Temporary OHIP physician services funding is being extended until March 31, 2023 To maintain patient access to health care and to ensure hospitals have flexibility in responding to changing needs throughout the fall and winter season, the Ministry of Health (the ministry) and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA) have reached an agreement to extend temporary physician funding initiatives under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) until March 31, 2023, as outlined below. Existing Initiatives Being Extended The ministry is extending the following temporary physician funding initiatives: COVID-19 Sessional Fees Continue the H409 and H410 sessional fees for insured services rendered by physicians at eligible COVID-19 Assessment Centres designated by the ministry until March 31, 2023.Refer to INFOBulletin 210305 for details on this initiative. After Hours Procedure Premiums Continue the temporary payment criteria for after-hours procedure premiums E409 and E410, including eligible elective surgeries and procedures, to March 31, 2023.Refer to INFOBulletins 201110 and 210402 for details on the premiums. Aerosol-Generating Medical Procedures (AGMP) Modifier Payments Continue the temporary E404 modifier for AGMPs rendered outside of hospital until March 31, 2023.Continue the temporary E405 modifier for AGMPs rendered in hospital until March 31, 2023.Refer to INFOBulletin 210302 for details on these initiatives. Critical Care Premiums Continue the temporary E415 premium for life threatening critical care services (G521, G522 and G523) in lieu of hospital hourly Protective or Pre-Emptive Code Blue Teams funding, until March 31, 2023.Refer to INFOBulletin 210303 for details on this premium. Temporary Physician Funding for Hospitals During COVID-19 Continue Temporary Physician Funding for Hospitals During COVID-19 until March 31, 2023. Questions about this OHIP update? View the original INFOBulletin for further details. OHIP also noted that questions can be directed to Service Support Contact Centre or 1-800-262-6524. I am a one-person team, so it is invaluable to me that Dr.Bill offers a billing support team. It’s like having my own medical billing assistant whenever I need help. Read more
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