If you’ve billed any claims through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board payment program during February and March 2021, then you can expect a slight increase on those claims. The increase comes from an agreement that was made through the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board and the ministry of health (OHIP), in which they agreed that Ontario physicians needed compensation increases related to the 2019 Kaplan Board of Arbitration Award (Award).
This means that any claims you may have billed through the WSIB program will be adjusted to reflect the prices outlined in Section 21(a) of the Binding Arbitration Framework in accordance with the award.
Retroactive Increases to WSIB Payments
For any claims you’ve billed through WSIB during the mentioned periods below, you’ll receive the dollar amount specific to that year’s increase. Year 1 and year 2 claims were paid on February’s remittance report while year 3 claims were paid on your March remittance report.
Global WSIB
Year | Compensation Increase | Remittance Advice month |
Year 1 (2017/18) | 0.7500% | March |
Year 2 (2018/19) | 2.0094% | March |
Year 3 (2019/20) | 2.5194% | February |
On your February remittance report, you should have seen a payment increase for all WSIB claims for 2.5194%. On your March remittance report, you should have seen two summaries, one for year 1 (2017/2018), which had an increase of 0.7500% and one for year two (2018/2019), which had an increase of 2.0094%.
If you have any questions about these increases, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.
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