
How to submit H claims for COVID-19 vaccination services

Ashley Lane
Mar. 5, 2021
2-minute read

OHIP released a new bulletin stating that in order to get paid for COVID-19 vaccination services you have to submit sessional fee codes H409 or H410 for services at hospitals or public health units (PHU).  Each H code represents one hour of work (or major part thereof, which means if you work only 30 minutes you’ll still charge for the entire hour).

H Fee Codes for COVID-19 Vaccination 

Fee Code Fee Code Description Fee Code Amount
H409 COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof $170.00
H410 COVID-19 Sessional Unit-per one-hour period, or major part thereof on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or Monday to Friday afterhours (5pm-7am).  $220.00

H409 is used during regular business hours while H410 is used for weekends/holidays or after 5pm. 

Both H409 and H410 ensure full payment for all insured services provided during the relevant time period, this means no other fee codes qualify for payment during those specified times. Both codes include payment for COVID-19 vaccination planning, administrative, or leadership services (if a hospital or PHU requests them).

H409 and H410 codes must be submitted with the hospital or PHU’s group number that organized the vaccine service delivery. The hospital or PHU vaccination lead or the COVID-19 Assessment Centre administrator should provide you this information. All services with the H409 and H410 fee codes that are provided on or after December 14, 2020 at hospital or public health unit (PHU) coordinated COVID-19 vaccination sites qualify for payment.

Submission Tips

  • Note that Dr.Bill will have the “dummy/anonymous” patient profile ready for you. You do not have to create your own.
  • These claims should only be marked for manual review if you have worked at two or more different assessment centers on one date and they have different M numbers. If these claims are marked for manual review otherwise, they won’t process for payment.

COVID-19 Vaccination Services provided in different circumstances

The ministry will provide billing instructions to you once the COVID-19 vaccine is available for administration outside of hospital or public health unit (PHU) coordinated COVID-19 vaccination sites. Until then, if you have questions on how to submit H codes don’t hesitate to get in touch, otherwise, please check back to the COVID-19 Resource centre for more updates.

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

Additional Reading

Women in Medicine Feature: Q&A With Dr. Nour Khatib
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Dr. Nour Khatib left medical school for a finance career, but a persistent calling encouraged her to return years later and become an emergency physician.

Ashley is a freelance writer who is passionate about healthcare, positive psychology, traveling, and cooking.
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