Many MSP fee codes have been amended for increased payment, retro payments will be issued soon. Effective April 1st, 2020, the payment rates for the following fee items were amended: Disparity Retro for Internal Medicine Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 32210 $204.09 $206.36 32307 $90.00 $98.88 32308 $53.00 $67.29 32370 $204.09 $206.36 Disparity Retro for Dermatology Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 00210 $76.72 $78.05 00205 $105.28 $105.32 20210 $76.72 $78.05 20231 $20.02 $20.20 20232 $10.01 $10.10 20310 $75.91 $78.05 Disparity Retro for Hematology & Oncology Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 33520 $230.00 $264.00 33522 $125.00 $142.96 33506 $80.00 $84.20 Effective November 1st, 2020 the payment rate for the following fee codes are amended: Disparity Retro for Internal Medicine Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 32367 $90.00 $98.88 Disparity Retro for Vascular Surgery Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 77007 $25.96 $37.42 77008 $22.17 $30.90 77006 $24.25 $30.90 77707 $25.96 $37.42 77708 $22.17 $30.90 Disparity Retro for Anesthesiology Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 01091 $170.28 $176.01 01175 $38.41 $41.87 01178 $45.46 $49.82 01179 $45.46 $50.00 01180 $47.20 $50.00 01181 $48.98 $50.00 Disparity Retro for Emergency Medicine Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 01841 $48.14 $51.34 01842 $100.60 $107.29 01843 $122.67 $130.82 Disparity Retro for Respirology Fee Code Previous Rate New Rate 32010 $227.49 $228.00 32012 $120.07 $120.08 32014 $82.47 $83.00 32006 $67.02 $68.53 32007 $72.50 $74.83 32008 $57.39 $60.12 32005 $103.03 $104.04 32110 $227.49 $228.00 32112 $120.07 $120.80 32114 $82.47 $83.00 32106 $67.02 $68.53 32107 $72.50 $74.83 32108 $57.39 $60.12 00910 $27.90 $28.00 32031 $136.94 $137.00 Retroactive payments will appear on your remittance statement under adjustment code 80. Being up to date on these amendments will improve the efficiency of your administration as you’ll be paid according to your expectations. If you have any questions about these updates, please don’t hesitate to reach out. This article offers general information only and is not intended as legal, financial or other professional advice. A professional advisor should be consulted regarding your specific situation. While information presented is believed to be factual and current, its accuracy is not guaranteed and it should not be regarded as a complete analysis of the subjects discussed. All expressions of opinion reflect the judgment of the author(s) as of the date of publication and are subject to change. No endorsement of any third parties or their advice, opinions, information, products or services is expressly given or implied by RBC Ventures Inc. or its affiliates. Related posts: Anaesthesiology MSP Billing Cheat Sheet BC Retroactive Payments Rural Retention Program Premium Adjustment 2020-2021 Additional Reading Women in Medicine Feature: Q&A With Dr. Nour Khatib Read more Read more Dr. Nour Khatib left medical school for a finance career, but a persistent calling encouraged her to return years later and become an emergency physician.
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