
Incentive Fees Cheat Sheet for Locums

Ashley Lane
May. 10, 2021
5-minute read

Locums have many unique practice experiences, and the ability to choose when and what type of work you’d like to do. While there are minimal administration responsibilities, you’ll still need to bill for your time. If you’re just starting out as a locum, make sure you use all the locum incentives available to you so you’re not missing out on any easy extras. 

Here is a cheat sheet to use as a quick reference:

Fee Code Description
14071: GPSC Portal Fee (previously named Attachment Participation fee) 

*** By opting in for 14071, this will provide access to the following portal codes for any subsequent locums in that calendar year (14075, 14076, 14077, 14078, 14060, 14086). 

An opt-in agreement that allows you to access other fees. 

– Must be billed before your first day as a locum in each calendar year (host physician has to have billed 14070 for that calendar year).

14075: Frailty Complex Care Planning & Management Fee (If host physician allows) Require assistance with at least one ADL from each of the instrumental and non-instrumental activities of daily living. 

– Dx code V15 

– Billed with complex care planning visit (Eligible patients must be living at home or in assisted living). 

– payable once per year with a minimum of 30 mins (with at least 16 mins. Face-to-face).

14076: Patient Telephone Management Fee 

$20 per call

Any Clinical telephone discussion with 1 the patient or the patient’s medical representative and physician or College-certified allied care provider (e.g.: Nurse, Nurse Practitioner)

 – Phone calls made to a patient with a limit of 1500 per year. 

14077: Allied Care Provider Conference Fee 

$40 per 15 minutes

Any two-way collaboration (phone, in person, videoconference) with 1 other Allied Health professional. 

– Max 30 minutes per patient per day. (Tip: Call RACE line for advice, reduce the need for your patient to see a specialist).

14078: Email/Text/Telephone Medical Advice 

$7 per message

Any two-way communication with patient or medical representative.

 – Must be registered in a Maternity Network or GP Unassigned in-patient Network on a prior date.

 – Limit of 200 per year.

14086: Assigned In-Patient Network Fee 

$2100 per quarter


– You must be a Family Physician in active practice in B.C with active hospital privileges. 

– You must be associated and registered with a minimum of 3 other network members.

– You must ensure one member is always available to care for patients of the assigned inpatient network

Must provide MRP care to at least 24 admitted patients over the course of a year (networks may average out this number across the number of members). 

– Only bill for the quarters that you (as the locum) are required to work for under the network incentive for at least 50% of that quarter. 

– Must register with at least one network that is their ‘home’ network, where they provide the majority of their in-patient care network services.

14088: Unassigned In-Patient Care Fee 

$150 per patient 

note: The GPSC Unassigned Inpatient Care Network Fee is a lump sum incentive based on the annual volume of unassigned inpatients and is available for each hospital with a community GP run unassigned inpatient care model. (Paid directly to the division)

Must be the MRP during that patient’s admission. 

– Payable in addition to the visit (13109, 13008, 00127) or delivery fee. 

– Additional fee per patient billed by the member (paid directly to the locum). 

– Must be a member of the Assigned Inpatient Care Network. 

– Patients whose Family Physician does not have admitting privileges in the acute care facility in which the patient has been admitted.

14066: Personal Health Risk Assessment 

$50 per patient

Must get approval from the Host physician to bill in their absence. 

– Limit of 100 per year (per locum).

– Must be billed with a visit. 

– (786), unhealthy eating (783), physical inactivity (785), medical obesity (783) 

14010: Maternity Network Quarterly Fee

 $2100 per quarter 

4 Deliveries every 6 months

To participate in both a Maternity Network and an Unassigned Inpatient Network, you must be providing inpatient care for both pregnant and non-pregnant patients. 

– You must have privileges to provide obstetrical care

Locuming provides many benefits for professionals just starting their careers. They allow for flexible scheduling and are in high demand since they provide physicians a better work-life balance. There’s never been a better time to locum!

This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates.

Additional Reading

Women in Medicine Feature: Q&A With Dr. Nour Khatib
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Dr. Nour Khatib left medical school for a finance career, but a persistent calling encouraged her to return years later and become an emergency physician.

Ashley is a freelance writer who is passionate about healthcare, positive psychology, traveling, and cooking.
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