography $13.40
02067 Manual retinal nerve fibre layer photography $65.18
22046 Posterior segment contact lens exam $11.20
02049 Potentiometry $31.31
22068 Professional fee -computerized retinal nerve fibre $12.52
02042 Quantitative perimetry examination $45.70
02068 Ret nerve fibre and neuro-retinal assess. - prof $12.52
02069 Ret nerve fibre and neuro-retinal assess. - tech $52.65
22069 Technical fee - computerized retinal nerve fibre $43.02
02041 Visual field examination (limited) $32.59

Laboratory Services

15132 Candida culture (in physicians office) $6.67
93120 E.c.g. tracing, without interpretation (technical) $16.97
30015 Eosinophils - secretion smear $7.29
15133 Examination of eosinophils/secretions/excretions $7.14
15136 Fungus, direct examination, koh preparation $8.39
15100 Glucose - semiquantitative $3.70
15137 Haemoglobin - cyanmethaemoglobin $3.12
15000 Haemoglobin -other methods (in physicians office) $1.62
00012 Injection, venepuncture $5.99
15110 Occult blood - feces $5.37
15134 Pinworm ova-examination $5.85
15138 Sedimentation rate (in physicians office) $2.51
15139 Sperm, seminal examination for presence or absence $14.78
15140 Stained smear (in physicians office) $7.40
15141 Trichomonas and / or candida, direct examination $5.69
15142 Trichomonas and / or candida, direct examination $5.69
15130 Urinalysis - screening $2.19
15131 Urinalysis - micro exam of centrifuged deposit $4.15
15142 Urinalysis-complete diagnostic, semi-quant & micro $5.65
15143 White cell count only $6.48

Laparoscopic Operations

04040 Cautery of endometriosis $76.07
04664 Ectopic pregnancy - removal via scope. $342.55
04047 Excision of extensive peritoneal endometriosis $428.14
04662 Laparoscopy - removal of foreign body $155.00
04042 Oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy-bilateral $365.56
04041 Oophorectomy and/or salpingectomy-unilateral $184.68
04043 Ovarian cystectomy - unilateral $293.25
04044 Ovarian cystectomy-bilateral $546.59
04046 Presacral neurectomy $210.57
04048 Removal of complicated pelvic disease-laparoscopic $548.82
04035 Salpingolysis via laparoscope - bilateral $174.37
04034 Salpingolysis via laparoscopy - unilateral $90.48
04037 Salpingostomy via laparoscopy - bilateral $374.55
04036 Salpingostomy via laparoscopy - unilateral $189.23
04660 Tubal interruption (sterilization ) $92.00
04045 Ventral suspension of uterus $151.29

Laryngeal Endoscopy and Surgery

02412 Biopsy of larynx and/or cauterization $127.57
02419 Direct or indirect laryngoscopy with foreign body removal $153.09
02423 Micro-laryngoscopy - with removal of non-pedunculated malignancy or extensive submucosal lesion $445.46
02429 Micro-laryngoscopy & removal of tumor from larynx or trachea $204.12
02428 Micro-laryngoscopy w biopsy of larynx and/or cauterization $178.61

Laser Vaporization

04620 Cervical neoplasia $200.00
04623 Extensive vulvar and/or vaginal condyl. under g.a. $254.72
04621 Vaginal neoplasia with or without g.a. $200.00
04622 Vulvar condylomata $200.00
04624 Vulvar intraepithelial lesion diffuse w/ perianal $407.55
04625 Vulvar intraepithelial lesion/diffuse multifocal $407.55


06169 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure - lower extremity leg $591.48
06167 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure- upper extremity forearm $353.91
06168 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure-arm $235.39
06170 Treatment of lymphoedema, using the thompson procedure-thigh $591.48

Lesions and Scars

61319 Excision of lesion(in hosp),tumour-free margin-ext $101.89
61316 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. < 2cm $178.30
61318 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. >4 cm $290.38
61317 Lesions & scars-eyelids, ears, lips, etc. 2-4 cm $213.97
61313 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. < 5cm $169.13
61315 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. > 10cm $275.10
61314 Lesions & scars-face, scalp, neck, etc. 5-10 cm $224.15
61311 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs - 5-10cm $157.92
61312 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs- > 10cm $234.35
61310 Lesions & scars-trunk, arms & legs-< 5cm $122.27

Level I emergency care

01811 Day-level i emergency care $35.37
01821 Evening-level i emergency care $42.28
01831 Night -level i emergency care $64.67
01841 Sat, sun, or stat hol - level i emergency care $52.00

Level II emergency care

01812 Day- level ii emergency care $76.00
01822 Evening- level ii emergency care $88.53
01832 Night- level ii emergency care $122.78
01842 Sat, sun or stat hol- level ii emergency care $108.00

Level III emergency care

01813 Day - level iii emergency care $96.14
01823 Evening - level iii emergency care $110.25
01833 Night - level iii emergency care $163.63
01843 Sat, sun or stat hol - level iii emergency care $135.00

Liver Excision

07410 Hepatectomy - caudate lobectomy $2,100.00
07409 Hepatectomy - extended left lobectomy $2,200.00
07411 Hepatectomy - extended right lobectomy $2,300.00
07405 Hepatectomy - segmental resection - one or more $1,200.00
07407 Hepatectomy - total left lobectomy $2,000.00
07408 Hepatectomy - total right lobectomy $2,000.00
07406 Hepatectomy - two or more segments $1,600.00
72795 Lap. hepatectomy, segmental resection-one or more, $1,261.93
72794 Lap. non-anatomic sub-segmental excision-liver mas $1,141.96
72796 Lap. seg. resection liver:2 or more segments,bilat $1,800.00
72797 Laparoscopic total left lobectomy $2,500.00
72798 Laparoscopic total right lobectomy $2,500.00
07404 Liver mass - subsegmental excision $1,000.00

Liver Incision

07402 Hepatotamy - abscess/cyst - single $434.19
07403 Hepatotamy - multiple, including marsupialization $653.95
71380 Open or laparoscopic liver tumour non-resectional $900.00

Liver Repair

07441 Hepatic artery ligation $1,015.07
07442 Hepatic lobectomy for trauma $2,500.00
07412 Hepatorrhaphy - simple $609.04
07413 Hepatorrhaphy - with packing $644.63
07440 Liver - resectional debridement $1,268.85

Lower Extremity

08534 Ankle x-ray $35.32
08531 Femur x-ray $35.32
08533 Fibula and tibia x-ray $35.32
08535 Foot x-ray $35.32
08530 Hip x-ray $35.32
08532 Knee x-ray $35.32
08536 Leg length x-ray $41.59
08537 Lower extremity, requested add. x-ray $17.80

Lung Surgery

79036 Additional wedge resection of lung $78.32
79020 Bronchoplasty (extra to lobectomy) $247.44
79050 Decortication of lung $1,193.92
79040 Drainage of abscess lung $511.76
79060 Intrathoracic tumor - without lung involvement $1,028.29
79015 Lobectomy $1,364.74
79055 Pleurectomy $765.70
79025 Pneumonectomy - lung $1,482.88
79030 Segmental resection - lung $1,364.74
79035 Thoracotomy - including wedge resection $765.70
79045 Thoracotomy w/wo biopsy or removal foreign body $774.42

Lymphatic System

07368 Laparoscopic splenectomy $809.21

Lymphoedema - Leg

06128 Lymphoedema - lower limb $1,046.58
06127 Lymphoedema - entire leg $700.04

Major Flap Procedures

61152 Abdominal panniculectomy where medically indicated, secondary to chronic subpanus intertrigo, which has been unresponsive to a reasonable period of medical treatment $910.00
06110 Cheeks -facial paralysis - dynamic slings with local functional muscle transfer (unilateral) $785.69
06111 Cheeks- facial paralysis static slings (unilateral $650.54
06129 Combined complete repair as above and rhytidectomy unilateral $945.41
06120 Complete repair for facial paralysis, plication of paralyzed muscles, meloplasty, and resection of overactive muscles bilateral $838.07
06151 Decubitus ulcers - excision and treatment of bone, rotation flaps, and skin grafts to secondary defect $866.70
61158 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving major muscles $955.00
61157 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving medium muscles $630.91
61156 Myocutaneous flap or fascia cutaneous flap rotated on its vascular or neurovascular pedicle involving small muscles $444.79
06159 Tram flap reconstruction of mastectomy defect $1,021.77

Major Head and Neck Surgery

02600 Complete temporal bone resection, ent fee $2,412.31
02282 Composite resection of tongue, mandible, radical neck dissection and tracheostomy $1,926.37
02281 Conservative radical neck dissection $1,255.22
02431 Hemilaryngectomy $1,447.59
02411 Laryngectomy, total $1,659.94
02473 Laryngo-pharyngo-oesophagectomy - primary excision $1,900.00
02280 Otolaryngological component of cranio facial resection for tumour of ethmoid or frontal sinus or orbit (in conjunction with a neurosurgeon (- see also fee code 03065) $2,412.31
02470 Radical neck dissection $1,056.28
02449 Rigid oesophagoscopy for removal of foreign body $191.35
02471 Subtotal parotidectomy w facial nerve dissection $842.01
02432 Supraglottic laryngectomy $1,575.30
02477 Suprahyoid dissection - contralateral $484.78
02601 Temporal bone resection for neoplasm, subtotal and lateral, to include mastoidectomy and excision of external auditory canal $1,506.13
02472 Total parotidectomy - with nerve dissection for malignancy or deep lobe tumour $969.55
02474 Transoral maxillectomy with skin graft $1,056.25
02479 Transpalatal ethmoidectomy/maxillectomy/sphenoide $1,320.23

Major Surgery of Head and Neck

02275 Glossectomy - subtotal $1,056.22
02478 Glossectomy - partial for carcinoma $369.96
02480 Resection mandible, floor of mouth suprahyoid dissection and tracheostomy - malignancy $1,320.23
02279 Resection-base of tongue &/or tonsil/soft palate $1,926.37


08611 Mammography - bilateral $145.91
08610 Mammography - unilateral $104.11


06309 Mandibular osteotomy - internal fixation/bilateral $1,183.97
06308 Mandibular osteotomy/internal fixation/unilateral $823.07
06303 Maxillo-facial osteotomy; le fort iii extracranial $2,476.77
06302 Maxillo-facial osteotomy; le fort iii intracranial $2,907.70
06306 Osteotomies, mandibular maxillo-facial - bilateral $968.51
06305 Osteotomies, mandibular maxillo-facial/unilateral $806.91
06304 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial - malar maxilliary $1,291.71
06301 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial le fort ii - pyramidal $1,399.45
06300 Osteotomies, maxillo-facial; le fort 1, horizontal $1,130.11
06307 Osteotomies, pre-maxillary set back $806.91
06314 Osteotomy - canthopexy $564.52
06312 Osteotomy - intracranial correction hypertelorism $3,769.56
06311 Osteotomy - orbital advancement $3,123.16
06310 Osteotomy - orbital advancement - unilateral $2,799.96
06313 Osteotomy - orbital expansion $3,015.43
61381 Plastic surgery portion $2,073.65

Maxillo-facial, Cerebral Procedures

03080 Bilat orbital advancement-hypertelorism team-neurosurgery portion $2,235.25
03082 Bilateral orbital advancement-team proc-neurosurgery portion $2,773.64
61380 Plastic surgery portion $2,235.25
61382 Plastic surgery portion $2,773.64
03081 Unilateral orbital advancement-team proc-neurosurgery portion $2,073.65

Mental Health Planning & Management

14044 Gp mental health management fee age 2-49 $56.76
14045 Gp mental health management fee age 50-59 $62.43
14046 Gp mental health management fee age 60-69 $65.26
14047 Gp mental health management fee age 70-79 $73.77
14048 Gp mental health management fee age 80+ $85.12
14043 Gp mental health planning fee $100.62

Micro-Surgical Operations

04617 Micro salpingostomy - bilateral $800.77
04616 Micro salpingostomy -unilateral $616.67
04602 Salpingolysis - unilateral/bilateral $447.72
04627 Tubo-cornual anastomosis - bilateral (micro) $1,159.11
04626 Tubo-cornual anastomosis - unilateral (micro) $892.33


90600 Acid fast organisms - culture $24.13
90605 Anaerobic culture investigation $11.77
90765 Anti-streptolysin $11.73
90615 Antibiotic susceptibility test - semi-quantitative $11.61
90750 Biochemical identification - micro-organism/stool $14.42
90625 Blood culture - aerobic/anaerobic media $36.08
90630 C. difficile toxin - immunological $16.64
90656 C. difficile toxin, real time pcr $48.91
90640 Candida culture $6.81
90736 Cervical culture $15.44
90645 Chlamydia antigen $16.84
90647 Chlamydia antigen $18.54
90648 Chlamydia antigen $16.80
90649 Chlamydia antigen $31.47
90650 Chlamydia culture $42.84
90651 Chlamydia trachomatis using naat - urine $25.18
90652 Chlamydia trachomatis using naat -urogenital swab $24.09
90655 Clostridium difficile toxin - tissue culture $18.09
90739 Combined vagino-anorectal or vaginal culture $15.40
90660 Diphtheria antibodies $21.14
90665 Fungus culture $21.41
90670 Fungus direct examination koh preparation $13.76
90741 Genital culture - other site $25.28
90653 Gonorrhea by naat-urine $4.76
90654 Gonorrhea by naat-urogenital swab $4.76
90685 Hepatitis a - igm antibody (anti-hav-igm) $18.42
90690 Hepatitis b core antibody (anti-hbc) $10.85
90675 Hepatitis b e antigen $14.87
90700 Hepatitis b surface antibody (anti-hbs) $11.08
90751 Molecular identification, stool isolate $14.90
90715 Rotavirus antigen $16.87
90720 Routine culture $15.30
90725 Serological identification -micro-organism $15.94
90610 Serum bactericidal test $66.41
90730 Smear - inclusion bodies $12.38
90825 Smear/section - electron microscopy $27.79
90740 Stained smear $16.71
90745 Stool culture $16.90
90755 Streptococcal enzyme slide test $12.52
90760 Streptococci - rapid test $13.02
90770 Tetanus antibodies $21.14
90775 Throat or nose culture $18.18
90780 Throat or nose culture - additional $18.18
90785 Trichomonas and/or candida, direct examination $11.63
90784 Trichomonas antigen test $18.75
90738 Uretheral culture $21.17
90790 Urine colony count culture $19.57
90791 Urine colony count culture $125.00
90737 Vaginal culture $15.40


61210 Certified plastic surgeon assist, over 1 hr-extra $50.58
06214 Intrafascicular nerve graft - digital or palmar $533.59
06215 Intrafascicular nerve graft - major nerve $1,600.00
06213 Microfascicular neurorraphy - major nerve $614.93
06212 Microfascicular neurorraphy - digital or palmar $288.08
06210 Microneural surgery; neurolysis - external $288.08
06211 Microneural surgery; neurolysis - intraneural $438.94
06217 Microreimplantation - digit or extremity $3,108.88
06259 Microsurgical removal neoplasm, digital/palmar $336.04
03207 Microsurgical removal of neoplasm/major peripheral nerve $815.19
06216 Microvascular surgery - artery or vein $675.48
06220 Microvascular surgical free flap $3,108.09

Minor Procedures

13623 Excision tumour skin/subcututaneous/small scar $90.04
14541 Removal of intrauterine device (iud) $31.72
13624 Removal scars (5 cm or more) per cm over 5 c $8.62


10900 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair using endovascular stent graft second operator $509.83
00043 Anticoagulation therapy $7.00
08620 Aortography (aortography plus peripheral angiograp $180.25
51040 Aspiration - joint $23.23
13013 Assessment for induction of opioid agonist treatmt $43.23
08602 Body section radiography $50.37
06221 Bone graft - inlay bone grafting of metacarpal or phalanx $354.92
00424 Botulinum toxin injections $118.82
51036 Compartment pressure monitoring - extra $92.97
02519 Complex laryngeal disorder conference $30.35
03145 Cranioplasty using autologous bone graft $1,341.20
33255 Diabetes injection medication start (insulin or glucagon-like-peptide receptor agonist) $41.78
00841 Direct angiography coronary $198.57
00839 Direct intra-coronary streptokinase thrombolysis $361.78
00480 Dmt (disease modifying treatment) management $152.77
08658 Extremity b scan $59.60
61361 Eyebrow ptosis repair-simple skin excision-bilater $392.82
61360 Eyebrow ptosis repair-simple skin excision-unilate $261.90
81194 First surgical assist of the day-urology $76.47
15039 Fp point of care (poc) testing for opioid agonist treatment $12.89
06182 Ganglia of tendon sheath or joint $182.27
00040 Gavage stomach $26.38
15040 Gp(poc)testing for amphetamines,ipioids,oxycondone $12.89
08644 Guided pericardiocentesis $110.08
51037 Harvesting of iliac crest autograft - extra $93.37
51038 Harvesting of skin graft - extra $102.68
51039 Harvesting of skin graft - extra $23.23
33655 Home parenteral antibiotic management fee $18.78
51067 Ilizarov instrumentation extension/revision -frame $214.73
51065 Ilizarov instrumentation, simple $1,092.35
51066 Ilizarov instrumentation; complex, multiple $1,498.46
03221 Implantation of vagal nerve stimulator to include electrodes and stimulator $531.34
33256 Insulin pump start $83.55
08628 Interpretation of a submitted film $51.57
03100 Intra-operative ultrasound during neurosurgery $40.87
33066 Intracardiac electrophysiological mapping - initial study $776.20
00750 Lumbar puncture in a patient 13 years of age and over $55.28
00039 Management of maintenance opioid agonist treatment (oat) for opioid use disorder $23.67
13014 Management of oat induction for opioid use disordr $20.21
00042 Mileage $2.78
03211 Muscle biopsy $55.80
00462 Neurological interpretation and written report of submitted x-ray films (including ct scan, tcd, mri) per case $52.48
03065 Neurosurgical component of cranial facial resection for tumour of ethmoid, frontal sinus or orbit, as a combined procedure with ent $1,639.46
03224 Neurosurgical component of microsurgical removal of cerebellar pontine angle tumour $1,885.07
03227 Neurosurgical interpretation and written report of submitted x-ray films (including ct scan, mri) $59.43
33068 Oesophageal or intra-atrial-physiological study $116.03
51030 Orthopaedic interpretation and written report of submitted x-ray films - including ct scan and mri $39.38
00545 Pediatric case conference $78.64
50571 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $34.21
50572 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $34.21
50573 Percutaneous transcatheter cardiac occluder 0-18yr $105.51
00840 Percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty $376.64
03217 Percutaneous ventricular puncture (operation only) $129.36
08670 Peripheral venous - deep venous system $44.83
03216 Puncture of ventricular shunt for csf aspiration (operation only) $36.20
08633 Radiology assistant fee - each 15 min after 1 hour $28.26
08632 Radiology assistant fee - first hour or fraction $112.91
03225 Removal of vagal nerve stimulator and electrodes $391.52
03230 Repeat neurosurgery $3,892.38
03223 Replacement of stimulator component of vagal nerve stimulator $221.49
51035 Skeletal traction - application $93.37
77400 Synthetic av graft for hemodialysis $707.49
51110 Telehealth Consultation - Orthopedics $111.54
51107 Telehealth Office Visit - Orthopedics $51.46
51112 Telehealth Repeat/Limited Consultation - Orthopedics $59.52
51115 Telehealth Special Consultation - Orthopedics $160.37
06085 Tissue expansion - major areas $559.83
06086 Tissue expansion - minor areas $351.98
10087 Trauma team leader - initial assessment $301.88
00041 Ultrasound, treatment $8.68
78072 Veno-Arterial (V-A) ECMO insertion - central $815.71
78071 Veno-Arterial (V-A) ECMO insertion - peripheral $611.78
78073 Veno-Veno (V-V) ECMO insertion - peripheral $407.86
08601 X-ray sinus/fistula with contrast media/injection $66.48

Miscellaneous Anesthetic Procedural Fees

01111 Acute upper airway obstruction - emergency anaes. $83.73
01005 Anaesthesia for MRI or CT scan - per 15 minutes $37.30
01105 Anesthesia for cataract surgery - per 1 min $2.00
01112 Attendance for anaes. or neonatal resuscitation $36.64
01102 Catheter insertion - epidural - during labour $127.43
01110 Dental procedures - anaesthesia - per 15 min $36.64
01106 Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) - anaesthesia $41.90
01195 Minimum anesthetic procdeural fee, per case $105.04
01158 Trigger point injections - epidural blood patch $181.82

Miscellaneous Surgery

79135 Chest wall tumour with rib resection $1,016.71
32031 Closed drainage of chest, operation only. $137.00
00046 Hyperbaric chamber - additional charge per hour $28.44
79095 Mediastinal cyst or tumour $1,065.18
79100 Mediastinum - thymectomy $795.73
79140 Scalenotomy - anterior $200.86
00744 Thyroid biopsy $73.65

Miscellaneous Visits

13503 Hysician witness to video conference maid assessment patient encounter $43.24
13502 Maid assessment fee assessor $43.24
13501 Maid assessment fee assessor prescriber $43.24
13504 Maid event preparation and procedure $283.85
13505 Maid medication pick-up and return $126.72
13536 Maid medication pick-up and return $85.40
13537 Maid medication pick-up and return $34.90
13538 Maid medication pick-up and return $62.43


06138 Cleft lip - bilateral $1,061.16
06139 Cleft lip - unilateral $558.04
06144 Cleft lip, bilateral - incomplete $750.90
06145 Cleft palate $553.74
06137 Full lip thickness transfer by rotation flap $548.93
06181 Lip adhesion for cleft palate $393.22
06147 Palatal cleft - bone graft $612.99
06143 Pharyngeal flap push back $750.90
06142 Pharyngoplasty, pharyngeal flap $542.97
06136 Plastic repair abbe operation $641.12

Mouth, Head and Neck

07796 Excision neurogenic neoplasm neck $1,115.70
07790 Lesion - benign - floor of mouth $152.81
07789 Lesion - tongue $319.30
07725 Maxillectomy $1,014.37
07726 Maxillectomy with exenteration of orbit and skin g $1,051.77
07749 Partial maxillectomy for malignancy - fenestration $811.46
07500 Resection of mandible $402.23
06140 Wedge resection - lip vermilion $200.57
06141 Wedge resection of lip sulcus $250.72

Musculoskeletal Oncology

51053 Malignant bone tumour - limb $1,083.01
51056 Malignant girdle tumour - pelvis/sacrum $1,624.50
51055 Malignant girdle tumour - scapula $1,083.01
51052 Malignant subfascial soft tissue tumour - complex $1,279.05
51051 Malignant subfascial soft tissue tumour -simple $597.51
51058 Malignant tumor/rotation plasty - resection $2,175.33
51057 Shoulder/pelvis/sacrum - reconstruction $1,092.35
51054 Skeletal defect - reconstruction $1,092.35

Needle Biopsy Procedures

00743 Breast lesion, non-palpable localizing $125.53
00740 Liver biopsy $109.61
00739 Percutaneous lung or mediastinal biopsy $111.09
00747 Prostate biopsy $32.47
00742 Renal biopsy $111.09
00741 Splenic biopsy $109.61

Neonatal Intensive Care

01511 Neonatal icu - level a - day 1 $636.75
01531 Neonatal icu - level a - day 11 onward $169.83
01521 Neonatal icu - level a - day 2 - 10 $254.68
01512 Neonatal icu - level b - day 1 $466.99
01532 Neonatal icu - level b - day 11 onward $126.18
01522 Neonatal icu - level b - day 2 - 10 $169.83
01513 Neonatal icu - level c - day 1 $403.28
01533 Neonatal icu - level c - day 11 onward $104.16
01523 Neonatal icu - level c - day 2 - 10 $124.63


06256 Nerve repair - palmar $254.92
06156 Neuroma transplant $254.92
06257 Peripheral nerve suture: major $403.31
06255 Peripheral nerve suture: minor $254.92

Nose and Sinuses

02325 Antral lavage - bilateral $50.35
02324 Antral lavage - unilateral $33.58
02303 Cauterization of septum - electric $38.25
02327 Choanal atresia ; definitive repair of - bilateral $676.13
02329 Choanal atresia perforation of - bilateral $229.62
02326 Choanal atresia; definitive repair of - unilateral $484.78
02328 Choanal atresia; perforation of - unilateral $165.83
02354 Complete rhinoplasty with s.m.r. to include nasal hump removal, nasal refracture, and reconstruction of nasal tip, without skin grafting $612.35
02355 Complete rhinoplasty with smr to include nasal hump removal, nasal refracture and external reconstruction of nasal tip without skin grafting $776.17
02299 Cryosurgical treatment of turbinates - bilateral $191.35
02298 Cryosurgical treatment of turbinates - unilateral $153.09
02345 Drainage of abscess or haematoma of septum $114.81
02318 Electrocoagulation of turbinates - both sides $76.53
02317 Electrocoagulation of turbinates - one side $51.03
25310 Endoscop trans-nasal repair csf leak frm ant skull base $976.07
25305 Endoscopic ligation - sphenopalatine artery $418.55
25301 Endoscopic stereotactic resection of intranasal or sinus tumour - additional payment after 7 hours operating time $261.58
25300 Endoscopic stereotactic resection of intranasal or sinus tumour - up to 7 hours operating time $1,046.36
02362 Ethmoidotomy -intranasal - anterior - unilateral $191.35
02363 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-anterior- bilateral $318.91
02361 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-posterior-bilateral $548.56
02360 Ethmoidotomy-intranasal-posterior-unilateral $357.19
02347 External osteoplastic frontal flap operation $931.30
02315 External radical fronto - ethmoidectomy $586.86
02353 External reconstruction of nasal tip, ala and columella (such as for cleft lip or open trauma) $563.88
25100 Laser photocoagulation of hht lesions nasal cavity $446.09
02336 Laser revision of choanal stenosis $132.68
02333 Lat rhinotomy/medial maxillectomy for exis tumour $625.11
02332 Lateral rhinotomy and excision of tumour - benign $586.86
02337 Ligation of anterior and posterior ethmoid arterie $318.91
02342 Maxillectomy with exenteration of ethmoid $803.71
02365 Nasal fracture - reduction and splinting $127.57
02364 Nasal fracture - simple reduction $63.76
06124 Nasal fracture - wire plate fixation - open reduct $533.27
06123 Nasal fracture- comminuted nasal fractures transosseous wire plate fixation $307.05
02351 Nasal refracture requiring lateral osteotomies $357.19
02308 Naso-antral window - double $178.61
02307 Naso-antral window - single $114.81
02349 Operative closure of nasal septal perforation $510.30
02348 Operative closure of oral nasal fistula $357.19
02339 Palatal fenestration $257.82
02341 Posterior nasal packing - (operation only) $63.76
02346 Posterior nasal packing-- with trans-oral gauze pack, under local, topical, or general anesthesiology (operation only) $99.49
25315 Primary frontal sinusotomy $232.29
02309 Radical antrostomy $318.91
02310 Radical antrostomy with closure of alveolar fistul $459.27
02352 Reconstruction of nasal tip, ala and columella $420.98
02338 Removal of angiofibroma - nasal pharynx $739.92
02301 Removal of foreign body from nose - complicated w anesthetic $63.76
02323 Removal of nasal polypi- bilateral $165.83
02322 Removal of nasal polypi- unilateral $102.06
02358 Revision endoscopic frontal sinusotomy, with or without c arm $464.38
02359 Revision endoscopic intranasal spheno-ethmoidotomy (anterior, middle and posterior cells including sphenoid) $530.69
06117 Rhinophyma $335.05
06116 Rhinoplasty - composite graft $331.03
06115 Rhinoplasty - forehead, 2 operations $917.68
06109 Rhinoplasty - removal of hump $238.09
06119 Rhinoplasty; bone graft nose, non-autologous $493.41
06118 Rhinoplasty; bone graft to nose - autologous $601.15
02343 Septal reconstruction $382.72
02321 Sinus sphenoidotomy (intranasal) $267.90
02357 Sinus surgery- functional - endoscopic - <14 years $318.93
02306 Submucous resection of septum $165.83
02331 Submucous turbinectomy - bilateral $255.15
02330 Submucous turbinectomy - unilateral $165.83
02334 Transantral ethmoidectomy $484.78
02335 Transantral ligation, internal maxillary artery $510.30
02319 Trephining frontal sinus $255.15
02305 Turbinectomy - bilateral $140.31
02304 Turbinectomy - unilateral $95.67

Obstetrical Procedures

04024 4th degree laceration - repair $290.53
04018 Breech vaginal birth $585.77
04025 C-section - high risk $651.28
04106 Caesarean hysterectomy $928.39
04050 Caesarean section - elective $500.99
04052 Caesarean section - emergency $561.10
04093 Caesarean section multiple births, each additional $82.15
04023 Cervical /vaginal lacerations $240.44
04000 Complicated vaginal delivery $375.70
04116 Curettage for post-partum haemorrhage (> 20 weeks) $254.72
04049 External cephalic version $152.83
04118 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - 1st hour $41.98
04119 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $28.93
04141 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $320.00
04142 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $140.00
04190 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $84.95
04191 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $31.81
04194 Induc. or stim. of labour by oxytocin - subs. hrs $31.81
04080 Insertion of multiple osmotic dilators with block $152.83
04039 Management of complicated labour by obstetrician $667.15
04014 Midcavity forceps - delivery $450.87
04017 Midcavity rotation - surgical delivery $551.03
04092 Multiple natural births - each additional child $161.31
04038 Repeat intrapartum assess by consultant at request $222.21
04026 Retained placenta - manual removal $240.44
04022 Sphincter repair - external $240.44
04107 Supervision of labour and vaginal delivery $200.27
04110 Therapeutic abortion (vaginal) 14 - 18 weeks $250.41
04111 Therapeutic abortion (vaginal) less than 14 weeks $203.77
04114 Therapeutic abortion by d&e, 18 wks and over $356.60

Obstetrics and Gynecology

86056 Obs b scan < 14 wks/nuchal translucency-add fetus $95.22
86055 Obs.b-scan <14 wks/nuchal translucency-singles $126.97

Oesophageal Surgery

71541 Cardiospasm - with fundoplication - open $940.05
71542 Cardiospasm with fundoplication - laparoscopic $1,175.07
70502 Cricopharyngeal myotomy - cervical approach $469.34
07536 Direct ligation of oesophageal varices $736.52
70545 Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx/oesophagus-cervica $536.76
70544 Diverticulectomy of hypopharynx/oesophagus-thoraci $653.95
71534 Division of tracheo-oesophageal fistula $804.44
33327 Endoscopic repositioning of gastric feeding tube $14.25
33329 Esophageal dilation or dilation of pathological $109.02
33328 Esophageal dilation, blind bouginage $57.25
70532 Excision - oesophageal lesion - laparoscopic/ tho $777.59
70530 Excision oesophageal lesion - cervical approach $536.76
70531 Excision oesophageal lesion thoracic/abdominal $777.59
33325 Gastric polypectomy $161.47
71544 Gastrointestinal reconstruction - colon interposit $1,673.20
71543 Gastrointestinal reconstruction - with stomach $1,430.50
71549 Oesophageal wound - transthoracic/transabdominal $1,522.60
71548 Oesophageal wound or injury - cervical approach $1,268.85
70504 Oesophagectomy w/ colon interposition - 2nd surg $650.00
70534 Oesophagectomy w/ colon interposition - prim. surg $2,030.14
70505 Oesophagectomy w/ thoracotomy - 2nd surgeon $650.00
70535 Oesophagectomy w/ thoracotomy - primary surgeon $2,283.91
70533 Oesophagectomy w/o thoracotomy - primary surgeon $2,030.14
70503 Oesophagectomy w/o thoracotomy - secondary surgeon $650.00
70536 Oesophagectomy w/thoracotomy&colon inter.-1st surg $2,283.91
70506 Oesophagectomy w/thoracotomy&colon inter.-2nd surg $650.00
70542 Oesophagectomy,total or partial,w/o reconstruction $1,073.50
71536 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - open $736.52
71538 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - with gastroplasty $1,218.09
71535 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty - laparoscopic $920.65
71537 Oesophagogastric fundoplasty with fundic patch $791.86
71533 Oesophagoplasty - w/ tracheo-oesophageal fistula $2,250.00
71532 Oesophagoplasty - w/o tracheo-oesophageal fistula $2,000.00
71530 Oesophagostomy - cervical $531.36
71551 Oesophagostomy or fistula closure - transthoracic $1,522.60
71550 Oesophagostomy/fistula closure-cervical approach $1,268.85
70500 Oesophagotomy:cerv. approach w/ rem. foreign body $536.76
70501 Oesophagotomy:thora. approach w/ rem. foreign body $637.58
70540 Part. oesophagectomy thoraco-abdom. or abdominal $1,430.50
70541 Part. oesophagectomy throacoabdominal - 1st surg $1,673.20
70509 Part. oesophagectomy w/colon inter. - 2nd surg $650.00
70539 Part. oesophagectomy w/colon inter. - prim. surg $1,864.78
70511 Part.oesophagectomy thoracoabdominal - 2nd surg. $650.00
70538 Partial oesophagectomy - distal 2/3 $1,634.89
33326 Percutaneous endoscopically placed feeding tube $73.78
71540 Plastic operation: cardiospasm - laparoscopic $840.72
71539 Plastic operation: cardiospasm -thoracic approach $672.58
33321 Removal of foreign material causing obstruction $101.91
71531 Repair tracheo-oesophagal fistula-cervical appr. $2,000.00
33322 Therapeutic injection(s), sclerosis, band ligation $116.68
33324 Thermal coagulation - heater probe and laser $42.60
33323 Transendoscopic tube, stent or catheter $101.86

Open Heart Surgery

07917 1st assist at open heart surgery, > $1033.00 $395.75
07915 1st assistant at open heart surgery, <= $1033.00 $275.83
07916 2nd & 3rd assistant at open heart surgery, <= $1033.00 $161.32
07918 2nd & 3rd assists at open heart surgery, > $1033.00 $247.53
07899 Anomalous pulmonary drainage, total $1,974.73
07860 Aortic valve - aortic root reconstruction with mechanical valved conduit, Homograph, or Xenograph root $3,166.64
07857 Aortic valve - commissurotomy $1,422.02
07858 Aortic valve - plication $1,422.02
07859 Aortic valve - replacement $1,587.14
07900 Aorticopulmonary window $1,587.14
07870 Atrial septum defect - multiple $1,422.02
07872 Atrial septum defect - multiple plus partial anomalous pulmonary drainage $1,587.14
07871 Atrial septum defect - multiple plus pulmonary stenosis $1,422.02
07869 Atrial septum defect - primum $1,587.14
07868 Atrial septum defect - secundum - patch $1,422.02
07867 Atrial septum defect - secundum - suture $1,422.02
07910 Complete cox-maze procedure $1,819.71
07909 Coronary artery bypass graft - each additional artery $273.64
07908 Coronary artery bypass graft - one artery $1,440.05
07912 Endocardial mapping $382.12
07990 Harvest of arterial conduit $178.45
07962 Left atrial lesion sets only $1,357.73
78051 Mitral or aortic valve replacement or CABG (extra) $373.70
07853 Mitral valve - commissurotomy $1,422.02
07854 Mitral valve - plication $1,422.02
07855 Mitral valve - replacement $1,587.14
07856 Mitral valve - simple repair $1,587.14
78056 Mitral valve complex repair $1,983.95
07864 Multiple valve replacement - 2 valves $2,395.05
07865 Multiple valve replacement - 3 values $2,768.96
07866 Multiple valve replacement - valved external conduit $2,203.98
07913 Pericardiectomy with bypass $1,422.02
07906 Pulmonary embolectomy with bypass $1,422.02
07887 Pulmonary valve - arterioplasty with bypass $1,587.14
07902 Pulmonary valve - atrioventricular communis $2,395.05
07885 Pulmonary valve - infundibulectomy $1,587.14
07905 Pulmonary valve - intracardiac tumours $1,587.14
07886 Pulmonary valve - patch $1,587.14
07901 Pulmonary valve - ruptured sinus of valsalva $1,587.14
07889 Pulmonary valve - Tetralogy of Fallot $1,587.14
07890 Pulmonary valve - Tetralogy of Fallot + outflow patch $1,825.97
07893 Pulmonary valve - Tetralogy of Fallot with previous anastomosis shunt $1,825.97
07898 Pulmonary valve - transposition $1,974.73
07884 Pulmonary valve - valvulotomy $1,422.02
07963 Pulmonary vein isolation only $611.78
07914 Recurrent open heart surgery after 21 days - extra $773.63
07824 Resecting aneurysm of the ventricle $1,587.14
07881 Subaortic stenosis - fibrous ring $1,422.02
07882 Subaortic stenosis - muscular hypertrophy $1,587.14
07920 Time, after four hours of continuous surgical assistance for one patient, each 15 minute period or fraction thereof $21.66
07863 Tricuspid valve - annuloplasty $1,422.02
07861 Tricuspid valve - commissurotomy $1,422.02
07862 Tricuspid valve - replacement $1,587.14
07911 Ventricular arrhythmia surgery $2,209.66
07875 Ventricular septal defect - multiple $1,527.12
07879 Ventricular septal defect - multiple + aortic regurgitation $1,527.12
07878 Ventricular septal defect - multiple + corrected transposition $1,527.12
07876 Ventricular septal defect - multiple + patent ductus $1,527.12
07877 Ventricular septal defect - multiple + pulmonary hypertension $1,527.12
07874 Ventricular septal defect - simple $1,527.12

Operations on the Vagina

04402 Abscess pelvic colpotomy drainage $151.30
04404 Cyst vaginal inclusion $200.00
04405 Cyst vaginal other than inclusion $200.00
04233 Oophorectomy/ovarian cystectomy - vag - bilateral $223.39
04232 Oophorectomy/ovarian cystectomy - vag - unilateral $113.61
04410 Post-op haemorrhage, vaginal management w/ ga $200.00
04406 Septum vaginal removal $200.00
04202 Vaginal hysterectomy $736.94
04411 Vaginectomy - total $611.32
04033 Vaginectomy-partial $458.49
04408 Vault prolapse (vaginal approach) $536.63

Operations on the Vulva

04301 Bartholins cyst/abscess marsupialization $200.00
04317 Biopsy - vulva - < 2 cm $35.66
04032 Biopsy - vulva (greater than or equal to 2cm) $112.08
04303 Hydrocele canal of nuck excision $254.72
04300 Hymen incision $200.00
04312 Labia minora resection $254.72
04309 Labium varicocele $200.00
04322 Lymphadenectomy - inguinal/femoral - bilateral $701.26
04320 Lymphadenectomy - inguinal/femoral - unilateral $400.76
04304 Urethral caruncle - cautery or excision in hosp $62.32
04306 Venereal warts under g.a., hospital $200.00
04305 Venereal warts, cautery or excision $50.94
04311 Vulvar atresia or enlargement of vaginal introitus $200.00
04318 Vulvectomy - radical $901.73
04307 Vulvectomy - simple $388.42
04316 Vulvovaginoplasty $254.72


06153 Bone graft orbit, autologous $612.99
06154 Bone graft orbit, non-autologous implant $462.17


06087 Incision subperiosteal abscess $254.92

Other GPSC Fees

14086 Gp assigned inpatient care network $2,100.00
14088 Gp unassigned inpatient care fee $150.00
14063 Palliative care planning fee-general practice $100.62
14066 Personal health risk assessment $50.31
14067 Personal health risk assessment $18.22

Other Procedures

04699 Fern test $15.28
04401 Fistula recto-vaginal repair $662.27
04085 Trial of forceps/vacuum delivery $211.95

Other Wounds

61057 Nipple areolar reconstruction and tattooing $457.84
06238 Repair of complicated fingertip injury $201.05
06027 Repair of torn (split) earlobe (simple) (operation only) $118.31

Ova & Parasites

90805 Parasite - macroscopic/microscopic exam $42.96
90795 Pinworm ova - examination $43.94
90800 Stool examination - concentration method $46.93

Patient Activated Cardiac Event Recorders

33092 Event/unmonitored loop recorder-technical fee $43.51
33062 Event/unmonitored loop recorders (first strip) - professional fee $36.21
33069 Event/unmonitored loop recorders-each additional $18.10

Pediatric Intestine Procedures

07655 Excision of meckel's diverticulum $505.22
07447 Mesenteric injury - repair of $572.71

Pediatric Procedures

07466 Anal stricture - child $450.49
07552 Aortopexy for tracheomalacia $1,015.07
07653 Atresia; small bowel; excision or bypass $1,522.60
07700 Cloacal anomalies; primary surgeon, total correct $2,150.54
07614 Omphalocele or gastroschesis - temporary repair $402.23
07615 Omphalocele or gastroschesis - permanent repair $613.07
07571 Pena posterior sagittal anal proctoplasty $1,150.14
72662 Proctectomy, complete - synchronous abdominal - pediatric $1,314.90
72751 Red of volvulus, intussuspection; hernia(lap) $657.80
07692 Repair major ano-rectal anomalies, sacral approach $1,522.60
07697 Sacrococcygeal teratoma- excision $1,522.60

Pelvis, Hip and Femur

55215 Abscess - pelvis/hip/femur -incision/drainage/ga $186.72
55741 Acetabulum - fracture- closed reduction $186.72
55745 Acetabulum - orif - one approach $1,307.07
55746 Acetabulum - two/extensile approach $1,848.57
55983 Amputation - above knee $653.54
55980 Amputation - hemicorpectomy $2,446.08
55981 Amputation - hemipelvectomy $1,363.10
55982 Amputation - hip disarticulation $1,036.32
55984 Amputation - knee disarticulation $653.54
55999 Amputation - secondary wound management-above knee $186.72
55810 Arthrodesis - hip joint $1,227.71
55661 Arthroplasty - resection - hip $490.15
11500 Arthroscopy - hip joint $518.18
11532 Arthroscopy/biopsy - hip $518.18
11515 Arthrotomy - hip joint $298.77
55360 Arthrotomy - hip - open synovectomy - total $569.50
55225 Arthrotomy - hip joint - i and d $322.10
11545 Arthrotomy/biopsy - hip $242.74
11546 Biopsy - hip - soft tissue/bone $242.74
11530 Biopsy - needle- hip/ga $186.72
55651 Bone grafting - femur $270.75
55652 Bone grafting - epiphysiodesis, greater trochanter $326.77
55370 Bone tumour, benign - hip $434.15
55310 Debridement/synovectomy - hip - total $597.51
55725 Dislocation - congenital - open reduction -hip $714.22
55721 Dislocation- congenital- hip- closed reduction/ga $270.75
55355 Excision - open - hip - bursa/trochanteric $214.73
55755 Femoral neck/subcapital - orif $830.94
55758 Femoral neck/subcapital - primary wound care $102.26
55760 Femoral neck/subcapital - scfe insitu fixation $518.18
55751 Femoral neck/subcapital -fracture-closed reduction $518.18
55780 Femur/shaft - cast/traction - closed reduction $121.36
55783 Femur/shaft - closed reduction, im nail $774.90
55781 Femur/shaft - closed reduction/ga $214.73
55782 Femur/shaft - external skeletal fixation $354.78
55785 Femur/shaft - orif $774.90
55788 Femur/shaft - primary wound care $102.26
55789 Femur/shaft - secondary wound management $186.72
55759 Frac. femoral neck or subcapital: open -sec. wound $186.72
55701 Fracture-pelvis-closed reduction-skeletal traction $93.37
55220 Hematoma - pelvis/hip/femur - drainage under ga $298.77
55662 Hemi-arthroplasty - hip $567.62
55371 Heterotopic bone resection $515.94
55736 Hip - orif $952.30
55738 Hip - primary wound care $102.26
55739 Hip - secondary wound management $186.72
55711 Hip - dislocation - traumatic $93.37
55731 Hip - fracture/dislocation - reduction $93.37
55761 Hip - intertrochanteric - reduction $653.54
55735 Hip - open reduction $490.15
55732 Hip - reduction/ga $186.72
55727 Hip disloc. open reduction fem & pelvic osteotomy $1,318.75
55726 Hip reduction fem or pelvic osteotomy $1,047.97
55768 Hip fracture intertrochanteric primary wound care $102.26
55769 Hip-intertrochanteric - secondary wound management $186.72
55771 Hip: subtrochanteric - internal fixation $891.61
55410 Injection of bursa/tendon sheath - hip $11.63
55405 Injection of joint - hip $11.63
55415 Int fixation device(s) - removal - hip/ga $242.74
55420 Int fixation device(s) - removal - hip/without g $70.02
55305 Loose body - hip - removal $378.11
55275 Major release - two or more - hip $406.12
55800 Manipulation - hip joint under ga $93.37
55270 Minor release - hip - one tendon $298.77
55632 Nonunion or malunion - acetabulum $1,848.57
55635 Nonunion or malunion - femoral lengthening, open $896.29
55636 Nonunion or malunion - femoral shortening, closed $896.29
55633 Nonunion or malunion - proximal femur $896.29
55634 Nonunion or malunion - shaft femur $774.90
55998 Open injury, primary wound care $102.26
55380 Osteomyelitis, acute - hip - decompression $186.72
55385 Osteomyelitis, debridement - hip $322.10
55605 Osteotomy - femoral shaft - adult $774.90
55606 Osteotomy - femoral shaft - paediatric $774.90
55603 Osteotomy - proximal femur - adult $746.91
55604 Osteotomy - proximal femur - paediatric $746.91
55607 Osteotomy - multiple for osteogenesis imperfecta $891.61
55602 Osteotomy - pelvis - paediatric $597.51
55601 Osteotomy - pelvis - adult $746.91
55702 Pelvis - closed reduction - external fixation $494.83
55705 Pelvis - external fixation/orif $1,092.35
55707 Pelvis -orif - anterior and posterior $1,171.69
55706 Pelvis -orif- anterior or posterior $765.57
55631 Pelvis: non-union or malunion $1,363.10
55210 Pelvis/hip/femur- incision/drainage/ga $186.72
55675 Proximal femoral replacement $1,633.84
55715 Reduction - hip - open $490.15
55712 Reduction - hip/ga $186.72
55674 Revision - femur and acetabulum,includes prostalac $1,307.07
55673 Revision - femur or acetabulum $989.64
55671 Revision total hip arthroplasty: components $802.93
55985 Revision,amputation, below knee $518.18
55255 Soft tissue release - hip- percutaneous $270.75
55505 Soft tissue repair - hip instability $653.54
55365 Soft tissue tumour - benign -hip - subfascial $406.12
55778 Subtrochanteric - primary wound care $102.26
55779 Subtrochanteric - secondary wound management $186.72
55515 Tendon avulsion repair - hip $326.77
55510 Tendon-muscle transfer - hip $658.20
55672 Total hip arthroplasty- exchg of modular component $434.15
55663 Total hip prosthesis $802.93


08312 Circumcision-excludes clamp or bell technique $204.77
08306 Clitoral recession $252.82
08297 Deep dissection of intercrural region, with ligation of deep dorsal and cavernosal veins with or without ligation of crural veins (venous ligation for impotence) $404.57
08301 Dorsal slit, isolated procedure $101.69
08309 Femoral and inguinal glands,excision-bilateral $1,325.53
08308 Femoral and inguinal glands,excision-unilateral $917.67
08296 Insertion of semi rigid or self contained inflatable prosthesis following traumatic or surgical injury $611.78
08307 Peyronies plaque, excision-with replacement graft $796.60
08300 Priapism: sapheno-cavernous shunt $569.16
08299 Radical amputation of penis $606.84
08363 Revision of penile prosthesis (includes removal, correction of any mechanical failure, and replacement) $862.64
08305 Simple amputation of penis $462.03

Percutaneous Coronary Interventions

00890 Aortogram abdominal $116.28
00897 Aortogram thoracic $167.15
00892 Arteriogram - carotid percutaneous, unilateral $114.91
00891 Arteriogram - carotid percutaneous; bilateral $172.79
00894 Arteriogram - cerebral $193.71
00893 Arteriogram - femoral or axillary $88.98
00896 Arteriography pulmonary $141.15
00898 Balloon septostomy $338.65
00845 Cardiology assist for first hour or fraction $171.21
00846 Cardiology assist-after one hour, each 15 min $42.81
00885 Digital angiography - peripheral injection $46.99
00919 Impedance plethysmography - professional fee $6.89
00920 Impedance plethysmography - technical fee $34.55
00842 Percutaneous coronary intervention for additional vessel(s), per vessel $189.01
00880 Portal pressures - hepatic vein wedge pressure $65.89
00881 Portal pressures - percutaneous, splenic $52.73
00871 Pulse tracing - intravascular, including both arterial and venous $55.52
00871 Pulse tracing - intravascular, including both arterial and venous $55.52
00843 Selective arteriography of abdominal branch $100.98
00847 Selective arteriography of thoracic aortic branch $163.73
00856 Selective cath. of vena cava or iliac - others $60.04
00855 Selective catheterization, vena cava or iliac -1st $90.31
11917 Two-night polysomnography - professional fee $251.10
11918 Two-night polysomnography - technical fee $774.04
00854 Venacavogram - inferior $116.28
00853 Venacavogram - superior $24.26
00889 Ventriculogram through previous ventricular access $128.22
00888 Ventriculogram, with no ventricular access device $256.42

Percutaneous Radiofrequency Neurotomies

34101 Cervical - first branch $240.00
34102 Cervical - second branch $120.00
34103 Cervical - third branch $60.00
34107 Lumbar - first branch $200.00
34108 Lumbar - secon branch $100.00
34109 Lumbar - third branch $50.00
34111 Sacral - bilateral $550.00
34110 Sacral - unilateral $330.00
34104 Thoracic - first branch $200.00
34105 Thoracic - second branch $100.00
34106 Thoracic - third branch $50.00

Peripheral Nerve

03045 Brachial plexus exploration for neurolysis, primary repair or tumour removal $1,500.00
03196 Exploration, mobilization and transposition $281.48
03204 Hypoglossal facial anastomosis $681.78
03205 Nerve graft $431.81
03048 Nerve graft done in addition to brachial plexus exploration, extra per graft $194.02
03198 Neurectomy of major peripheral nerve $222.43
03049 Neurotization in brachial plexus surgery, extra $452.71
03047 Ntraoperative diagnostic monitoring in brachial plexus surgery, extra $213.42
06258 Peripheral nerve/neurolysis - exploration $256.65
03046 Post traumatic delayed or repeat exploration in brachial plexus surgery, extra $550.00
03200 Secondary suture including transposition $575.24
03201 Secondary suture of major nerve $437.73

Plastic Operations for Genital Prolapse

04703 Augmented anterior compartment vaginal prolapse $415.99
04704 Augmented posterior compartment vaginal prolapse $415.99
04424 Complete repair of prolapse $590.76
04227 Cystocoele/urethrocoele repair $407.55
04422 Enterocele repair $461.51
04427 Leforts operation $458.49
04429 Perineal laceration repair of old 3rd degree $458.49
04421 Rectocele repair $407.55
04705 Removal of trans-vaginal placed synthetic mesh $611.32
04701 Repeat urinary incontinence procedure $420.25
04432 Repeat vaginal plastic procedure - extra $152.83
04702 Transection or removal of suburethral mesh sling $417.12
04706 Vaginal vault suspension-apical support procedure $405.64


13621 - additional lesions removed at the same sitting (maximum per sitting, five) each (operation only) $33.39
13601 Biopsy - facial area (operation only) $52.24
13600 Biopsy of skin or mucosa (operation only) $52.24
33752 Blood dialysis - fee for cut down by surgeon to be charged in addition to items 33750 or 33751 $134.31
00343 Cardiac screening $4.67
00344 Cardiac screening- professional fee $2.34
00345 Cardiac screening-technical fee $2.34
00322 Cardioangiogram internist part $46.76
00190 Electrosurg./cryotherapy for removal of warts etc. $31.72
13650 Enucleation or excision of ext thrombotic haemorrh $52.44
13620 Excision of tumour of skin or subcutaneous tissue or small scar under local anesthetic - up to 5 cm (operation only) $66.76
13612 Extensive laceration greater than 5cm $13.40
33033 Generator placement and venous cutdown $263.32
10710 In-office anoscopy $7.96
00017 Insertion of central venous pressure catheter $23.88
13622 Localized carcinoma of skin proven histopath. $73.75
00753 Marrow aspiration $43.77
13660 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $53.11
13701 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $50.00
13702 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $40.00
13706 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $20.12
13707 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $7.04
13708 Metatarsal bone - closed reduction $43.23
13610 Minor laceration or foreign body - no anaesthesia $35.84
13611 Minor laceration/foreign body requiring anaes. $66.76
13631 Nail removal - simple $35.75
13632 Nail removal with destruction of nail bed $72.34
13605 Opening superficial abscess, including furuncle - operation only $44.76
33032 Pacemaker standby and/or placement of the endocardial catheter (operation only) $80.66
13630 Paronychia $35.75
33756 Pd tube reinsertion (10 days after initial) $52.22
33790 Renal transplant patient-care of $1,182.14
33037 Replacement transfusion - hepatic failure to include two weeks' care after transfusion $287.85
13633 Wedge excision of one nail $63.83

Professional Fees

51010 Consultation - orthopaedics $111.54
51012 Consultation - repeat/limited - orthopaedics $59.52
51015 Consultation - special - orthopaedics $160.37
51008 Hospital visit - orthopaedics $30.70
51007 Office visit - orthopaedics $51.46
51009 Pavlic harness-case management $46.07


08317 Anti-incontinence procedure (artificial spincter) $771.28
08319 Balloon dilation of prostate-includes cystoscopy $227.26
81311 Holmium laser enucleation of prostate (holep) $948.67
81305 Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy $2,080.06
81310 Laparoscopic radical prostatectomy with plnd $2,396.16
08311 Prostatectomy- perineal, suprapubic, retropubic and transurethral approaches $474.92
08314 Prostatectomy- radical perineal retropubic prostate seminal vesiculectomy $1,380.84
08318 Prostatectomy, radical, to include lymphadenectomy $1,410.23

Psychiatric Treatment

00641 Electroconvulsive therapy $91.17
00671 Group phychotherapy-11 patients-per patient $19.82
00672 Group pshchotherapy-12 patients-per patient $18.61
00668 Group psychotherapy - eight patients - per patient $25.46
00665 Group psychotherapy - five patients - per patient $33.78
00664 Group psychotherapy - four patients - per patient $38.86
00669 Group psychotherapy - nine patients - per patient $23.88
00667 Group psychotherapy - seven patients - per patient $27.42
00666 Group psychotherapy - six patients - per patient $30.05
00670 Group psychotherapy - ten patients - per patient $22.60
00663 Group psychotherapy - three patients - per patient $48.65
00681 Group psychotherapy->20 patients-per patient $13.42
00673 Group psychotherapy-13 patients-per patient $17.25
00674 Group psychotherapy-14 patients-per patient $16.92
00675 Group psychotherapy-15 patients-per patient $16.25
00676 Group psychotherapy-16 patients-per patient $15.76
00677 Group psychotherapy-17 patients-per patient $15.10
00678 Group psychotherapy-18 patients-per patient $14.87
00679 Group psychotherapy-19 patients-per patient $14.23
00680 Group psychotherapy-20 patients-per patient $13.88
00639 Psychotherapy family per 1 1/2 hr $317.41
00638 Psychotherapy family per 1 1/4 hr $264.50
00633 Psychotherapy family per 1/2 hr $109.17
00635 Psychotherapy family per 3/4 hr $162.48
00636 Psychotherapy family per hour $211.58
00630 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per 1/2 hr $109.17
00631 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per 3/4 hr $162.48
00632 Psychotherapy indiv. (off.,out-patient) per hour $211.58
00652 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 1 hr $211.58
00650 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 1/2 hr $109.17
00651 Psychotherapy indiv.(hosp or institut) per 3/4 hr $162.48

Pulmonary Investigative and Function Studies

00972 Co2/o2 responsiveness of resp. centres - prof $20.00
00973 Co2/o2 responsiveness of resp. centres - tech $11.11
00942 Diffusion studies - carbon monoxide/professional $16.00
00943 Diffusion studies with carbon monoxide - technical $12.87
00954 Exercise in a steady state - professional fee $93.00
00955 Exercise in a steady state - technical fee $59.06
00956 Exercise in a steady state, aa gradients - prof $109.46
00957 Exercise in a steady state, aa gradients - tech $70.32
00958 Exercise induced asthma - professional fee $22.35
00958 Exercise induced asthma - professional fee $22.35
00959 Exercise induced asthma - technical fee $32.95
00959 Exercise induced asthma - technical fee $32.95
00940 Flow volume logs - before and after bronch - prof $15.00
00937 Flow volume logs, w/o bronchodilators - prof fee $12.00
00938 Flow volume loops - w/o bronchodilators - tech fee $18.20
00968 Inhalation challenge - professional fee $40.00
00969 Inhalation challenge - technical fee $36.41
00974 Inspiratory & expiratory muscle strength - prof $14.00
00975 Inspiratory & expiratory muscle strength - tech $12.72
00931 Lung volumes - professional fee $15.00
00932 Lung volumes - technical fee $14.18
11961 Oximetry at rest, with/without oxygen - tech fee $5.10
11960 Oximetry at rest, with/without oxygen-prof fee $5.00
11962 Oximetry rest/exercise with/without oxygen-prof fe $12.00
11963 Oximetry rest/exercise with/without oxygen-tech fe $15.94
00930 Peak expiratory flow rate $5.57
00930 Peak expiratory flow rate $5.57
00964 Plethsysomography and airway resistance - prof $14.00
00965 Plethsysomography and airway resistance - tech $26.92
00970 Precipitin tests - professional fee $11.16
00970 Precipitin tests - professional fee $11.16
00971 Precipitin tests - technical fee $27.05
00971 Precipitin tests - technical fee $27.05
00950 Progressive exercise test - professional fee $25.00
00951 Progressive exercise test - technical fee $32.59
00946 Pulmonary function studies - detailed - technical $40.29
00945 Pulmonary function studies - detailed/professional $42.50
00929 Simple screening spirometry as above but before and after bronchodilators $19.00
00928 Simple screening spirometry with fvc, fev(i), and fev(i)/fvc ratio using a portable apparatus without bronchodilators $13.00
00941 Spirometry-flow volume loops-before & after bronch $26.92
00934 Spirometry, forced expiratory, w/o bronch - tech $11.11
00933 Spirometry, forced expiratory, w/o bronch. - prof $12.00
00935 Spirometry,forced expiratory,before and after-prof $13.50
00936 Spirometry,forced expiratory,before and after-tech $14.18
11964 Sputum induction - professional fee $20.57
11965 Sputum induction - technical fee $44.36

Puncture Procedure for Obtaining Body Fluids

00761 Bursa or cyst - puncture procedure $14.65
00752 Cisternal puncture $38.41

Rectum Endoscopy

10733 Colonoscopy - control bleeding $303.99
10731 Colonoscopy - flexible - diagnostic $231.61
10732 Colonoscopy - removal of foreign body $272.07
10730 Colonoscopy,flexible-transabdominal via colotomy $240.14
10714 Proctosigmoidoscopy, rigid - diagnostic $35.40
07465 Sigmoidoscopy - ablation of tumor/other lesion $169.75
07462 Sigmoidoscopy - control bleeding $181.00
07460 Sigmoidoscopy - decompression - volvulus $228.83
07463 Sigmoidoscopy - decompression volvulus, any method $228.83
07464 Sigmoidoscopy - polyp removal $251.02
07461 Sigmoidoscopy - removal of foreign body $181.00
00716 Sigmoidoscopy; flexible; diagnostic $76.09

Rectum - Excision

07662 Abdomino-perineal resection (single surgeon)-open $1,718.82
07663 Abdomino-perineal resection (synchronous abdominal $1,314.61
72762 Abdomino-perineal resection-single surgeon $1,820.21
72763 Abdomino-perineal resection-synchronous $1,407.07
07664 Proctectomy,combined with abdom resection/perineal $505.57

Rectum - Incision and Excision

07665 Anorectal wall, biopsy - anal approach $150.98
07660 Pelvic abscess - transrectal drainage $303.15

Rectum Repair

07672 Complete rectal prolapse $698.70

Referred Cases

02515 Allergy consultation - otolaryngology $145.14
00590 Antenatal consultation-pediatrics $141.41
00597 Antenatal follow-up visit-pediatrics $37.28
03101 Avulsion supra or intra-orbital nerve $225.93
01728 Biofeedback $21.33
33520 Complex consultation-hematology/oncology $270.00
00552 Complex subsequent office visit >12 mins $103.20
02517 Consult, management of complex laryngeal disorder $137.56
32210 Consultation $206.36
02510 Consultation - otolaryngology $77.84
01400 Consultation - critical care $322.21
33210 Consultation - endocrinology $219.37
79010 Consultation - thoracic surgery $145.41
77010 Consultation - vascular surgery $145.69
00511 Consultation for complex condition - child $452.52
33212 Consultation-limited-endocrinology $105.32
33910 Consultation-occupational medicine $167.40
31010 Consultation-rheumatology $223.09
06012 Consultation, limited or repeat, plastic surgery $48.27
04012 Consultation, limited, 0b&g $77.25
03011 Consultation, limited, neurosurgery $90.17
00512 Consultation, limited, paediatrics $103.39
32012 Consultation, limited, respirology $123.59
03010 Consultation, neurosurgery $172.86
04010 Consultation, ob&g $140.70
06010 Consultation, plastic surgery $98.50
08012 Consultation, repeat or limited, urology $54.44
32010 Consultation, respirology $229.31
02512 Consultation, special for dizziness $166.27
08010 Consultation, urology $89.01
02511 Consultation: with pure tone audiogram $93.45
33214 Counselling - prolonged visit-endocrinology $71.74
33213 Counselling-group-endocrinology- 1st full hour $146.86
33215 Counselling-group-endocrinology-2nd hr per 1/2 hr $73.38
03232 Cranial nerve with graft/microsurgical anastomosis $733.22
03233 Cranial nerve without graft - microsurgical $449.18
03102 Decompression gasserian ganglion $1,195.79
00488 Detailed cognitive assessment $50.92
00491 Detailed cognitive assessment $65.50
00492 Detailed cognitive assessment $65.50
00487 Detailed cognitive assessment by behavioral neurol $50.92
00585 Diabetic ketoacidosis(dka)-1st day management $461.81
01469 Direction of care/end of life assessment $247.51
32206 Directive care $85.64
32207 Directive care $80.00
01706 Directive care - physical medicine $95.74
07006 Directive care - general surgery $30.00
33206 Directive care - endocrinology $61.14
77006 Directive care - vascular surgery $30.90
31006 Directive care-rheumatology $104.90
00506 Directive care, paediatrics $104.16
32006 Directive care, respirology $75.08
07005 Emergency visit - general surgery $116.00
02505 Emergency visit - otolaryngology $122.35
03005 Emergency visit - neurosurgery $112.94
00505 Emergency visit - pediatrics $127.35
06005 Emergency visit - plastic surgery $104.23
32005 Emergency visit - respirology $104.18
31005 Emergency visit - rheumatology $97.21
79005 Emergency visit - thoracic surgery $99.54
08005 Emergency visit - urology $122.90
77005 Emergency visit - vascular surgery $89.07
33205 Emergency visit when specially called $148.86
04005 Emergency visit-obstetrics & gynecology $127.37
01705 Emergency visit-physical medicine and rehab $107.90
00626 Emotionally disturbed child - repeat consultation $220.85
00627 Emotionally disturbed family - repeat consultation $220.85
00550 Extended consultation-exceeding 53 minutes $331.08
00551 Extended consultation-exceeding 68 minutes $393.05
00554 Extended subsequent office visit, exceeding 38 minutes $230.94
00553 Extened subsequent office visit, exceeding 23 mins $158.48
00485 Face to face assessment for ms-1st full half hour $201.37
00486 Face to face assessment for ms-each add'l 1/2 hour $100.19
01710 Formal consultation, physical medicine $208.53
71017 General surgery - visit for malignancy $65.00
01731 Graded exercise test - professional $49.73
01730 Graded exercise test - technical $34.07
01732 Graded exercise test - total $83.79
01715 Group counselling - physical med & rehab - 2nd hr, per 1/2 hr $72.05
00513 Group counselling, 1st full hour - paediatrics $125.40
00515 Group counselling, 2nd hour, 1/2 hour or major portion thereof - paediatrics $62.69
01713 Group counselling, physical med & rehab - 1st hr $144.18
31008 Hospital visit (subsequent)-rheumatology $51.57
33260 Initial virtual consultation, with patient or rep. $123.27
02513 Malignancy management-consultation $108.85
03250 Microelectrode recording (mer) $3,127.23
31007 Office visit(subsequent)-rheumatology $90.10
03104 Percutaneous rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,024.33
01714 Physical medicine, prolonged visit for counselling $80.91
71008 Post op visit in hosp (1-14 days) $28.00
03106 Posterior fossa exploration w/ rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,722.07
71015 Pre-operative assessment - general surgery $116.00
03315 Pre-operative assessment - neurosurgery $172.86
51005 Pre-operative assessment - orthopedics $111.54
02215 Pre-operative assessment - otolaryngology $77.84
66015 Pre-operative assessment - plastic surgery $98.50
77015 Pre-operative assessment - vascular surgery $136.64
03103 Preganglionic rhizotomy 5th nerve $1,037.96
33241 Premium for patients 75 years and over, billed in addition to 33207, 33209, 33277, 33267, g33250, gy33255, or gy33256 $14.76
33240 Premium for patients 75 years and over, billed in addition to 33210, 33212, 33270, 33272, g33260 or g33262 $55.00
00514 Prolonged counselling visit, paediatrics $90.32
31014 Prolonged visit for counselling-rheumatology $49.06
32014 Prolonged visit for counselling, respirology $84.10
01721 Rehabilitation, family conference $90.66
00625 Repeat consultation - psychiatry $131.12
00614 Repeat geriatric consultation $187.06
33522 Repeat or limited consult, complex-hemato/oncolo $152.00
33526 Repeat or limited consult, complex-hemato/oncolo $110.00
32212 Repeat or limited consultation $90.68
02514 Repeat or limited consultation - otolaryngology $45.81
01402 Repeat or limited consultation - critical care $152.26
33912 Repeat or limited consultation - occupational medicine $84.22
79012 Repeat or limited consultation - thoracic surgery $65.45
77012 Repeat or limited consultation - vascular surgery $89.54
31012 Repeat or limited consultation-rheumatology $143.00
01712 Repeat or limited consultation, physical medicine $110.93
33262 Repeat or limited virtual consultation $61.64
31015 Rheumatology management of complex joint(s) $25.29
33209 Subsequent home visit $67.18
02509 Subsequent home visit - otolaryngology $48.92
79009 Subsequent home visit - thoracic surgery $49.89
77009 Subsequent home visit - vascular surgery $44.63
07009 Subsequent home visit- general surgery $50.00
00509 Subsequent home visit, paediatrics $153.94
33208 Subsequent hospital visit $37.65
32208 Subsequent hospital visit $50.38
01408 Subsequent hospital visit - critical care $159.47
07008 Subsequent hospital visit - general surgery $29.25
02508 Subsequent hospital visit - otolaryngology $24.41
79008 Subsequent hospital visit - thoracic surgery $24.75
77008 Subsequent hospital visit - vascular surgery $30.90
00508 Subsequent hospital visit, paediatrics $104.16
33207 Subsequent office visit $63.84
02507 Subsequent office visit - otolaryngology $36.97
07007 Subsequent office visit - general surgery $28.50
79007 Subsequent office visit - thoracic surgery $29.03
77007 Subsequent office visit - vascular surgery $42.87
33907 Subsequent office visit-occupational medicine $52.16
33527 Subsequent office visit, complex-hemato/oncolo $101.00
00507 Subsequent office visit, paediatrics $91.04
33267 Subsequent virtual office visit $39.86
06009 Subsequent visit, home, plastic surgery $80.00
06008 Subsequent visit, hospital, plastic surgery $36.71
32008 Subsequent visit, hospital, respirology $68.07
06007 Subsequent visit, office, plastic surgery $25.43
32007 Subsequent visit, office, respirology $76.09
33540 Telehealth complex consultation $270.00
50511 Telehealth complex consultation, paediatrics $452.52
50515 Telehealth consult-pediatrics-extended > 53 mins $331.08
50516 Telehealth consult-pediatrics-extended >68 mins $393.05
32370 Telehealth consultation $206.36
01470 Telehealth consultation - critical care $322.21
33270 Telehealth consultation - endocrinology $219.37
03310 Telehealth consultation - neurosurgery $172.86
04070 Telehealth consultation - obstetrics & gynecology $140.70
31110 Telehealth consultation - rheumatology $223.09
08070 Telehealth consultation - urology $89.01
70080 Telehealth consultation general surgery-malignancy $150.00
33570 Telehealth consultation-hematology/oncology $174.00
33572 Telehealth consultation-limited-hematology/oncolog $84.24
50510 Telehealth consultation, paediatrics $241.36
32376 Telehealth directive care $85.64
32377 Telehealth directive care $80.00
33276 Telehealth directive care - endocrinology $61.14
50506 Telehealth directive care - paediatrics $104.16
01776 Telehealth directive care - physical medicine $95.74
31106 Telehealth directive care - rheumatology $104.90
01770 Telehealth formal consultation - physical medicine $208.53
66010 Telehealth major consultation, plastic surgery $98.50
01777 Telehealth office visit - physical medicine $106.60
50514 Telehealth prolonged visit for counselling paediat $90.32
66012 Telehealth repeat or limited consult plastic surg $48.27
31112 Telehealth repeat or limited consult- rheumatology $143.00
33272 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-endocrinology $105.32
01772 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-physical med $110.93
50512 Telehealth repeat or limited consult, paediatrics $103.39
04072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult/obs & gyn $77.25
32372 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation $90.68
33542 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation, complex patient $152.00
33547 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation, complex patient $101.00
08072 Telehealth repeat or limited consultation/urology $54.44
03312 Telehealth repeat/limited consult - neurosurgery $90.17
01472 Telehealth repeat/limited consult-critical care $152.26
32378 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit $50.38
04078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - obs/gyn $48.22
50508 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - paediatrics $104.16
08078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit - urology $42.86
03318 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit -neurosurgery $29.63
66008 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit -plastic surg $36.71
31108 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit -rheumatology $51.57
33278 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-endocrinology $37.65
01778 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-physical med $71.52
33277 Telehealth subsequent office visit - endocrinology $63.84
03317 Telehealth subsequent office visit - neurosurgery $47.16
04077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - obs & gyn $48.22
50507 Telehealth subsequent office visit - paediatrics $91.04
31107 Telehealth subsequent office visit - rheumatology $90.10
08077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - urology $38.98
66007 Telehealth subsequent office visit plastic surgery $25.43
33577 Telehealth subsequent visit - hematology/oncology $56.20
70087 Telehealth visit general surgery-for malignancy $65.00
50517 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >12 min $103.20
50518 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >23 min $158.48
50519 Telehealth-complex office visit-pediatrics >38 min $230.94
33250 Virtual communication with patient, or representative/family, for medically pertinent matters $10.44
03009 Visit, home, neurosurgery $54.82
04009 Visit, home, ob&g $116.08
01709 Visit, home, physical medicine $150.00
08009 Visit, home, urology $59.66
03008 Visit, hospital, neurosurgery $29.63
04008 Visit, hospital, ob&g $48.22
01708 Visit, hospital, physical medicine $71.52
08008 Visit, hospital, urology $42.86
03007 Visit, office, neurosurgery $47.16
04007 Visit, office, ob&g $48.22
01707 Visit, office, physical medicine $106.60
08007 Visit, office, urology $38.98

Regional Mandibulo-Facial

06272 Alveolar fracture - additional teeth $79.71
06271 Alveolar fracture - one tooth extraction $128.20
06293 Bone graft jaw, autologous $541.89
06294 Bone graft jaw, non-autologous $499.88
06250 Face, fracture le forte - horizontal $968.21
06251 Face, fracture le forte - pyramidal $1,070.17
06252 Face, fracture le forte/cranio-facial dysjunction $1,213.31
06273 Fracture-alveolus; arch bar fixation $409.62
06241 Gunning splints impression $457.87
06240 Interdental and intermaxillary wiring $445.96
06243 Mandible -open reduction - bilateral $866.25
06242 Mandible -open reduction - unilateral $662.31
06245 Mandible -open reduction and wiring - bilateral $968.21
06244 Mandible -open reduction and wiring - unilateral $764.28
06291 Mandibular resection; tumours; enucleation $606.54
06292 Mandibular resection; tumours; with bone graft $860.78
06265 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - arch - temporal $356.42
06261 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - open reduction and $637.40
06262 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - reduction $457.93
06260 Maxillary fracture zygomatic - temporal elevation $328.22
06270 Orbital floor fracture - open reduction $743.98
06246 Removal of sutures, intra-oral splints, under ga $301.47
06282 Temporo-mandibular arthroplasty $726.12
06281 Temporo-mandibular joint; condylectomy $510.65
06280 Temporo-mandibular joint; meniscectomy $446.25
06253 Wire suspension, craniomaxillary $1,111.81
06266 Zygomatic arch/open reduction/interosseous wiring $446.25

Remote Monitoring Cardiac Devices

33176 Remote mon of dual chamber implant card dev-prof $69.36
33177 Remote mon of dual chamber implant card dev-tech $46.24
33174 Remote mon of single chamber implant card dev-prof $46.24
33175 Remote mon of single chamber implant card dev-tech $23.12

Removal of Tumours or Scars

70127 Closure/radical resection requiring a free split $101.15
70124 Local tissue shift-eyebrow,eyelid,lip nose-single $295.14
70122 Multiple flap for lesion greater than 2 cm $571.97
70123 Multiple flap lesion >2 cm w/free skin graft $650.54
70126 Radical resect malign skin/soft tissue tumour =>10 $452.56
70125 Radical resect malign skin/soft tissue tumour 5-10 $261.90
70119 Single flap <2 cm diameter for repair defect (op) $158.38
70121 Single flap for lesion >2 cm w/free skin graft sec $408.56
70120 Single flap for lesion greater than 2 cm $324.74
70116 Tumour removal or scar revision (2-5 cm)op only $127.72
70117 Tumour removal or scar revision (5.1-10 $261.90
70118 Tumour removal or scar revision greater than 10 cm $452.56

Renal Access

77403 Arm revascularization with dril $707.73
77402 Brachiobasilic arteriovenous fistula,vein transpot $707.74
77395 Creation of internal arterio-venous fistu $414.93
07366 Laparotomy and staging of lymphoma $909.86
07365 Limb perfusion - isolated $938.97
77380 Peritoneal catheter insertion $190.68
77385 Peritoneal catheter removal $132.26
07363 Radical femoral, inguinal and iliac dissection $536.76
77396 Revision of av fistula $505.58
07360 Splenectomy $808.57
07361 Tb glands - radical removal $269.03
77405 Thrombectomy of arterio-venous fistula $349.01

Repeat Surgery

77043 Re-dissection of artery/vein $777.63

Respiratory System

07925 Artificial pneumothorax $26.60
07924 Decompression traumatic pneumothorax $38.20
07949 Laser therapy - intra-tracheal / intra-bronchial tumor $454.93


01095 Catheter placement - intra-arterial - isolated procedure $34.46
01094 Catheter placement - pulmonary artery not associated with an anaesthetic $167.09
01091 Intubation requested by attending physician $176.01
01090 Neonatal resuscitation by anaesthetist - per 15 mins $83.73
01088 Resuscitation by anaesthetist - per 15 mins $83.73

Retinal Procedures

02182 - non-magnetic extraction - isolated procedure $750.18
22197 Additional gas (c3f8 or sf6) or air injection $99.69
02091 Anterior chamber paracentesis $134.23
02198 Anterior vitrectomy $349.55
22195 Buckle material or sponge - removal $173.65
02194 Buckling procedure $807.76
02195 Cryopexy or diathermy for retinal tear or other retinal disorder $226.99
22199 Fluid/gas exchange and silicone injection if required with posterior vitrectomy $67.23
02181 Foreign body intraocular - magnetic extraction - isolated procedure $620.22
22202 Intra ocular lens removal/lensectomy when done with a posterior vitrectomy $56.01
02092 Intravitreal biopsy (microbiology, cytology) or intraocular tumour needle biopsy $215.18
02090 Intravitreal injection of vitreous paracentesis $134.43
22200 Panretinal endolaser greater than 200 burns when done with a posterior vitrectomy $207.26
22196 Pneumatic retinopexy with air/gas - isolated proc. $387.65
02199 Posterior vitrectomy with 2 or 3 port infusion cutting device. includes membrane peel and/or dissection $910.84
22203 Removal of intra-ocular foreign body at the time of posterior vitrectomy $224.07
22198 Repair of scleral laceration and cryopexy and/or gas injection with scleral buckle isolated procedure $981.42
22201 Scleral buckle done with posterior vitrectomy $56.01

Salivary Gland and Ducts

07515 Abscess - partoid/submaxillary/sublingual $202.59
00844 Biopsy of salivary gland, fine or core needle $54.02
07516 Excision or marsupialization of salivary cyst $203.56
07522 Local excision of parotid tumor $203.62
07526 Salivary duct - dilation $152.38

Salivary Glands and Ducts

02455 Excision of submandibular gland $318.91
02456 Fistula - salivary -plastic to stenson's duct $420.98
02453 Sialolithotomy - complicated in gland $191.35
02452 Sialolithotomy - simple in duct $63.76

Scanning and Localization Procedures

09829 Adrenal imaging $445.93
09832 Blood pool joint scan $166.13
09833 Bone marrow scan $171.06
09834 Bone scan $232.50
09871 Brain scan-regional cerebral blood flow $358.49
09867 Brain scan, static $205.81
09805 Carbon-14 glycinecholate breath analysis $117.28
95000 Cardiac 1st pass $91.09
09864 Cardiac scan, static $152.89
95005 Cardiac shunt $103.07
09886 Cisternography $341.60
09813 Cns shunt $175.65
09897 Coronary admin of radio particles - transcatheter $28.75
09898 Coronary perfusion with radio particles, per radionuclide $197.92
09848 G.f.r. (in-vitro) $127.35
09804 G.i. bleeding-red cell label $336.24
09838 Gallium scan $282.91
09839 Gallium scan-each repeat/no add radionuclide $102.59
09879 Gastric emptying - liquid $286.11
09808 Gastric emptying (solid) $249.44
09895 Gastro-oesophageal reflux $249.44
09859 Gastrointestinal blood loss study $119.62
09858 Gastrointestinal protein loss study $152.89
95015 Iodine 131 whole body scan $242.01
95020 Joint scan $242.01
09814 Lacrimal duct scan $147.93
09851 Liver and spleen scan, static $227.25
95025 Liver clearance - hida /pharmaceutical $397.70
09878 Liver clearance of hida (biliary scan) $270.35
09850 Liver scan, static $164.61
09896 Lumbar administration of radionuclide $33.11
95030 Lung quantification $256.86
09868 Lung scan, static $227.02
09816 Lymphoscintigraphy $298.30
09807 M.i.b.g. imaging $967.45
09853 Meckel's localization (ectopic gastric mucosa) $341.13
09870 Ocular tumor localization $185.72
09802 Oesophageal motility - orally admin radioisotope $206.07
09869 Pancreas scan, static $296.86
09806 Parathyroid imaging $413.66
09866 Perfusion study, addition to major scan $45.63
09865 Perfusion study, done alone $120.05
09835 Plasma volume e (with plasma label), total blood volume, and red-cell mass by calculation $36.15
09849 Platelet survival $305.56
09840 Radioiron, clearance $153.11
09843 Radioiron, combined study at one time of above three $297.32
09842 Radioiron, red cell utilization $152.89
09841 Radioiron, turnover $149.09
09863 Radionuclide cardiac ventriculography $263.25
95040 Radionuclide cardiac ventriculography with stress $387.62
09809 Radionuclide venogram alone $197.63
95045 Rbc liver scan $290.26
09817 Receptor imaging-isolated procedure $265.54
09837 Red cell mass (with rbc label) and plasma volume (with plasma label) combined study $159.43
09836 Red cell mass determination (with red cell label), to include whole blood and plasma volume by calculation $238.34
09844 Red cell survival $233.43
95060 Renal imaging/ without pharmaceuticals $308.58
95055 Renal imaging/pharmaceuticals $340.66
09877 Repeat of major scan,no additional radionuclide $704.11
95062 Rest myocardial perfusion $269.76
09818 Salivary gland study $181.68
09819 Sechat $261.40
09873 Spleen scan, static $152.89
95063 Stress myocardial perfusion $278.70
09824 Testicular imaging $173.34
95053 Thallium body imaging $423.37
09854 Thallium myocardial scan $416.43
09823 Thyroid scan (iodine-123) $187.36
09825 Thyroid scan (perechnetate) $74.93
09821 Thyroid uptake, double determination $68.77
09820 Thyroid uptake, single determination $45.47
09876 Transfer of radionuclide from csf to blood $75.54
09826 Tumor imaging with metabolic/biological agent $1,408.23
09855 Ventilation lung scan $234.79
09857 Vitamin b12 absorption study with intrinsic factor $160.76
09860 Vitamin b12 absorption study, two radionuclides $92.14
09856 Vitamin b12 absorption without intrinsic factor $133.84
09852 Vitamin b12 absorption/blood radio determination $73.63
09828 Voiding cystography $186.77
95065 White blood cells- labeled/radioisotope $780.13

Second Surgeon or Operator

70021 Certified general surgeon assist(extra) $31.77
07702 Cloacal anomaly - total correction second surgeon $507.54
07593 Pena posterior sagittal anoproctoplasty 2nd surgeo $339.13
77030 Second operator: synchronous combined bypass graft $300.19
77025 Synchronous combined bypass graft - extremities $300.19

Shoulder Girdle, Clavicle and Humerus

52215 Abscess, i and d, under ga $186.72
52356 Acromionectomy, acromioplasty with or without resection of coraco-acromial ligament $350.12
52330 Acromioplasty - endoscopic $410.88
52981 Amputation - forequarter $924.30
52982 Amputation - humeral shaft $541.49
52998 Amputation - primary wound care - open injury $102.26
52999 Amputation - secondary wound management - open $186.72
52980 Amputation - shoulder disarticulation $774.90
52811 Arthrodesis - scapula-thoracic joint $746.91
52810 Arthrodesis - shoulder joint $952.30
52335 Arthroscopic clavicle excision-medial/lateral/extr $106.57
11232 Arthroscopy - biopsy- shoulder $242.74
11200 Arthroscopy- shoulder joint $298.77
11215 Arthrotomy - shoulder joint/bursa $186.72
52360 Arthrotomy - shoulder: synovectomy, capsulectomy $406.12
52365 Benign soft tissue tumour (sub-fascial) $406.12
11245 Biopsy - open $242.74
11230 Biopsy - needle - shoulder joint/ga $186.72
52652 Bone grafting - clavicle $149.38
52651 Bone grafting - proximal humerus $242.74
52370 Bone tumour - benign $406.12
52210 Bursa, i and d, under ga $186.72
52602 Clavicle - repair/revision $513.60
52357 Clavicle excision lateral/medial - open $214.73
52708 Clavicle/acromion/coracoid - primary wound care $102.26
52709 Clavicle/acromion/coracoid - secondary wound manag $186.72
52310 Debridement, synovectomy - total or subtotal $410.88
52306 Excision - endoscopic - drilling osteochondral defect, with or without loose body $287.62
52305 Excision - endoscopic - removal of loose body $287.62
52355 Excision of bursa - subacromial - open $214.73
52725 Glenohumeral - open reduction $406.12
52722 Glenohumeral - closed reduction with ga $242.74
52721 Glenohumeral - closed reduction without ga $93.37
52220 Hematoma, drainage under ga, when sole procedure $242.74
52603 Hemi-arthroplasty - shoulder $620.86
52748 Humerus - shaft - open injury primary wound care $102.26
52741 Humerus - shaft -closed reduction with ga $242.74
52742 Humerus - shaft-closed reduction-external fixation $354.78
52749 Humerus - shaft-open secondary wound management $186.72
52745 Humerus- shaft - orif/intramedullary nailing $569.50
52410 Injection - bursa,tendon sheath, other peri articular structures- shoulder/clavicle $11.63
52405 Injection of joint - shoulder/clavicle/humerus $11.63
52415 Int fixation device(s) - removal - ga $242.74
52420 Int fixation device(s), removal - without ga $70.02
52320 Labrum tear- excision $242.74
52255 Major release (shoulder contracture) $541.49
52800 Manipulation under ga - shoulder joint $93.37
52519 Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis or bankart repair, and rotator cuff reconstruction, complex $1,033.99
52517 Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair $630.18
52518 Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair and anterior or posterior glenohumeral stabilization and/or bankart repair (isolated procedure) $914.94
52520 Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair, and bankart repair including tendon transfer, and rotator cuff repair $1,349.06
52521 Open or arthroscopic slap/biceps tenodesis repair, and bankart repair and tendon transfer, and rotator cuff repair, and anterior glenohumeral stabilization and/or posterior glenohumeral stabilization $1,578.96
52705 Orif - clavicle/acromion/coracoid $436.58
52380 Osteomyelitis - acute, decompression $186.72
52385 Osteomyelitis - debridement with/without reconstruction $322.10
52307 Pinning - osteochondral fragment $350.12
52731 Proximal humerus - closed reduction with ga $186.72
52739 Proximal humerus - open injury -secondary wound $186.72
52738 Proximal humerus - open injury-primary wound care $102.26
52736 Proximal humerus - orif - three or more parts $654.53
52735 Proximal humerus - orif - two part $541.49
52601 Proximal humerus - repair/revision $718.88
52737 Proximal humerus- hemiprosthesis/wiring-fracture $802.93
52732 Proximal humerus-closed red. with ga traction/pin $186.72
52506 Rotator cuff reconstruction - complex $718.88
52505 Rotator cuff repair - simple $434.15
52715 Scapula - fracture/dislocation - orif $924.30
52718 Scapula - open injury, primary wound care $102.26
52719 Scapula - open injury, secondary wound management $186.72
52315 Shoulder abrasion $350.12
52607 Shoulder arthroplasty - total - revision $1,335.36
52606 Shoulder arthroplasty/hemiarthroplasty- total -rev $802.93
52525 Shoulder instability - inferior capsular shift $569.50
52541 Shoulder instability - posterior - soft tissue $597.51
52540 Shoulder instability - posterior-glenoid osteotomy $718.88
52526 Shoulder instability -bankart $630.18
52535 Shoulder instability-anterior repairs $459.80
52225 Shoulder joint arthrotomy, i and d $186.72
52605 Shoulder prosthesis - removal $462.14
52604 Shoulder prosthesis - total $991.26
52555 Shoulder/clavicle/humerus tendon transfer $513.50
52250 Soft tissue release - muscle, tendon $380.44
52515 Stabilization - acromioclavicular joint - acute $270.75
52516 Stabilization - acromioclavicular joint - chronic $406.12
52545 Stabilization - shoulder instability -revision, $718.88
52325 Stabilization procedure $569.50
52710 Sterno-clavicular joint stabilization $513.60
52550 Tendon repair, proximal biceps, pectoralis major $434.15

Skin and Subcutaneous Tissues

06042 Abscess - mid palmer/thenar/dorsal $254.92
06197 Acute tenosynovitis - finger $290.00
06198 Acute tenosynovitis - ulnar or radial bursa $290.00
61291 Biopsy, not sutured $89.10
61292 Biopsy,not sutured,multiples sm sitting,max4(extra $25.02

Skin Flaps and Grafts

61329 Advancement flap - defects more than 10 cm $393.85
61325 Advancement flap-face, neck or scalp (2.1 to 5 cm) $234.35
61327 Advancement flap-face, neck or scalp(5.1 to 10 cm) $355.27
61324 Advancement flap-nose,lids,lips or scalp-up to 2cm $185.44
61326 Advancement flap-other areas (2.1 to 5 cm) $182.38
61328 Advancement flap-other areas (5.1 to 10cm) $233.47
61320 Excision of malignant lesions-10-50cm - extra $61.13
61321 Excision of malignant lesions-51-100cm-extra $132.45
61322 Excision of malignant lesions-over 100cm-extra $183.40
61333 Flaps - arms, legs and scalp - defect up to 6 cm $305.76
61334 Flaps - arms,legs and scalp-defect 6 cm to 19 cm $346.00
61331 Flaps - trunk - defect 40 cm to 100 cm $324.82
61332 Flaps - trunk - defect greater than 100 cm $423.66
61330 Flaps - trunk - defect up to 40 cm $243.61
06033 Flaps from a distance - first stage -per operation $353.91
06031 Flaps from a distance -uper extremity-2nd stage $471.50
06034 Flaps from a distance-minor 2nd stage per operatio $235.39
06030 Flaps from a distance-upper extremity-init stage $591.47
06035 Flaps from a distance, delaying a flap(oper only) $163.48
61335 Flaps-arms,legs and scalp-defect > 19 cm $458.84
61341 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect > 19 cm $509.26
61340 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect 6 cm to $457.92
61339 Flaps-ears,eyelids,lips and nose-defect upto 6 cm $347.03
61338 Flaps-other area(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)-defect>19 $469.01
61337 Flaps-other area(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)6cm-19cm $346.78
61336 Flaps-other areas(axilla,cheeks,face,etc)upto 6cm $305.76
06148 Hair bearing scalp vacular island flap to eyebrow $483.98
06177 Neurovascular pedicle $744.43
61342 Revision of graft - less than 2 cm $203.01
61343 Revision of graft - between 2 and 5 cm $243.61
61344 Revision of graft - greater than 5 cm $284.22
06026 Skin graft; arterial island flap $353.91
06032 Skin grafts; flaps from a distance, lower,initial $710.26
06171 Syndactyly local flap - first cleft $254.92
06172 Syndactyly with skin graft - first cleft $453.55

Skin Grafts

20226 Derm-full thcknss grfts-eyelid,nose,lips,ear $310.50
20227 Derm-full thcknss grfts-finger,more than 1 phalanx $296.52
20228 Dermatology-full thickness grafts-sole or palm $296.52
20225 Dermatology-skin grafts-eyebrw,eyelid,lip,ear,nose $296.52
20223 Dermatology-skin grafts-multiple $569.41
20222 Dermatology-skin grafts-single $315.48
20221 Dermatology-skin grafts-single or multiple < 2cm $203.96
20224 Dermatology-with free skin graft to secndry defect $647.63
06025 Skin graft; eyebrow/eyelid/lip/ear/nose; two stage $466.13
06023 Skin grafts - multiple with free skin graft $643.13
06022 Skin grafts - multiple $565.45
06021 Skin grafts/single with free skin graft secondary $403.90

Skin Grafts (including mucosa)

06015 Removal of extensive scars per cm over 5 cm $8.44
06051 Skin grafts - functional areas - finger tip $310.00
06050 Skin grafts - regions of major joints and hands $440.00

Skull Base Procedures

02622 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee $2,224.40
02623 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $2,582.14
02878 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $29.92
02879 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $40.00
02880 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $20.00
02881 Infra-temporal fossa approach to skull base - otolaryngology fee for procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $12.50
02612 Middle cranial fossa approach - petrosectomy $1,929.76
02610 Middle cranial fossa approach without petrosectomy - for trauma, neoplasm resection, nerve section/decompression $1,440.32
02613 Middle cranial fossa approach- petrosectomy - procedure lasting longer than 8 hours $2,412.08
02618 Repair of csf leak following skull base approach with mastoid obliteration - to include exposure, dissection and closure with microscope $1,400.00
02614 Retrolabyrinthine approach for neurosurgical access - exposure, closure with microscope $2,206.00
02262 Translabyrinthine approach for neurosurgical access exposure, closure with microscope $2,429.48

Special Examinations

00418 Activating agent by electro encephalographic $22.50
02520 Audiogram - pure tone (ac and bc) $15.44
02521 Audiogram - speech (srt, pb, mcl) $16.85
02527 Bithermal test $24.10
02536 Brain stem evoked response audiometry $47.21
02539 Brain stem evoked response audiometry w/ electrocochleography $68.22
02526 Cold calorics test $11.11
00419 Electroclinical detailed interpretation of seizure $405.04
02541 Electrocochleography $51.42
00417 Electrocorticography $229.48
00421 Electrocorticography in awake craniotomy $494.52
00426 Electroencephalogram - sleep only $157.85
00427 Electroencephalogram - sleep only - interpretation $42.56
00428 Electroencephalogram - sleep only - technical fee $115.31
00440 Electroencephalogram - sleep only - technical fee $119.95
00413 Electroencephalogram - technical fee $78.63
00415 Electroencephalogram and interpretation $127.80
00416 Electroencephalogram interpretation neurologist $49.18
02528 Electronystagmography - e.n.g. $47.54
02540 Flexible nasopharyngoscopy with video fluoroscopy $62.83
40444 Follow up telestroke acvs relapse intervention $80.14
40442 Follow up telestroke neurological clinical $100.19
40443 Follow up telestroke neurological clinical monitor $100.19
02534 Free field audiometry $24.10
02530 Functional tests - stenger $24.10
02525 Impedance test $9.04
02531 Impedance test,including contralateral reflex $17.79
02538 Laryngostroboscopy $84.80
02535 Maxillary sinus endoscopy via canine fossa w/ or w/out biospy $116.87
02542 Measurement of autoacoustic emissions $32.14
02532 Pi-pb test $6.24
02533 Play audiometry $24.10
00420 Short study of electroclinical interp. of seizures $208.56
40441 Telestroke consultation $215.58

Special Procedures

00540 24 hour intra-esophageal ph study in children $245.54
00532 Electrocardiogram and interpretation children (under 2 years) $57.24
00533 Electrocardiogram - interpretation (under 2 years) $13.43
00534 Electrocardiogram - technical fee (under 2 years) $43.81
00528 Electrocardiogram and interpretation home (paed.) $48.57
00527 Electrocardiogram and interpretation office (paed.) $34.94
00529 Electrocardiogram professional (paed.) $12.23
00523 Exchange transfusion - procedural fee $458.60
00535 Graded exercise test, paed - professional fee $62.91
00530 Graded exercise test, paed. - technical fee $43.12
00531 Graded exercise test, paed. - total fee $106.05
00525 Insertion of intra-arterial infusion line, infants $95.69
00526 Insertion of intravenous infusion line, under 5 $57.24
00541 Pediatric urethral catheterization in child <5 years $19.91
00539 Rectal suction biopsy in children $106.34

Special Therapy

00237 Additional surgical professional fee billable when either of the above two procedures are performed under general anesthesia $56.08
00218 Curettage and electrosurgery of skin carcinoma proven histopathologically (operation only) $61.38
00219 For each additional lesion to a maximum of two additional lesions per day (operation only) $30.69
00228 Photo epilation of facial hair - per 1/4 hr $28.43
00223 Psoralen ultra violet a treatment - partial body $20.33
00222 Psoralen ultra violet a treatment - whole body $20.33
00236 Pulsed laser - face/neck > 50cm2 or eye shields $101.87
00235 Pulsed laser- face/neck: < 50cm2 $67.92
00217 Treatment of skin disorders and lesions other than: ultraviolet, x-ray, grenz ray: such as cryosurgery, electrosurgery, etc., - extra (operation only) $14.81
00224 Ultra violet b treatment, whole or partial body - - includes office visit $20.33
00019 Venesection for polycythaemia or phlebotomy $31.65


03170 - in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeon (operation only) $649.23
03173 - in conjunction with orthopaedic surgeon (operation only) $649.23
03179 - thoracic or general surgeon $470.49
03305 - using laminotomy electrode (operation only) $951.90
03369 Abscess or hematoma, extraspinal, under ga (operation only). $186.72
03164 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - multiple level $1,936.16
03163 Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion - one level $1,429.88
03152 Bischoff's or longitudinal myelotomy $936.10
03177 Cordotomy $791.17
03368 Discogram (operation only) $92.97
03172 Fracture of spine with cord injury - open reduction and fusion $937.07
03169 Fracture of spine without cord injury - open reduction and fusion $686.74
03303 Implantation of pulse generator or receiver for chronic pain stimulation (operation only) $605.71
03304 Implantation of spinal stimulator (complete system), to include implantation of pulse generator/receiver - using percutaneous electrode (operation only) $851.71
03165 Insertion of intracranial pressure monitoring device - operation only $296.11
03215 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid catheter (operation only) $46.62
03220 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid catheter access device-reservoir/pump in anterior chest wall or abdominal wall (operation only) $626.46
03219 Insertion of spinal subarachnoid device reservoir in paraspinal region (operation only) $391.54
03158 Laminectomy for lumbar disc - one level $670.94
03157 Laminectomy for cervical disc - multiple levels $2,204.84
03156 Laminectomy for cervical disc - one level $2,003.94
03168 Laminectomy for intradural spinal cord or extra-medullary tumour or vascular malformation by micro-surgical technique $2,213.98
03159 Laminectomy for lumbar disc - multiple levels $1,333.43
03153 Laminectomy with drez lesion for pain $1,408.69
03150 Laminectomy, 03153, 03155 for selective posterior rhizotomy $1,256.01
03301 Laminotomy for insertion of spinal stimulator electrode for chronic pain (operation only) $472.93
03183 Microsurgical repair of meningomyelocele $1,754.52
03108 Operative facet rhizotomy utilizing fluoroscopy or ct in an operating room environment under general anesthetic $450.00
03178 Operative microsurgical rhizotomy utilizing fluoroscopy or ct in an operating room environment under general anesthetic $932.43
03176 Percutaneous cordotomy $984.04
03361 Percutaneous discectomy $270.75
03302 Percutaneous fluoroscopically controlled insertion of spinal stimulator electrode for chronic pain (operation only) $353.75
03185 Postero-lateral microsurgical thoracic discectomy $1,915.56
03367 Removal of spinal instrumentation $863.50
03307 Removal of spinal/brain stimulator system $400.79
03166 Removal of thoracic disc $2,349.45
03175 Repair of meningocoele or encephalocoele $1,001.39
03231 Repair of spinal csf leak or pseudomeningocoele $698.96
03218 Replacement of spinal subarachnoid catheter access device with infusion pump for spinal subarachnoid infusion (operation only) $462.00
03306 Revision of spinal/cranial stimulator pulse generator $605.71
03151 Stereotaxic surgery $791.17
03174 Trans-thoracic or trans-abdominal removal of thoracic disc; team procedure - neurosurgeon $1,239.79

Spine and Pelvis

08548 Myelogram and/or posterior fossa positive contrast $104.61
08544 Pelvis x-ray $35.32
08547 Pelvis x-ray and additional views $42.28
08545 Sacro-iliac joint x-ray $35.32
08546 Scoliosis film $46.22
08540 Spine and pelvis x-ray - cervical $42.28
08542 Spine and pelvis x-ray - lumbar $53.41
08543 Spine and pelvis x-ray - sacrum and coccyx $35.32
08541 Spine and pelvis x-ray - thoracic $35.32
08549 Spine, x-ray requested additional $33.26


07633 Closure of gastrojejunocolic fistula $1,140.06
70649 Fistula - gastrocolic $786.78
70628 Gastrectomy - reconstruction - roux-en-y - open $1,700.00
70627 Gastrectomy - total - open $1,700.00
07623 Gastrectomy revision after previous gastrectomy $1,217.37
70629 Gastrectomy with formation/intestinal pouch - open $1,700.00
72729 Gastrectomy, total: with pouch - laparoscopic $2,000.00
72728 Gastrectomy, total: with roux-en-y reconstruction $2,000.00
72727 Gastrectomy,total:oesophagoenterostomy-laparoscop $2,000.00
70645 Gastric restrict procedure/revision/reversal/open $1,617.25
70642 Gastric restrictive procedure $1,015.07
72743 Gastric restrictive procedure - laparoscopic $1,415.75
70643 Gastric restrictive procedure/bypass - open $1,600.00
70644 Gastric restrictive procedure/small bowel reconstr $929.80
72737 Gastrojejunostomy - laparoscopic $634.10
07627 Gastrojejunostomy - open $558.30
70646 Gastrostomy - closure - surgical $402.23
07630 Gastrostomy - open $456.79
70641 Gastrotomy - laparoscopic $750.00
07632 Gastrotomy, open $750.00
72739 Laparoscopic vertical sleeve gastrectomy $1,105.07
70626 Limited/wedge excision malignant tum-stomach-open $653.95
33394 Peg procedure-assistant's fee $112.47
07626 Pyloroplasty $402.23
72723 Revision gastrectomy/after prv gastrectomy lap $1,521.68
72775 Revision/reversal of gastric restrictive procedure $1,700.00
70637 Tube change - gastrostomy $45.46

Stomach Excision

72626 Hemicolectomy - left - open $960.62
72726 Limited/wedge excision - malignant tumour stomach $817.44
72725 Limited/wedge excision - ulcer or benign tumour $715.27
70625 Limited/wedge excision-ulcer or benign tum stomach $572.21

Stomach Incision

70620 Gastrotomy $505.35
70621 Gastrotomy with suture repair of bleeding ulcer $674.39
70622 Gastrotomy-suture repair oesophagogastric lacer. $702.47
70624 Pyloromyotomy, cutting of pyloric muscle $505.35

Stomach Partial Gastrectomy (Distal)

70635 Gastrectomy - proximal - open $1,202.67
07624 Gastrectomy emergency for continued haemorrhage $1,200.00
70632 Gastrectomy partial/distal reconstruction-roux-en $1,200.00
70630 Gastrectomy partial/distal with gastroduodenostomy $1,100.00
70631 Gastrectomy partial/distal/gastrojejunostomy-open $1,100.00
70633 Gastrectomy, partial, distal-intestinal pouch-open $1,300.00
72733 Gastrectomy, partial, with pouch - laparoscopic $1,379.45
72730 Gastrectomy,partial,distal(billroth i)laparoscopic $1,226.17
72731 Gastrectomy,partial,distal(billroth ii)laparoscope $1,226.17
72732 Gastrectomy,partial,distal/roux-en-y-laparoscopic $1,277.23
07628 Gastrojejunostomy or pyloroplasty $636.64
72735 Proximal gastrectomy - laparoscopic $1,503.32
07578 Vagotomy - highly selective $636.64
70634 Vagotomy (extra) $63.86

Superficial Issues

07041 Abdomen aspiration/chest $76.01
07027 Abscess - deep - general anaesthetic $203.59
07059 Abscess - deep - local/regional anesthesia $81.46
07061 Abscess - deep, post operative wound infection under general anesthesia $203.37
70084 Abscess - pilonidal cyst/sinus - incision/drainage $101.36
06028 Abscess - web space operation only $254.92
06029 Abscess - web space under general anaesthetic $290.00
07045 Anterior closed space abscess - op only $101.44
70023 Exc biopsy of lymph gland for susp malig - neck $203.62
70025 Exc biopsy of lymph glands for susp malig - groin $203.37
70024 Exc biopsy of lymph glands for susp malig -axilla $237.34
07053 Exc of nail bed, complete, w/shortening of phalanx $137.99
06166 Excision of axillary sweat gland for hyperhydrosis $325.14
07055 Ganglia - wrist $202.23
07072 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - axillary $250.00
07075 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - inguinal $250.00
07076 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - perianal $250.00
07082 Hydradenitis suppurativa excision - perineal $250.00
07685 Pilonidal cysts or sinus - excision or marsupialization $277.43
06063 Removal of foreign body requiring ga $250.72
06018 Removal of tumor - more than 10 cm $447.40
06016 Removal of tumor or scar under ga, up to 5 cm $126.26
06017 Removal of tumour; 5 cm to 10 cm $258.91
07028 Sural nerve - biopsy of $177.27
07025 Temporal artery biopsy $140.69
07073 Tenotomy congenital torticollis $304.16
07074 Tenotomy resection of tendon $257.99

Supervision of Labour Epidural Analgesia

01047 Medical supervision / labour epidural analgesia / day $9.57
01048 Medical supervision of labour epidural analgesia - evening / weekends / stat holidays, per 5 mins $14.38
01049 Medical supervision of labour epidural analgesia - night, per 5 mins $19.16

Surgical Assistance

70019 Certified surgical assist $256.63
70020 Certified surgical assist - time from 1-3 hours $32.23

Surgical Assistant

51194 First surgical assist of the day-orthopedics $76.71

Surgical Assistant Or Second Operator

13052 Anaes. evaluation - non-certified anaesthetist $55.93
13194 Gp first surgical assist of the day $89.09
00193 Non-cvt cert. surgical assist @ open heart surgery $30.89
00196 Surgical assist $317.01 to 529.00 inclusive $189.24
00198 Surgical assist time after 3 hrs - per 15 mins $28.52
00195 Surgical assist-less than $317.00 inclusive $134.22
00197 Surgical assistance - operations over $529.00 $261.76

Surgical Fee Modifiers

07003 Bmi surgical surcharge @ 25% of surgical fee to a maximum of $2,008.00
04718 Care of complex antepartum patient prior to trnsfr $280.53
04711 Gynecological certified surg assist,time 1-3 hours $26.92
04710 Gynecological certified surgical assist-up to 1 hr $257.92
04712 Gynecological surgical assistant(cert/second) >3hr $28.15
04719 Gynecology surgical surcharge patient 75yr + older $85.00
04713 Laparoscopic hysterectomy second surgical assistnt $246.10
04716 Obstetrical surcharge therapeutic abortion,14-18wk $61.48
04715 Obstetrical surcharge trerapeutic abortion >18 wks $81.97
04717 Prenatal office visit -complex obstetrical patient $46.89
04708 Prolonged laparoscopic surgery, per 15 min (extra) $71.72
04714 Prolonged surgery-open procedure, per 15 min(extra $71.72
07001 Surgical surcharge (age 75+) $85.00

Surgical Fees - Cataract / Lens

22191 Cataract - capsulotomy (needling or discission) - isolated procedure $208.26
02188 Cataract linear extraction, congenital, traumatic $279.16
22188 Pediatric cataract extraction-ages 0-7 years $1,122.62
22189 Pediatric cataract extraction-ages 8-16 years $748.41
02190 Primary intraocular lens implantation to include repositioning of lens within the 42 day post-operative period - extra $73.47
02192 Secondary intraocular lens implantation to include repositioning of lens within the 42 day post-operative period $481.75
02196 Surgical repositioning of implant lens $225.87

Surgical Fees - Cornea and Sclera

02167 Cautery or cryotherapy of corneal ulcer $31.83
22172 Complicated pterygium excision (re-operation) or cancer excision, with mucous membrane graft $604.99
02172 Gunderson-type flap $294.05
02168 Keratoplasty - complicated re-operation $956.76
02173 Keratoplasty - lamellar $850.60
02175 Keratoplasty - penetrating $851.47
22171 Pterygium excision with mucous membrane graft $420.13
02171 Pterygium or limbus tumour excision $126.95
02169 Suture of cornea/sclera (complicated) $701.33
02174 Suture of cornea/sclera (simple) $309.98
22169 Suture removal at slit lamp following keratoplasty $22.15

Surgical Fees - Eye Muscles

22166 Adjustable suture fee - extra to strabismus $176.44
22167 Prism adaptation and/or amblyopia therapy $138.39
02161 Strabismus (1 or 2 muscles) $374.20
02162 Strabismus (3 or more muscles) $529.31
22165 Strabismus (5 or more muscles) $764.54
02163 Strabismus (complicated re-operation) $588.12

Surgical Fees - Eyelids

02150 Chalazion removal $78.90
02148 Cryotherapy of eyelids for trichiasis or tumour $117.64
02154 Ectropion/entropian - complicated $334.98
02153 Ectropion/entropian - ziegler or simple procedure $56.35
02156 Excision of tumour of eyelid margin or conjunctiva benign (operation only) $88.57
02157 Eyelid tumour - benign - excision $38.32
02158 Fasanella-servat procedure $265.00
02100 Graded muellerectomy with levator recession under local anesthesiology $470.48
02166 Lid elevation & scleral graft $470.48
02104 Major lid reconstruction (one or two stage) $882.17
02149 Meibomian gland evacuation $22.36
02106 Microscopic repair of trichiasis including muscular graft or mucosal membrane graft $582.57
02103 Minor lid repair (operation only) $88.57
02159 Ptosis repair - frontalis sling using autologous material $547.30
02155 Ptosis repair - frontalis sling using synthetic material $294.05
02160 Ptosis repair (levator resection) $537.77
02107 Repair of eyelid margin defect, requiring layered closure $352.88
02152 Tarsorrhaphy $116.92
02147 Trichiasis - electric $64.38
02146 Trichiasis - epilation (forceps) $22.36
02105 Two-stage reconstruction with micrographic tumour excision $1,470.29

Surgical Fees - Glaucoma / Iris / Anterior Chamber

22187 Glaucoma - complicated trabeculectomy $939.34
22185 Glaucoma - cycloablative procedures $309.98
02184 Glaucoma - cyclodialysis $334.98
02187 Glaucoma - filtering procedure, microscopic $644.24
02178 Glaucoma - filtering procedure, non-microscopic $598.26
02180 Glaucoma - goniotomy $543.84
02183 Glaucoma - goniotomy repeat within 3 months $225.87
02177 Glaucoma - peripheral iridectomy(isolated proced.) $345.26
02189 Iridocyclectomy via scleral flap dissection $631.00
22070 Molteno implant (includes phase 1 and phase 2) $1,072.16
02176 Sclerotomy - posterior with or without insufflation of gas - isolated procedure $131.46
02197 Surgical evacuation of a hyphema $518.72

Surgical Fees - Lacrimal Apparatus

02112 Dacryocystectomy (complex) $1,058.61
02126 Dacryocystorhinostomy $560.17
02119 Dacryocystostomy (la) $35.29
02122 Duct probing - under local anesthesia (operation only) $25.54
22121 Duct probing under ga - unilateral or bilateral $176.44
02129 Insertion of lester jones tube $423.43
02123 Insertion of quickert tube $206.18
02111 Lacrimal gland micro-dissection $1,119.48
02120 Punctum dilation and syringing sac $25.54
02127 Repair of canaliculi $494.00
02118 Two or three snip procedure $47.95

Surgical Fees - Laser Procedures

22115 Capsulotomy - yag laser, per eye $106.44
02072 Laser interferometry $32.49
22113 Laser iridotomy per eye $117.64
22114 Laser trabeculoplasty per eye $128.40
02116 Panretinal photocoagulation - > 700 burns max. $524.72
22125 Photodynamic thrpy for age-rltd wet macular degene - professional fee $279.77
22118 Post-laser follow-up $33.20
22116 Retinal photocoagulation - left $128.40
22117 Retinal photocoagulation - right $128.40
00094 Yag laser tray service fee $65.66

Surgical Fees - Orbit

02144 Aspiration needle biopsy of orbit under scan $135.62
22136 Biopsy or excision of anterior orbital tumour $352.88
02133 Enucleation or evisceration $529.70
02134 Orbit - enucleation with complicated implant $776.31
02135 Orbit - exenteration of $1,008.31
22142 Orbital decompression - (2 wall) $980.91
22141 Orbital decompression - (1 wall) $635.16
22143 Orbital decompression - (3 wall) $1,411.49
02145 Orbital exenteration with en bloc resection of bony orbital walls - ophthalmologist $1,679.65
22140 Orbital exploration (posterior route) - to biopsy posterior orbital tumour or to fenestrate optic nerve sheath $1,129.17
02101 Orbitotomy - posterior, microdissection $1,764.34
22138 Posterior orbitotomy for removal of posterior orbital tumour not involving the orbital apex or optic nerve $1,411.49
02132 Retrobulbar injection $90.93

Surgical Fees - Special Therapy

02108 Beta radiation $20.74
02073 Botulinum toxin injection for blepharospasm $136.66
02075 Botulinum toxin injection for entropion $74.69
02076 Botulinum toxin injection for strabismus $207.99
02110 Radioactive plaque $1,002.34
02109 Subconjunctival injection $22.36

Surgical Procedures

77177 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair $1,397.15
77354 Percutaneous endovascular aortic /trunk-suture $845.95
77353 Percutaneous endovascular aortic valve - graft $724.93
77352 Percutaneous endovascular aortic valve implant $563.58
77355 Percutaneous endovascular aortic/trunk-graft $1,128.31

Surgical Procedures and Repairs

20231 Biopsy, not sutured $26.85
20232 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $13.42
20310 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $78.71
20314 Biopsy, not sutured, multiple same sitting extra $40.65
06069 Excision of tumor or small scar - face $88.03
06041 Full thickness free skin grafts; eyelid/nose/lip $349.88
06146 Lip shave - vermillionectomy $399.13
00225 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-initial cut, including debulking $346.71
00226 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-one or more additional cuts, extra $300.32
00227 Mohs microscopically controlled excision-special overhead and technical component, extra $323.29
06024 Skin graft; eyebrow/eyelid, lip, ear, nose single $291.77
06020 Skin grafts - single $321.04
06019 Skin grafts - single or multiple flaps < 2cm $156.57

Suture of Lacerations and Minor Traumatic Wounds

61308 Coordination of anesthetic svcs-for laceration ext $203.77
61305 Wounds-10.1 to 15cm-face(bleeders &/or layered clo $356.60
61304 Wounds-10.1 to 15cm-other than face, simple closur $285.29
61307 Wounds-15.1cm or more-face(bleeders &/or layered $407.55
61306 Wounds-15.1cm or more-other than face, simple clos $305.66
61303 Wounds-5.1 to 10cm-face(bleeders &/or layered clos $254.72
61302 Wounds-5.1 to 10cm-other than face, simple closure $244.52
61301 Wounds-up to 5cm-face(bleeders &/or layered closur $203.77
61300 Wounds-up to 5cm-other than face, simple closure $137.54


77422 Cervical sympathectomy - unilateral $501.87
77430 Lumbar sympathectomy - bilateral (extra) $248.26
77420 Lumbar sympathectomy - unilateral $371.15
77428 Lumbar sympathectomy - unilateral (extra) $124.12
77426 Lumbo-dorsal sympathectomy & splanchnic neurectomy $458.38
77424 Preganglionic sympathectomy; upper dorsal region $458.38

Tattooing Surgery (for haemangiomata, vitiligo, lentigines, etc.)

06200 Tattooing surgery facial area - < 1/4 of face $114.69
06201 Tattooing surgery facial area - 1/4 to 1/2 face $235.39
06202 Tattooing surgery facial area - full face $353.91
06205 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 6.5 sq. cm $59.75
06206 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 65 sq. cm $118.31
06207 Tattooing surgery non-facial area - < 650 sq. cm $235.39


13338 Community based gp,1st fac visit of day bonus,extr $49.84
13236 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 0-1) $85.40
13436 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 2-49) $77.63
13536 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 50-59) $84.87
13636 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 60-69) $89.28
13736 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 70-79) $100.91
13836 Telehealth GP Consultation (age 80+) $116.11
13238 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 0-1) $62.43
13438 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 2-49) $56.76
13538 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 50-59) $62.05
13638 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 60-69) $65.26
13738 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 70-79) $73.77
13838 Telehealth GP Individual Counselling for a prolonged visit for counselling (age 80+) $85.12
13237 Telehealth GP Visit (age 0-1) $34.90
13437 Telehealth GP Visit (age 2-49) $31.72
13537 Telehealth GP Visit (age 50-59) $31.72
13637 Telehealth GP Visit (age 60-69) $36.47
13737 Telehealth GP Visit (age 70-79) $41.22
13837 Telehealth GP Visit (age 80+) $47.59

Telehealth Service with Direct Interactive Video Link With the Patient

94070 Telehealth consult - laboratory medicine $148.82
79210 Telehealth consultation - thoracic surgery $145.41
32110 Telehealth consultation-respirology $229.31
94076 Telehealth directive care - laboratory medicine $31.44
79212 Telehealth repeat or limited consult - thoracic $65.45
94072 Telehealth repeat or limited consult-lab medicine $82.69
79208 Telehealth subsequent hosp visit thoracic surgery $24.75
94078 Telehealth subsequent hospital visit-lab medicine $32.04
94077 Telehealth subsequent office visit - lab medicine $32.15
79207 Telehealth subsequent office visit thoracic surg $29.03
32108 Telehealth subsequent visit, hospital-respirology $68.07
32107 Telehealth subsequent visit, office-respirology $76.09
32112 Telehealth-consultation-limited-respirology $123.59
32106 Telehealth-directive care-respirology $75.08
32114 Telehealth-prolonged visit/counselling-respirology $84.10


06176 Digital transplant $952.71
61368 Extensor - primary or secondary repair - first ten $237.02
61369 Extensor - second to sixth tendon repair (extra) $118.51
61371 Extensor - twelfth and over tendon repair (extra) $29.62
61370 Extensor -seventh to eleventh tendon repair(extra) $59.24
61364 Flexor - second to sixth tendon repair (extra) $188.53
61365 Flexor - seventh to eleventh tendon repair (extra) $94.27
61366 Flexor - twelfth and over tendon repair (extra) $47.14
61363 Flexor-primary or secondary repair - first tendon $377.06
61230 Needle aponeurectomy - dupuytren's diseasec $151.13
06193 Palmar fasciectomy - extensive $433.71
06194 Palmar fasciectomy - with skin grafting $561.51
06175 Pollicization $1,150.59
06195 Silastic rod prior to tendon grafting $462.17
06185 Tendon graft $705.63
06203 Tendon transfer hand and wrist $448.72
06204 Tendon transfer hand and wrist - each additional $163.48
06188 Tenolysis $392.14
06189 Tenolysis - each additional $145.44
06186 Tenoplasty - one tendon $231.62
06187 Tenoplasty - two or more tendons $377.06


08323 Exploration scrotal contents - unilateral $243.25
08324 Explore undescended testicle, without orchidopexy $262.17
08354 Lymphadenectomy-retroperitoneal, post chemotherapy $2,319.68
08330 Orchidectomy - inguinal approach $341.58
08329 Orchidectomy - simple $242.52
08322 Orchidopexy - one or two stages $389.50
08325 Reduction of torsion of testis and spermatic cord repair - bilateral $407.86
08349 Retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy for ca of testis $2,039.27
08326 Testicle - ruptured -repair $406.85
08328 Testis - recurrent undescended $509.23
08327 Testis-biopsy $151.50

Therapeutic Procedures

09880 Hyperthyroidism or cardiac disease, iodine therapy $392.02
09890 Joint injection with isotope-therapeutic $759.17
09884 Metastatic carcinoma of bone, treatment $300.25
09881 Polycythaemia vera with p32 $231.35
09883 Prostate cancer-charge per course of treatment $467.28
09882 Thyroid cancer-charge per course of treatment $509.49

Therapeutic Procedures Utilizing Radiological Equipment

00982 Angioplasty, percutaneous transluminal $405.54
00977 Antegrade pyelogram $106.23
00738 Biliary calculi - removal by burhenne technique $206.05
10913 Cerebral arterial balloon occlusion tolerance test $798.88
10905 Cerebral intra-arterial thrombolysis $1,312.16
10917 Complex diagnostic neuroangiography after 4 hours $293.72
10916 Complex diagnostic neuroangiography for the assess $1,174.82
00997 Detachable balloon embolization $1,312.16
10922 Embolization mgmtof epistaxis w/o vascular lesion $628.08
00995 Embolization of brain and spinal cord avm's $2,098.46
00998 Embolization of head, neck and spinal vascular $1,618.27
00981 Embolization, therapeutic radiological $425.44
10915 Endovascular obliteration of aneurysms using gugli $1,997.22
00984 Exchange of previously inserted cath. or dilator $126.89
00994 Extra-corp. shock wave biliary lithotripsy $167.11
00989 Extra-corporeal shock wave lithotripsy $136.64
10907 Image-guide percutaneous vertebroplasty-each add. $84.25
10906 Image-guided percutaneous vertebroplasty-1st level $365.04
10920 Intracorporeal stent placement-extra $129.56
10919 Intravascular stent placement-extra $129.56
00983 Percutaneous abdominal abscess drainage $277.00
10914 Percutaneous balloon angioplasty for cerebral $1,026.79
10903 Percutaneous hemodialysis graft thrombolysis $589.66
10908 Percutaneous image-guid tumour ablation-1st lesion $530.20
10901 Percutaneous image-guided catheter directed thromb $589.66
10909 Percutaneous intravascular/intracorporeal medical $393.12
00978 Percutaneous nephrostomy, procedural fee $301.15
00979 Percutaneous nephrostomy, with dilatation $401.45
10918 Percutaneous sclerotherapy of head and neck vascul $469.94
10904 Percutaneous transcatheter arterial chemo-emboliz $589.66
10902 Peripherally inserted image-guided central venous $112.32
00746 Reduction of intussusception using hydrostatic $97.49
10911 Selective salpingography/fallopian tube recanaliza $393.12
00980 Transhepatic biliary drainage, radiological $425.44
10921 Transjugular intrahepatic porto-systemic shunt(tip $1,113.42
10912 Transjugular liver/renal biopsy $393.12
00921 Varicocele +/or uterine artery embolization unilat $464.98
00925 Varicocele and/or uterine artery embolization $674.52

Thoracic Procedures

10761 Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (egd) $89.73
10763 Initial esophageal, gastric or duodenal biopsy $29.06
00710 Mediastinoscopy or anterior mediastinotomy $196.39
10764 Multiple biopsies for differential diagnoses $43.58
00818 Oesophageal ph study - professional fee $41.00
00817 Oesophageal ph study - technical fee $13.00
00797 Oesophageal, motility test $176.15
00798 Oesophageal, motility test - professional fee $101.79
00788 Oesophageal, motility test - technical fee $74.35

Thoracolumbar Decompression Procedures

03372 Posterior lumbar interspinous/interlaminar stabilization/instrumentation - multiple level $403.00
03371 Posterior lumbar interspinous/interlaminar stabilization/instrumentation - single level $201.50
03366 Thoracolumbar $1,904.58
03374 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) - multiple level $604.50
03373 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) - single level $403.00
03364 Thoracolumbar- includes decompression $1,442.43

Thoracolumbar - Instrumented Procedures

03359 Orif with segmental fixation alone. $1,307.07
03360 Orif with segmental fixation and decompression. $1,577.82
03356 Posterior instrumentation and fusion - adult $1,769.22
03357 Posterior instrumentation and fusion - pediatric $1,442.43
03352 Thoracolumbar $1,442.43
03350 Thoracolumbar - approach and stabilization alone (with neurosurgeon). $952.30
03351 Thoracolumbar - instrumentation with anterior release or vertebrectomy. $2,449.42
03346 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and fusion with decompression - multiple levels . $2,411.31
03345 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and fusion with decompression - single level . $2,058.13
03344 Thoracolumbar - segmental instrumentation and spinal fusion $1,251.05
03343 Thoracolumbar - simple instrumentation (harrington or wires or screws, etc.). $774.90
03353 Thoracolumbar - with anterior instrumentation and correction. $1,713.19
03342 Thoracolumbar - without instrumentation $490.15
03355 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion $3,526.25
03370 Thoracolumbar spinal fusion (6+ hours) $50.79


08646 Guided thoracentesis $100.51
08645 Thorax - b scan $86.68


02443 Adenoidectomy - 14 years and under $158.22
02454 Alveolectomy $191.35
02436 Arytenoid adduction $812.06
02425 Arytenoidectomy $637.88
02440 Bilateral micro-transposition of submandibular salivary ducts when done with or without a microscope $338.35
02451 Congenital cyst/fistula - excision, neck $420.98
02408 Removal of tumor from larynx or trachea $191.35
02414 Repair laryngo-tracheal stenosis - to include skin grafting, stenting, and associated endoscopy $1,441.57
02418 Repair of fractured larynx external approach $829.22
02406 Retropharyngeal abscess or hematoma - requiring lateral pharyngotomy $315.73
02448 Retropharyngeal abscess or hematoma-drainage under local anesthetic $127.57
02441 Standby fee- ent $298.53
02410 Thyrotomy $510.30
02424 Tracheoesophageal puncture and insertion of voice prosthesis following laryngectomy $357.19
02438 Trans-oral cricopharyngeal myotomy $420.98
02409 Uvulo-palato-pharyngoplasty for obstructive sleep apnea confirmed by polysomnogram, with or without tonsillectomy $420.98
02434 Vocal cord implant - external approach $637.88
02433 Vocal cord implant - injection $318.91

Throat, Pharynx and Tonsils

02442 Adenoidectomy - adult or child over 14 years $128.81
02399 Cryotherapy of tonsils and oral lesions $114.81
02444 Incision of peritonsillar abscess-general anaesthe $128.81
02447 Incision of peritonsillar abscess-local anaestheti $95.00
02413 Operative control of post-tonsillectomy or post-adenoidectomy haemorrhage requiring local or general anesthetic $263.45
02445 Tonsillectomy - over 14 years of age $250.73
02403 Tonsillectomy - under la $257.70
02446 Tonsillectomy -14 years and under(includes neonate $224.46

Tibial, Ankle and Foot

57330 Abrasion/debridement- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $287.62
57373 Accessory navicular - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $242.74
57280 Achilles tendon lengthening, percutaneous $214.73
57981 Amputation - midtarsal $490.15
57998 Amputation - open injury, primary wound care $51.13
57999 Amputation - open injury, secondary wound care $93.37
57983 Amputation - single metatarsal/ray resection $354.78
57980 Amputation - syme $532.14
57984 Amputation - toe $186.72
57982 Amputation - transmetatarsal $406.12
57510 Ankle instability - reconstruction $380.44
57505 Ankle instability: capsule/ligament repair $242.74
11715 Ankle joint - incision -diagnostic $186.72
57225 Ankle/foot joint - i&d w/ ga $186.72
57812 Arthrodesis - ankle joint $718.88
57817 Arthrodesis - interphangeal, single or multiple $270.75
57816 Arthrodesis - metatarsophalangeal $352.44
57814 Arthrodesis - midtarsal joint $541.49
57811 Arthrodesis - pantalar $840.26
57813 Arthrodesis - subtalar joint/triple $717.01
57815 Arthrodesis - tarso-metatarsal joints $658.20
57810 Arthrodesis - tibiocalcaneal $597.51
11700 Arthroscopy - ankle /subtalar joint $186.72
11702 Aspiration - ankle joint - bursa/tendon sheath, et $23.23
57370 Benign bone tumour - tibial/ankle/foot $352.44
57365 Benign soft tissue tumour - tibial/ankle/foot $214.73
57651 Bone grafting - distal tibia $242.74
57652 Bone grafting - malleolus, medial/lateral-tarsals $149.38
57603 Calcaneal osteotomy $520.99
57375 Excision - nail bed - ankle/foot/ga $214.73
57671 Excision arthroplasty great toe (keller's) $270.75
57355 Excision bursa - achilles $214.73
57527 Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot - multiple/ga $336.10
57526 Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot - single/ga $242.74
57525 Extensor tendon repair - ankle/foot/without ga $121.36
57520 Flexor tendon repair - ankle/foot, single/multi $352.44
57701 Frac/disloc ankle - closed reduc. w/ ga $186.72
57702 Frac/disloc ankle - external fixation $490.15
57708 Frac/disloc ankle - open - primary wound care $102.26
57709 Frac/disloc ankle - open - second. wound care $186.72
57705 Frac/disloc ankle - orif $896.29
57713 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. ex fix $270.75
57712 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. w/ ga $270.75
57711 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - closed red. w/o ga $93.37
57715 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - orif - one $352.44
57716 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - orif - two or more $406.12
57718 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - prim. wound care $102.26
57719 Frac/disloc ankle(malleolar) - second. wound care $186.72
57354 Ganglion - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $214.73
57723 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/ fixat $298.77
57722 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/ ga $186.72
57721 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - closed w/o ga $93.37
57725 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - open reduction $475.56
57728 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - prim.wound care $102.26
57729 Hindfoot/midfoot/lisfranc disloc - sec.wound care $186.72
57675 Implant arthroplasty - metatarsal phalangeal joint $298.77
57410 Injection of bursa - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $11.63
57405 Injection of joint - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $11.63
57793 Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. fixation $270.75
57792 Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/ ga $186.72
57791 Interphalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/o ga $46.68
57798 Interphalangeal disloc. - open - prim.wound care $51.13
57799 Interphalangeal disloc. - open - sec.wound care $93.37
57795 Interphalangeal disloc. - open red. w/wo fixation $298.77
57676 Interphalangeal joint arthroplasty, single/multi $270.75
57555 Jones procedure- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $326.77
57800 Manipulation - ankle/foot w/ ga $93.37
57761 Metatarsal fracture - closed reduction, fixation $270.75
57768 Metatarsal fracture - open - primary wound care $102.26
57769 Metatarsal fracture - open - secondary wound care $186.72
57765 Metatarsal fracture - orif - one $298.77
57766 Metatarsal fracture - orif - two or more $352.44
57672 Metatarsal/phalangeal joint resection/reconstruct. $298.77
57773 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - closed red, fix $214.73
57772 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - closed red. w/ ga $186.72
57778 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - open - prim. wound $102.26
57779 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - open - sec. wound $186.72
57775 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc. - orif $298.77
57771 Metatarso-phalangeal disloc.- closed red. w/o ga $93.37
11717 Midtarsal joint - incision - diagnostic $186.72
57604 Midtarsal osteotomy $597.51
57356 Neuroma - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $214.73
57733 Os calcis fracture - closed reduction w/ fixation $298.77
57732 Os calcis fracture - closed reduction w/ ga $186.72
57738 Os calcis fracture - open - prim. wound care $102.26
57739 Os calcis fracture - open - sec. wound care $186.72
57735 Os calcis fracture - orif $625.53
57380 Osteomyelitis, acute- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $186.72
57385 Osteomyelitis,debridement- tibial/ankle/foot $322.10
57673 Osteotomy - distal metatarsal $298.77
57606 Osteotomy - open - phalanges $242.74
57674 Osteotomy - proximal metatarsal/distal realignment $434.15
57601 Osteotomy/malunion - distal tibial $648.87
57602 Osteotomy/malunion - malleolus $434.15
57605 Osteotomy/malunion - metatarsals $352.44
57631 Osteotomy/non-union - distal tibial $541.49
57636 Osteotomy/non-union - epiphysiodesis $298.77
57632 Osteotomy/non-union - malleolus, lateral/medial $326.77
57634 Osteotomy/non-union - metatarsals $214.73
57635 Osteotomy/non-union - phalanges (foot) $214.73
57637 Osteotomy/non-union - physeal bar excision $406.12
57633 Osteotomy/non-union - tarsals $380.44
57781 Phalangeal fracture - closed reduction, fixation $270.75
57788 Phalangeal fracture - open - prim. wound care $51.13
57789 Phalangeal fracture - open - sec. wound care $93.37
57785 Phalangeal fracture - orif $298.77
57306 Pinning/drilling fragments: tibial/ankle foot $410.88
57270 Plantar fascia: open release or partial excision $270.75
57275 Plantar fasciectomy - total $406.12
57285 Posterior hindfoot release $434.15
57286 Posteromedial release (club foot/vertical talus) $718.88
57678 Reconstruction - major forefoot $595.16
57677 Reconstruction - minor forefoot (lesser toes) $380.44
57415 Rem. of int. fix. dev(s) - ankle/foot w/ ga $214.73
57420 Rem. of int. fix. dev(s) - ankle/foot w/o ga $46.68
57305 Removal of loose body-tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $287.62
57535 Repair/reconstruction - tendon sheath $380.44
57372 Sesamoidectomy - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $242.74
11716 Subtalar joint - incision - diagnostic $186.72
57310 Synovectomy - ankle, total $462.24
57374 Talectomy - tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $541.49
57741 Talus fracture - closed reduction w/o ga $93.37
57742 Talus fracture - closed reduction w/ ga $186.72
57743 Talus fracture - closed reduction, fixation $326.77
57748 Talus fracture - open - prim. wound care $102.26
57749 Talus fracture - open - sec. wound care $186.72
57745 Talus fracture - orif $487.81
57371 Tarsal coalition - ankle/foot $352.44
57752 Tarsal fracture - closed reduction w/ ga $186.72
57751 Tarsal fracture - closed reduction w/o ga $93.37
57753 Tarsal fracture - closed reduction, fixation $298.77
57758 Tarsal fracture - open - prim. wound care $102.26
57759 Tarsal fracture - open - sec. wound care $186.72
57755 Tarsal fracture - orif $326.77
11718 Tarso-metatar/metatar-phalang/interphalang joints $186.72
57515 Tendo-achilles repair, acute (w/in 6 wks post-inj) $352.44
57516 Tendo-achilles repair, chronic (> 6 wks post-inj) $541.49
57550 Tendon transfer- tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $434.15
57215 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - i&d abscess w/ ga $186.72
11730 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - needle biopsy w/ ga $186.72
11745 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - open biopsy w/ ga $242.74
57295 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot - tenosynovectomy $270.75
57290 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot -tendon length.- open $270.75
57260 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot- faciotomy,compar syn $214.73
57250 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-decomp/neurolys nerve $298.77
57269 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-faciotomy,sec closure $186.72
57220 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot-hematoma drain. w/ ga $298.77
57210 Tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot: i&d bursa w/ ga $186.72
57663 Total ankle arthroplasty - removal $186.72
57662 Total ankle arthroplasty- revision $1,335.36
57661 Total ankle prosthesis $991.26
57360 Total synovectomy-tibial metaphysis/ankle/foot $354.78


77440 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $836.46
77707 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $42.87
77708 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $30.90
77710 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $145.69
77712 Implantation of kidney graft - vascular surgeon $89.54


03116 Abscess intra-cranial $1,719.76
07446 Bowel - small - resection of injured $644.63
07445 Bowel - small - repair of lacerations $572.71
03113 Cerebral laceration with skull fracture $1,867.71
07448 Colonic injury +/- colostomy - repair $962.78
07450 Colonic injury- exteriorization $602.52
03118 Craniotomy repair cfs leak $1,612.18
03119 Craniotomy, microvascular decompression $1,999.53
07443 Distal pancreas - resection for trauma $1,268.85
07438 Duodenal injury - resection and debridement $1,522.60
07437 Duodenum - repair of laceration to $857.71
07436 Duodenum/pancreas - exploration and mobilization $644.63
03110 Elevation of depressed skull fracture in infant $142.29
03115 Exploration subdural space $914.11
07150 Insertion of thoracostomy tube $203.01
07435 Lacerations to stomach - repair $750.00
07433 Laparotomy and removal of injured spleen $850.00
07432 Laparotomy for trauma $454.41
07430 Peritoneal lavage (catheter) - diagnostic $102.83
07449 Resection of colonic injury $962.78
03112 Skull fracture depressed compound $1,177.67
03111 Skull fracture depressed simple $729.98
07434 Splenic repair, any method $758.60
10089 Trauma team leader - subsequent hospital visit $78.72
10088 Trauma team leader - tertiary assessment $104.00
07444 Whipple procedure for trauma $3,045.21

Tray Service Fee

00090 Major tray $31.53
00044 Mini tray fee $5.25
00080 Minor tray $10.51


61054 Bilateral mastectomy in the context of gender affirming surgery, female to male (ftm) - (to include bilateral subcutaneous mastectomy, nipple-areolar reconstruction and chest wall reconstruction $1,476.26
06179 Breast implant - excision only $245.70
06178 Breast implant - excision/pathologic capsule $410.00
06165 Breast replacement - bilateral $608.76
06164 Breast replacement - unilateral $405.66
61167 Mastopexy, balancing when performed at same time as contralateral breast surgery $305.44
61166 Mastopexy, balancing unilateral (isolated procedure) $458.02
06157 Nipple-areolar reconstruction $339.52
61050 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia bilateral $866.49
61053 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia bilateral $772.73
06150 Reduction mammoplasty for hypermastia - unilateral $527.85

Ultrasoun and Axial Measurement Examinations

22399 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $64.34
25007 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $36.97
25010 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $77.84
25012 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $45.81
25013 Ophthalmic a-scan to determine axial length $108.85

Upper Extremity

08522 Elbow x-ray $35.32
08523 Forearm x-ray $35.32
08525 Hand any part x-ray $35.32
08521 Humerus x-ray $35.32
08520 Shoulder girdle $35.32
08526 Upper extremity, requested add. x-ray $17.80
08524 Wrist x-ray $35.32

Upper Gastrointestinal System Endoscopy

33338 Each additional polyp(max10)extra-only with 33335 $12.09
33335 Sbe or dbe (balloon assisted) enteroscopy $302.25
33336 With biopsy(single/mult)extra-only pd with 33335 $28.71
33339 With fulguration+coagulation-1 or more with 33335 $40.30
33337 With removal of polyp-extra-only paid with ps33335 $50.38


08145 Subureteric endoscopic injection for (vur) $257.87
08161 Transurethral manipulation of ureteral calculus with recovery of calculus $217.40
08160 Ureter reconstruction lower segmnt by bladder flap $917.67
08154 Ureteral tailoring-bilateral,extra to 08148 $328.66
08153 Ureteral tailoring-unilateral,extra to 08152,08148 $232.58
08157 Uretero-cutaneous-anastomosis, unilateral $668.09
08158 Uretero-sigmoid anastomosis, bilateral $632.05
08156 Uretero-ureterostomy $662.77
08163 Uretero-vesical anastomosis if ureterocele or ureteral duplication $783.72
08159 Ureterolysis $600.61
08151 Ureterotomy or removal of stump $755.87
08147 Ureterotomy,ureteral lithotomy,upper & lower $409.61
08148 Uretro-vesical reanastomosis - bilateral $1,011.34
08152 Uretro-vesical reanastomosis - unilateral $866.47


81159 Buccal muscosa graft harvest, extra $229.42
08271 Catheterization complex-male patient(op only) $203.93
08282 Excision prolapse-urethra or caruncle -includes cystoscopy $243.07
08274 Hypospadias-1st stage chordee,excludes urethrostom $424.14
08277 Hypospadias-epispadias plastic repair,excludes ure $657.31
08276 Hypospadias-penoscrotal,excludes urethrostomy $1,011.46
08275 Hypospadias-second stage (penile) excludes urethro $490.35
81153 Male suburethral sling, including cystoscopy $713.74
08262 Meatotomy and plastic repair $136.37
08232 Periurethral collagen injections $237.30
08283 Retropubic or transvaginal tape (tvt) or transobturator tape (tot) operation for urinary incontinence $332.03
08265 Stricture of urethra - dilation in hospital, isolated procedure, w or wo anesthesiology $49.38
08266 Stricture of urethra - first stage plastic repair $1,070.62
08264 Stricture of urethra - office dilation $19.77
08267 Stricture of urethra - second stage plastic repair $1,019.64
08259 Stricture urethra-1st stage plastic w pedicle grft $1,019.64
08278 Suprapubic cystostomy & primary repair of urethra $406.22
81154 Transection or removal of sub-urethral mesh sling $560.47
08272 Urethra fistula (penile excision) $400.89
08268 Urethral diverticulectomy, male or female $557.02
08269 Urethral valves-tur,posterior $353.92
08263 Urethrectomy, total $353.96
08261 Urethrostomy $301.70
08260 Urethrotomy, external or internal $204.95

Urinary Diversion and Cystectomy

08181 Bladder augmentation with bowel segment $1,213.49
08182 Continent urinary diversion $1,481.31
08177 Cystectomy and ileal loop diversion (includes preparation of intestinal segment and ureteral transplantation - same surgeon) $1,985.38
08183 Cystectomy- radical & continent urinary diversion $2,945.74
08184 Cystectomy-isolated procedure w or wo urethrectomy $1,212.48
08185 Cystectomy-isolated procedure w or wo urethrectomy $900.00
08174 Prep of intest. seg. reanastomosis & ureteral transplantation $1,061.94
08170 Preparation of intestinal segment and re-anastomos $515.76
08178 Radical cystectomy & ileal loop urinary diversion $2,695.99
08173 Radical cystectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy $1,906.51
08207 Ruptured bladder repair $713.74


00793 Cysto-ureterogram - professional fee $6.26
00792 Cysto-ureterogram - technical fee $12.52
00878 Cystometry/pelvic floor emg $66.24
00803 Loopogram $54.70
00799 Transurethral ureterorenoscopy to include c&p $158.13
00800 Transurethral ureterorenoscopy with x-ray control $384.37
00874 Urethral profilometry (water or gas) $19.77
00802 Urethrogram $39.53
00875 Uroflowimetry $31.64
00876 Video uro-dynamics (full study) $200.16


13655 General practice - vasectomy bonus $21.57

Vaginal Operations on the Cervix and Uterus

04545 Artificial insemination - operation only $32.71
04510 Biopsy cervix with d&c $200.00
04508 Biopsy cervix, under g.a. $200.00
04533 Cauterization cervix, electric, in office $38.61
04530 Cauterization cervix, g.a. $200.00
04531 Cauterization of cervix to include d&c if done $200.00
04517 Cervical incompetence - elective repair $254.72
04516 Cervical incompetence - emergency repair $356.60
04515 Cervical ligature, removal of under anaesthetic $200.00
04551 Cervical stump removal $305.66
04500 Cervix dilation and curettage $203.40
04502 Cervix, repair of $200.00
04536 Cone biopsy cervix (includes d&c) $263.90
04503 Cryosurgery - cervix $101.89
04512 Myomectomy vaginal $151.29
00770 Pelvic examination under anesthesia $200.00
04509 Polypectomy - cervical $30.57

Vascular Access

07139 Broviac catheter - insertion of $162.55
07140 Catheter insertion - broviac type, <3 mo or <3 kg $269.03
00319 Central catheter insertion - tpn $56.81
07146 Inferior vena cava filter - insertion $367.84
00526 Insertion of intravenous infusion line, under 5 $57.24
07147 Insertion of peritoneal catheter under ga $305.89
07145 Intra osseous - access $101.29
00801 Intra-arterial cannulation $22.10
07134 Peritoneal venous shunt for ascites $390.37
07141 Permcath removal $126.79
77142 Removal of totally implant access device,op only $127.95
07142 Venous access port - implantable - insertion $255.98
07143 Venous access port - implantable/revision/removal $350.00


77084 Acute venous: ligation of femoral vein $495.27
77060 Compression sclerotherapy - repeat $37.87
77055 Compression sclerotherapy - complicated $120.26
77050 Compression sclerotherapy - uncomplicated $80.82
77070 Fasciotomy - complete $319.25
77082 Femoral vein - ligation $148.84
77075 Groin - re-exploration, and/or popliteal fossa $300.19
77065 High ligation, long saphenous $223.03
07112 Ligation of 2 or more perforators $278.91
07111 Ligations and strippings - 6 or more incisions $304.28
07110 Ligations and strippings - 3 to 5 incisions $278.91
77096 Mesocaval graft - autogenous $1,006.21
77094 Mesocaval graft - synthetic $945.05
07116 Multiple ligations, strippings, perforators $523.41
77092 Porto-caval shunt $945.05
77090 Spleno-renal shunt $945.05
07108 Stripping long saphenous $263.88
07109 Stripping short saphenous $228.30
77086 Thrombectomy/acute ilio-femoral thrombophlebitis $620.60
77077 Ulcer excision and grafting $120.28
77046 Us directed foam sclerotherapy- initial $171.95
77047 Us directed foamsclerotherapy - repeat $171.95
77045 Varicose vein injection $13.46
77079 Venous crossover graft for iliac obstruction $609.87

Venticuloscopic Procedures

03036 Ventricular shunt with ventriculoscopic guidance $1,074.87
03035 Ventriculoscopic resection /intraventricular tumor $2,576.95
03033 Ventriculoscopic retrieval of foreign body $1,638.85
03030 Ventriculoscopy $840.73
03031 Ventriculoscopy, third ventriculostomy $1,324.72
03032 Ventriculoscopy/endoscopy biopsy /intraventricular $1,909.66
03034 Ventriculoscopy/fenestration of cyst or septum $1,475.45

Ventricular Assist Device

07960 Intra-aortic balloon insertion, removal & care $672.80
78062 Removal of Abiomed Impella 5.0 $356.88
78066 Removal of fully implantable device $1,529.46
78064 Removal of Levitronix device $713.74
78065 Uni-ventricular - fully implantable $2,956.95
78063 Uni-ventricular - temporary device - thoracotomy $1,733.38
78061 Uni-ventricular temporary device - transcutaneous $509.83

Vertebra, Facette and Spine

58250 Abscess/hematoma - extraspinal/ga $185.33
58251 Abscess/hematoma - extraspinal/ga $185.33
58710 Application of halo - c-spine fracture/dislocation $186.72
11845 Biopsy, with ga $242.74
58715 Cervical spine - orif $1,000.81
58680 Deformity correction - cervical $2,427.87
58670 Deformity correction - thoracolumbar $1,431.69
58675 Deformity correction - thoracolumbar/anterior inst $1,700.44
58690 Deformity; instrumentation/fusion/posterior, adult $1,756.05
58695 Deformity; instrumentation/fusion/posterior, child $1,431.69
58305 Discectomy $268.73
58375 Discectomy - cervical - >2 levels $801.57
58370 Discectomy - cervical, single level $620.87
58376 Discectomy - thoracolumbar $1,431.69
58210 Discogram $92.28
58211 Discogram $92.28
58725 Fracture/dislocation, thoracolumbar spine/fixation $1,297.34
58205 Injection/aspiration - facet joint $92.97
58206 Injection/aspiration - facet joint $92.97
03167 Insertion of skull tongs (operation only) $126.29
03155 Laminectomy - for hematoma, tumour or vascular malformation $1,202.45
03160 Laminectomy for congenital spinal malformation or tethered spinal cord $2,027.87
03162 Laminectomy for generalized spinal stenosis (more than two levels) $1,213.99
03161 Laminectomy for localized spinal stenosis (two levels or less) $789.13
03180 Multiple level laminectomy for cervical cord compression, three or more levels $1,430.75
11831 Needle biopsy - soft tissue/bone - lumbar spine, under ga $186.72
11830 Needle biopsy - soft tissue/bone - thoracic spine, under ga $214.73
58685 Osteotomy - thoracolumbar- posterior $2,427.87
58410 Spinal instrumentation - removal $509.68
58655 Stabilization - anterior - thoracolumbar $945.21
58640 Stabilization - anterior: cervical $500.39
58645 Stabilization - cervical - plates/discectomy $982.27
58650 Stabilization - cervical - plates/vertebrectomy $1,756.05
58605 Stabilization - posterior - cervical $537.46
58610 Stabilization - segmental - cervical $1,079.57
58625 Stabilization - thoracolumbar/segmental instrument $1,241.74
58630 Stabilization thoracolumbar, fusion/decompression $1,566.07
58620 Stabilization thoracolumbar/simple instrumentation $769.13
58615 Stabilization thoracolumbar/without instrumentatio $486.50
58660 Stabilization; anterior, thoracolumbar/instrument $2,024.76
58635 Thoracolumbar fusion/decompression/multiple levels $1,834.81
58726 Thoracolumbar spine; orif/fixation + decompression $1,566.07
58385 Vertebral body resection - cervical $1,621.68
58386 Vertebral body resection - thoracolumbar $1,890.40


90832 Bk polyoma virus ident by nuc acid amplif, direct $39.13
90833 Cytomegalovirus viral(cmv) ident by nucl acid ampl $36.92
90835 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $129.88
90836 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $30.23
90837 Hbv drug resistance mutation analysis $26.73
90831 Hepatitis b virus (hbv) identification $60.34
90815 Serological tests - 1-3 antigens $36.83
90820 Serological tests - > 4 antigens $37.98
90830 Virus isolation $51.65


06077 Complicated laceration of the scalp cheek and neck $333.13
70150 Lacerations - tongue/floor of mouth - complicated $270.50
06075 Lips and eyelid wounds complicated $339.41
06076 Nose and ear wounds complicated $426.36

The information presented on this page is general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBCx or its affiliates.

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