The ministry will remove negative balances on solo Remittance Advices caused by the first recovery installment in April. COVID-19 Advance Payment Program Starting with the April 2021 Remittance Advice (RA) and ending on the September 2021 RA, advance payments made under the COVID-19 Advance Payment Program were scheduled to be recovered in six equal installments from monthly OHIP payments. The April 2021 RA received the first recovery. As of May, the additional monthly recovery process is on pause until further notice. As more information about the impacts of COVID-19 becomes available, repayments will resume. Negative Balances The RA will reflect a negative balance (amount owing) if you don’t have enough earnings on your solo RA to offset the recovery. Negative balances don’t accrue interest and can’t be deducted from your bank account. If you have a negative balance on your solo RA, it will carry over to the next month’s RA, automatically applying any payments towards the negative balance until it’s repaid. If you have a negative balance on your solo RA that was caused by the April recovery the ministry will remove them thanks to their discussions with the OMA. If you have any outstanding April recovery amounts they’ll be settled at the end of the recovery period on the June RA. You can apply to have amounts recovered on your May Remittance Advice temporarily reversed if they cause financial difficulties. If so, contact the Service Support Contact Centre or call 1-800-262-6524. If you have any questions about the COVID-19 Advance Payment Program, feel free to reach out to our team to help clarify. This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates. Related posts: Recoveries Paused-COVID-19 Advance Payment Program Extension of Temporary COVID-19 Physician Services OHIP Update: Extension of Temp COVID-19 Physician Services Read Our Latest eBook Family Physician’s Guide to Billing in Ontario Get the e-book Get the e-book
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